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Signetics-based Machines Coding/Gaming Guide

This document was written on 29/8/08, and last updated on 5/2/25, by James Jacobs of Amigan Software. Information herein is believed to be generally accurate, though some is tentative. If you have anything to contribute, please email us.

This page is part of Emerson Arcadia 2001 Central. Emulators, ROMs, manuals and other resources can be found there.

Emerson Arcadia 2001 (coding)/(gaming)
Interton VC 4000 (coding)/(gaming)
Elektor TV Games Computer (coding)/(gaming)
PIPBUG/BINBUG-based machines
Signetics Instructor 50
Signetics TWIN
Central Data 2650
Ravensburger Selbstbaucomputer
MIKIT 2650

PIPBUG/BINBUG-based Machines

PIPBUG-based machines: These have been offered as kits and as assembled systems, in various configurations by various manufacturers, including Signetics (ie. Philips), Applied Technology, etc.
Their defining characteristic is the use of the PIPBUG ROM BIOS by Signetics (or a compatible OS) as their operating system ("monitor"). (PIP stands for Programmable Integrated Processor; it is another name for the 2650).
Generally, there is software compatibility betweem these machines. However, issues such as the differing locations (and amounts) of expansion RAM in different machines can cause problems.
These machines are not frame-based; they lack a graphics coprocessor (eg. PVI or UVI). The system is effectively CPU + ROM + RAM. There are thus no graphics. However, the output can of course be sent to a Visual Display Unit (VDU) aka monitor (as is done by Ami/WinArcadia), or to a printer-style device, eg. a teletype machine.
Reading input from a keyboard or teletype is achieved by reading the Sense bit of the CPU. Writing output to a VDU or teletype is achieved by writing the Flag bit of the CPU. Or, you can use the Flag bit to output sound. But you cannot do text output and sound output simultaneously. All I/O is done in ASCII format. Loading and saving from/to casette and (on the real machine) to papertape is also supported.
They are designed to be used in conjunction with a standard 110-baud ASCII-based teletype device, such as the DEC VT50, VT52 or VT100, or the Electronics Australia Low Cost VDU.
Some machines possess a S-100 ("Altair") bus or other such features (which are not currently emulated).
The optional 4-digit LED display lacks decimal points, in contrast to the Signetics Instructor 50.

Writing an output character is done from right to left (bit #0 first, then #1..#7), as follows:

Flag on
r5 = r0;
Flag off
for (r4 = 8; r4 > 0; r4--)
{ DLAY();
  r5 >>= 1;
  if (r5 & %10000000)
  { Flag on
  } else
  { Flag off
} }
Flag on

CHIN returns with an input character in R0, but not until there is input (ie. it is synchronous). The high bit is used for parity and is always masked out by CHIN; therefore, only 7-bit input is supported. (Ie. the extended ASCII set values $80..$FF are unsupported.)
The Sense bit is normally high. It pulses low during key transmission (ie. whilst receiving clear bits of a byte). Waiting for the Sense bit to become clear is therefore equivalent to "press any key to continue".
Randomization is normally done by asking the user for a keystroke, then rapidly incrementing a register while waiting for the Sense bit to become clear. Eg.

printf("PRESS ANY KEY");
addi,r1 1
tpsu    $80
bctr,eq HERE ;if Sense bit is set

will generate a random number (0..255) in r1.
There is also an optional 4-digit 7-segment LED display which can be attached to the system as an additional output device. Writing to this is done via the WRTD command. The operand is interpreted as follows:

bit 7: 1st digit
bit 6: 2nd digit
bit 5: 3rd digit
bit 4: 4th digit
bits 3..0: digit ($0..$9 = '0'..'9', $A..$F = ' ')

Eg. to write '7' to the 3rd digit would require an operand of $27. A delay is necessary between digit writes on the real machine, but not on the emulator. See the relevant magazine article for more information.

CHIN is used for cassette/papertape/keyboard. It works like this:

{ switch to alternate register bank
  PORTC = $80; // enable tape reader
} while (Sense bit is set); // ie. until start of start bit
PORTC = 0; // disable tape reader
DLY(); // wait for half a bit (ie. until centre of start bit)
r4 = 0;
for (r5 = 8; r5 > 0; r5--)
{ DLAY(); // wait for one bit
  r0 = PSU & %10000000;
  r4 <<= 1;
  r0 |= r4;
  r4 = r0;
r4 &= %01111111; // delete parity bit
r0 = r4;
switch to main register bank
clear With Carry flag

So it is expecting the following format:


and it returns in the middle of the stop bit (#).
So, we enable the tape reader, wait for the Sense bit to become clear, and then disable the tape reader. Then, we read the eight bits from right to left (bits 0..7) via direct sampling of the PSU at the appropriate moment. The parity bit (bit 7) is then discarded (without checking it).

COUT is used for cassette/papertape/keyboard. r0 is passed as an argument; it is the ASCII character to be output. It works like this:

set Flag bit
r5 = r0;
clear Flag bit
for (r4 = 8; r4 > 0; r4--)
{ DLAY();
  r5 >>= 1;
  if (r5 & %10000000 == %10000000)
  { set Flag bit
  } else
  { clear Flag bit
} }
set Flag bit

So, we set the Flag bit, wait, and clear the Flag bit. Then, we write the eight bits from left to right (bits 0..7). The high bit is not treated any differently to the others. Then we wait again, set the Flag bit and return.
Effectively, we write this for each byte:


where # means Flag set, . means Flag clear, and digits mean Flag is set/ cleared according to the relevant bit. We set the Flag before returning.

When loading, it waits until the input line goes low, then looks for the start character (':').

Some games have 110 baud and 300 baud versions. These are still all stored on cassette at 110 baud; the baud rate in this case actually refers to the speed of keyboard and screen operations, rather than cassette speed.

Hardware equates/memory map

Various memory configurations are possible. Here are some examples, but this is not exhaustive:

Region Size EA 77up2 ("Baby") ABC/PC1500/KT9500 EA 78up5 or PC1001 EA 78up5 + 78up10 Modified ABC1500 with CP1002
$0000..$03FF 1K PIPBUG 1 monitor ROM PIPBUG 1 monitor ROM PIPBUG 1 monitor ROM PIPBUG 1 monitor ROM PIPBUG 2 monitor ROM
$0400..$0436 55 bytes RAM for PIPBUG 1 RAM for PIPBUG 1 RAM for PIPBUG 1 RAM for PIPBUG 1 PIPLA
$0437..$04FF 201 bytes user RAM user RAM user RAM user RAM PIPLA
$0500..$05FF 256 bytes mirror of $0400..$04FF user RAM user RAM user RAM PIPLA
$0600..$07FF 512 bytes mirrors of $0400..$04FF mirror of $0400..$05FF user RAM user RAM PIPLA
$0800..$0861 98 bytes mirror of $0000..$0061 mirror of $0000..$0061 user RAM on 4K version user RAM SMI RAM used by PIPBUG 2 + PIPLA
$0862..$087F 30 bytes mirror of $0062..$007F mirror of $0062..$007F user RAM on 4K version user RAM SMI RAM unused by PIPBUG 2 + PIPLA
$0880..$0BFF 896 bytes mirror of $0080..$03FF mirror of $0080..$03FF user RAM on 4K version user RAM unused
$0C00..$0DFF 512 bytes mirror of $0400..$05FF mirror of $0400..$05FF user RAM on 4K version user RAM motherboard RAM
$0E00..$0FFF 512 bytes mirror of $0600..$07FF mirror of $0600..$07FF user RAM on 4K version user RAM optional RAM
$1000..$13FF 1K mirror of $0000..$03FF mirror of $0000..$03FF user RAM on 4K version user RAM unmapped?
$1400..$1EFF 2.75K mirror of $0400..$0EFF mirror of $0400..$0EFF unused? user RAM unmapped?
$1F00..$1FFF 256 bytes mirror of $0F00..$0FFF mirror of $0F00..$0FFF unused? user RAM mirror of $0F00..$0FFF
$2000..$2FF9 4090 bytes mirror of $0000..$0FF9 mirror of $0000..$0FF9 unused? user RAM unmapped?
$2FFA..$2FFF 6 bytes mirror of $0FFA..$0FFF mirror of $0FFA..$0FFF unused? RAM (for use by EPROM) unmapped?
$3000..$3FFF 4K mirror of $0000..$0FFF mirror of $0000..$0FFF unused? EPROM unmapped?
$4000..$41FF 512 bytes mirror of $0000..$01FF mirror of $0000..$01FF unused? ROM? (for eg. ETI-686) unmapped?
$4200..$57FF 5.5K mirrors of $0000..$0FFF mirrors of $0000..$0FFF unused? RAM (for eg. ETI-686?) unmapped?
$5800..$7CFF 5.25K mirrors of $0000..$0FFF mirrors of $0000..$0FFF unused? RAM (for eg. ETI-686?) unmapped?
$6D00..$7FFF 4.75K mirrors of $0000..$0FFF mirrors of $0000..$0FFF unused? RAM? (eg. for Linearisatie) unmapped?

EA 77up2 ("Baby"): 1K ROM + 256 bytes RAM
Signetics Adaptable Board Computer aka Signetics PC1500 aka Signetics KT9500: 1K ROM + 512 bytes RAM
EA 78up5 ("1K Mini Computer" aka "2650 Mini Computer") or Signetics PC1001: 1K ROM + 1K RAM
EA 78up5+78up10 ("Expanded Mini Computer with EPROM"): 1K ROM + 15.75K RAM + 4K EPROM
Modified ABC1500 with CP1002 (see TN132): 2K ROM + 1152 bytes RAM

The ABC also supports parallel and serial I/O, has an on-board clock, and can be expanded to up to 24K of RAM. These features are not supported by Ami/WinPIPBUG, as the mappings of the serial and parallel I/O ports and clock are unknown.
The Signetics PC1001 Microprocessor Prototyping Card (1K RAM) (assembled) is a different, though closely related, machine.
The Signetics PC2000 is a 4K expansion RAM board suitable for (at least) the PC1001/PC1500/KT9500.
The Signetics PC3000 is another "evaluation kit" (as are the other Signetics-manufactured machines), about which almost nothing is known.
A progression of mostly Applied Technology products can be traced from Baby 2650 to Mini 2650 to ETI-636 to BINBUG-based machines to DG680 to Microbee.

While using PIPBUG 1 "A" and "S" commands, valid inputs are:

<CR> (ie. ENTER) to exit
<LF> (ie. Ctrl+J) to display the next address/register
<nn><CR> to change contents address/register to <nn> and exit
<nn><LF> (ie. type the value then press Ctrl+J) to change contents of address/register to <nn> and display the next address/register.

PIPBUG 1 ROM areas are as follows:

$000..$01C: initialization
$01D..$05A: command handler
$05B..$0A3: input a cmd line into buffer
$0A4..$0AA: subr that stores double precision into temp
$0AB..$0F3: display and alter memory
$0F4..$139: selectively display and alter registers
$13A..$15F: goto address
$160..$1AA: breakpoint runtime code
$1AB..$1C9: subr to clear a bkpt
$1CA..$223: break point
$224..$23C: input two hex chars and form as byte in R1
$23D..$245: calculate the BCC char, EOR and then rotate left
$246..$24F: lookup ASCII char in hex value table
$250..$268: abort exit from any level of subr
$269..$285: byte in R1 output in hex
$286..$2A7: 110 baud input for papertape and char 1 MHz clock
$2A8..$2B3: delay for one bit time
$2B4..$2D4: COUT (Character OUT) routine
$2D5..$30F: get a number from the buffer into R1-R2
$310..$35A: dump to paper tape in object format
$35B..$3B4: subrs for outputting blanks
$3B5..$3FD: load from papertape in object format
$3FE..$3FF: unused?

Note that that PIPBUG, and programs for it, generally run with signed (arithmetic) comparisons, as opposed to the Arcadia, etc. which generally run with unsigned (logical) comparisons.

COUT has the following side effects when called:
PSL: CC = lt;
PSL: primary register bank (r1..r3) is always selected
PSU: Flag pin is always set
r0 = r4 = 0;
r5 = the old r0 (ie. what you passed)
You should not call it when SP > 5 (you need one level of stack for COUT's return address and another level for DLAY's return address).

CHIN has the following side effects when called:
PSL: CC = gt;
PSL: primary register bank (r1..r3) is always selected
PSL: With Carry bit is always set
r0 = r4 = return code (1..127)
r5 = *(DATABUS) = 0;
You should not call it when SP > 5 (you need one level of stack for CHIN's return address and another level for DLAY's/DLY's return address).

Utility EPROM areas are as follows:

Region Label Area Type
$2FFA..$2FFB START RAM data (1st CLI parameter)
$2FFC..$2FFD END RAM data (2nd CLI parameter)
$2FFE..$2FFE NEW RAM data (3rd CLI parameter)
$3C07 GPAR EPROM subroutine
$3C2A INCRT EPROM subroutine
$3C3C PADR EPROM subroutine
$3C50 HEXLIST EPROM subroutine
$3C6A SEARCH EPROM subroutine
$3C8A HEXIN EPROM subroutine
$3CDD VERIFY EPROM subroutine
$3CF8 OK EPROM code section
$3CCB ? EPROM subroutine
$3CCE ? EPROM subroutine
$3D0E FAULTY EPROM code section
$3D3B MOVE EPROM subroutine

Some useful Ctrl-codes are:

Ctrl+G = BEL (7)
Ctrl+H = BS (8)
Ctrl+I = TAB (9)
Ctrl+J = LF (10)
Ctrl+M = CR (13)

Teletype I/O

At 1MHz, there are 1,000,000 short/fast cycles per second, which is 333,333.3' long/slow cycles per second. So each long/slow cycle lasts for 1,000,000÷333,333.3' = 3 µsecs.

At 110 baud, each bit ideally lasts for 9090.90' µsecs.
At 300 baud, each bit ideally lasts for 3333.3' µsecs.
At 1200 baud, each bit ideally lasts for 833.3' µsecs.

For a 110 baud teletype, a full bit delay is:
    bsta,un TDLA  ;3
    eorz    r0    ;2
    bdrr,r0 $ ;256*3
    bdrr,r0 $ ;256*3
    bdrr,r0 $ ;256*3
    lodi,r0 229   ;2
    bdrr,r0 $ ;229*3
    retc,un       ;3

= 3001 long/slow cycles = 9003 µsecs

and a half bit delay is:
    bsta,un TDLY  ;3
    bdrr,r0 $ ;256*3
    lodi,r0 229   ;2
    bdrr,r0 $ ;229*3
    retc,un       ;3

= 1463 long/slow cycles = 4389 µsecs

For a 1200 baud RS-232 terminal, a full bit delay is:
    bsta,un DLAY  ;3
    lodi,r0 89    ;2
    bdrr,r0 DL1   ;3
    retc,un       ;3

3+2+(3*89)+3 = 275 long/slow cycles = 825 µsecs

and a half bit delay is:
    bsta,un DLY   ;3
    lodi,r0 58    ;2
    bctr,un DL1   ;2
    bdrr,r0 DL1   ;3
    retc,un       ;3

3+2+2+(3*58)+3 = 184 long/slow cycle s = 552 µsecs

Note that these delays are shorter than the ideals. However, there is also code that must be run by the caller to process (emit/receive) each bit, which takes additional time to run.

Each character begins with a start bit (%0). Then data bits 0..6 are sent (least significant bits first). Then a parity bit is sent. Then stop bits are sent.
The letter "U" has the 7-bit ASCII code of $55 (%1010101). This would be transmitted as %0,1010101,1,00.

Cassette I/O

A clear (0) bit (Sense bit off) is represented by a slowly pulsing signal. About 10 slowly pulsing cycles represents a clear bit.
A set (1) bit (Sense bit on) is represented by a quickly pulsing signal. About 20 quickly pulsing cycles represents a set bit.

The length of each bit, in time, is identical regardless of its value. (This is in contrast to the system used on the Elektor, which has identical pulses for all values and differentiates values by the positioning of the pulses.)

PIPBUG 1 encodes/decodes the files as Signetics Absolute Object Format (AOF) at 110 baud. There is a low start bit preceding each byte, and two high stop bits following each byte. The parity bit (bit 7 of the data) is always thrown away when reading. The data rate is approximately 10 raw data bytes per second. As values are encoded into ASCII pairs, the actual number of bytes loaded/saved per second from the user's point of view is about 5.

PIPBUG, BINBUG (except ACOS), CD2650 and (presumably) Selbstbaucomputer use a standard Kansas City Computer Users Tape Standard (CUTS) cassette interface to transform standard teletype I/O into cassette tape I/O (ie. high and low bits are turned into the appropriate pulse trains when recording, and pulse trains are analyzed and decoded into high and low bits during playback), usually at 110 baud:

Every "0" bit becomes 21.81' cycles (pulses) of a 2400 Hz tone, and
Every "1" bit becomes 10.90' cycles (pulses) of a 1200 Hz tone.

In practice, exactly 22 or 11 pulses should be done (as it is best to wait until the next zero crossing before doing the next bit).
The BIOS and games only see the teletype Sense and Flag lines, they cannot see the pulse trains. The cassette interface is invisible to the software; as far as it knows there is only an ordinary teletype attached. This means that you can record/play any sort of teletype I/O directly to/ from the tape, not just formal dumps.
300 baud is identical to 110 baud except that only 8 (instead of 22) or 4 (instead of 11) pulses are done; the pulses themselves are identical.

To load a tape, translate it to teletype format:

22 2400 Hz pulses in 9.09' msec = having teletype Sense low for 9.09' msec ("0").
11 1200 Hz pulses in 9.09' msec = having teletype Sense high for 9.09' msec ("1").
If we see a zero crossing every 413.2231 µsec it is a "0", and we should see 22 of those (or more if there are several 0 bits).
If we see a zero crossing every 826.4463 µsec it is a "1", and we should see 11 of those (or more if there are several 1 bits).

and vice versa when saving:

While teletype Sense is 0, flip the tape Sense every 413.2231 ÷ 2 µsec.
While teletype Sense is 1, flip the tape Sense every 826.4463 ÷ 2 µsec.

This is sufficient for all baud rates and encodings.

Here are diagrammatic views of the system, in record mode:

At computer Tape Terminal (VDU/keyboard)
Flag -> tape can save this -> VDU
Sense <- input comes from kybd <- Keyboard

and in playback mode:

At computer Tape Terminal (VDU/keyboard)
Flag -> tape ignores this -> VDU
Sense <- input comes from tape Neither

Printer I/O

EA printer interface:
Uses the data port for (parallel) input and output.
Does not use buffering.
Can accept a new character every 64th of a second (in condensed mode) or every 32nd of a second (in expanded mode).
As soon as the game writes to the data port, it prints the character.
While printing is in progress, the high bit of the input data port is low. It is high while idle.

ETI-641 printer interface:
Uses extended port $19 (25) for (parallel) input and output.
Uses an internal 128-byte buffer.
Can accept a new character every 200,000th of a second (5 µsecs).
Once the internal buffer fills, or a CR is received by the printer, it prints (and empties) the entire buffer.
While printing is in progress, the high bit of the input extended port $19 (25) is low. It is high while idle.

To convert from ASCII to EUY format:

output =  (input & 0x1F)
       | ((input & 0x60) << 1);
output = ^output;

$00..$1F $00..$1F
$20..$3F $40..$5F
$40..$5F $80..$9F
$60..$7F $C0..$DF
$80..$9F $00..$1F
$A0..$BF $40..$5F
$C0..$DF $80..$9F
$E0..$FF $C0..$DF

Eg. 'A' would be $41 in ASCII format or $81 in EUY format.
The above table is before the one's complement (ie. flip all bits) operation.

Matsushita EUY-10E023LE printer model number can be decomposed as follows:

E = Electrosensitive
2 = 250mm flat cable, 372mm connector cable
3 = 32/21/16 cpl with 2 spacing dots (horizontally between each character)
L = left-to-right scanning, MSD character generator
E = manufacturer code

Unarchived Software

The following are confirmed but unavailable:

C-BUG, MultiBug, MATBUG, SBCBUG, etc.
"the program supplied with the PROM Programmer article (Jan 1979)" (what article? which magazine?).

If you know of any other software, or have dumps/tapes/listings of any of the above software, please email us.

Timeshare Software

Various official Signetics 2650 cross-development software was available for the NCSS (National Computer Software Systems) timesharing system (running the VP/CSS OS on IBM System/370 hardware) and the GE (General Electric) Timesharing System Mark III (running the GECOS-III OS on Honeywell 645 hardware):

PIPHASM: Programmable Integrated Processor Hex Assembler
- takes ASCII source code (on disk) as input
- produces AOF file (on disk) as output
- written in FORTRAN IV
- two versions: AS1100 (16-bit) and AS1000 (32-bit).

PIPHTAP: Programmable Integrated Processor Hex Tape
- takes AOF file (on disk) as input
- punches AOF file (on paper tape) as output (for 2650 PC 1001)
- written in FORTRAN IV

PIPSTAP: Programmable Integrated Processor SMS Tape
- takes AOF file (on disk) as input
- punches SMS file (on paper tape) as output (for burning a PROM)
- written in FORTRAN IV

PIPSIM: Programmable Integrated Processor (cross-)Simulator
- takes AOF file (on disk) and ASCII command file (on disk) as input
- written in FORTRAN IV
- two versions: SM1100 (16-bit) and SM1000 (32-bit).

PLµS: Programming Language for Micro Systems
- compiler (produces AOF format as output?)
- extended version of PL/M language
- written in ? language by Gary Kildall for Signetics
- two versions: 2650PC1100 (16-bit) and 2650PL000 (32-bit).

None of this software has been dumped. The PLµS manual is sought so that this language can be reimplemented from the specification.

BINBUG Hardware

The FPGA640 + TCT PCG are mapped as follows:

Region Description
$7000..$700F 1st..16th rows of UDG #0 imagery
$7010..$701F 1st..16th rows of UDG #1 imagery
... ...
$77F0..$77FF 1st..16th rows of UDG #127 imagery
$7800..$783F Contents and inverse video of 1st character row (1st..64th columns):
Bit 7: inverse video (0=off, 1=on)
Bits 6..0: character ($00..$7F)
$7840..$787F Contents and inverse video of 2nd character row (1st..64th columns)
... ...
$7BC0..$7BFF Contents and inverse video of 16th character row (1st..64th columns)
$7C00..$7C3F Colours and attributes of 1st character row (1st..64th columns):
Bit 7: red (0=off, 1=on)
Bit 6: green (0=off, 1=on)
Bit 5: blue (0=off, 1=on)
Bits 4..3: unused
Bit 2: 0=PDG (Pre-Defined Graphic), 1=UDG (User-Defined Graphic)
Bit 1: graphics (0=off, 1=on)
Bit 0: flash (0=off, 1=on)
$7C40..$7C7F Colours and attributes of 2nd character row (1st..64th columns)
... ...
$7FC0..$7FFF Colours and attributes of 16th character row (1st..64th columns)

To read the joystick buttons, you REDE from port $09. Bits are:

Bits 7..6: unused
Bits 5..3: switch bits for joystick A:
 Switch '1' = %000 (fire/serve)
 Switch '2' = %001
 Switch '3' = %010
 Switch '4' = %011
 Switch '5' = %100
 Switch '6' = %101
 Switch '7' = %110
 Nothing    = %111
Bits 2..0: switch bits for joystick B (same format as for joystick A)

To read the joystick paddles, first WRTE a value of $00..$07 to port $EF, according to what you want to read:

Channel '1' (%000): 2nd joystick horizontal
Channel '2' (%001): 2nd joystick vertical
Channel '3' (%010): 1st joystick horizontal
Channel '4' (%011): 1st joystick vertical
Channel '5' (%100): 3rd joystick horizontal
Channel '6' (%101): 3rd joystick vertical
Channel '7' (%110): 4th joystick horizontal
Channel '8' (%111): 4th joystick vertical

Now REDE from port $EF in a loop until the MSB is low (ie. until something in the $00..$7F range is returned).
The X-axis is inverted, ie. $00=right..$7F=left.
The Y-axis is normal, ie. $00=up..$7F=down.


The following routines are cross-compatible between PIPBUG 1 and BINBUG:

Address Label
$269 BOUT
$286 CHIN

The following routines have the same names, and roughly equivalent functionality, under both PIPBUG 1 and BINBUG; however, they have different addresses and therefore are not directly cross-compatible. They may also have different register usage, stack usage, side effects, etc.:

$1F $22 MBUG
$F4 $F1 SREG
$131 $121 GOTO
$160 $14A BK01
$1AB $17B CLBK
$1CA $197 CLR
$1E5 $1A1 BKPT
$246 $28C LKUP
$2A8 $39B DLAY
$2AD $39F DLY
$310 $2E5 DUMP
$35B $27B FORM
$35F $2FB GAP
$3B5 $3C4 LOAD

Here is a useful table comparing various BIOSes for these machines. As there is insufficient information regarding C-BUG, SBCBUG, etc. they are not listed:

OS Input baud Output baud Tape baud MHz Range Year Notes
PIPBUG 1 110 110 110 1 $0..$3FF ? EA 300 baud mod is possible
PIPBUG 2 110/300 110/300 110/300? 1 $0..$3FF ? Supports both rates
HYBUG 300 300 High-speed 1 ? ? 600 and 1200 baud mods are possible
BINBUG 3.5 300/parallel? DG640 300 1? $0..$7FF ? -
BINBUG 3.6 300/parallel? DG640 300 1 $0..$7FF 1979 BINBUG3.6.pdf
BINBUG 4.4 300 DG640 ACOS 1? $0..$7FF ? Supports ACOS and DOS
BINBUG 4.5 ? DG640 ACOS 1? $0..$7FF ? Supports ACOS and DOS
BINBUG 5.2 1200 1200 ACOS 1? $0..$7FF ? Supports ACOS and DOS
BINBUG 5.3 ? serial ACOS ? $0..$7FF ? -
BINBUG 6.0 Eurocard Eurocard ACOS ? $0..$7FF ? -
BINBUG 6.1 150?/300/1200/2400/parallel DG640 ACOS ? $0..$7FF 1982 sbcos_manual.pdf . Supports ACOS and VHSDOS
BINBUG 7.1 300/1200/2400/parallel 300/1200/2400 ACOS ? $0..$7FF 1982 sbcos_manual.pdf . Supports ACOS and VHSDOS
GBUG 300 DG640 ? 1/2 $0..$7FF ? Optional parallel keyboard support
MATBUG 4.1 Eurocard DG640 ? ? $0..$7FF ? matbug_monitor_for_eurocard_system_notes.pdf
MIKEBUG 3 300 DG640 ? 1? $0..$7FF ? -
Multibug (serial version) 300 300 300 ? $0..$7FF 1981 ETI-685
Multibug (memory-mapped version) parallel DG640 300 ? $0..$7FF 1981 ETI-685
MYBUG 300 DG640 ? 1? $0..$7FF ? -
ACOS 2.C - - Control & data I/O ports 1? $6000..$63FF ? -
ACOS 3.C - - Extended I/O ports? 1? $6000..$63FF ? -
ACOS 3.E - - Extended I/O ports 1 $6000..$63FF 1982 sbcos_manual.pdf
VHSDOS 2.6a - - - 1? $6800..$6FFF 1981 vhs_dos_v26a_source_listing.pdf
MicroDOS 4.5a - - - 1? $6800..$6FFF ? MICRODOS.SRC

Baud rates given assume 1 MHz operation (and are therefore doubled at 2 MHz).

BINBUG outputs both to the serial port (at 300 baud) and to the VDU (1K RAM at $7800..$7FFF).
According to ETI Oct 1982, BINBUG can work at 300, 1200 & 2400 baud (!).
BINBUG 6.1 & 7.1 support/expect ETI-685 processor board.

Floppy Disk I/O

Each block is 256 bytes, as follows:

     0: next track (0..39).
     1: next sector (1..10).
2..255: data bytes

CMD files are used by VHSDOS and MicroDOS for storage of games. They normally consist of two or more chunks concatenated together. Each chunk has a 3-byte header:

  0..1: load address of chunk (big-endian)
     2: length of payload in bytes (normally <= $FB)

then the payload itself (if any) follows.
The CMD file is terminated by a chunk like this:

  0..1: start address of game (big-endian)
     2: $00

with no payload.
CMD chunks can seamlessly cross block boundaries.
Note that the above assumes that the block header (ie. "next track" and "next sector" bytes) have already been skipped.

The 10 sectors per track are numbered 1..10 and have an interleave of 7, ie. 1, 8, 5, 2, 9, 6, 3, 10, 7, 4. (The available disk images are already deinterleaved.)
At the flux level, there are 250,000 flux transitions per second.
Each bit is 1 clock flux + 1 data flux, so there are 125,000 bits per sec.
So theoretically 15,625 bytes per sec, if there were no sector headers, inter-sector gaps, etc.
However, post-read processing must occur, so we can only really achieve 1/8th of that speed (hence the interleaving). Thus, an effective speed of 12,800 bytes ÷ 8 = 1,600 bytes per second.
After each 20 msec sector read, there is about 140 msec of post-processing as the disk continues to spin. But the CPU has to keep up with the drive as it reads each byte, because the drive has no buffer. Therefore most of the time the CPU is not bothering to read the data passing under the head, but is instead post-processing previously read data.
With an infinitely fast disk, it takes about 30,642 clocks. ie. about 30.642 msec, between reading an arbitrary byte in a given sector and reading the equivalent byte in the next sector.
It also takes additional time to change tracks, and to start or stop the motor.

Game Help

These do nothing very useful, but are not expected to (eg. they are for controlling unemulated hardware, or are code fragments for incorporation into your own games):

2708 EPROM Programmer
Linearization (Linearisatie)
Vector Magnetometer
Wind Furnace Controller
most routines

These games are hardcoded for 110 baud:

On-screen Clock
PPI-based EPROM Programmer
110 baud version of Lunar Lander (machine code)
110 baud version of Biorhythms
110 baud version of Funny Farm Races

These games are hardcoded for 300 baud:

Astro Trek (but an official 110 baud patch is provided with the listing)
Reaction Timer
300 baud version of Lunar Lander (machine code)
300 baud version of Biorhythms
300 baud version of Funny Farm Races

2650 Line Assembler:

"It is not identical but is very similar to the Line Assembler described in the article "2650 mini assembler simplifies programming" by Jamieson Rowe published in the April 1979 issue of Electronics Australia (p. 76-80) and the follow-up article "Improving the 2650 mini line assembler" by A. M. Kollosche in February 1980 (p. 76)." - Chris Burrows.

The start address begin at 2, and increments by 2 every time F5 (reset) is pressed, for some reason.

2650 Micro BASIC programs (eg. Acey-Deucy, Blackjack, Guessing Game (Micro BASIC version), Life (Micro BASIC version), Lunar Lander (Micro BASIC version), Number Game, Radio Log, Temperature Conversion):

Type G1 and then press ENTER to begin execution.

Alien Hunt:

Has ! and " at end of table rows, for some reason.

Assembler, AssemblerPlusDemonstration, AssemblerPlusAssemblerList:

AssemblerPlusDemonstration.pgm will assemble without errors, but the generated machine code is not being written to memory anywhere (we are asking in this case for ORG $2000, but it doesn't seem to matter where we ask for, it is never generated anywhere). Hence, the current dump of Assembler.pgm should be considered suspect (although it has been verified). As the other two are based on that dump, they are likewise suspect.

Binary Floating Point Routines (Application Note AS57):

The program's prompt is corrupt (maybe the emulated teletype is not ready for it).
Each pair of hex digits is not shown until it has been completely input.
The spaces around operators are added automatically by the program rather than by the user.
The start address determines the rounding mode, as follows:

G6A6 will run with rounding.
G6AA will run without rounding.

Give 8 hex digits, then an operator, then another 8 hex digits, then =
Supported operators are +, -, * and : (which is division).


Dates are expected to be in dd/mm/yy format.
Invalid dates will cause the program to hang.

Bit Echo:

Prints flashing garbage after each letter, for some reason.


Doesn't randomize very well, for some reason.

DG640 Driver:

To get the flashing cursor, you need PIPBUG (not BINBUG).

ETI-685 Memory Tester:

This expects BINBUG 6.1. It is used as follows:


where and are the start and end addresses, eg.:

G440 1000 1FFF

Funny Farm Races:

1. At the "PLAYER 1-" prompt:
Type in the name of the first player and press ENTER.

2. For each additional player you want to add:
Press P. The machine will say "PLAYER 2-" (or whatever).
Type in the name of the player and then press ENTER.

3. Press ENTER to begin.

4. For each player:
The machine will ask "BET?".
For each bet you want to place:
a. Press Y and then press ENTER.
b. The machine will ask "DOG NO?".
c. Press the number (0..9) of your preferred dog and then press ENTER.
d. The machine will ask "HOW MUCH?".
Press N when this player has placed all their bets.

5. Watch the race and then press ENTER.

6. Go to 4.


This program requires extra hardware (eg. various motors), which is not emulated by Ami/WinPIPBUG. Although it will load and run, it will not do anything useful on the emulators, and, intentionally, does not produce output on the screen. Also, it expects a data table (starting at !6000), which is not present.

Guessing Game (machine code version):

"When called, the program will wait until you enter any character. It will then generate a random number between 1 and 99, which you must guess. Starting address is $0440."

STRT = $440 code
INPT = $493 code
PRNT = $4A6 code
MSAG = $4B1 data

HexCal aka HexCalc:

Enter source address (2 hex digits).
/ appears.
Enter destination address (2 hex digits).
= and result appears.
The first digit of each pair entered is not echoed to the display until the second digit has been input.
Result is the relative offset (ie. the distance between the addresses). Eg.:


PAIR equ $45E
gosub CRLF;
for (r1 = 3; r1 >= 1; r1--)
PAIR = (BINOUT() - PAIR) & $7F;
BOUT(PAIR); // Byte output in hex
COUT(' ');
goto $3F00;
// Input two hex chars and output in hex
*($476) = BIN(); // Input two hex chars and form as byte
BOUT(*($476)); // Byte output in hex
return *($476);

Hunt the Wumpus:

Here is the map:

            /   / \   \
        /  |   |   |   |  \
        \  |   |   |   |  /
            \   \ /   /

Rooms 1 and E are connected.

Room 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 2 5 8 B
1 2 3 4 E
2 0 1 3 5
3 1 2 4 6
4 1 3 7 F
5 0 2 6 8
6 3 5 7 9
7 4 6 A F
8 0 5 9 B
9 6 8 A C
A 7 9 D F
B 0 8 C E
C 9 B D E
E 1 B C D
F 4 7 A D


"Life is a matrix game concerned with the life, death and birth of cells. Imagine each cell to be in a two-dimensional linear matrix, such that each cell location has eight possible neighbours, as shown:

1 2 3
4 X 5
6 7 8

The rules of cell life, death and birth are as follows:

1. A live cell will survive if it has two or three live neighbours.
2. A live cell will die if it has less than two or more than three live neighbours.
3. A birth in an empty cell will occur if it has exactly three live neighbours.
4. Births and deaths take place simultaneously.

To work with practical terminals the program operates with a limited size matrix, but makes it effectively "infinite" by having "wrap around" from side to side and from top to bottom.
In our version of Life, live cells are represented by Os, and dead or empty cells as blanks. The program starts with an initial pattern (fed in by the player), and calculates the new patterns "generation by generation".
The 32*16 versions are intended for use with the Low Cost VDU of EA February and April 1978. The 32*24 versions are intended for terminals such as the EME-1 VDU, described in the EA January and February 1977 issues.
To use the program, type:


and then switch to the appropriate baud rate (110 or 300 baud). Then type a U for 110 baud operation, or a Y for 300 baud operation.
The program will respond with the word "LIFE", followed by the prompt character ":".
If you respond with "N", the program will expect a new matrix to be supplied. The program will echo the N, followed by a carriage return and line feed. A pattern may then be written in (or "seeded") by using the space bar for blanks (these are printed as dots), Os for live cells, and line feeds (LF) [Ctrl+J in Ami/WinArcadia] for new lines.
Blanks are not required on the right hand side of the pattern. Carriage return (CR) will permit overwriting of a line, allowing error correction. Once your pattern is complete, use LFs if necessary to advance to the bottom of the matrix.
Once the pattern is completed, the program will reprint it, and give the prompt sign again. If you now respond with a Gxx, $xx generations will be evolved, with a printout after the last generation. G00 will produce printout after 256 generations, while G01 will produce a printout after only one generation. And so on...
Immediately after you have typed in this command, the program will respond with a message such as <15S, to indicate that in less than 15 seconds it will print out the result of the Gxx instruction. After printing the result the new generation count and prompt will appear at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. This may overwrite live cells, so try and keep your patterns in the centre of the screen (patterns to the right will wrap around to the left).
The remaining instruction is P, which causes the program to print out the existing matrix. The instruction is not used a great deal.
This is the result of a simple pattern. This stabilises after four generations, and then continues forever unchanged:






One of the most interesting and simple patterns has been named the "Glider". The seed for this is shown below:


If you are running Life at 1200 baud, it is better to use the autoprint version, which prints out after every generation, and stops automatically when the pattern stabilises.
Simply feed in a starting pattern (using the N command), and sit back and watch. The program will continue until a stable pattern is achieved, at which time it will stop. Note, however, that it cannot detect recurring cyclical patterns, so watch out for these. To stop them, you will have to use the reset facility of the 2650."

For 110 baud, you just need to press U, as documented.
For 300 baud, you need to press U (not Y), then ENTER, contrary to the documentation.
Then press N for a new field and set it up with Os and spaces, using Ctrl-J repeatedly to move down.

$C00..$C59: baud rate initialization routine?
$C76..$EEC: Life game code
$EED..$F54: Life game variables

LIFECOUT has the following side effects when called:
PSL: CC = eq;
PSL: primary register bank (r1..r3) is always selected
PSU: Flag pin is always set
r1 = *(DATABUS);
r0 = r6 = 0;
You should not call it when SP > 4 (you need one level of stack for LIFECOUT's return address, another level for LIFEDELAY's return address, and another level for LIFEDELAY_ALT's return address.

LIFECHIN has the following side effects when called:
PSL: CC = gt;
PSL: primary register bank (r1..r3) is always selected
PSL: With Carry bit is always clear
r0 = r4 = return code (1..127)
r5 = r6 = 0;
You should not call it when SP > 4 (you need one level of stack for LIFECHIN's return address, another level for LIFEDELAY's return address, and another level for LIFEDELAY_ALT's return address.

Linearization (Linearisatie):

This program requires extra hardware, eg. light pen, which is not supported by Ami/WinPIPBUG. Although it will load and run, it will not do anything useful on the emulators, and, apparently intentionally, does not produce output on the screen.

Lunar Lander (machine code version):

F = Fuel (out of 40)
V = Velocity (- is down (towards surface), + is up (away from surface))
D = Distance from surface (- is underground, + is above ground)
B = Burn

The * is a graphical indicator of your distance from the surface.
You must give a 2-digit burn each turn. Neither digit is displayed until both have been entered.

Mastermind, Revised Mastermind:

You need to use Ctrl-L instead of ENTER after each line of input.

Maths Demonstration:

"This program provides the functions of a simple, 3-function calculator. It will multiply, add or subtract two single digit decimal numbers. Normal plus, minus and equals signs are used, with an asterisk symbol for multiplication. Starts at $0440."

Note that the listing is self-contradictory (the machine code bytes do not match the assembly source code).

*(MOD) = ADDZ r3;
r3 = SUB1();
for (;;)
{ r0 = CHIN();
  if   (r0 == '+') goto PLUS;
  elif (r0 == '-') goto SUBT;
  elif (r0 == '*') goto MULT;

*(MOD) = SUBZ r3;
PLUS: // $45C
gosub COUT(r0); // print operation symbol ('+' or '-')
r2 = r3; // 1st argument
r3 = SUB1(); // 2nd argument
r0 = r2; // 1st argument
r0 += r3, or r0 -= r3, depending on the desired operation
if (r0 < 0)
{ r0 = r3 - r2;
  *(A1) = '-'; // store '-' as 1st character
  r0 |= $30; // format for display
  *(A2) = r0; // store r0 as 2nd character
} elif (r0 >= 10)
{ *(A1) = '1'; // store '1' as 1st character
  r0 -= 10;
  r0 |= $30; // format for display
  *(A2) = r0; // store r0 as 2nd character
} else
{ r0 |= $30; // format for display
  *(A1) = r0; // store as 1st character
  r0 = NUL;
  *(A2) = r0 [NUL]; // store as 2nd character
goto ZEND;

MULT: // $48E
gosub COUT(r0); // print operation symbol ('*')
r2 = r3; // 1st argument
r3 = SUB1(); // 2nd argument
r0 = 0;
while (r2 != 0)
{ r0 += r3;
while (r0 >= 10)
{ r0 -= 10;
r2 |= $30; // format for display
*(A1) = r2;
r0 |= $30; // format for display
*(A2) = r0;
goto ZEND;

{ r0 = CHIN();
  clear With Carry and COMpare bits
} while (r0 < '0' || r0 > '9');
r3 = r0;
gosub COUT(r0);
r3 &= $0F; // remove display formatting
return r3;

r1 = 0;
while (*(MSAG + ++r1) != 0)
{ COUT(r0);
gosub CRLF;
goto STRT;

Memory Test:

You use the program as follows:

G48F <start-address> <end-address> <loops>

where <loops> is "01".."7F". ("80".."$FF" give infinite tests.) Eg.:

G48F 0500 3FFF 7F

If there is no resulting output other than linefeeds (just goes back to the "*" prompt), this indicates success.
Errors are as follows:

Z or S mean that cleared (zeroed) memory did not read back as $00.
W means that a single bit of memory (eg. $10) did not read back correctly.
L means that set memory did not read back as $FF.

The address of the error then follows the error code.

Message Editor:

"Upon being called, this program will give a prompt character, and await a command character. Commands:

T allows a message to be entered
C allows a stored message to be checked
R allows it to be repeated until the CPU is reset

In text input mode, the DEL character acts as a destructive backspace for correcting errors. To return to command mode, type an Esc.
If the message being stored is too long for the buffer, an F will be displayed. Starts at $0440."

MicroByte Adventure:

Due to its length, this has now been split off into a separate document.

MicroWorld BASIC:

Note that this is *not* byte-for-byte identical to the official PIPBUG release of MicroWorld BASIC, as evidenced by the fact that eg. the official BINBUG patch (aka "personality module") for it will not work. The available dump was originally for PIPBUG, then was ported to PHUNSY, then was ported back to PIPBUG.
The first command you should issue is OLD. Then you can RUN or LIST the program.


You must type 6 consecutive hex digits. These are not echoed to the screen (except that Ami/WinArcadia do this for you). The first 4 digits are the starting address (including any leading zeroes) and the last 2 digits are the least significant byte of the ending address (the most significant byte is always the same as that of the starting address). Eg.:


will disassemble $440..$4FF.
Note that the mnemonics used are not always standard Signetics. Eg.:


To disassemble another region, type:


at the command prompt ("*"). If you get another "*", retry; otherwise, now enter a new 6-digit address range.
There are bugs in the published program listing, causing incorrect disassembly of some instructions. There is a fixed version in the Enhancements Pack.
There is also the following unfixed bug: Some situations (eg. 3-byte instruction at $1FE..$200 when range argument was "0100FF") result in the mini-disassembler not detecting the end of the range and instead wrapping back around.


"The "Music" program occupies locations $4A0 to $5D3, and uses PIPBUG routines. It contains absolute addresses, and is not easily relocated. The music is generated at the flag output of the 2650, and some form of audio transducer is required. This can simply be an audio amplifier and speaker, connected via a suitable attenuator, to the buffered flag output of the CPU.
Monotonic musical notes are generated by pulsing the flag output at suitable rates, with the program "reading" the music from a section of memory. The timing of the music is determined by a time value called "UNIT", which is an even number of up to 15 bits, such that $5160 is about 1/32 of a second.
Each note is specified by two bytes. The first byte represents the number of UNITs that the note will last: $01 gives a duration of 1 UNIT, while $00 gives 256 UNITs, or 8 seconds with a UNIT value of $5160.
The second byte is split into three fields. The most significant bit, bit 7, indicates either a note (%0) or a rest (%1). The next three bits, bits 4, 5 and 6, specify the octave. %111 represents the top octave, while %000 represents the lowest. In practice, the three lowest octaves are not usable, giving a range of only five octaves.
The remaining four bits in the second byte represent the note within the octave. The first note in any octave is E, represented by $0, while the last note is D# (D sharp), represented by $B.
For rests, bits 6 to 0 are not used, so all rests become $80.
It is best to start and end all programs (tunes!) with $80 $80, a long rest, to separate the music from the noises PIPBUG makes while communicating with the terminal. To signify the end of a tune, insert $02 $FF after the long rest.
"Yankee Doodle" occupies locations $5D4 to $6B7, and requires a unit value of $2800, while "Bach" occupies locations $6B8 to $7A3, and requires a unit value of $7000.
To run the program, type:

G58C [<address of first note>] [<value of UNIT>] <CR>

The last two parameters are optional. If they are not given, the program will use the previous values. Thus, to play "Yankee Doodle", type:

G58C 5D4 2800<CR>

and for "Bach", type:

G58C 6B8 7000<CR> "

These print garbage while playing, for some reason.

Note Very low Low Middle High Very high
E $30 $40 $50 $60 $70
F $31 $41 $51 $61 $71
F#/Gb $32 $42 $52 $62 $72
G $33 $43 $53 $63 $73
G#/Ab $34 $44 $54 $64 $74
A $35 $45 $55 $65 $75
A#/Bb $36 $46 $56 $66 $76
B $37 $47 $57 $67 $77
C $38 $48 $58 $68 $78
C#/Db $39 $49 $59 $69 $79
D $3A $4A $5A $6A $7A
D#/Eb $3B $4B $5B $6B $7B
Rest $80 $80 $80 $80 $80

For the purposes of the above table, each "octave" is assumed to begin at E.
Note that there is a short delay for Yankee Doodle, and a long delay for Bach, before they actually begin to play the song.


"The game of Nim: starting with 23 you and the program take turns at subtracting a number from 1 to 3. The one that leaves 1 after their move wins. Starting address is $0440."
The winning strategy is as follows:
You will have a turn where there are 6..8 widgets. Taking 1..3 widgets accordingly on this turn will leave 5 widgets.
The computer must then take 1..3 widgets, leaving 2..4 widgets.
You should then take 1..3 widgets accordingly, to leave 1 widget and therefore win.
If 23 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 21.
If 22 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 21.
If 21 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 18 but you are in danger.
If 20 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 17.
If 19 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 17.
If 18 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 17.
If 17 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 14 but you are in danger.
If 16 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 13.
If 15 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 13.
If 14 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 13.
If 13 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 10 but you are in danger.
If 12 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 9.
If 11 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 9.
If 10 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 9.
If 9 remaining on your turn, you will eventually lose.
If 8 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 5.
If 7 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 5.
If 6 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 5.
If 5 remaining on your turn, you will soon lose.
If 4 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 1 and winning.
If 3 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 1 and winning.
If 2 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 1 and winning.
If 1 remaining on your turn, you have already lost.

Number Game:

The ! prompt means to hit ENTER (it presumably uses this user-dependant delay for randomization).
Numbers up to 65535 are possible.
The target number is stored at $486..$487 in little-endian format.
The number of turns taken is stored at $4A8.

On Screen Clock:

The original published version has a bug at $505 ($00 should be $0C). There is a fixed version in the Games Pack.

This program needs the starting time to be poked into memory and registers before execution. Pause the machine and then set the time like this before starting at $500:
*($573) = tens of hours
r3 = ones of hours
r2 = tens of minutes
r1 = ones of minutes
All values are stored in ASCII format. Eg. for '5', use $35 (ASCII '5'), not $05.
Eg. use this sequence of debugger commands for 11:58:

E $573 '1'
E R3 '1'
E R2 '5'
E R1 '8'
J $500

When the time reaches 13:00, it will reset back to 01:00 (ie. it is a 12-hour rather than a 24-hour clock).

Othello (Reversi) 2.0:

Input must be in Y,X (row,col) format.

Printer Routines, Trace Routine:

Of course, the provided binaries do nothing (ie. do not "work") by themselves, as they are only subroutines. See the relevant magazine articles for more information about how to use them in your own programs.

Reaction Timer:

You have to react when the cursor is in the leftmost column.

Relative Address Calculator:

Enter the 1st address (4 hex digits).
Enter the 2nd address (4 hex digits).
It will then display the value to use for a relative branch from the 1st to the 2nd instruction (the same as Ami/WinArcadia debugger REL command does).

Relative Branch Calculator:

Enter source address (4 hex digits).
Enter destination address (4 hex digits), then "=" appears, and tells you the relative offset (or "?" if out of range).
The first digit of each pair entered is not echoed to the display until the second digit has been input.


"The computer generates a 4*4 array of the first 16 letters of the alphabet, arranged in a random order. The object of the game is to rearrange the array into the following form:


The array can only be rearranged by rotating [2*2] blocks of four letters clockwise. The block to be rotated is specified by the letter in its top left hand corner. It is invalid to try to rotate by calling letters on either the bottom row or the right hand column of the array.
If a mistake is made, it can be corrected once between valid rotations. Any two adjacent letters can be exchanged, with the proviso that only one exchange is permitted. When the required pattern has been achieved, or when the game is aborted, the program will print out the number of moves used.
The program occupies locations $440 to $5C7, and uses routines from PIPBUG. To run the program, type:


and the computer will respond with "PRESS ANY KEY". Once this has been done, a random pattern will be generated and printed, and the prompt message "ROTATE:" given.
Here is a sample printout. The "Z" command was used to terminate the game.























If you wish to rotate a particular block, type the letter in the top left hand corner of that block. If you wish to cancel a move, type carriage return, and the program will respond with "CANCEL", and then reprint the last but one block.
If you wish to exchange two adjacent letters, type X. The program will respond with "EXCHANGE:", and expect you to type in the two desired letters. If you cannot solve a particular pattern, type Z, and this will abort the game.
An average pattern, with only one exchange permitted, should take between 25 and 30 moves. Early attempts may take more."
Note that the game does not enforce the rule about only permitting one exchange per game.
The unpatched version (ie. as found in the Games Pack) will not work on Ami/WinArcadia. You should use the patched version (ie. as found in the Enhancements Pack).


This program does not echo your input to the screen.


This game expects a display with more than 16 rows. The SVT-100 terminal which is emulated by Ami/WinArcadia is only one of the output devices that could be hooked up to a real PIPBUG machine. The game was probably designed for a teletype. We suggest using the "Log|Echo I/O to console?" option.

Star Shoot:

The objective is to reach the end configuration shown below in as few moves as possible, by shooting stars. Each move consists of a digit 1-9 corresponding to the position of the star to shoot:

No. Start End
123 ... ***
456 .*. *.*
789 ... ***

The only valid first move is 5. Shots have these results:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

. means the star becomes a dot
! means the star or dot becomes a dot or star (respectively).
- are unchanged. It is possible to reach a configuration with zero stars and thus no possible moves, losing the game.


This program uses cycle counting techniques. Under Ami/WinArcadia 8.41, it appears to run too fast (ie. the "game" time goes faster than the emulator time).
The two most likely possibilities would be:
(a) the program was not originally tested and tuned to a sufficient precision by its programmer; and/or
(b) the real machine is spending a certain number of cycles servicing interrupts (which don't occur in the emulator).
Of course, since it starts counting from minute 1 rather than minute 0, the time as shown in this program will be minute later than that shown by the emulator.
When this program says "0100" (ie. "one hour"), emulator time should be approximately "00:59:00.00" (though it would be fair to allow a few milliseconds for initialization). However, emulator time when this event occurs is actually only "00:58:47.20". So this program is 12.80 seconds fast over that 59 minutes. (Or, conversely, you could suggest that the emulator is slow by that amount, or a combination of both.)
Such accuracy is approximately 1:276.5625 (slightly worse than 1 second fast per 5 minutes), which makes this program rather useless over lengthy periods.

Vector Magnetometer:

This program expects extra input (eg. various sensors) and output (eg. pitch and roll indicators) hardware, which is not supported by Ami/WinPIPBUG. (The LED display, used for output of heading data, is supported.) Although it will load and run, it will not do anything useful on the emulators, and, intentionally, does not produce output on the main screen (only via the LED display).

Signetics Instructor 50

This machine is a "microprocessor development board" aka "trainer".
The start address for user programs can be specified at runtime by the user as with eg. the Elektor TV Games Computer.
BIOS calls are made via eg. ZBSR *DISPLY; there is a zero page jump table at $1FE6..$1FFF.

Hardware equates/memory map

Region Size Basic version Expanded version
$0000..$01FF 512 bytes user RAM user RAM
$0200..$0FFE 3582 bytes unused expansion RAM
$0FFF 1 byte I/O port I/O port
$1000..$177F 1920 bytes unused unused
$1780..$17BF 64 bytes user RAM user RAM
$17C0..$17FF 64 bytes monitor RAM monitor RAM
$1800..$1FFF 2K monitor ROM monitor ROM
$2000..$7FFF 24K unused expansion RAM

I/O Devices

The 28-key keyboard is as follows:

------Left Keypad------ ---------Right Keypad----------
.SENS.. .WCAS.. .BKPT.. ...C... ...D... ...E... ...F...
..INT.. .RCAS.. ..REG.. ...8... ...9... ...A... ...B...
..MON.. .STEP.. ..MEM.. ...4... ...5... ...6... ...7...
..RST.. ..RUN.. ENT NXT ...0... ...1... ...2... ...3...

MON, RST and ENT NXT are white on orange. All other keys are white on blue. There are no paddles.

8-digit 8-segment LED display (red on black):

Each of the 8 digits is divided into 8 segments, as shown: +0+ The + don't really exist, therefore it is really like this: 5 1 +6+ 0 4 2 5 1 +3+ 7 6 4 2 3 7 Eg. the bottom segment is controlled by bit 3 (so, $08 would set it, $00 would clear it). The display is controllable at the segment level (ie. you can get 256 combinations) via direct hardware access (ie. bypassing USE BIOS functions and using the WRTE instruction), using the bit numbers listed above.

"PARALLEL I/O" section, consisting of:

8 glow LEDs ("7".."0");
8 corresponding toggle switches (unlabelled);
Toggle switch with 3 possible positions (up, middle and down, corresponding to "MEMORY $0FFF", "EXTENDED I/O PORT $07" and "NON-EXT DATA PORT", respectively). "The default is probably EXTENDED I/O PORT $07."


REDD,rn to read from the toggle switches
WRTD,rn to write to the glow LEDs


REDE,rn $07 to read from the toggle switches
WRTE,rn $07 to write to the glow LEDs


LODA,rn $0FFF to read from the toggle switches
STRA,rn $0FFF to write to the glow LEDs

"RUN" glow LED:

"It appears to be on all the time. It is on in monitor mode, during stepping, and remains on at breakpoints. It will turn off after the processor executes a HALT ($40) instruction. It won't turn back on again until you hit MON, RST, in that order. You can't just break back into monitor mode after hitting a HALT instruction. Hitting MON, RST somehow brings the machine back to life and into monitor mode; otherwise the machine is dark." - Tyler Whitney.

"FLAG" glow LED, showing the state of the Flag pin of the CPU.

"INTERRUPT" toggle switch: "DIRECT" or "INDIRECT":

When an interrupt is generated/received, the Instructor 50 writes $07 or $87 to the data bus, depending on the position of the DIRECT/INDIRECT INTERRUPT switch. Then it does a ZBSR $07 or ZBSR *$07, as appropriate.

"INTERRUPT SELECTOR" jumper (on underside of machine):

"A.C. LINE" (ie. 50Hz) or
"KEYBOARD" (ie. INT key).
"The default is probably keyboard."

S-100 bus (at rear) (not emulated).

"CASSETTE" jacks: "PHONE" and "MIC":

The cassette subsystem is somewhat like that of the Elektor TV Games Computer, but uses 6 pulses for a "0" and 3 pulses for a "1", except that 3 extra pulses are appended to the last bit of each byte (giving 6+3=9 pulses for a "0" or 3+3=6 pulses for a "1").
As with the Elektor, the rate at which bits (and thus bytes) can be loaded/saved depends the actual data payload (ie. depends on whether they are "0"s or "1"s).
Port $F8 bit 4 is FREQ. The BIOS is flipping that at a constant regular rate (at least while recording).
Port $F8 bit 3 is ENV. That is high whilever we are actually recording a bit, and goes low between bits. It stays high for longer for a "0" bit than for a "1" bit.
So whilever ENV is high, we just write the current status of the FREQ bit to the tape, and whilever ENV is low, we just write silence.
It gets NANDed, so if ENV and FREQ are both high, we are low, and otherwise, we are high.
It sets port $F8 to $10 and $18 while writing, and $00 at rest.
During playback, the Sense bit is set directly from the tape based on whether above or below the zero-crossing point.


USE is an acronym for "User System Executive".

"When in Monitor mode, pressing anything on the hex keypad generates Error 2 on the real machine. On the control keypad, you can hit most keys with impunity. Hitting STEP while in monitor mode generates Error 9 on the real machine." - Tyler Whitney.
Error 2 means: "Restricted command."
Error 9 means: "Next instruction is in the MONITOR area." Ie. if the STEP button is pressed and the next instruction would be in the monitor area, it will be reported by the appearance of Error 9.

The USRDSP (USeR DiSPlay) command is used as follows:

R0: Return code.
R1..R2: Pointer to byte preceding string.
R3: $00/$01/$80. $01 returns immediately. The USE BIOS only allows character-level (ie. glyph-level) access. The character set is as follows:

$00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C
0 or O 1 or I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A b. C d. E F P L U r H o = space J - . Y n
###..########.####################.. ###..# ##########..#.#...#.#...........#...... #.#...
# #. #. #. ## ## .# .. ## ## ## ## . # .. # # .# .# ## .# #. .# #. .. .. .. #. .. . # #. .
#.#..################..############# #..### ##########..#.#############.....####... ######
# #. ## .. #. #. ## #. ## #. ## ## # # .# # # .# .# .# .# ## .# ## #. .. .. #. .. . . ## #
###..#######..#######..####..##.#### ####### #####..#..#######..#.#######...###...... #####.#

Note the trailing dots for "b." and "d.".
Unavailable letters: KMQTVWXZ

Game Help

Beat the Odds:

You can make a bet on any of the following results:

Event Odds
0 lamps lit 250:1
1 lamp lit 15:1
2 lamps lit 7:1
3 lamps lit 7:2 (3.5:1)
4 lamps lit 5:2 (2.5:1)
5 lamps lit 7:2 (3.5:1)
6 lamps lit 7:1
7 lamps lit 15:1
8 lamps lit 250:1
0..1 lamps lit 25:1
2..3 lamps lit 2:1
4..5 lamps lit 1:1
6..8 lamps lit 6:1
0..2 lamps lit 11:2 (5.5:1)
3..5 lamps lit 2:5 (1:10)
6..8 lamps lit 11:2 (5.5:1)
Specific 2-digit number 250:1
Specific MS digit 15:1
Specific LS digit 15:1
Any one of 5 specified 2-digit numbers 50:1
Any one of 10 specified 2-digit numbers 25:1

Note that in the table above, the bet "6..8 lamps lit" is listed twice, with different odds. This is authentic to the original Signetics documentation.

This game is intended to be played by multiple humans using real money. One player would act as the "house" (ie. banker/dealer) and call for bets, take and record wagers, operate the computer, and pay winners according to the above odds. The computer is used merely as a randomizer. There is no logic in the game for showing odds, taking bets, ascertaining winners, paying winners, etc.

Dice with Display:

The rightmost parallel I/O switch (bit 0) needs to be on, otherwise the 7-segment LED digit area of the display will never change.
The program relies on random data in uninitialized RAM for its random number generation, hence you should ensure that "Settings|Emulator| Randomize memory?" is on before loading the game.

Game of Memories:

This is a Game of Life according to the rules from John Horton Conway. It was written for the Ami/WinInstructor emulator.

The particularity of Game of Memories is that the field for the Game of Life is laid out in a 16*16 byte grid storage area that the emulator can graphically represent and so the view can be resembled - whereby the name of the program: Game of Memories.

When the progam is loaded into WinArcadia, the field is still not seen. "Tools|Memory editor..." must be invoked. The field is in the memory bank $0E00..$0EFF. You should set "Region" to that memory region, and "View as" to "Characters".

The original listing has an error in byte $125:

0124 F9 7C BDRR,r1 $122

which causes an infinite loop. It should instead be:

0124 F9 7E BDRR,r1 $124

The version in the Games Pack incorporates this fix.


Bits 6..4 Bits 3..0
%000: 0 mph (stopped) %0000: oP...... HSE
%001: 80 mph %0001: oPOOO... HSE + 3 FC
%010: 40 mph %0010: oPOUU... HSE + 1 FC + 2 EC
%011: 27 mph %0011: oPOUAo.. HSE + 1 FC + 1 EC + 1 HC + 1 C
%100: 19 mph %0100: oPOOo... HSE + 2 FC + 1 C
%101: 15 mph %0101: oPooo... HSE + 3 C
%110: 12 mph %0110: oPUUUo.. HSE + 3 EC + 1 C
%111: 10 mph %0111: o=ooo... LSE + 3 C
- %1000: o=UUo... LSE + 2 EC + 1 C
- %1001: o=AAo... LSE + 2 HC + 1 C
- %1010: o=UUo... LSE + 2 EC + 1 C
- %1011: o=OOOo.. LSE + 3 FC + 1 C
- %1100: o=...... LSE
- %1101: M....... MT
- %1110: doooo... EM + 4 C
- %1111: Mooo.... MT + 3 C

Train components are:

Abbreviation Display Description
EM d electric-powered mine engine
MT M battery-powered mine tractor
HSE oP high speed engine
LSE o= low speed engine
FC O full car
HC A half-full car
EC U empty car
C o caboose

Signetics TWIN

Region Size Master CPU Slave CPU
$0000..$00FF 256 bytes bootstrap ROM (to boot SDOS from disk) slave RAM
$0100..$14FF 5K master RAM (for SDOS) slave RAM
$1500..$187F 896 bytes master RAM (overlay area 1) slave RAM
$1880..$1BFF 896 bytes master RAM (overlay area 2) slave RAM
$1C00..$3FFD 9214 bytes master RAM slave RAM
$3FFE..$3FFF 2 bytes DOS version number (except for very early versions) slave RAM
$4000..$7FFF 16K window into (ie. mirror of) slave RAM unexpanded system: unmapped
expanded system: slave RAM

The resident (non-overlay) part of SDOS contains:

job dispatcher
SVC processor
device handlers
GO, LOAD, SYSTEM, XEQ commands

TWIN stands for Test Ware Instrument.

The master CPU runs DOS and handles all I/O (keyboard, CRT, floppies, etc.). The slave CPU merely runs programs in its own memory, and asks the master to perform I/O for it via service requests (and, of course, can access prototype hardware, depending on which mode is in use). To switch from master to slave, the master just executes a HALT instruction. To switch from slave to master, any master interrupt (but not slave interrupt) can be used. Eg. timer/keyboard/etc. interrupts and Service Requests. The master CPU has 16 interrupt priority levels. Master CPU interrupt handlers start at $0000 of master RAM and go up by 2 per entry. The slave CPU has 8 interrupt priority levels. Slave CPU interrupt handlers start at $0000 of slave RAM and go up by 2 per entry. Interrupt priorities 1 and 3 are used for master and slave RAM parity errors, respectively. Lower priority numbers represent "higher" (more important) priorities.

Note that, in MOD headers, the destination base address specified by the Set Base command start is always as viewed from the master CPU, even when loading into slave RAM (as the loading as always done by the master CPU).

Errata: On page 1-17 of the Tektronix 8002A Service Manual, ITD should be OTD. Thus, to read a sector the steps are:

1. Go RST mode. Check disk status.
2. Go SIO mode. Check disk status.
3. Go OTD mode. Send Normal Read command.
4. Go OTD mode. Send drive number.
5. Go OTD mode. Send sector number.
6. Go OTD mode. Send track number.
7. Go IND mode. Read 1st byte.
: : :
134. Go IND mode. Read 128th byte.
135. Go RST mode. Check disk status.

SDOS supports these formats:

"Hex" - Appendix C (AOF)
"SMS" - Appendix D (for PROM programmer)
"MOD" - "Binary load module"
"Com" - "Command file" (ie. batch/script file)

Here are the contents of the various "DOS areas" aka "bootblocks" (tracks 1..4) of the disks:

DOS (tracks 1..4) Disk(s)
DIP4 diag_4.4_5-23-79
EXOS HM19..22
PMON (expects 8080 slave) pascal_I.4b
CP/M 0517-0135-01_8002_cpm_adm3_pe_ws_palasm
CP/M 0517-0136..0142-01
CP/M 8002_cpm_ws_hk
CP/M 88000141_8088_thor_of_ops
CP/M arb_mgr_work_disk
CP/M asm09src_cpm
CP/M cpm_on_tek_ws_utilities
CP/M cpm_trace_theory_of_ops
CP/M cpm_whitesmiths_c
CP/M debug_card_programmable_parts_2-3-81
CP/M tek_cpm_prom_document_format
CP/M wordstar_perkin-elmer_terminal
SDOS 2.0 van_erp
SDOS 2.0 HM02..04
SDOS 2.0 HM06..07
SDOS 2.0 HM13..14
SDOS 2.0 HM16..18
SDOS 2.0 HM23..25
SDOS 4.0 HM01
SDOS 4.0 HM10
SDOS 4.2 config42
SDOS 4.2 HM05
SDOS 4.2 HM15
SDOS 4.2 system42
SDOS 4.2 tss40
TEKDOS 2650 VER 1.6 REV A (aka UDOS) tekdos_v1.6_2650
TEKDOS 6500 3.1 tekdos_3.1_6500_copy
TEKDOS 6800 1.9 tekdos_1.9_bkup_8-79
TEKDOS 6800 1.9 99900761-01-A_tekdos_1.9
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900809-01_9508
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900817-01_9508_9508_link_cpy2
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900818-01_9508_executive_copy2
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900819-01_9508_io_module_copy2
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900820-01_9508_system_subroutines_cpy2
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900821-01_9508_emulator_ctl_cpy2
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900822-01_9508_cmd_line_proc_cpy2
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900823-01_9508_9508_real_time_analyzer_cpy2
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900824-01_9508_memory_cpy2
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900825-01_9508_comm_cpy2
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 99900924-01_9508_executable_modules_cpy2
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 Tek8002_1a
TEKDOS 6800 3.1 Tek8002_2
TEKDOS 6800 3.3 TekDOS_3.3_6800_cpy1..2
TEKDOS 6801 3.1 6801_tekdos_v3.1_f001
TEKDOS 680X 3.2 Tek8002_12..14
TEKDOS 8048 3.1 chuck_tekdos_ice
TEKDOS 8080 3.0 Tek8002_3
TEKDOS 8080 3.1 Tek8002_4
TEKDOS 8080 3.1 Tek8002_6a
TEKDOS 8080 3.1 Tek8002_11
TEKDOS 8085 3.1 Tek8002_5
TEKDOS 8085 3.1 Tek8002_7a
TEKDOS Z80 2.2 99900862-01
TEKDOS Z80 2.2 99901253-01_9516_boot_listing
TEKDOS Z80 2.2 99901254-01_9516_boot_src_obj
TEKDOS Z80 2.2 99902585-01
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 0517-0143..0147-01
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 8048_v3.1_9-6-79
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 8086_fpgas
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 9516_debug_diagnostic_with_diagnostic_emulator
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 ed_lenox_z80_3.3
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 editor_for_slave_adapter_d0
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 hal_gillette_z80_v3.1_system
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 master_cmd_files_for_slave_adapter
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 master_cmd_files_for_slave_adapter_run_disk_0
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 progfpga_slave_adapter_ed_lennox_0
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 slave_adapter_drive_1_programmable_parts_hist
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 supervsrctl
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 Tek8002_8
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 Tek8002_10
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 Tek8002_17b
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 Tek8002_21
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 tekdosz80v3.1slaveadaptersupervisorrun
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 test_files_for_8086
TEKDOS Z80 3.1 z80_3.1_debug_checkout_8086_vehicle
TEKDOS Z80 3.2 Tek8002_16
TEKTIP 1.5 tektip_1.5
TOS 1.0 TWINBoot
"EMPTY" (all zeroes) Tek8002_15
"EMPTY" (all zeroes) Tek8002_23b
"SDOS" (all zeroes) cmd_src_5b
"SDOS" (all zeroes) HM08..09
"SDOS" (all zeroes) HM11..HM12
"SDOS" (all zeroes) margriet1
"SDOS" (all zeroes) sdos42_link
"SDOS" (all zeroes) TWINData
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) 99900827-01_hazel_6809_cpy2
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) 99900828-01_hazel_8080-85_cpy2
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) 99900829-01_hazel_6800_cpy2
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) 99900831-01_hazel_8048_cpy2
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) cpm-wordstar_ed_lennox
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) files
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) supv_edit_disk_slave_adapter_drive_1
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) supvhis2
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) supvhis3
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) Tek8002_1b
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) Tek8002_17a
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) Tek8002_22
"TEKDOS" (all zeroes) Tek8002_25
Other file(s) 99900826-01_h2lasm_cpy2
Other file(s) 99900830-01_hazel_z80_cpy2
Other file(s) 99900878-01_com-ram-05_part1_v1.0_cpy2
Other file(s) 99900884-01_com-ram-05_part2_v1.0_cpy2
Other file(s) 99900889-01_com-ram-05_part3_v1.0_cpy2
Other file(s) 99901441-01
Other file(s) sdos42_cmd_src_1..5
Other file(s) Tek8002_9
Other file(s) Tek8002_18..20
Other file(s) Tek8002_23a
Other file(s) Tek8002_24a
Other file(s) Tek8002_24b
Other file(s) Tek8002_26
Other file(s) pas_src
Other file(s) prom_mod9
Other file(s) rasm
Other file(s) sdos42_hwa
Other file(s) sdos42_macro_src
Other file(s) sdos42_opt_drv
Other file(s) sdos42_res_link
Other file(s) sdos42_res_master
Other file(s) sdos42_util
Corrupt/missing word_star_work_disk.img

Dark grey disks do not contain a valid bootable DOS for the Signetics 2650 CPU.

word_star_work_disk.img is only 311,296 bytes (missing the first track?).

TOS 1.0 asks for the current date and time on boot. If those are entered, the timer is enabled.
TEKDOS (apart from UDOS) switches to the slave CPU. Slave memory is all zeroes (why!?) so we just run endlessly through the first 8K page of slave memory. Changing the HALT at $1DC1 of master memory to NOP is sufficient to get TEKDOS working.
TEKTIP 1.5 doesn't like to get interrupts 4 and 5 (teletype I/O).

I/O Ports

For reads:

Port Description
$E8 Data Byte
$E9 Status Byte:
bits 7..5: unused
bit 4: parity error
bit 3: framing error
bit 2: data overrun
bit 1: transmit buffer empty
bit 0: data available
$EA "Controller Flag Byte"
$EB "Disk Status Byte"

For writes:

Port Name Description
$D0 PCPT High Speed Paper Tape (HSPT) control port
$D1 PDPT PDPT High Speed Paper Tape (HSPT) data port
$E8 ? CRT/TTY output
$E9 ? Bits 7..3: unused
Bit 2: enable TTY interrupts
Bit 1: parity select
Bit 0: TTY paper tape reader
$EA ? Control Device (floppy drive and printer)
$EB ? Data Device (floppy drive and printer)
$EC ? Bits 7..1: ?
Bit 0: interval timer (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
$ED ? "Master Memory Protect"
$EE BSPT Common memory bank select:
$00 = map slave RAM $0000..$3FFF to master RAM $4000..$7FFF
$01 = map slave RAM $4000..$7FFF to master RAM $4000..$7FFF
$02 = map slave RAM $8000..$BFFF to master RAM $4000..$7FFF
$03 = map slave RAM $C000..$FFFF to master RAM $4000..$7FFF

Central Data 2650

"Product: 2650 Single Board Computer
Company: Central Data Company
Features: Employs Signetics 2650 microprocessor.
There is an in-built 80 character by 16 line video display character generator (64 upper case ASCII character set) with a user programmable set of 64 characters (8x8 matrix) for non-standard characters.
There is a Kansas City Standard cassette interface, a 1024 byte PROM monitor program, 2048 bytes of programmable memory of which 768 are available for programming with the balance dedicated to the display, one 8 bit input port and one 8 bit output port.
In addition there are sockets for 3K of PROM (which may include the Central Data Company's editor and assembler).
A BASIC software package is available on cassette tape.
The user needs to supply 3A at 5V power supply, an ASCII keyboard, a video monitor and possibly some additional memory."
- "Small Systems Computer Sourcebook" [sic], by J. C. Boonham.

A typical configuration is:

Central Data 2650 computer (including CUTS cassette interface)
ASCII-encoded keyboard
video monitor
tape deck
power supply

Region Size Description
$0000..$03FF 1K monitor ("supervisor") ROM BIOS
$0400..$0FFF 3K expansion ROM (optional)
$1000..$103F 64 bytes display RAM (unusable)
$1040..$14FF 1216 bytes display RAM
$1500..$150F 16 bytes monitor RAM (unusable)
$1510..$17E9 730 bytes user RAM
$17EA..$17FF 26 bytes monitor RAM
$1800..$1FFF 2K unused
$2000..$7FFF 24K expansion RAM/ROM (optional)

$1000..$103F: "In the first CD2650 Newsletter, April 1978, Jeff Roloff says: '...if you get hold of some slow RAM for use in the display section, the first four characters will be illegible because of timing problems.' If the RAM was fast enough for the rest of the display it would be fast enough at the beginning. I suspect that he had problems with resetting his counters which made the first character spaces too narrow. I remember designing a frequency synthesiser with 74 series ICs where the downcounter had to start resetting at count 3 to be ready at count 0!" - Richard Rogers.
$1500..$150F: "You can't use $1500..$150F because when you reach the end of the line, WCHR at $0396 sends you to LFCR at $0024 which immediately writes a space at the current (too big) cursor position." - Richard Rogers.

Hardware equates/memory map

The layout of display RAM is unusual:

$1000: 0,0
$1001: 0,1
$1002: 0,2
 : : :
$100F: 0,15
$1010: 1,0
$1011: 1,1...

To access a given cell, the formula is:

address = $1000 + (x * 16) + y;

where x is 0..79 and y is 0..15.

Characters $00..$3F use the 1st character generator PROM. They are the uppercase alphabetic characters, numeric characters and punctuation characters.
Characters $40..$7F use the optional 2nd character generator PROM, if available. These are generally used for eg. lower case characters, Star Trek characters, card symbols and chessmen.
Characters $80..$FF are not normally used.
The character sets are:

Code $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $A $B $C $D $E $F $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $A $B $C $D $E $F $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $A $B $C $D $E $F
$0x @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
$1x P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ · ] P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ · ] P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ · ]
$2x   ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /   ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /   ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
$3x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
$4x ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
$5x p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ · ]
$6x ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / - ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / - ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
$7x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

Red is non-chessmen ("lowercase") character set.
Green is chessmen character set. Character $4D (shown here as ◫) is actually a square with a horizontal (not vertical) bisecting line. Unicode sux :-(
Blue (ASCII) is used for Central Data DOS and P1 DOS. Characters shown here in dark blue are control codes which will be displayed as inverse video.

Supervisor BIOS

A period (.) indicates that the supervisor program is ready for a command.
An A indicates that it is waiting for you to type in an address.
At any time the supervisor is looking for a keyboard input, you can press Esc which will terminate the present command and wait for a new one.

A: Alter or display memory
Press A.
It will then ask for a hexadecimal address.
The address and the data then appear on the next line.
You can now:
press Esc to quit the alter/display routine;
enter C to change the data at that location;
type in two hex characters to fill the memory location; or
press space to display the next memory location.

B: Set a breakpoint address
Press B.
It will then ask you for the address of the breakpoint.
When this address is reached in the program, the supervisor will save all of the registers and wait for a new command. It signifies that the breakpoint address has been reached by writing the message:

BP 1703

The registers and memory can now be examined as you see fit. After the breakpoint has been executed, it is cleared and the program will be allowed to run past the point next time through.

C: Clear a breakpoint address
Press C.
The supervisor responds by typing the address that the breakpoint was set at. Note that you must set breakpoints at an address position where an instruction would begin. In other words, you cannot set a breakpoint to be executed at an address which is the second or third byte of an instruction.

E: Execute a program
Press E.
It will then ask for the address that is should start executing at.
It will then jump to the address and start executing instructions.

I: Inspect CPU registers
Press I.
It will then ask you to type a register number corresponding to the register that you want, as follows: 0 register 0 (r0) 1 register 1, bank 0 (r1) 2 register 2, bank 0 (r2) 3 register 3, bank 0 (r3) 4 register 1, bank 1 (r4) 5 register 2, bank 1 (r5) 6 register 3, bank 1 (r6) 7 Program Status Word, Lower (PSL) 8 Program Status Word, Upper (PSU)

The microcomputer will then display the data that was in this register just before the program returned to the supervisor. You now have three options:
to stop by pressing Esc;
to change the register value by entering C; or
to inspect another register by pressing Space.

There are also the D, L, R and V commands, which are used for tape operations.
It seems to be possible to "hang" the supervisor; eg. by pressing E repeatedly. This is because RETN ($288) branches to *ADD1, and sometimes ADD1 has garbage such as $6EEE.

The available scan of the supervisor is poor; the following bytes could conceivably be wrong:

$13A, $16C, $181: probably $EB but maybe $E8
$316:             probably $F8 but maybe $FB
$3C4:             probably $2E but maybe $28 or $2B

The following unnamed variables are used by the supervisor:


The WCHR routine masks its character to the $00..$3F range (ie. it prints everything as uppercase).
The KBIN routine can return characters in the $00..$7F range. However, it can only print them as uppercase (because it uses WCHR).
The supervisor internally works with letters in the $41..$5A (65..90) (ASCII uppercase "A".."Z") range. It relies on the masking performed by WCHR to output them as $01..$2A (1..26) (CD2650 uppercase "A".."Z").

Ideally, full autodocs for the supervisor (and for the BIOSes of the TVGC, PIPBUG and the SI50) would be available, eg.:

Stack required: 2.
Functions called: LFCR, HXOT, WRBL.
Pages: 3.
Addresses: $DB..$EF.
Can branch to: None.
RAM data accessed: ADD1/2.
ROM data accessed: None.
ROM constants used: INCD ($10), CUCD ($1C), SPCD ($20).
Subsections: L2.
Called by: ?.
Registers: r0 will be SPCD ($20), r3 will be CUCD ($1C).
PSW: WC is cleared.

Unarchived Software

The following are confirmed but unavailable:

Spacewar (clone of "Scelbi's Galaxy Game for the 8008/8080"), by Roger Miskowicz
Star Trek

If you know of any other software, or have dumps/tapes/listings of any of the above software, please email us.

Game Help


To start a game: press R then ENTER.
Now, from the "OPTION" prompt, press R.

In editor (at COMMAND prompt):

-      = go to beginning of file
+      = go to end of file
/      = go backwards 15 lines
Bx     = go backwards x lines
space  = go forwards 15 lines
Fx     = go forwards x lines
Cx     = change line x
Ix     = insert after line x
Ctrl+C = done changing/inserting
Dx     = delete x lines from top of screen
R      = go to BASIC

In BASIC (at OPTION prompt):

I      = Inspect variable
L      = RUN to line
R      = RUN
Esc    = stop running
S      = Single step
Esc    = go to editor

var=PEEK(addr) PEEK addr,var
PRINT"string" PRINT'string'
PRINT var PRINT #var
'comment *comment
IF a=b THEN IF a=b

The interpreter doesn't like blank lines (gives ARG ERROR), but an empty comment (* only) is acceptable.
String concatenation (eg. A$='FOO'+'BAR') is not allowed.
String assignments (eg. A$='FOO') must exactly fill the allocated (DIMensioned) storage.
When running programs: for multi-variable INPUT statements, each entry should be terminated with the RETURN key (not a comma).

A normal floating point variable is 8..22 bytes:

1 byte for type ($0x)
2 bytes for pointer to next variable
1..15 bytes for name
4 bytes for contents

A floating point array is 4+ bytes:

1 byte for type ($4x)
2 bytes for pointer to next variable
1..15 bytes for name
(0..255)*4 bytes for contents

A string is 5..274 bytes:

1 byte for type ($8x)
2 bytes for pointer to next variable
1..15 bytes for name
1 byte for length
0..255 bytes for contents

Here is a summary of the differences between V1.0 and V1.3 of 8K BASIC (all values in hex):

Range V1.0 V1.3
1780..17AA 00s <various>
25B9..25BB 70 F4 80 1F 3E 98
2C25..2C27 3F 34 0D 3F 3F EE
2E6F..2E74 EE 14 A5 9C 30 5A CE 14 A5 C0 C0 C0 (unofficial)
33B9..33BC 1A 64 19 6F 9C 4F D1 C0
3995 04 03
3E88..3EAA <various> <various>
3F2F..3F31 3F 3C F5 1F 17 96
3F78..3F7A 1F 38 91 1F 17 82
3FD1..3FED <none> <various>
3FEE..3FF3 <none> <various>

The handwritten annotations on the listing are generally transcriptions of the V1.3 changes.

Accurate PSL emulation (as provided by Ami/WinArcadia 33.91+) is needed for the floating point subsystem to work correctly. There is still one remaining problem to be investigated: using the ^ (power of) operator (eg. LET A=3^2) will cause a hang.
Bytes $3D90..$3D91 (in the COSine() function handler) are ambiguous (due to a poor quality printout/photocopy). But logically they would be $06 $04 (LODI,r2 4).

Numbers are stored using 1 exponent byte and 3 mantissa bytes, as follows:

Bit 31 is the sign of the exponent (0=positive, 1=negative).
Positive exponents represent large positive or negative numbers.
Negative exponents represent small positive or negative numbers (-0.5..0.5).
Bits 30..24 are the exponent itself, ie. the position of the "decimal" (really binary) point,
ie. how many bits are needed to store the integer part of the number.
Very small numbers will have negative exponents (and will have leading zeroes in the fractional part).

Bit 23 is the sign of the mantissa (0=positive, 1=negative).
Bits 22..0 are the mantissa itself.
Positive numbers that have been properly normalized will have mantissa bytes of $400000..$7FFFFF.
Negative numbers that have been properly normalized will have mantissa bytes of $C00000..$FFFFFF.
Values of $0..$3FFFFF and $800000..$BFFFFF should never occur.

The integer part is obtained by right-shifting (halving) the mantissa, 23 - exponent times.
The fractional part is obtained by left-shifting (doubling) the mantissa, exponent times.
This represents the fractional part in units of 1/8,388,608.
So by dividing this value by 8,388,608 you would obtain the fractional part.

Exponent Range Int. digits Int. zeroes . Frac. zeroes Frac. digits Example
-128 About 10^-38 0 0 . 128 23    0.000001 = $80 00 00 08
... ... ... ... . ... ... ...
-3 1/16..1/8 0 0 . 3 23    0.0625   = $FD 40 00 00
-2 1/8..¼ 0 0 . 2 23    0.125    = $FE 40 00 00
-1 ¼..½ 0 0 . 1 23    0.25     = $FF 40 00 00
0 ½..1 0 0 . 0 23    0.5      = $00 40 00 00
+1 1..2 1 0 . 0 22    1.0      = $01 40 00 00
+2 2..4 2 0 . 0 21    2.0      = $02 40 00 00
+3 4..8 3 0 . 0 20    5.0      = $03 50 00 00
+4 8..16 4 0 . 0 19   10.0      = $04 50 00 00
+5 16..32 5 0 . 0 18   20.0      = $05 50 00 00
+6 32..64 6 0 . 0 17   50.0      = $06 64 00 00
+7 64..128 7 0 . 0 16  100.0      = $07 64 00 00
+8 128..256 8 0 . 0 15  200.0      = $08 64 00 00
+9 256..512 9 0 . 0 14  500.0      = $09 7D 00 00
+10 512..1K 10 0 . 0 13 1000.0      = $0A 7D 00 00
+11 1K..2K 11 0 . 0 12
+12 2K..4K 12 0 . 0 11
+13 4K..8K 13 0 . 0 10
+14 8K..16K 14 0 . 0 9
+15 16K..32K 15 0 . 0 8
+16 32K..64K 16 0 . 0 7
+17 64K..128K 17 0 . 0 6
+18 128K..256K 18 0 . 0 5
+19 256K..512K 19 0 . 0 4
+20 512K..1M 20 0 . 0 3
+21 1M..2M 21 0 . 0 2
+22 2M..4M 22 0 . 0 1
+23 4M..8M 23 0 . 0 0
+24 8M..16M 23 1 . 0 0
+25 16M..32M 23 2 . 0 0
... ... ... ... . ... ... ...
+127 about 10^37 23 104 . 0 0 ~10^37      = $7F 7F FF FF

Int. digits: number of meaningful digits at left of integer part.
Int. zeroes: number of trailing zeroes at right of integer part.
Frac. zeroes: number of leading zeroes at left of fractional part.
Frac. digits: number of meaningful digits at right of fractional part.
Ie. <integer digits><integer zeroes>.<fractional zeroes><fractional digits>
Eg. for an exponent of -2, the number is %0.00xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (where x are mantissa digits).
At +24 and greater exponents, there are not enough mantissa digits to even hold the complete integer number (let alone any fractions).

12KBASIC-A.aof, 12KBASIC-B.aof:

It obeys one-letter commands of the form Xn, where X tells it what to do and n is the line number (or number of lines?).

S  - save to tape (pauses during save)
L  - load from tape
R  - runs the BASIC program
Cn - change from line n onwards
D  - deletes line 1
Dn - deletes lines from 1 to n
E  - exits to supervisor
An - append after line n. If you have just inserted some lines, it will add them again after the designated line
F  - scrolls forwards 1 line
Fn - scrolls forwards n lines
I  - insert after line 1 - type in program, Ctrl-C (=ETX) ends input
In - insert after line n - type in program, Ctrl-C (=ETX) ends input
Bn - scrolls backwards n lines
X  - scrolls forwards 1 line
Xn - ?
P  - modify string?
G  - go and run program with following options:
     D   - direct execution of a typed-in line
     R   - run the program
     S   - single step
     Esc - exits

It only needs line numbers as GOTO (and GOSUB, etc.) destinations.
At $5800 there is a small test program. It looks as if whoever saved the program first ran it with the extended functions deleted and wrote a small program before saving. So some of the extended functions may be corrupted or they may all be missing.
When an error is encountered: these OPTIONs are available:
D   - direct mode
R   - rerun the program
S   - single step
Esc - exits

12KBASIC-A.aof was probably typed in by me from the listing. Need to compare with 12KBASIC-B, which may have been modified for PHUNSY or PoP, as there are 982 differences (4%) between them.


Neither of these has been typed in by me from the listing. Need to verify these dumps against the listing and compare with each other. One or both may have been modified for PHUNSY or PoP, as there are 831 differences (4%) between them.


This is a good dump, as regards the actual antenna computer program. The accompanying BASIC interpreter is why it is marked as a suspect dump. Overflows are very easy to generate, eg. attempting a LOOP of 1000 MHz.

Backup.aof: This program appears to be incomplete. Eg. execution flows beyond the listing into $15C3, it expects a TAPe OUT subroutine at $15C7 and a CLear SCReen subroutine at $1602. There is probably another unscanned page to this listing.

Bootstrap.aof: Might be the same as the IPL; needs reinvestigation.


This does not appear to have been correctly ported to the CD2650. Eg. the KBIN function of the BIOS will echo the keystroke, but the game itself also echoes the keystroke, resulting in double echoing. Also note that it swallows (ignores) the first keypress after booting (although it might use the timing of that keypress for randomization or similar purposes).
Additionally, the byte at $29C7 is erroneous. Presumably BSTA,un $2400 was meant rather than BSTA,un *$2400 [$7710]; therefore $A4 should be changed to $24.


Got a "NOT READY" error, presumably due to incomplete disk emulation. Needs reinvestigation.


Commands are similar to the 12K BASIC editor, except:

G: goes to the supervisor
R: runs the assembler
Z: frees (zeroes) memory (changes BLOCKS LEFT from 00 to 50)


You start with 100 men, 2800 bushels and 1000 acres. Turn phases are:

#1: Buy land: how many acres? (at 17..22 bushels per acre) (average of 19.5 bushels per acre)
Generally, at a price of 17..19 bushels per acre, you should buy.
#2: Sell land: how many acres? (at 17..22 bushels per acre) (average of 19.5 bushels per acre)
Generally, at a price of 20..22 bushels per acre, you should sell.
#3: Distribute food: how many bushels?
Requirement is 20 bushels per man.
Overfeeding will bring immigrants at 40 bushels per man.
There is never any reason to overfeed by more than 1960 bushels (which would bring 49 overfeeding immigrants, plus 1 hungry immigrant in a good harvest (and more in average or bad harvests), thus hitting the maximum of 50 immigrants per turn).
Deaths from starvation, and overfeeding immigrants, are calculated here but not applied yet.
#4: Plant land: how many acres?
There is never any reason not to plant the maximum possible amount of land.
Limiting factors are (ie. use whichever of these is the lowest):
a. acres
b. bushels * 2
c. men * 10
Bushels are used up (although you will always get more back as harvest than what you plant as seed). 1 bushel can plant 2 acres and a bad (minimum) harvest is 1 bushel per planted acre.
Acres and men are not used up (you just need enough of them available).
Harvest per planted acre is 1..5 (average of 3 bushels).
Rats eat 0..7% of total (stored+harvest) bushels per turn (average of 3.5%).
Population changes:
Immigrants are those from overfeeding as previously calculated in phase #3, plus these hungry immigrants:
((total bushels * (5 - harvest per acre)) ÷ 600) + 1
So, to bring immigrants, you should overfeed, have many total bushels, and a bad harvest.
There is a limit of 50 total immigrants per turn.
Deaths from starvation are as previously calculated in phase #3.
Additionally, there is a 10% chance of a plague which will kill 50% of your men (ie. average 5% plague deaths per turn). This is applied after immigrants and deaths from starvation have already been applied (in fact, strictly speaking it is applied at the start of the next turn).

The random factors each turn are:

a. the value of land (17..22 bushels per acre, average 19.5);
b. the harvest per planted acre (1..5 bushels per planted acre, average 3);
c. rat appetite (0..7% of total bushels, average 3.5%); and
d. whether a plague occurs (10% chance of killing 50% of your men) (average 5% plague deaths per turn).

In this version, there is no real scoring system nor game end (except with zero acres).
Scoring could be measured in land and/or food (and/or men, but the only reason to want men is for planting the land).
One possible algorithm is: score = bushels + (acres * 19.5) + men.


This program is similar in purpose to TVTypewriter.aof except that it supports both uppercase and lowercase I/O.
Since the code for backspace is the same as that for lowercase "h" (8), and the code for a carriage return is the same as that for lowercase "m" (13), these two lowercase letters are unusable in this program.
Note that this program has not been tested on the genuine machine and the key bindings are mostly guesswork.


Move around the screen with U/D/L/R for up/down/left/right. Use O (not 0) to set cells (they will appear as small o characters or as squares, depending on VDU setting) and the spacebar to clear them. To begin the simulation, move (with D key) the cursor to the bottom row of the screen. Never move the cursor above the top of the screen.


Here is the disassembly of the machine code routine:

$5BF6: 73       REDD,r3
$5BF7: 3F 01 9A BSTA,un DECR
$5BFA: CB 02    STRR,r3 $5BFE
$5BFC: 17       RETC,un
$5BFD: ??       <unused>
$5BFE: <vv>     <value>


The provided dump tests the RAM at $2000..$7FFF. The normal result of running this program is no output (ie. success). The byte at $1512 is the high byte of the starting address. The low byte of the starting address is always $00. The byte at $1513 is the high byte of the (ending address + 1). The low byte of the ending address is always $FF. Therefore, you must test $xx00..yyFF (a multiple of 256 bytes, aligned at a 256-byte boundary). Eg. storing $80 at $1513 gives an ending address of $7FFF, and storing $48 there would give an ending address of $47FF. Ie.

start address =  *($1512) * $100;
end address   = (*($1513) * $100) - 1;

If you want to see error messages, you could change $1512 to $00 and $1513 to $80, to test $0000..$07FF (which is ROM and therefore fails the test). Output will loop until a key is pressed. Memory is tested destructively. Therefore, you must not test the $1510..$15A8 area, otherwise you will overwrite the program. Contrary to what is stated in the instructions, the are where the program is located ($1510..$15A8) is normal (ie. non- display) user RAM, not display RAM.


This program lacks documentation. It might be originally designed to be interactive rather than to use stored text.


INT seems to round to the nearest integer, rather than just dropping the fractional part. Therefore, "digits" range in value from 1..12.


"The program has been typed into SCREENs 5 and 6. LOAD does not work unless LIST has been used first." - Richard Rogers. To run this program, type the following:


You can change the 123 to a different number; it controls the number of blobs to write.


This program refers to (external) printer routines at $4000 and $4147.


This program seems to expect the address of KBIN to be $309. However, the correct address is $30F. This change has been made to the available dump. Also, the screen is filled with $00 ("@" symbol). This may be authentic.


PHUNSY means [Frank] PHilipse UNiversal SYstem.

Region Size Mini-PHUNSY Full version
$0800..$0BFF 1K RAM (optional) user RAM
$0C00..$0E40 577 bytes RAM (optional) MDCR RAM
$0E41..$0EDF 159 bytes RAM (optional) user RAM
$0EE0..$0EFF 32 bytes RAM (optional) monitor RAM (scratchpad)
$0F00..$0FFF 256 bytes RAM (optional) monitor RAM (command input buffer)
$1000..$17FF 2K RAM (optional) RAM (screen memory)
$1800..$1DFF 1536 bytes RAM (for use by BIOS) banked RAM ("U" bank)
$1E00..$1FFF 512 bytes ROM (Mini-Monitor BIOS) banked RAM ("U" bank)
$2000..$3FFF 8K unmapped? general purpose RAM
$4000..$7FFF 16K unmapped? banked RAM ("Q" bank)

Banks are:

U1: EPROM (PDCR (Portable Digital Cassette Recorder))
U2: EPROM (DASS (DisASSembler))
Q0: EPROM (MWB (MicroWorld BASIC)) ($4000..$5983)

To run a BASIC game (after loading it):

Q (if necessary) OLD RUN

To make BASIC usable (after loading it):


To use the label program:


There are various versions of the PHUNSY monitor:

PMON0400.BIN is 04-0 from 1982 (as used in Ami/WinArcadia)
PMON0401.BIN is 04-1 from 1982
PMON0402.BIN is 04-2 from 1983
PMON0403.BIN is 04-3 from 1982 (sic)
03A-PMON0404.BIN and 04A-PMON0404.bin are 04-4 from 1983

Control port (ie. WRTC operand):
Bits 7..4 select which U-bank to use at $1800..$1FFF
Bits 3..0 select which Q-bank to use at $4000..$7FFF
Control port reads (REDC) are for serial input.
Data port reads (REDD) are for parallel input.
If high bit of data port is clear, a key is down.
If high bit of data port is set, no key is down.
Sound is generated by rapidly toggling bit 1 of the data port (via WRTD).
Writing to extended port $7E (WRTE) sets the timer countdown. It is specified in units of 10 milliseconds (ie. 1/100ths of a second), and thus can range from 0.01 to 2.55 seconds ($01..$FF). After expiration, an interrupt is generated, causing execution to jump to $001D. The timer is automatically reloaded whenever it expires. Writing $00 disables the timer.

IOAD is the WRTZV pointer: normally $7AB (SROUT)
IIAD is the REDZV pointer $7D8 (SERIN)
ICAD is the CHIZV pointer $7C4 (DCHIN)

SERIN waits for a key to be pressed, then returns it. Its pseudocode is:

r5 = 0;
r4 = 8;
r0 = PORTC & 1;
} while (r0 != 0);
gosub DELAYC;
for (r4 = 8; r4 >= 1; r4--)
gosub DELAY;
r0 = (PORTC & 1) | r5;
r5 = r0 >> 1;
gosub DELAY;
r0 = r5 & %01111111;

CHINP returns a key if one is currently being pressed, otherwise it returns $7F (DEL). Its pseudocode is:

r0 = PORTD;
if (r0 & %10000000 == %10000000)
r0 = $7F [DEL];
PORTD = 4;
r0 = PORTD;
PORTD = 0;
r5 = PORTD;
} while (r5 & %10000000 == %10000000);
r0 &= $7F;

KEYIN waits for a key to be pressed, then returns it. Its pseudocode is:

r0 = PORTD;
} while (r0 & %10000000 == %10000000);
PORTD = 4;
r0 = PORTD;
PORTD = 0;
r5 = PORTD;
} while (r5 & %10000000 == %10000000);
r0 &= $7F;


The 24-key keyboard is as follows:

...0... ...4... ...8... ...C... ..D->M. .Reset.
...1... ...5... ...9... ...D... ..M->D. ..Halt.
...2... ...6... ...A... ...E... ...G... DumpCas
...3... ...7... ...B... ...F... ...Cl.. LoadCas

which in the emulator is (by default):

...a1.. ...a2.. ...a3.. NumLock ...n/.. ...n*..
...Q... ...W... ...E... ...n7.. ...n8.. ...n9..
...A... ...S... ...D... ...n4.. ...n5.. ...n6..
...Z... ...X... ...C... ...n1.. ...n2.. ...n3..

Cas = Cassette
Cl = Clear
D = Display
G = Go to
M = Memory

Output is 6 7-segment digits and 7 decimal points, as follows:


The first decimal point is always lit. The second to seventh are lit when IOPORT($13) is 1..6, respectively.

Game Help

These PHUNSY BINs are compatible with Ami/WinPHUNSY:

This is a subroutine designed to be called by other programs, by putting the desired ASCII value in r0 and calling $3700. The imagery for the character set is at $3000..$32FF. See the commented disassembly of this program for more details.
This works but takes a few moments.
This installs these routines:
800G show this help
803G read cassette to RAM
806G save RAM to cassette
809G continue read after error

Unsure what it is showing.
Eventually gets into an infinite output loop.

The emulator is too fast, or the "game" is too slow, by a 1:120 ratio (0.8%).
MODESTA,B,C,N (all except MODEST itself)
MWBAS-04,05,06 (all except 00 and M6):
Type NEW at startup, otherwise it will always just say "FILE ERROR".
MWBAS, 14A-MWBAS-06, 20A-MWBAS-06, MWBAS-M6 are the 24/12/1983 version.
13A-MWBAS-06 is the 23/4/1984 version.
MWBAS-07 is the 6/11/2010 version.
MWBAS-00, MWBAS-05 are undated.

PASS (both dumps)
Usage: U
Type eg. U0 to start viewing memory from address $0000.

Usage: 800G
Type eg. 800G0 to start viewing memory from address $0000.

SEE-EXT (all dumps)
all games in the MicroWorldBASIC/ directory

These dumps are incompatible, problematic or otherwise unusable:

BASIO-20 (It reads from extended I/O port(s) for some reason; possibly non-PHUNSY. Maybe it's eg. the CD2650 extended basic functions. Needs investigation.)
CDC-I/O (It's expecting there to be code at $6003 and there isn't any.)
CLOCK (10-A and 16-A. FUN.MDCR version is OK.)
CONV2>0 (This gosubs to $19EC (which doesn't contain anything) for some reason.)
DAME (This is an ASCII picture.)
I/OPACK (This seems to expect a different BIOS.)
MEMTA (Flashes INPUT ERR very briefly. Probably needs arguments to be provided.)
MODEST (both dumps)
PCITALK (Reads/writes from/to extended I/O port(s) for some reason.)
PHCSRD (This tries to read from the cassette (via the Sense pin).)
PHEDTR2 (both dumps) (This reads from extended I/O ports for some reason.)
PRPRG ((E)PR(OM) Pr(o)g(rammer)? Has PHUNSY monitor 04-P4 (special edition?) in it, and Malotaux programmer, and data for various non-Signetics chips.
ROW->COL (both dumps)
SEND-JET (This jumps to $1914 (which doesn't contain anything) for some reason.)
TPRINTER (both dumps)

The reasons are various, eg.:

the program is accessing unemulated hardware (eg. SER-I/O);
the "program" is really just a subroutine library for use by other programs (eg. BIG-CHAR);
the "program" is really just data;
the program might just have bugs (eg. FORTH-00?);
the program might be a bad dump;
the program is expecting command line arguments (eg. SEE-CHAR);
the program is not intended to produce any output (eg. CLEARMEM);

Translations of game names:

Dutch English
Dame Lady
Krant Newspaper
Liedjes Songs
Zooi Mess

Ravensburger Selbstbaucomputer

Region Size No BIOS With BIOS
$0000..$07FF 2K user RAM 2716 BIOS ROM or 28C16 BIOS EEPROM (bottom left of memory card)
$0800..$08FF 0.25K user RAM? 6116 BIOS RAM (top left of memory card)
$0900..$0FFF 1.75K user RAM? 6116 user RAM (top left of memory card)
$1000..$17FF 2K user RAM? 6116 RAM, 2716 ROM, or 28C16 EEPROM (bottom right of memory card)
$1800..$1FFF 2K user RAM? 6116 RAM, 2716 ROM, or 28C16 EEPROM (top right of memory card)
$2000..$7FFF 24K unmapped? unmapped?

"Selbstbaucomputer" translates to "Self-built computer". The subsystems of this system are:

No. German English Pages
1 Netzteil Power supply 69-80
2 Busplatte Bus board or backplane 81-92
3 Daten eingabe anzeige Data input display 93-110
4 CPU CPU 111-140
5 Addressen eingabe anzeige Address input display 141-147
6 Speicher Memory 148-172
7 Porteinheit Port unit 173-189
8 A/D-Wandler A/D converter (analog-to-digital converter) 190-212
9 Tastatur & anzeige Keyboard & display 213-239
10 Casetten-interface Cassette interface 240-249

The system could also be operated without any monitor! With this mode, you enter your code with a binary address switch and data switch in single step mode ;-) You start at address $0. After entering your program, you could run it at 1 Hz or 1 MHz, or stay in single step mode.

From the games book (autotranslated from German):

"At the beginning of all programs is the hardware used. "Basic version" means: CPU, data and address input and output, RAM memory and port module, without EPROM and without keyboard and display unit. In these cases is the switch on the memory card in Position "1" to bring so that the RAM area begins at address $0000. If you have the keyboard and display unit use the switch on the memory card in position "2" standing, so that the EPROM is at the beginning of the addressing area. Then you can use the data and address input and output units from detach from the bus plate. You can but also leave them connected. In the case need the data switch There in position DAFLOT and the Address switch Adr in position ADFLOT standing, otherwise nothing works. These two construction stages are of use to you then if you have a program in Single-STEP or single-CLOCK clock through then the switch must STEP-RUN on the keyboard in stand in the STEP position so that the seven-segment displays in case of her activation not be overloaded. You can then observe the program progress on the data and observe address input and output."

The 24-key keyboard is as follows:

...C... ...D... ...E... ...F... ..CMD.. .FLAG..
...8... ...9... ...A... ...B... ..RUN.. ..MON..
...4... ...5... ...6... ...7... ..GOTO. ..PC...
...0... ...1... ...2... ...3... ..RST.. ..NXT..

By default, these are mapped to the following host keys (on Ami/WinSelbstbaucomputer):

...a1.. ...a2.. ...a3.. .NumLk. ...n/.. ...n*..
...Q... ...W... ...E... ...n7.. ...n8.. ...n9..
...A... ...S... ...D... ...n4.. ...n5.. ...n6..
...Z... ...X... ...C... ...n1.. ...n2.. ...n3..

Diode colours are:

Diode Colour
OPACK green
OPREQ yellow
M/IO red
RUN/WAIT green
WRP red
FLAG red

Monitor BIOS

V0.9 BIOS functions:

HEXDEZ (ZBSR,un  *$3) @ $5E9 HEXBCD
CONV   (ZBSR,un  *$5) @ $230 CONVT
SEP    (ZBSR,un  *$7) @ $207 SEPNIB
COMB   (ZBSR,un  *$9) @ $21E COMNIB
DIS    (ZBSR,un  *$B) @  $E5 DISP
KIN    (ZBSR,un  *$D) @  $C4 KIN1
INIT   (ZBSR,un  *$F) @ $235 INIT1
SAVE   (ZBSR,un *$11) @ $24E INIT2
RECAL  (ZBSR,un *$13) @ $272 INIT3
CDIS   (ZBSR,un *$15) @ $296 CDISP
BPGOT  (ZBSR,un *$17) @ $574 BPFND
LODAT  (ZBSR,un *$19) @ $149 LOAD
ADDSUB (ZBSR,un *$1B) @ $6A0 ADSB
MULT   (ZBSR,un *$1D) @ $6CD MPYS
DIV    (ZBSR,un *$1F) @ $700 DIVS
DEZHEX (ZBSR,un *$21) @ $649 BCDHEX
SEPD   (ZBSR,un *$23) @ $197 SEPDIS
HEXD   (ZBSR,un *$25) @ $774 HEXD1
DHEX   (ZBSR,un *$27) @ $79D DHEX1
HEX    (ZBSR,un *$29) @ $79F DHEX2
DEZ    (ZBSR,un *$2B) @ $776 HEXD2
ERROR  (ZBSR,un *$2D) @ $432 ERR

Note that byte $673 of the V0.9 BIOS is not listed in the PDF. Its correct value has been ascertained to be $82.

V2.0 BIOS functions:

KIN    (ZBSR,un *$14) @ $384 KBIN
WBL    (ZBSR,un *$16) @ $16A WRBL
WCH    (ZBSR,un *$18) @ $425 WCHR
INPHX  (ZBSR,un *$1A) @ $1B6 INHX
OUTHX  (ZBSR,un *$1C) @  $4F HXO
LINEF  (ZBSR,un *$1E) @  $45 LFC
PUT    (ZBSR,un *$20) @ $2C1 SERO
GET    (ZBSR,un *$22) @ $35E SERI
HXTAB  (ZBSR,un *$24) @ $19A TABL
ADRES  (ZBSR,un *$26) @ $185 ADDR
CONTR  (ZBSR,un *$28) @ $48C CR
HO     (ZBSR,un *$2A) @ $4E5 HOME1
CURSL  (ZBSR,un *$2C) @ $4EE CURL3
CURSR  (ZBSR,un *$2E) @ $52B CURR1
CURSU  (ZBSR,un *$30) @ $5E6 CUUP1
CURSD  (ZBSR,un *$32) @ $4C2 LF1
SCCLR  (ZBSR,un *$34) @ $4CA CLR2
BACK   (ZBSR,un *$36) @ $51A BACK1

Monitor commands are:


Game Help

These programs are contained in the "2650 Programme.pdf" book:

German Name English Translation
440-Hz-Programm zum Abgleich des CLOCK-Oszillators 440 Hz program for the adjustment of clock oscillator
Portadressierung Port addressing
Einfache Addition Simple addition
Einfache Subtraktion Simple subtraction
Einfache Multiplikation Simple multiplication
Einfache Division Simple division
Verkehrsampel 1 Traffic lights 1
Blinklicht Beacon
Würfel Dice
Metronom Metronome
Lauflicht Running light
Voltmeter mit dualer Anzeige Dual display voltmeter
Denkzeitbegrenzer Think time limiter
Verkehrsampel 2 Traffic lights 2
VU-Meter Vumeter
Laufschrift Scrolling text
Würfelspiel Dice game
Reaktionstest Reaction test
Stoppuhr Stopwatch
Digitaluhr Digital clock
HEX-DEZ-HEX-Wandlung Hexadecimal-decimal-hexadecimal conversion
HEX-Rechnen Hexadecimal calculation
DEZ-Rechnen Decimal calculation
Lottozahlen Lotto numbers
Morse-Übungsprogramm Morse code practice
Voltmeter 2 (3stellig dezimal) Voltmeter 2 (3-digit decimal)


The entire program is as follows:

for (;;)
{ gosub GDEZ;
  *($827) = r3;
  *($828) = r2;
  { gosub KIN;
    r3 = *($800);
    REGS = r3;
  } while (r3 <= $0F || r3 >= $50);
  gosub GDEZ;
  *($829) = r3;
  *($82A) = r2;
  r3 = REGS;
  switch (r3)
  case  '-': PSL |= COM ; gosub ADDSUB;
  acase '+': PSL &= ~(COM); gosub ADDSUB;
  acase '*': gosub MULT;
  acase '/': gosub DIV;
  adefault:  r3 = *($812) = '3'; // 6th digit
             goto ERROR;
  gosub HEXD;
  gosub KIN;

{ gosub CDIS;
  gosub KIN;
  PSL &= ~(WC);
  r3 = *($800);
  if (r3 == '+')
  { *($8FF) = '+';
    r3 = *($80D) = 'P'; // 1st digit
  } elif (r3 == '-')
  { *($8FF) = '-';
    r3 = *($80D) = '-'; // 1st digit
} }
while (*($800) != '+' && *($800) != '-');
r2 = *($82D) = 5;
gosub LODAT;
r3 = $20;
if (*($8FF) != '-')
{ *($81A) |= $90;
*($82E..$830) = *($81A..$81C);
gosub DEZHEX;
r3 = *($82B);
r2 = *($82C);


This shows the number in binary on the glow LEDs; ie:

.......* means 1 was rolled
......*. means 2 was rolled
......** means 3 was rolled
.....*.. means 4 was rolled
.....*.* means 5 was rolled
.....**. means 6 was rolled


The entire program is as follows:

for (;;)
{ *($80D..$812) = 0;
  *($81B) = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
  { gosub RANDOM;
    gosub SUMME;
    gosub CONV;
    *($80D + i) = r3; // 1st..3rd segments
    gosub KIN;
} }

*($81C) = r3;
*($81B) += r3;
*($82B) = 0;
*($82C) = r3;
gosub HEXDEZ;
r3 = *($830);
*($801) = r3;
gosub SEP;
r3 = *($801);
gosub CONV;
*($811) = r3; // 5th segment
r3 = *($802);
gosub CONV;
*($812) = R3; // 6th segment
r3 = *($81C);

r0 = PSU & Sense;
r3 = 0;
if (r3 == 7) goto NEW;
r0 = PSU & Sense;
compare r0 against *($815);
if (==) goto LOOP;


The entire program is as follows:

gosub CDIS; // clear display
*(LOTTO..LOTTO+14) = 0; // or, *($8F0..$8FE) = 0;
RSLT = 0;
for (*($8F7) = 1; *($8F7) <= 7; *($8F7)++)
{ *(LOTTO + *($8F7)) = RANDOM();
  *($82C) = *($8F7);
  gosub HEXDEZ;
  r3 = *($830);
  DATA2 = r3;
  gosub SEP;
  *($812) = CONV(DATA3); // 6th digit
  *($811) = CONV(DATA2); // 5th digit
  *($80D) = CONV(*($8F7)); // 1st digit
  gosub KIN;
goto START;

WBUF = PSU & Sense;
for (r3 = 1; r3 <= 49; r3++)
{ if ((PSU & Sense) != WBUF)
  { r0 = r3;
  for (r2 = 1; r2 <= 7; r2++)
  { if (r0 == *(LOTTO + r2))
    { goto RANDOM;
  } } } }
return; // result is in r0 and also in r3

$830 is the number that has just been drawn (1..49).
$8F1..$8F6 are the drawn numbers.
$8F7 is the sequence number (1..3).

The randomizer constantly cycles through 1..49 and stops as soon as the Sense bit changes.

Morse Code Practice:

The data table is as follows:

Character Data Morse Notes
A $0240 %.-000000 -
B $0480 %-...0000 -
C $04A0 %-.-.0000 -
D $0380 %-..00000 -
E $0100 %.0000000 -
... ... ... ...
Z $04C0 %--..0000 -
0 $05F8 %-----000 -
1 $0578 %.----000 -
... ... ... ...
9 $05F0 %----.000 -
= $0588 %-...-000 -
; $06A8 %-.-.-.00 -
, $06CC %--..--00 -
- $0684 %-....-00 -
/ $0590 %-..-.000 -
: $06E0 %---...00 -
? $0630 %..--..00 -
. $0654 %.-.-.-00 -
  $05A8 %-.-.-000 Starting signal (/KA aka /CT)
+ $0550 %.-.-.000 New message follows (/RN aka /AR)

MIKIT 2650

Region Size MIKIT 2650-K1, 2650-P1 MIKIT 2650-K21, 2650-P21, 2650-K1+2650-K2
$0000..$01FF 512 bytes BIOS ROM BIOS ROM
$0200..$03FF 512 bytes unmapped? BIOS ROM
$0400..$041F 32 bytes BIOS RAM BIOS RAM
$0420..$04FF 234 bytes user RAM user RAM
$0500..$07FF 768 bytes unmapped? user RAM
$0800..$7FFF 30K unmapped? unmapped?

Both versions support keypad input and LED output.
MIKIT 2650-K1, 2650-P1 have 4 I/O ports, 512 bytes of ROM, 256 bytes of RAM.
MIKIT 2650-K21, 2650-P21, 2650-K1+2650-K2 have 8 I/O ports, 1K of ROM, 1K of RAM, and support cassette and teletype I/O.

The 8 glow LEDs controlled by writing to the Control port (WRTC).
The 6 LED digits are at $402..$407 (in BIOS RAM).
$FD is the entry point to the BIOS display routine.
The cassette recorder uses port 227 ($E3) for input and port 228 ($E4) for output.
The teletype uses port 229 ($E5) for input and port 226 ($E2) for output.

The 24-key keyboard is as follows:

.BLANK. ...R... ...C... ...D... ...E... ...F...
...+... ...G... ...8... ...9... ...A... ...B...
...H... ...P... ...4... ...P... ...6... ...7...
...L... ...S... ...0... ...1... ...2... ...3...

R = Read
+ = Add?
G = Go
H = Halt
P = Punch
L = Load
S = Store

By default, these are mapped to the following host keys (on Ami/WinMIKIT):

...a1.. ...a2.. ...a3.. .NumLk. ...n/.. ...n*..
...Q... ...W... ...E... ...n7.. ...n8.. ...n9..
...A... ...S... ...D... ...n4.. ...n5.. ...n6..
...Z... ...X... ...C... ...n1.. ...n2.. ...n3..

Game Help

Stufenzaehler (Program 5):

The entire program is as follows:

enable interrupts
use main register bank
clear With Carry
set signed compare
for (;;)
{ for (r1 = 1, r3 = N; r3 > 0; r1++, r3--)
  { r0 = *(&A + r3);
    if (r1 == r0)
    { PORTC = r1;
    while (PORTC != *(&B + r3));
} }

Ein- und Aus-Schaltbare Blinklampe (Program 7):

The entire program is as follows:

enable interrupts
use main register bank
clear With Carry
set signed compare
use main register bank
PORTC = ........; // clear glow LEDs
while (PORTC & %10000000);
for (;;)
{ PORTC = .......#; // light one glow LED
  for (r4 = 256; r4 > 0; r4--)
  { for (r5 = 48; r5 > 0; r5--)
    { if (PORTC & %00000001 == %00000000)
      { goto AUS;
  } } }
  PORTC = ........; // clear glow LEDs
  for (r4 = 256; r4 > 0; r4--)
  { for (r5 = 48; r5 > 0; r5--)
    { if (PORTC & %00000001 == %00000000)
      { goto AUS;
} } } }

Elektronischer Würfel (Program 8):

The entire program is as follows:

enable interrupts
use main register bank
clear With Carry
set unsigned compare
*($402..$407) = $66;
for (;;)
{ for (r1 = 6; r1 > 0; r1--)
  { gosub $FD;
    if (PORTC & %10000000 == %00000000)
    { *($407) = r1;
      { gosub $FD;
        r0 = PORTC;
      } while (r0 >= 1 && r0 <= 127);
} } }

Reaktionzeittest (Program 12):

Press any key to begin.
As soon as the numbers begin incrementing, press eg. the '1' key.

Codiertes Schloss (Program 13):

You have to press three keys in succession within limited times.
The keys you have to press are stored in *($52A..$52C) (in reverse order).
COD is $529.
Press 1, then 2, then 3.
The entire game is as follows:

enable interrupts
use main register bank
clear With Carry
set unsigned compare
PORTC = 0; // clear glow LEDs
while (PORTC != *($52D)); // wait for first key
for (r1 = 2; r1 >= 0; r1--)
{ for (r2 = 256; r2 > 0; r2--)
  { wait
    if (PORTC == *(&COD + r1)) // if pressed correct key
    { goto S1;
  } }
  PORTC = ########; // lose
  for (;;);
PORTC = #.#.#.#.; // win
for (;;);



Region Size Malzak 1 Malzak 2
$0000..$07FF 2K from $0000..$07FF of malzak.5 (ROM code) from $0000..$07FF of malzak.1a (ROM code)
$0800..$0BFF 1K from $0000..$03FF of malzak.4 (ROM code) from $0000..$03FF of malzak.2b (ROM code)
$0C00..$0FFF 1K from $0000..$03FF of malzak.3 (ROM data) (screen data?) banked area (controlled by bit 6 of I/O port $40)
Malzak 1: from $0000..$03FF of malzak.4d (ROM data) (screen data)
Malzak 2: from $0400..$07FF of malzak.4d (ROM data) (screen data)
$1000..$13FF 1K RAM RAM
$1400..$14FF 256 bytes 1st PVI 1st PVI
$1500..$15FF 256 bytes 2nd PVI 2nd PVI
$1600..$16FF 256 bytes playfield tilemap playfield tilemap
$1700..$17FF 256 bytes RAM NVRAM
$1800..$1E3F 1600 bytes teletext screen contents teletext screen contents
$1E40..$1FFF 448 bytes RAM? RAM?
$2000..$27FF 2K from $0800..$0FFF of malzak.5 (ROM code) from $0800..$0FFF of malzak.1a (ROM code)
$2800..$2BFF 1K empty from $0800..$0BFF of malzak.2b
$2C00..$2FFF 1K empty empty
$3000..$3FFF 4K mirror of $1000..$1FFF mirror of $1000..$1FFF
$4000..$43FF 1K from $0400..$07FF of malzak.4 (ROM code) (terrain code) from $0400..$07FF of malzak.2b (ROM code) (terrain code)
$4400..$4BFF 2K from $0000..$07FF of malzak.3 (ROM data) (terrain data) banked area? If so...
Malzak 1: from $0000..$07FF of malzak.3 (ROM data) (terrain data)
Malzak 2: from $0000..$07FF of malzak.3c (ROM data) (terrain data)
$4C00..$4FFF 1K empty empty
$5000..$5FFF 4K mirror of $1000..$1FFF mirror of $1000..$1FFF
$6000..$63FF 1K empty from $0C00..$0FFF of malzak.2b
$6400..$6FFF 3K empty empty
$7000..$7FFF 4K mirror of $1000..$1FFF mirror of $1000..$1FFF

malzak.1 (containing tile imagery) is not accessible to the CPU, nor is the teletext character imagery. Both are identical between Malzak 1 and Malzak 2.
$1xxx is deliberately mirrored at $3xxx, $5xxx, $7xxx, because on the 2650, you can only access data on the same 8K page, so mirroring is very useful for the game programmer (otherwise code in the $2000..$7FFF region could not directly access any of the RAM).

For Malzak 2, if *($14CC) is $00 (ie. test switch is at position 4), the game will enter test mode when booting. When it enters test mode, it clears the settings first.

Input devices are:

8-way digital joystick
P1, P2 buttons
Coin slot
Test switch (Malzak 2 only)

Input bits are:

Bit 7: up (active high)
Bit 6: left (active high)
Bit 5: right (active high)
Bit 4: fire (active high)
Bit 3: 2P (active high)
Bit 2: 1P (active high)
Bit 1: down (active high)
Bit 0: coin slot (active low)

Maps of Malzak 1 and 2 are available in the Maps Pack at http://amigan.yatho.com/maps.rar.

When you run out of fuel, your ship falls out of the sky, but your exhaust continues to burn and does not fall. This is probably authentic.

Astro Wars & Galaxia

Region Size Astro Wars Galaxia
$0000..$03FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of 08h.bin (ROM) from $0000..$03FF of 08h.bin (ROM)
$0400..$07FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of 10h.bin (ROM) from $0000..$03FF of 10h.bin (ROM)
$0800..$0BFF 1K from $0000..$03FF of 11h.bin (ROM) from $0000..$03FF of 11h.bin (ROM)
$0C00..$0FFF 1K from $0000..$03FF of 13h.bin (ROM) from $0000..$03FF of 13h.bin (ROM)
$1000..$13FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of 08i.bin (ROM) from $0000..$03FF of 08i.bin (ROM)
$1400..$14FF 256 bytes RAM banked:
when Flag bit of PSU is clear: bullet RAM
when Flag bit of PSU is set: palette RAM (16 bytes)
$1500..$15FF 256 bytes PVI 1st PVI
$1600..$16FF 256 bytes unmapped? 2nd PVI
$1700..$17FF 256 bytes unmapped? 3rd PVI
$1800..$1BFF 1K banked:
when Flag bit of PSU is clear: screen colours
when Flag bit of PSU is set: screen contents
when Flag bit of PSU is clear: screen colours
when Flag bit of PSU is set: screen contents
$1C00..$1CFF 256 bytes banked:
when Flag bit of PSU is clear: bullet RAM
when Flag bit of PSU is set: palette RAM (16 bytes)
$1D00..$1FFF 768 bytes unmapped? RAM
$2000..$23FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of 10i.bin (ROM) from $0000..$03FF of 10i.bin (ROM)
$2400..$27FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of 11i.bin (ROM) from $0000..$03FF of 11i.bin (ROM)
$2800..$2BFF 1K from $0000..$03FF of 13i.bin (ROM) from $0000..$03FF of 13i.bin (ROM)
$2C00..$2FFF 1K from $0000..$03FF of 11l.bin (ROM) from $0000..$03FF of 11l.bin (ROM)
$3000..$33FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of 13l.bin (ROM) from $0000..$03FF of 13l.bin (ROM)
$3400..$3FFF 3K mirror of $1400..$1FFF mirror of $1400..$1FFF
$4000..$53FF 5K unknown unknown
$5400..$5FFF 3K mirror of $1400..$1FFF mirror of $1400..$1FFF
$6000..$73FF 5K unknown unknown
$7400..$7FFF 3K mirror of $1400..$1FFF mirror of $1400..$1FFF

In Astro Wars, the yellow sprites are meteors, not bullets; this explains why they do not emanate from the enemy ships.

Laser Battle & Lazarian

Region Size Laser Battle Lazarian
$0000..$03FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of lb02.7c/laz.7c/02-1.7c from $0000..$03FF of lb02.7c/laz.7c/02-1.7c
$0400..$07FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of lb02.6c/laz.6c/02-2.6c from $0000..$03FF of lb02.6c/laz.6c/02-2.6c
$0800..$0BFF 1K from $0000..$03FF of lb02.5c/laz.5c/02-3.5c from $0000..$03FF of lb02.5c/laz.5c/02-3.5c
$0C00..$0FFF 1K from $0000..$03FF of lb02.3c/laz.3c/02-4.3c from $0000..$03FF of lb02.3c/laz.3c/02-4.3c
$1000..$13FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of lb02.2c/laz.2c/02-5.2c from $0000..$03FF of lb02.2c/laz.2c/02-5.2c
$1400..$14FF 256 bytes unused unused
$1500..$15FF 256 bytes 1st PVI 1st PVI
$1600..$16FF 256 bytes 2nd PVI 2nd PVI
$1700..$17FF 256 bytes 3rd PVI 3rd PVI
$1800..$1BFF 1K display RAM (write-only) display RAM (write-only)
$1C00..$1FFF 1K user RAM user RAM
$2000..$23FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of lb02.7b/laz.7b/02-6.7b from $0000..$03FF of lb02.7b/laz.7b/02-6.7b
$2400..$27FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of lb02.6b/laz.6b/02-7.6b from $0000..$03FF of lb02.6b/laz.6b/02-7.6b
$2800..$2BFF 1K from $0000..$03FF of lb02.5b/laz.5b/02-8.5b from $0000..$03FF of lb02.5b/laz.5b/02-8.5b
$2C00..$2FFF 1K from $0000..$03FF of lb02.3b/laz.3b/02-9.3b from $0000..$03FF of lb02.3b/laz.3b/02-9.3b
$3000..$33FF 1K from $0000..$03FF of lb02.2b from $0800..$0BFF of laz10-62.2b
$3400..$37FF 1K mirror of $1400..$17FF mirror of $1400..$17FF
$3800..$3BFF 1K mirror of $1800..$1BFF? from $0000..$03FF of laz10-62.2b
$3C00..$3FFF 1K mirror of $1C00..$1FFF mirror of $1C00..$1FFF
$4000..$43FF 1K from $0400..$07FF of lb02.7c/laz.7c/02-1.7c from $0400..$07FF of lb02.7c/laz.7c/02-1.7c
$4400..$47FF 1K from $0400..$07FF of lb02.6c/laz.6c/02-2.6c from $0400..$07FF of lb02.6c/laz.6c/02-2.6c
$4800..$4BFF 1K from $0400..$07FF of lb02.5c/laz.5c/02-3.5c from $0400..$07FF of lb02.5c/laz.5c/02-3.5c
$4C00..$4FFF 1K from $0400..$07FF of lb02.3c/laz.3c/02-4.3c from $0400..$07FF of lb02.3c/laz.3c/02-4.3c
$5000..$53FF 1K from $0400..$07FF of lb02.2c/laz.2c/02-5.2c from $0400..$07FF of lb02.2c/laz.2c/02-5.2c
$5400..$5FFF 3K mirror of $1400..$1FFF? mirror of $1400..$1FFF?
$6000..$63FF 1K from $0400..$07FF of lb02.7b/laz.7b/02-6.7b from $0400..$07FF of lb02.7b/laz.7b/02-6.7b
$6400..$67FF 1K from $0400..$07FF of lb02.6b/laz.6b/02-7.6b from $0400..$07FF of lb02.6b/laz.6b/02-7.6b
$6800..$6BFF 1K from $0400..$07FF of lb02.5b/laz.5b/02-8.5b from $0400..$07FF of lb02.5b/laz.5b/02-8.5b
$6C00..$6FFF 1K from $0400..$07FF of lb02.3b/laz.3b/02-9.3b from $0400..$07FF of lb02.3b/laz.3b/02-9.3b
$7000..$73FF 1K from $0C00..$0FFF of lb02.2b/laz10-62.2b/02-10-11.2b from $0C00..$0FFF of lb02.2b/laz10-62.2b/02-10-11.2b
$7400..$77FF 1K mirror of $1400..$17FF? mirror of $1400..$17FF?
$7800..$7BFF 1K mirror of $1800..$1BFF? from $0400..$07FF of laz10-62.2b
$7C00..$7FFF 1K mirror of $1C00..$1FFF? mirror of $1C00..$1FFF?

Extended I/O port $02 is multiplexed among four inputs. The games write to extended I/O port $06 to control which input is selected. The input ports are (all active low):

Input Bit(s) Laser Battle Lazarian
$00 7 Button 4 (0=pressed, 1=unpressed) Button 4 (0=pressed, 1=unpressed)
$00 6 Button 3 (0=pressed, 1=unpressed) Button 3 (0=pressed, 1=unpressed)
$00 5 Button 2 (0=pressed, 1=unpressed) Button 2 (0=pressed, 1=unpressed)
$00 4 Button 1 (0=pressed, 1=unpressed) Button 1 (0=pressed, 1=unpressed)
$00 3 Service A (0=pressed, 1=unpressed) Service A (0=pressed, 1=unpressed)
$00 2 Coin B (0="pressed", 1="unpressed") Coin B (0="pressed", 1="unpressed")
$00 1 P2 start (0=pressed, 1=unpressed) P2 start (0=pressed, 1=unpressed)
$00 0 P1 start (0=pressed, 1=unpressed) P1 start (0=pressed, 1=unpressed)
$10 7 Reset (0="pressed", 1="unpressed") Reset (0="pressed", 1="unpressed")
$10 6 Coin A (0="pressed", 1="unpressed") Coin A (0="pressed", 1="unpressed")
$10 5 ? ?
$10 4 ? ?
$10 3 ? ?
$10 2 ? ?
$10 1 ? ?
$10 0 ? ?
$20 7 Collision detection (0=off, 1=on) Collision detection (0=off, 1=on)
$20 6 Infinite lives (0=off, 1=on) Calibration display (0=off, 1=on)
$20 5..4 Lives:
%00 = 2 lives
%01 = 3 lives
%10 = 5 lives
%11 = 6 lives
%00 = 2 lives
%01 = 3 lives
%10 = 4 lives
%11 = 5 lives
$20 3..2 Coin B generosity:
%00 = 2 credits
%01 = 3 credits
%10 = 5 credits
%11 = 7 credits
Coin B generosity:
%00 = 2 credits
%01 = 3 credits
%10 = 5 credits
%11 = 7 credits
$20 1..0 Coin A generosity:
%00 = 1 credit
%01 = 2 credits
%10 = 3 credits
%11 = 5 credits
Coin A generosity:
%00 = ½ credit
%01 = 1 credit
%10 = 2 credits
%11 = 3 credits
$30 7 Joystick down (0=yes, 1=no) Joystick down (0=yes, 1=no)
$30 6 Joystick up (0=yes, 1=no) Joystick up (0=yes, 1=no)
$30 5 Joystick right (0=yes, 1=no) Joystick right (0=yes, 1=no)
$30 4 Joystick left (0=yes, 1=no) Joystick left (0=yes, 1=no)
$30 3 ? ?
$30 2 ? Freeze (0=off, 1=on)
$30 1 ? Firing (0=rapid, 1=normal)
$30 0 ? ?

Zaccaria Pinball for Android

Here is how to run the latest version of Zaccaria Pinball (on Android 4.4+), with all tables. Unfortunately an internet connection is required during play and there is only one ball (man/life) per game.

1. Go to https://d.apkpure.com/b/XAPK/hu.magicpixel.Zaccaria?versionCode=25 which will download Zaccaria Pinball_4.0.3_APKPure.apkx (1,049,698,248 bytes).

2. Rename Zaccaria Pinball_4.0.3_APKPure.apkx as Zaccaria Pinball_4.0.3_APKPure.zip

3. Extract this ZIP.

4. Make a new directory (folder): Internal storage/Android/obb/hu.magicpixel.Zaccaria

5. Move main.25.hu.magicpixel.Zaccaria.obb from wherever it was unZIPped to (typically Downloads), to Internal storage/Android/obb/hu.magicpixel.Zaccaria

6. Install hu.magicpixel.Zaccaria.apk as normal (by clicking on it).

Zaccaria Pinball for Switch

Here is how to emulate the Switch version of Zaccaria Pinball on 64-bit Windows 11 (at least), with all tables. Unfortunately the emulator crashes a lot, so perhaps an alternative emulator should be used instead (but Yuzu EA 4176 has similar issues).

1. Download the emulator + keys + firmware package: Nintendo Switch Emulator ryujinx 1.1.1403 win x64.torrent .

2. Extract ryujinx-1.1.1403-win_x64.rar to eg. C:\EMULATORS .
If WinRAR complains that the file is corrupt, your WinRAR version is probably too old (eg. WinRAR 3.62 and earlier are definitely too old); you will need to download and install a more recent version of WinRAR from https://www.rarlab.com .

3. Extract prod.keys and title.keys from Prodkeys.net_v19.0.0.zip to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Ryujinx\system , replacing username with your username.

4. Make a directory C:\EMULATORS\ryujinx-1.1.1403-win_x64\BIOS and extract all files from Firmware 19.0.0.zip to there.

5. Download Zaccaria Pinball [010092400A678000]+[v1.0.4+72DLC][US]_Patched.xci.rar (1,370,161,805 bytes) from https://send.cm/u79fqcimms2j.

6. Make a directory C:\EMULATORS\ryujinx-1.1.1403-win_x64\GAMES and extract Zaccaria Pinball [010092400A678000]+[v1.0.4+72DLC][US](nsw2u)_Patched.xci into it.

7. Click "Options|Settings...|User Interface|Game Directories|Add...", choose C:\EMULATORS\ryujinx-1.1.1403-win_x64\GAMES and click OK.

8. Right-click the Zaccaria Pinball icon, click "Manage Title Updates", click "Bundled: Version 1.0.4", click "Save".

9. Right-click the Zaccaria Pinball icon, click "Manage DLC", click "Enable All", click "Save".

10. Double-click the Zaccaria Pinball icon to run the game.

Pull the plunger back and release to launch the ball. Click the left or right side of the screen to operate the appropriate flipper.

Zaccaria Pinball for Windows

Here is how to run the latest version of Zaccaria Pinball (on Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11), which otherwise would require Steam, without DRM and with all tables:

1. Download Zaccaria_Pinball_v20220905_Steam_RiP from https://filecrypt.cc/Container/066D918234.html .
Extract it all to somewhere (eg. C:\GAMES\ZACCARIA). The password is cs.rin.ru .
If WinRAR complains that the file is corrupt, your WinRAR version is probably too old (eg. WinRAR 3.62 and earlier are definitely too old); you will need to download and install a more recent version of WinRAR from https://www.rarlab.com .

2. Download Zaccaria_Pinball_v20220905_Cracks_Only from https://filecrypt.cc/Container/C2CFA101D4.html .
Extract everything from SSE_v1.4.3 directory into the same directory as previously (thus overwriting ZaccariaPinball.exe and steam_api.dll). The password is cs.rin.ru .

3. Optionally, you can create a desktop shortcut as follows:
3a. Click on an empty part of the desktop, right-click and choose "New|Shortcut".
3b. Click "Browse...".
3c. Navigate to where SmartSteamLoader.exe is located (eg. C:\GAMES\ZACCARIA), click the SmartSteamLoader.exe file, and click "OK".
3d. Click "Next...".
3e. Change the shortcut name to eg. "Zaccaria Pinball" or whatever and press ENTER.

4. If you want a better icon for the shortcut:
4a. Download the icon from https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/444930/08bf6c6da88227cce20ef9e1993f128235a8a46f.ico (or "Save as.." the icon here on the right) into the same directory as SmartSteamLoader.exe (C:\GAMES\ZACCARIA or wherever).
4b. Click on the shortcut, right-click and choose "Properties".
4c. Click "Change Icon...".
4d. Click "Browse...".
4e. Double-click the 08bf6c6da88227cce20ef9e1993f128235a8a46f.ico file.
4f. Click "OK" twice.

5. At this point, you may be able to run SmartSteamLoader.exe to launch the game. If this does not work, undertake the below steps as necessary.

6. If you get errors about missing MSVCP100.dll and/or MSVCR100.dll files, or error 0xc000007b, you need either of these (your choice):
6a. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (4,483,040 bytes) from https://download.microsoft.com/download/5/D/8/5D8C65CB-C849-4025-8E95-C3966CAFD8AE/vcredist_x86.exe. Run the installer.
6b. Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update (8,993,774 bytes) from https://download.microsoft.com/download/1/6/5/165255E7-1014-4D0A-B094-B6A430A6BFFC/vcredist_x86.exe. Run the installer and choose the "Repair" option.
(You need the x86 (32-bit) version even if you have an x64 (64-bit) CPU.)

7. If you get errors about missing OpenAL32.dll, you need OpenAL.
You can get this from https://openal.org/downloads/oalinst.zip.
Extract oalinst.exe anywhere and run it.

Links were valid as at January 2023. The support thread is at https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=72437&e=0. If any links are no longer working, please advise; we have copies of all files archived.

These 16 tables have an annoying time-limited bonus ball:

Black Belt
Devil Riders
Earth, Wind, Fire
Magic Castle
Mexico '86
Pinball Champ
Pool Champion
Soccer Kings
Star's Phoenix
Time Machine

These 11 games don't have the time-limited bonus ball:

Fire Mountain
Hot Wheels
House of Diamonds
Mystic Star
Shooting the Rapids
Space Shuttle
Winter Sports


Comparative Tables

Platform Keyboard input VDU output Tape input Tape output Tape format Motor control
Emerson Arcadia 2001 Memory mapped Memory mapped n/a n/a n/a n/a
Interton VC 4000 Memory mapped Memory mapped n/a n/a n/a n/a
Elektor TV Games Computer Memory mapped Memory mapped 1515+ baud raw via CASIN 1515+ baud raw via CASOUT EOF No
PIPBUG 1 110 baud teletype via Sense 110 baud teletype via Flag 110 baud CUTS via Sense 110 baud CUTS via Flag AOF No
PIPBUG 2 110/300 baud teletype via Sense 110/300 baud teletype via Flag 110/300 baud CUTS via Sense 110/300 baud CUTS via Flag AOF? No?
HYBUG 300/600/1200 baud teletype? 300/600/1200 baud teletype? 300/600/1200 baud? 300/600/1200 baud? ? ?
BINBUG 3.6 300 baud teletype via Sense Memory mapped ? ? ? Yes, with ACOS
Signetics Instructor 50 Memory mapped ? ? baud via Sense ? baud via extended I/O port $F8 AOF No?
Central Data 2650 Parallel keyboard via Data port Memory mapped, 80*16 characters
300* baud CUTS via Sense
clear bit = 4 cycles of 1200Hz
set bit = 8 cycles of 2400Hz
300* baud CUTS via Flag
clear bit = 4 cycles of 1200Hz
set bit = 8 cycles of 2400Hz
PHUNSY ? Memory mapped, 64*32 characters
8-level greyscale
? ? ? ?
Ravensburger Selbstbaucomputer Parallel keyboard via port $07 Ports $1B & $1C 110 baud CUTS? via Sense 110 baud CUTS? via Flag ? Yes

* The 4.73 MHz (approx.) version of the Central Data 2650 operates at 1200 instead of 300 baud.

Platform Drives Size Tracks Track size Sectors/track Sector size Sectors Capacity Format(s) Dir sectors DOS sectors Max files Controller RPM Speed
BINBUG 0+ 5.25" 40 (0..39) 2.5K 10 (1..10) 256 bytes 400 100K RAW 10 3 100 1 MHz FD1771 300 12.5K/sec
Central Data 2650 0-4 5.25" 35 (0..34) 2.25K 9 (1..9) 256 bytes 315 78.75K RAW 18 128 64 1 MHz FD1771 300 11.25K/sec
Signetics TWIN 2 8" 77 (0..76) 4K 32 (0..31) 128 bytes 308 308K IMG, TWIN 4 27 78 ? 360 24K/sec

Speed = bytes per sector * sectors per track * revolutions per second.
(Speed of reading/writing processed bytes, assuming an infinitely fast CPU.)

Data is stored on the bottom (ie. non-label) side of a single-sided disk (the read-write head of a single-sided drive is on the bottom). Viewing the disk from below (ie. viewing the data side), the disk spins clockwise (thus sectors are numbered anticlockwise).
The drive motor on 8" floppy drives runs on 230V AC and is always on. The drive is kept spinning at all times. The head is unloaded when idle, but the disk is always spinning within its sleeve. The drive motor on 5.25" floppy drives is turned on and off as required.

.RAW files are raw disk files of 100K (102,400 bytes) (BINBUG) or 78.75K (80,640 bytes) CD2650), lacking sector and block numbers.
.IMG files are raw disk files of 308K (315,392 bytes), lacking sector and block numbers.
.TWIN files are disk files of 320,320 bytes, the same as .IMG except that each 128-byte sector is prepended with the track and sector numbers (thus becoming 130 bytes per sector).

Printer EUY-10E023LE Centronics Model 306C
Condensed width 32 columns * 8 dots = 256 dots 132 columns
Normal width 32 columns * 8 dots = 256 dots 80 columns
Expanded width 16 columns * 16 dots = 256 dots ?
Speed 2 lines/sec (512 dots/sec) ?
Paper size (printable area) ? cm * 60 m 2.5..8" * 11"
Paper size (total) 6 cm * 60 m 4..9.5" * 11"
Horizontal characters per inch (condensed mode) ? 16.5
Horizontal characters per inch (normal mode) ? 10
Vertical characters per inch ? 6

BIOS/DOS command cross-reference:

CPU: TVGC PIPBUG 1 BINBUG 3.6 SI50 SDOS 3.0 Supervisor Selbst Ami/WinArcadia
See & alter IAR PC REG C PC J|JUMP
See & alter PSU REG S 7 S7 REG 7 SEt PSU I8 CMD A E|POKE PSU
See & alter PSL REG S 8 S8 REG 8 SEt PSL I7 CMD A E|POKE PSL
See & alter registers REG S 0..6 S0..S6 REG 0..6 SEt R0..R6 I0..I6 CMD A E|POKE R0..R6
Set slave CPU mode Ice
Memory: TVGC PIPBUG 1 BINBUG 3.6 SI50 SDOS 3.0 Supervisor PHUNSY Selbst MIKIT Ami/WinArcadia
Compare (verify) memory V COMP
Copy (move) memory MOVe M NXT COPY|MOVE
Dump memory to screen D address1 address2 Dump I D|PEEK
Fill memory Fill P FILL
Patch memory REG F Patch :
See & alter memory MEM A address A MEM Exam
Program control: TVGC PIPBUG 1 BINBUG 6/7 SI50 SDOS 3.0 CD2650 PHUNSY Selbst MIKIT Ami/WinArcadia
Abort program Abort
Cold start DOS K
Continue program Cont G|P
Execute program START G address G RUN Go E (supervisor)
Go G|P
Generate an interrupt INT GI
Reset machine RST RST
F5 key
Step instruction STEP S
Suspend program Suspend G|P
Warm start DOS W
Debugging: TVGC PIPBUG 1 BINBUG 3.6 SI50 SDOS 3.0 Supervisor PHUNSY Selbst MIKIT Ami/WinArcadia
Clear breakpoint BP C 1|2 C BKPT CLBp C BP1/2 CMD C BC
Load debugger DEBug
Relocate debug utility programs Upr
Set breakpoint BP B 1|2 address B BKPT BKpt B BP1/2 CMD B Halt BP
Set trace mode TRace T
Show status of debugger DStat V|VIEW CPU
Show status of slave program STatus
Tapes: TVGC PIPBUG 1 BINBUG 3.6 SI50 Supervisor PHUNSY Selbst MIKIT
Adjust tape REG A
Issue MDCR command T
Load memory as AOF/EOF from tape RCAS L L RCAS L R CMD F Load
Run tape recorder R
Save (dump) memory as AOF/EOF to tape WCAS D address1 address2 D WCAS D W CMD D Store
Verify (check) tape V CMD E
Disks: SDOS 3.0 CD DOS Ami/WinArcadia
Format (initialize) disk FORMAT
List files on disk Ldir LIST DIR
List open files LOPEN
Raw read DISKRD
Raw write DISKWR
Relabel disk REName
Reset disk drives RESTORE
Set default drive DUNIT
Set system drive SYstem
Show free disk space Ldir FREE DIR
Show (inspect) raw sector(s) INSPECT
Verify (check) disk Verify
Files on disk: SDOS 3.0 CD DOS Ami/WinArcadia
Assemble source code ASM ASM
Compare files CMPf
Copy file(s) COPy
Delete file DELete DELETE DEL
Dump file (to screen) as hex and ASCII DFil
Edit file on disk EDIT
Load (read) AOF file from device Rhex
Load (read) IMAG file from disk LOAD
Load (read) & run IMAG file from disk RUN
Load (read) binary? file from disk READ
Load (read) MOD file from device LOad
Load (read) & run MOD file from device XEQ
Rename file REName RENAME
Print file without line numbers PRint
Print file with line numbers PRINTL
Reserve disk space for a new file ALLOC
Save (write) AOF file to device WHex
Save (write) binary? file to disk WRITE
Save (write) MOD file to device Module
Save (write) IMAG file to disk IMAGE
Set change code on file CCODE
Set inspection code on file ICODE
Truncate file DEALLOC
Channels: SDOS 3.0 CD DOS
Assign device to channel ASSign
Close channel/file CLose CLOSE
Inform OS of peripheral availability DEVice
Open file OPEN
Compare PROM against slave memory CProm
Compare SMS file against slave memory CSms
Punch memory as BPNF file to papertape Punch
Read/write/verify PROM PROm
Read PROM into slave memory RProm
Write slave memory to PROM WProm
Save (write) SMS file to device WSms
Command (script) files: SDOS 3.0
Comment *
Toggle termination condition Kill
Toggle echoing TYpe
Memory banks: PHUNSY
"Q" bank select/execute Q
"U" bank select/execute U
Show selected banks =
I/O ports: SDOS 3.0 Ami/WinArcadia
Read from I/O port REad READPORT
Write to I/O port WRite WRITEPORT
Miscellaneous: SDOS 3.0 CD DOS PHUNSY Ami/WinArcadia
Log in/on SIGNON
Set date DATE
Set default file type DTYPE
Set default codeword ENTER
Show date WHEN
Show error message S ERROR
Show OS ID X

Letters in lowercase are optional.

Timing table:

Area Arcadia (2622) 2621 BINBUG (DG640) CD2650 PHUNSY AY-3-8500-1 AY-3-8550
Horizontal back porch (pre-colourburst) -17..-16 (2) -21..-19 (3) ? - 58..65 (8) ? ?
Horizontal back porch (colourburst) -15..-7 (9) -18..-10 (9) ? - 66..81 (16) ? ?
Horizontal back porch (post-colourburst) -6..-1 (6) -9..-1 (9) ? - 82..127 (46) ? ?
Horizontal back porch (total) -17..-1 (17) -21..-1 (21) 702?..767 (66?) 776..903 (128) 58..127 (70) 0..26 (27) 0..26 (27)
Main display area (horizontal) 0..-40 (188) 0..-44 (184) 0..575 (576) 0..639 (640) 128..511 (384) 27..99 (73) 27..99 (73)
Horizontal front porch -39..-35 (5) -43..-39 (5) 576..641? (66?) 640..711 (72) 0..25 (26) 100..115 (16) 100..115 (16)
Horizontal retrace -34..-18 (17) -38..-22 (17) 642?..701? (60?) 712..775 (64) 26..57 (32) 116..127 (12) 116..127 (12)
Total (horizontal) -49..177 (227) -49..177 (227) 0..767 (768) 0..903 (904) 0..511 (512) 0..127 (128) 0..127 (128)
Vertical back porch -14..-1 (14) -28..-1 (28) ~286.5?..312.5 (~26?) 228..263 (36) 273..312 (40) 0..41 (42) 0..43 (44)
Main display area (vertical) 0..241 (242) 0..268 (269) 0..255 (256) 0..191 (192) 0..255 (256) 42..233 (192) 44..275 (232)
Vertical front porch -20..-18 (3) -43..~-30.5 (~13.5) 256..281? (26?) 192..215 (24) 256..268 (13) 234..257 (24) 276..305 (30)
Vertical retrace -17..-15 (3) ~-30.5..-29 (~2.5) 282?..~286.5? (~4.5?) 216..227 (12) 269..272 (4) 258..261 (4) 306..311 (6)
Total (vertical) 0..261 (262) 0..311 (312) 0..311.5 (312.5) 0..263 (264) 0..312 (313) 0..261 (262) 0..311 (312)
Main display 188*242=45,496 188*269=50,572 576*256=147,456 640*192=122,880 384*256=98,304 73*192=14,016 73*232=16,936
Entire display 227*262=59,474 227*312=70,824 768*312.5=240,000 904*264=238,656 512*313=160,256 128*262=33,536 128*312=39,936
Pixels per CPU cycle 4 4 12 12 8 - -
Pixels per second (method A) 59,474*60=3,568,440 70,824*50=3,541,200 240,000*50=12,000,000 238,656*60=14,319,360 160,256*50=8,012,800 33,536*60=2,012,160 39,936*50=1,996,800
Pixels per second (method B) 227÷64=3,546,875 227÷64=3,546,875 768÷64=12,000,000 904÷64=14,125,000 512÷64=8,000,000 128÷64=2,000,000 128÷64=2,000,000
Pixels per second (method C) 3,579,545 (+/- 10) 3,546,895 (+/- 35) ? 14,192,640 ? ? ?
CPU speed (Hz) (method A) 3,568,440÷4=892,110 3,541,200÷4=885,300 12,000,000÷12=1,000,000 14,319,360÷12=1,193,280 8,012,800÷8=1,001,600 - -
CPU speed (Hz) (method B) 227÷4÷64=886,718.75 227÷4÷64=886,718.75 768÷12÷64=1,000,000 904÷12÷64=1,177,083' 512÷8÷64=1,000,000 - -
CPU speed (Hz) (method C) 3,579,545÷4=894,886.25 3,546,895÷4=886,723.75 ? 14,192,640÷12=1.18272 ? - -
Frames per second (method A) 60÷1.001=~59.94 (NTSC) 50 (PAL) 50 (PAL) 60÷1.001=~59.94 (NTSC) 50 (PAL) 60÷1.001=~59.94 (NTSC) 50 (PAL)
Frames per second (method B) 3,546,875
Frames per second (method C) 3,579,545
? 14,192,640
? ? ?

Astro Wars and Lazarian, although they use PAL USGs (2621), have NTSC master clocks (14,318,180 Hz ÷ 4 = 3,579,545 Hz and 14,318,000 Hz ÷ 4 = 3,579,500 Hz, respectively).
To calculate pixels per µsec: Divide width of screen (eg. 227) by duration of line (64 µsecs) = 3.546875 pixels per µsec.
To calculate µsecs per pixel: Divide duration of line (64 µsecs) by width of screen (eg. 227) = 0.281938 µsecs per pixel (datasheet says 282 nsecs).
Method A assumes exactly 50/60 frames per second, and calculates all timings relative to that. (60÷1.001 would be more accurate than 60 for colour NTSC.)
Method B assumes exactly 64 µsecs per rastline, and calculates all timings relative to that.
Method C uses the master clock frequency as documented in eg. service manual, and calculates all timings relative to that. This is the most accurate method.

CALM Notation

Addressing mode notation (for eg. LODx instruction):

Addressing Mode Signetics Format Signetics Example CALM Format CALM Example
Register LODZ r LODZ r1 LOAD A,r LOAD A,B
Immediate LODI,r n LODI,r0 12 LOAD r,#n LOAD A,#12
Relative direct LODR,r m LODR,r0 1234 LOAD r,^m LOAD A,^1234
Relative indirect LODR,r *m LODR,r0 *1234 LOAD r,^@m LOAD A,^@1234
Absolute direct LODA,r m LODA,r0 1234 LOAD r,m LOAD A,1234
Absolute indirect LODA,r *m LODA,r0 *1234 LOAD r,@m LOAD A,@1234
Indexed direct LODA,r0 m,r LODA,r0 1234,r1 LOAD A,(r)+m LOAD A,(B)+1234
Indexed indirect LODA,r0 *m,r LODA,r0 *1234,r1 LOAD A,(r)+@m LOAD A,(B)+@1234
Indexed direct with pre-increment LODA,r0 m,r+ LODA,r0 1234,r1+ LOAD A,(+r)+m LOAD A,(+B)+1234
Indexed indirect with pre-increment LODA,r0 *m,r+ LODA,r0 *1234,r1+ LOAD A,(+r)+@m LOAD A,(+B)+@1234
Indexed direct with pre-decrement LODA,r0 m,r- LODA,r0 1234,r1- LOAD A,(-r)+m LOAD A,(-B)+1234
Indexed indirect with pre-decrement LODA,r0 *m,r- LODA,r0 *1234,r1- LOAD A,(-r)+@m LOAD A,(-B)+@1234

Program Status Word bits:

Signetics Name Signetics Abbrev. Signetics Letter CALM Name CALM Abbrev. CALM Letter
Sense S S Input I I
Flag F F Output O O
Interrupt Inhibit II I Interrupt mask bit IOF F
Inter-Digit Carry IDC D Half carry H H
Register Select RS R BANK1 B B

Project Numbers

Electronics Australia:

Project Reference Description EA Issue Pages Main chip(s) Retailer
77ut2 2/CC/16
Video Data Terminal Jan 1977
Feb 1977
Signetics 2513 character generator
Nat. Semi. MM5740AAF keyboard encoder
77up2 2/CC/18 2650 Baby Computer Mar 1977 68-69,71-73 Signetics 2650 CPU AT ($75 in Feb '78)
77cc4 2/CC/19 CUTS cassette interface Apr 1977 40-45 Signetics 555 timer ?
77up5 8/M/13 "Mini-SCAMP" computer Apr 1977 ? SC/MP CPU ?
? 2/CC/23 Low Cost VDU Feb 1978 64-65,67-68 Signetics 2513 character generator AT ($99.50 in Feb-Apr '78)
78m5 2/CC/25? ├ Video modulator (& power supply) for Low Cost VDU Apr 1978 48-49,51,53,55-56 - AT ($22.50 in Feb '78)
78ut4 2/CC/25 ├ Keyboard for Low Cost VDU Apr 1978 48-49,51,53,55-56 - ?
? 2/CC/30 └ Alternative keyboard for Low Cost VDU Sep 1978 92-93 MM5303M ?
78up5 2/CC/26 2650 Mini Computer May 1978 54-58 Signetics 2650 CPU ?
78up9 2/CC/32 ├ Expansion Board for 2650 Mini Computer Nov 1978 70-73,75-76 - ?
78up10 2/CC/33 ├ Extra RAM for 2650 Mini Computer Dec 1978 83,85,87-88 2114 SRAMs ?
79up1 2/CC/35 └ EPROM Programmer for 2650 Mini Computer et al. Feb 1979 84-86,88-89 2704/2708 EPROMs ?
78ut9 2/CC/28
Ultra Low Cost VDU Aug 1978
Sep 1978
Signetics 2513 character generator
Motorola 6800 CPU
? 2/CC/46 └ Serial Interface for Ultra Low Cost VDU Nov 1979 83,85,87-88 Signetics 2536 UART ?

Electronics Today International:

Project Description Magazine Pages Main chip(s) Retailer
ETI-560 Mains Cable Seeker ETI AU May 80 ? - ?
ETI-560 Low Cost VDU ETI UK Aug 76
ETI UK Sep 76
ETI UK Oct 76
Signetics 2513 character generator RF Equipment Spares (£445 in Oct '76)
ETI-632 VDU ETI AU Jan 77
ETI AU Feb 77
ETI AU Mar 77
Signetics 2513 character generator AT ($158.50 in Mar '77), Orbit
ETI-630 ├ Hex display for ETI-631 or SCMPIO ETI AU Dec 76 56-? ? AEC, AT ($13.75 in Dec '76)
ETI-631 ├ ASCII keyboard & encoder ETI AU Dec 76 47-52 Harris HD0165 keyboard encoder AEC, AT, Orbit
ETI-631F ├ ASCII keyboard & encoder for System 68 ETI UK Apr 77 25-30 Harris HD0165 keyboard encoder ?
ETI-631-2 ├ ASCII keyboard & encoder ETI AU Apr 77 55-59 4078 glue logic AEC, AT, Orbit
ETI-633 └ TV Sync Generator for ETI-632 (and others) ETI AU Jan 77 65-68 4072 counter AEC, AT ($17.75 in Mar '77)
ETI-634 EDU interface ETI AU Aug 78 ? Intel 8080 CPU -
ETI-635 S-100 Microcomputer Power Supply ETI AU Sep 77 66-69 - -
ETI-636 ├ Low Cost S-100 Motherboard ETI AU May 80 52-54 - ?
ETI-642 ├ 16K S-100 RAM card ETI AU Feb 79 53-57 2114 SRAMs ?
ETI-682 └ S-100 PROM board ETI AU Mar 81 ? ? ?
ETI-637 CUTS cassette interface ETI AU Jan 78 25-28 Signetics 555 timer AEC, AT, DSE, SV
ETI-638 EPROM programmer ETI AU Jul 78 ? Motorola 6800 CPU AEC, AT
ETI-639 Computerized musical doorbell ETI AU Mar 78 ? ? AT
aka DG640, MW640
S-100 VDU for 2650-based machines (and others) ETI AU Apr 78
ETI AU May 78
ETI AU Jun 78
MCM6574/MCM6674 character generator AT, Orbit, SV
ETI-681 aka TCT PCG └ S-100 Programmable Character Generator for ETI-640 (and others) ETI AU Jun 80 67-74 2114 SRAMs AT ($150-$175 (est.) in Jun '80; $140 in Jul '80)
ETI-641 S-100 thermal printer based on Philips EUR-10E023LE ETI AU Sep 78 ? Intel 8080 CPU -
ETI-643 Universal EPROM programmer card ETI AU Dec 79
ETI AU Jan 80
Intel 8080 CPU ?
ETI-644 Modem ETI AU Oct 82
ETI Computer Projects #1
? Altronics, Jaycar, Microtrix, RIE
ETI-644A └ A revision for the ETI-644 modem ETI Computer Projects #1 ? ? ?
ETI-645 A turtle robot (aka "Tasman Turtle") ETI AU Feb 82
ETI AU Apr 82
ETI AU May 82
ETI AU Jun 82
SAA1027 motor controllers Flexible Systems (assembled) ($799 in Feb '82)
ETI AU (minimum kit) ($349 in Apr-Jul '82)
ETI-646 ├ A hand controller for the turtle robot ETI AU Jul 82 84-86 4011 quad NAND gates Flexible Systems ($55 (kit) and $79 (assembled) in Jul '82)
ETI-647 └ Speech synthesizer for the turtle robot (and others) (aka "Turtle Talk") ETI AU Sep 82
ETI AU Oct 82
MM54104 SPC
Flexible Systems ($240 in Jun '82), ETI AU ($250 in Oct '82), RIE
ETI-648 Micro-Grasp robot arm ETI Computers & Computing #4 6-13,15-19 - ?
ETI-649 Light pen for Microbee ETI Computers & Computing #4 ? ? ?
ETI-650 STAC (Standard Timer And Controller) timer ETI AU Nov 78 ? ? AT
ETI-651 Binary-to-hex number converter ETI AU Jun 79 ? Signetics 2650 CPU ?
ETI-652 Atari joystick interface for System 80 ETI AU Aug 82 ? ? ?
ETI-653 16-channel computer output driver ETI Computers & Computing #4 ? ? ?
ETI-654 General purpose Apple I/O card ETI Computers & Computing #4 ? ? ?
ETI-656 EPROM debugger ETI Computer Projects #1 35-37 2716 EPROM ?
ETI-658 RS-232 breakout box ETI Computer Projects #1 ? ? ?
ETI-659 VIC-20 audio cassette interface ETI AU May 84 ? ? ?
ETI-660 Learner's microcomputer ETI AU May-Jun 81, Oct-Nov 81 ? 1802 CPU AEC ($99 in Apr '82)
ETI-661 └ Chord tutor adaptor for ETI-660 ETI AU Nov 84 ? ? ?
ETI-662 6802 processor board ETI AU Apr 84 ? Motorola 6802 CPU ?
ETI-664 Hobbybot robot ETI AU Nov-Dec 85 ? ? ?
ETI-665 Computing routing switch ETI AU Oct 85 ? ? ?
ETI-666 Printer switch ETI AU Feb 85 ? ? ?
ETI-667 Printer sharer ETI AU Apr 85 ? ? ?
ETI-668 Microbee EPROM programmer ETI AU Feb 83 ? ? ?
ETI-669 └ Upgrade for ETI-668 ETI AU Sep 88 ? ? ?
ETI-671 Microbee parallel printer interface ETI Computer Projects #1 ? ? ?
ETI-672 Microbee teletype printer interface ETI Computer Projects #1 ? ? ?
ETI-673 Microbee multi-PROM interface ETI Computer Projects #1 ? ? ?
ETI-674 Microbee joystick controller ETI AU Dec 83 ? ? ?
ETI-675 Microbee serial-parallel interface ETI Computer Projects #1 ? ? ?
ETI-676 Microbee RS-232 interface ETI Computer Projects #1 ? ? ?
ETI-677 Chatterbox voice synthesiser for Centronics parallel port ETI AU Jan 85 ? Votrax SC-01 synthesizer ?
ETI-678 Microbee ROM reader ETI Computer Projects #1 ? ? ?
ETI-679 Microbee joystick adapter ETI AU Jun 85 ? ? ?
ETI-680 aka DG680 Microcomputer ETI AU Nov 79 ? Zilog Z80 CPU ?
ETI-683 Computer controller ETI AU Dec 84 ? ? ?
ETI-684 Intelligent modem ETI AU Dec 85, Feb-Mar 86, Jun-Aug 86 ? ? ?
ETI-685 2650-based Single Board Computer for S-100 bus ETI AU Dec 81 ? Signetics 2650A/2650A-1 CPU ?
ETI-670 ├ Low Cost ASCII Keyboard for ETI-685 (and others) ETI AU May 82 99-103 GI AY-5-2376 keyboard encoder AEC, Amtex, Electronic Agencies, RIE
ETI-686 └ PPI-based EPROM Programmer for ETI-685 (and others) ETI AU Oct 82
ETI Computer Projects #1
2708/2716 EPROMs Ron Koenig
ETI-687 VZ-200 update ETI AU Jul 86 ? ? ?
ETI-688 Bipolar PROM Programmer ETI AU Jun 83
ETI Computers & Computing #4
- ?
ETI-689 Bus sharing switch ETI Jan 86 ? ? ?
ETI-690 "Little Big Board" computer ETI Computer Projects #1 ? Zilog Z80A CPU ?
ETI-692 Current Loop Interface (TTY to RS-232 adapter) ETI AU Jan 85 68-69,72 ? ?
ETI-804 Pong game (B&W) ETI AU Nov 76
ETI UK May 77
General Instrument AY-3-8500 Appollo ($52.50 in Jan '77), AT, DSE
ETI-804 ├ Pong game (colour) - - GI AY-3-8500 + AY-3-8515 Appollo ($82.50 in Jan '77)
ETI-804 ├ Colour converter - - General Instrument AY-3-8515 Appollo ($34.50 in Jan '77)
ETI-804-1 └ Rifle kit ETI AU Mar 77 54-55 - Appollo ($25 in Jan '77), DSE
ETI-810 Stunt cycle game ETI AU Jun 78 31-37 General Instrument AY-3-8760 DSE, Orbit
ETI-811 Tank game ETI AU Oct 78 ? General Instrument AY-3-8710 AEC, DSE, Orbit

ETI-630 scan is missing because the available scan of ETI AU Dec '76 is missing pages 55-62.
ETI-638,641,643,647 can be connected to any CPU (but the provided software is not written for the 2650).
ETI-645 (and therefore also its accessory projects) is compatible with ETI-685 as mentioned in ETI Aug 1982, p. 91.
ETI-685 can use PIPBUG, BINBUG or SBCBUG (which is basically BINBUG + ACOS). It is compatible with ETI-635,636,640,642,645,670,681,682,686. The cassette interface (promised in ETI AU Dec 1981, p. 104) and real-time clock/calendar (promised in ETI AU Mar 1982, p. 95) were never published.
All dollar prices in the preceding two tables are in $AUD. Prices are generally for kits, except where otherwise specified, and are generally inclusive of taxes but exclusive of postage.
Appollo (with two Ps) is really how the company name was spelt.
AEC = All Electric Components (formerly ED&E Sales), AT = Applied Technology, DSE = Dick Smith Electronics, RIE = Rod Irving Electronics, SV = Silicon Valley.

Other magazines and non-projects:

Project Description Retailer Magazine Price
CT750 Kansas City cassette interface (assembled) Applied Technology EA Nov '77, p. 98 $AUD37.50
? Kansas City cassette interface (kit) Applied Technology EA Nov '77, p. 98 $AUD22.50
MW850 S-100 motherboard Applied Technology (Owen J. Hill) ? ?
MW864 64K SRAM Applied Technology ? ?
MW6545 CRT controller (S-100 card) Applied Technology (John Wilmshurst) ? ?
KB04 Universal Keyboard in Teletype Model 33 ASR layout Applied Technology ETI AU Feb '78, p. 70 $AUD59.50
KB05 ├ Number pad Applied Technology ETI AU Feb '78, p. 70 $AUD16.50
KB06 ├ Cursor control Applied Technology ETI AU Feb '78, p. 70 $AUD7.50
KB10 └ Spare key switches Applied Technology ETI AU Feb '78, p. 70 $AUD2
KT9500 Signetics KT9500 (fully buffered kit) Signetics/Philips
Applied Technology
EA Sep '76, p. 64-67
EA Dec '77, p. 72
KT9500 Signetics KT9500 (motherboard with component kit) Applied Technology EA Dec '77, p. 72 $AUD35
PC1001 Prototyping card Signetics/Philips EA Sep '76, p. 64-67 $AUD345
PC1500 Evaluation kit Signetics/Philips EA Sep '76, p. 64-67 $AUD245
PC2000 4K RAM expansion board Signetics/Philips EA Sep '76, p. 64-67 $AUD400
SCMPIO Front panel kit (TTY replacement) (for Baby 2650) Applied Technology EA Mar '77, p. 64 $AUD49.50
? EA Baby 2650 -> KT9500 conversion kit Applied Technology EA Dec '77, p. 72 $AUD142
EPS 9965 (KB05) Fully encoded ASCII keyboard Elektor Elektor Nov '78, p. 6-11 £6.50/$USD14.35
EPS 9966 Elekterminal Elektor Elektor Dec '78, p. 16-24 £10.85/$USD23.95
EPS 77084 AY-3-8500-based Pong game Elektor Elektor Jul/Aug '77, p. 40-41 £2.05/$USD4.50

CT750 was "adapted from a design described in Radio Electronics" (presumably sometime in Nov '75-May '77) but this design has not been located.
Dark grey items are irrelevant. Light grey items are semi-relevant (eg. could be feasibly adapted).
Elektor magazine articles pertaining to the Elektor TV Games Computer are covered in its Coding Guide .

Component Numbers

Component Manufacturer Description Used in
1N4003 ? Silicon diode Astro Wars CPU [44]
1N4004 ? Silicon diode Lazarian game, Lazarian sound
? Silicon diode Voltmace [D9], PC1001 [D20], EA 78up5, ETI-685 [D1..3], ETI-692 [D1,2], ETI-640 [D1..11], ETI-681 [D3,4], Selbstbaucomputer data input display, Selbstbaucomputer address input display, Selbstbaucomputer keyboard & display, Astro Wars CPU [45], Astro Wars sound [D1..4], Lazarian game, Lazarian sound
1702A Intel MOS erasable PROM TWIN PROM burner [PROM 1]
OA91 ? Germanium diode ETI-640 [D12..15]
2N2219 ? Silicon NPN transistor Elekterminal [T4]
? Silicon NPN transistor ETI-640 [Q2]
2N3055 ? Silicon NPN transistor ETI-636 [Q3]
2101-1N ? 256*4-bit (128-byte) SRAM Astro Wars CPU [27]
Signetics 1024*1-bit (128-byte) SRAM EA LCVDU [IC40..45], Elekterminal [IC1..6], ETI-640 [IC22..31], ETI-681 [IC7,8], CD2650 [IC30..45], Galaxia
? 256*4-bit (128-byte) SRAM Basic Elektor [IC13..28], EA 77up2, ETI LCVDU [IC24,25], Instructor 50, Astro Wars CPU [28]
Fairchild 1024*4-bit (512-byte) SRAM Arcadia [U11,U12], Interton, expanded Elektor [IC4..9], EA 78up5, ETI-685 [IC11..14,26..29], ETI-681 [IC14..17], Astro Wars CPU [29], Galaxia, Lazarian game
2332 Commodore 4K PROM Arcadia
2504 Signetics 1024-bit DSR (Dynamic Shift Register) ?
General Instrument
Character Generator EA LCVDU [IC35], ETI LCVDU [IC7], Elekterminal [IC11]
2519 Signetics 40-bit SSR (Static Shift Register) ?
2602 Signetics 1024*1-bit (128-byte) SRAM ?
2606 Signetics 256*4-bit (128-byte) SRAM PC1001 [IC6..9,15..18]
2608 (CN0035) Signetics 1K PROM (PIPBUG 1 monitor) EA77 up2, EA 78up5
2616 Signetics 2K PROM Interton, basic Elektor [IC2] (monitor BIOS)
Signetics PAL USG (Universal Sync Generator) Arcadia, Fountain [IC7], Voltmace, basic Elektor [IC4], Astro Wars CPU [24], Galaxia, Lazarian game
2622 Signetics NTSC USG (Universal Sync Generator) Arcadia [U7]
2632 Signetics 4K PROM Interton
Signetics PVI (Programmable Video Interface) Fountain [IC2], Voltmace [U2], basic Elektor [IC3], Astro Wars CPU [25], Galaxia, Lazarian game
2637 Signetics UVI (Universal Video Interface) Arcadia [U9]
2650 Signetics CPU (<= 1.25 MHz, 1975) Arcadia [U10], PC1001 [IC23], EA 77up2, EA 78up5, Instructor 50, CD2650 [IC1], main PHUNSY, Galaxia, Lazarian
2650-1 Signetics CPU (<= 2 MHz, <= 1976) ?
Signetics CPU (<= 1.25 MHz, 1977) Fountain [IC1], Voltmace [U1], basic Elektor [IC1], ETI-685 [IC30], Astro Wars CPU [26]
MAB 2650A Philips CPU (<= 1.25 MHz, 197x) Selbstbaucomputer CPU [IC1]
2650A-1 Signetics CPU (<= 2 MHz, 1977) Malzak
2650B Signetics CPU (<= 1.25 MHz, 1977) Not produced?
2650B-1 Signetics CPU (<= 2 MHz, 1977?) Not produced?
2650-P-02 Synertek *NOT* Signetics 2650-compatible! -
2651 Signetics PCI (Programmable Communications Interface) MIKIT?
2652 Signetics Multi-Protocol Comms Circuit (incl. Sync. Data Link Control (SDLC)) ?
2653 Signetics Polynomial Generator/Checker ?
PPI (Programmable Peripheral Interface) ETI-685 [IC32]
2656 Signetics SMI (System Memory Interface) Instructor 50
2657 Signetics DMA (Direct Memory Access) controller ?
2661 Signetics EPCI (Enhanced Programmable Communication Interface) ?
2670 Signetics Display Character and Graphics Generator ?
2671 Signetics Programmable Keyboard and Communications Controller ?
2672 Signetics Programmable Video Timing Controller ?
2673 Signetics Video Attributes Controller ?
2681 Signetics DUART (Dual Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) ?
2708 ? 1024*8-bit (1K) EPROM ETI-685 [IC15,16], Astro Wars [31..42], Galaxia
2716 Texas Instruments 2K*8-bit (2K) EPROM Elektor, ETI-685 [IC15,16], Selbstbaucomputer memory [IC3], Galaxia, Lazarian game
? 4K*8-bit (4K) EPROM Voltmace cartridges [U1], Elektor, Lazarian game
28C16 Intel 2K EEPROM Selbstbaucomputer
2981 ? ? Instructor 50
3624 ? PROM CD2650 [IC13..20,48..49]
4N28 ? Opto-coupler ETI-692 [IC1..2]
HEF 4011
? Quad 2-input NAND gate Elekterminal [IC16], Selbstbaucomputer cassette interface [IC2]
4015 ? Dual 4-stage shift register Elektor randomizer [IC2]
HEF 4016
? Quad analog switch Arcadia [U4], expanded Elektor [IC14], Selbstbaucomputer cassette interface [IC4], Lazarian sound
4024 ? 7-stage binary ripple counter Elekterminal [IC14,15]
CD 4040 ? 12-stage binary ripple counter ETI-640 [IC38,39]
4049 ? Hex inverter (CMOS) PC1001 [IC30]
4051 ? Single 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer ETI-681 [IC28]
CD 4053
HEF 4053B
? Triple 2-channel multiplexer/demultiplexer Fountain [IC6], Basic Elektor [IC10]
4069 ? Hex inverter gate Arcadia [U6]
4070 ? Quad 2-input XOR gate Elektor randomizer [IC1]
4072 ? Dual 4-input OR gate ETI-685 [IC50]
4081 ? Quad 2-input AND gate Elekterminal [IC17,21]
4097 ? Single differential 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer Galaxia
CD 4099 ? 8-bit addressable latch Basic Elektor [IC9]
40097 ? 3-state hex driver Astro Wars CPU [30], Lazarian game
4116 ? 2K DRAM PHUNSY memory
HEF 4528 ? Dual monostable multivibrator Selbstbaucomputer cassette interface [IC3]
5082-4870450 Hewlett-Packard LED indicator DS [L1..41]
Timer Elektor EPROM [IC1], ETI-685 [IC40], EA LCVDU [IC8], ETI LCVDU [IC1..4,28], ETI-640 [IC8], ETI-681 [IC31..33], CD2650 [IC72], main PHUNSY, Astro Wars sound [IC5], Galaxia
555-3007 Dialco LED indicator PC1001 [D1..19]
6116 IDT 2048*8-bit (2K) SRAM Selbstbaucomputer memory [IC2]
? Quad 2-input NAND gate Arcadia [U1], Voltmace cartridges [U2A..E], Basic Elektor [IC37], expanded Elektor [IC30..31], Elektor EPROM [IC2], PC1001 [IC28], ETI-685 [IC5,39], EA LCVDU [IC4], ETI LCVDU [IC5,13,14,16,20,21,29], Elekterminal [IC19], ETI-640 [IC16], ETI-681 [IC4,30], Instructor 50, CD2650 [IC25,71,76], PHUNSY interface, PHUNSY video, PHUNSY memory, Selbstbaucomputer CPU [IC5,6], Selbstbaucomputer port unit [IC2], Selbstbaucomputer A/D converter [IC4], Astro Wars CPU [2], Lazarian game
741 ? ? ETI-685 [IC6]
? Quad 2-input NOR gate EA 78up9, ETI-685 [IC44], EA LCVDU [IC1,11,21], Instructor 50, PHUNSY memory, Selbstbaucomputer port unit [IC3], Selbstbaucomputer display [IC2], Astro Wars CPU [3], Galaxia, Lazarian game
? Quad 2-input NAND gate ETI LCVDU [IC8,9], Instructor 50
? Hex 1-input inverter gate Arcadia [U2], Basic Elektor [IC31], expanded Elektor [IC24,26,28], ETI-685 [IC31,36], EA LCVDU [IC23,28], ETI LCVDU [IC10], Elekterm,48inal [IC18], ETI-640 [IC9,32], Instructor 50, CD2650 [IC53,63,67], main PHUNSY, PHUNSY video, Astro Wars CPU [4,5], Astro Wars sound [IC2], Lazarian game, Lazarian sound
74LS05 ? Hex 1-input inverter gate Basic Elektor [IC30], Selbstbaucomputer data input display [IC1,2], Selbstbaucomputer CPU [IC4], Selbstbaucomputer address input display [IC1,2]
7406 ? Hex 1-input open collector inverter gate DS [IC5..9], PHUNSY interface, Astro Wars CPU [6], Lazarian game, Lazarian sound
7407 ? Hex buffer gate Main PHUNSY, PHUNSY video
? Quad 2-input AND gate Basic Elektor [IC29], expanded Elektor [IC25], PC1001 [IC29,33], ETI-685 [IC19], EA LCVDU [IC9,11,21,31], Instructor 50, CD2650 [IC11,64,69], Astro Wars CPU [7], Astro Wars sound [IC1], Lazarian game
? Triple 3-input NAND gate Basic Elektor [IC41], EA LCVDU [IC12], ETI-640 [IC33], Instructor 50, main PHUNSY, PHUNSY interface, PHUNSY video, PHUNSY memory, CD2650 [IC54], Astro Wars CPU [8], Galaxia, Lazarian game
? Triple 3-input AND gate Instructor 50, CD2650 [IC61,68]
74LS13 ? Dual 4-input NAND gate Main PHUNSY
? Hex 1-input inverter gate ETI-685 [IC17], Instructor 50, CD2650 [IC12], Selbstbaucomputer CPU [IC3], Astro Wars CPU [11], Lazarian game
? Dual 4-input NAND gate Expanded Elektor [IC32], ETI-685 [IC45], EA LCVDU [IC15,20], CD2650 [IC62], PHUNSY video
? Dual 4-input AND gate Expanded Elektor [IC29], ETI LCVDU [IC15], Lazarian game
7425 ? Dual 4-input NOR gate with strobe CD2650 [IC70]
74LS26 ? Quad 2-input NAND gate Lazarian game
74LS27 ? Triple 3-input NOR gate Instructor 50, Lazarian game
? Single 8-input NAND gate Expanded Elektor [IC16..17,27], PC1001 [IC19], EA LCVDU [IC24], ETI LCVDU [IC30], main PHUNSY, PHUNSY video, PHUNSY memory, Astro Wars CPU [9]
? Quad 2-input OR gate Expanded Elektor [IC21..23], ETI-685 [IC38], ETI-681 [IC24], Instructor 50, CD2650 [IC59], PHUNSY interface, Lazarian game
? Quad 2-input NAND open collector gate PC1001 [IC34], DS [IC11], EA 77up2, EA 78up5
7442 ? BCD to decimal decoder ETI LCVDU [IC11], P1 [IC24]
74LS51 ? ? Instructor 50
7470 ? AND-gated positive edge triggered J-K flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear PHUNSY video
? Dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous clear ETI-640 [IC1,2]
? Dual D positive edge triggered flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear Voltmace [U10A,10B], Expanded Elektor [IC20], DS [IC12], ETI-685 [IC43,46], EA LCVDU [IC5], ETI-640 [IC18], Instructor 50, CD2650 [IC23,24,65,75,77], Astro Wars CPU [12], Galaxia, Lazarian game
? 4-bit bistable latch, complementary outputs PC1001 [IC36..39], ETI LCVDU [IC26,27], ETI-681 [IC29]
74LS76 ? Dual J-K flip-flop, asynchronous preset and clear Selbstbaucomputer CPU [IC2]
? 4-bit magnitude comparator Elektor randomizer [IC4..7], EA LCVDU [IC37,38], Lazarian game
? Quad 2-input XOR gate Arcadia [U3,5], basic Elektor [IC32], ETI LCVDU [IC22,23], ETI-640 [IC17], ETI-685 [IC5,23], PHUNSY video, PHUNSY memory, Astro Wars CPU [10], Lazarian game
? Decade counter ETI LCVDU [IC6,12], ETI-640 [IC13], Lazarian game
? Divide-by-12 counter EA LCVDU [IC26,36], ETI-640 [IC40]
? 4-bit binary counter EA LCVDU [IC2,3,10,17..19,27,34,39], ETI LCVDU [IC17..19], ETI-640 [IC10..12,15], main PHUNSY
7495 ? 4-bit shift register, parallel in, parallel out, serial input EA LCVDU [IC25,33]
74LS107 ? Dual J-K flip-flop, clear ETI-685 [IC42]
? Dual J-NotK positive-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear and preset Basic Elektor [IC34], Instructor 50, CD2650 [IC66]
? Dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, clear and preset Astro Wars CPU [17], Galaxia, Lazarian game
74LS113 ? Dual J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flop, preset Basic Elektor [IC33,35,36]
? Dual monostable Schmitt trigger EA 77up2, EA 78up5, EA LCVDU [IC6,7,13,14,32], CD2650 [IC73], Selbstbaucomputer A/D converter [IC5]
? Quad bus buffer, negative enable Elekterminal [IC20], CD2650 [IC46,47], Lazarian game
74126 ? Quad bus buffer, positive enable CD2650 [IC2..10,21,22,78,79]
74LS132 ? Quad 2-input NAND gate ETI-685 [IC21], Selbstbaucomputer A/D converter [IC3]
74LS135 ? Quad XOR/XNOR gate, two inputs to select logic type Galaxia
74LS136 ? Quad 2-input XOR gate Basic Elektor [IC40]
74LS138 ? 3:8 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs Basic Elektor [IC7], expanded Elektor [IC19], EA 78up9, ETI-685 [IC9,49], Selbstbaucomputer memory [IC1], Selbstbaucomputer display [IC1]
74LS139 ? Dual 2:4 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs Basic Elektor [IC6], expanded Elektor [IC15], ETI-685 [IC18], Instructor 50, Astro Wars CPU [13], Lazarian game
74145 ? 4-bit D flp-flp w/ complementary outputs & reset (keypad inputs) Arcadia [U14]
74148 ? 8:3 line priority encoder Selbstbaucomputer keyboard [IC4,5]
? Dual 4:1 line selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs ETI-640 [IC14]
74LS154 Valvo 4:16 line decoder/demultiplexer, inverting outputs Selbstbaucomputer port unit [IC1]
74LS155 ? Dual 2:4 line decoder/demultiplexer, totem pole Astro Wars CPU [14], Galaxia, Lazarian game
74LS156 ? Dual 2:4 line decoder/demultiplexer, open collector Fountain [IC4], basic Elektor [IC11], Astro Wars CPU [15], Galaxia, Lazarian game, Lazarian sound
? Quad 2:1 line selector/multiplexer, non-inverting outputs ETI-640 [IC5,6,19..21], ETI-685 [IC6,9..12], CD2650 [IC27..29], PHUNSY video, Astro Wars CPU [16], Galaxia, Lazarian game
74LS161 ? Synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, asynchronous clear Expanded Elektor [IC18], Instructor 50, Astro Wars CPU [18], Galaxia, Lazarian game, Lazarian sound
? Synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter, synchronous clear Elekterminal [IC13], CD2650 [IC50..52,55..58], PHUNSY video, PHUNSY memory
74LS164 ? 8-bit SIPO shift register, asynchronous clear, not output latch Astro Wars CPU [19], Galaxia, Lazarian game
? 8-bit PISO shift register, parallel load, complementary outputs Elekterminal [IC12], ETI-640 [IC7]
? Parallel-load 8-bit shift register CD2650 [IC60], PHUNSY video, Astro Wars CPU [20], Galaxia, Lazarian game
? Hex D flip-flop, common asynchronous clear DS [IC1..4], Elekterminal [IC9], Astro Wars CPU [21], Lazarian game
74LS175 ? Quad D edge-triggered flip-flop, comp. outputs and async. clear ETI-685 [IC8], Instructor 50
74191 ? Synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit binary counter EA LCVDU [IC29,30]
74LS193 ? Synchronous presettable up/down 4-bit binary counter, clear ETI-681 [IC25,26]
74LS221 ? Dual monostable multivibrator ETI-640 [IC3,41]
74LS240 ? ? TWICE cable [U2..5,7..8]
74LS241 ? Octal buffer, non-inverting outputs Expanded Elektor [IC10..11]
74LS243 ? ? Instructor 50
? Octal buffer, non-inverting outputs Expanded Elektor [IC1..2], Elektor randomizer [IC3], Instructor 50, PHUNSY interface, PHUNSY video, PHUNSY memory, Astro Wars CPU [22], Galaxia, Lazarian game
? Octal bus transceiver, non-inverting outputs Expanded Elektor [IC3], main PHUNSY, Selbstbaucomputer port unit [IC5], Lazarian game
74LS251 ? 8:1 selector/multiplexer, complementary outputs Basic Elektor [IC8,38..39]
74LS253 ? ? Instructor 50
74258 ? Quad 2:1 multiplexer (3-state) (keypad inputs) Arcadia [U8]
74LS258 ? Quad 2:1 selector/multipler, inverting outputs Fountain [IC5], basic Elektor [IC12]
? Dual 5-input NOR gate PHUNSY video, Astro Wars CPU [23], Galaxia
? 8-bit register, asynchronous clear Instructor 50, P1 (printer port), Main PHUNSY, PHUNSY interface, Selbstbaucomputer port unit [IC4]
74LS283 ? 4-bit binary full adder Lazarian game
74LS365 ? Hex buffer, non-inverting outputs Main PHUNSY, PHUNSY video
? Hex buffer, non-inverting outputs ETI-685 [IC20,35,41], ETI-640 [IC35..37], ETI-681 [IC2,19..22,27], 2650 test socket
? Hex buffer, inverting outputs PC1001 [IC40..42], ETI-640 [IC35..37], ETI-681 [IC2,19..22,27], TWICE cable [U11]
74LS373 ? Octal transparent latch PHUNSY memory, Selbstbaucomputer A/D converter [IC1], Lazarian game
? Octal tri-state latch EA 78up9, PHUNSY video, Selbstbaucomputer A/D converter [IC1], Lazarian game, Lazarian sound
74LS378 ? 6-bit clock enable Fountain [IC8], Voltmace [U8], expanded Elektor [IC1]
74LS379 ? 4-bit clock enable and complementary outputs PHUNSY video
SFC 71301E 1-0
? 256*4-bit (128-byte) PROM Elekterminal [IC7]
74LS393 ? Dual 4-bit binary counter, asynchronous clear PHUNSY memory
74S471 ? 256*8-bit (256-byte) PROM Dolphin
74LS514?** ? ? ETI-681 [IC1]
? Octal bus transceiver, inverting outputs Selbstbaucomputer keyboard & display [IC3]
+5V power regulator Arcadia [U13], Fountain [IC11], Voltmace, , EA 78up5, ETI-636 [IC1], ETI-681 [IC34], Selbstbaucomputer power [IC1]
+12V power regulator Voltmace, ETI-636 [IC2], ETI-685 [IC1]
? -5V power regulator ETI-685 [IC2], PHUNSY memory, Selbstbaucomputer power [IC2]
? -12V power regulator ETI-636 [IC3], ETI-685 [IC4]
8131 ? 128*8-bit (128-byte) SRAM? ETI-685 [IC33,37], ETI-640 [IC34], ETI-681 [IC3,18]
81LS95 ? Octal tri-state buffer EA 78up9
81LS97 ? Octal buffer ETI-685 [IC22..25]
81LS98 ? Octal buffer ETI-685 [IC10]
8250 ? 1 of 8 decoder PC1001 [IC20]
N82S100 Signetics FPLA (PROM) Lazarian game
82S103 Signetics Bipolar FPGA Instructor 50
82S115 Signetics 512*8-bit (512-byte) PROM TWIN PROM burner [PROM 2], CD2650 (eg. IPL 1.1), P1 [IC13..20,48,49], PHUNSY video
82S123 Signetics 32*8-bit (32-byte) PROM PC1001 [IC35], ETI-685 [IC34], Instructor 50, Main PHUNSY
82S129 Signetics 512*8-bit (512-byte) PROM? PC1001 [IC2..5,11..14] (CK267..274)
82S130 Signetics 256*4-bit (256-byte) PROM? Galaxia
8T15 ? E1A driver (RS232) PC1001 [IC26]
8T16 ? E1A receiver (RS232) PC1001 [IC43]
8T26 ? Quad bus driver/receiver PC1001 [IC1,10,24,25]
899-5 R220/330 Beckman Resistor network TWICE cable [U1,6,9]
9344 Fairchild 4-bit by 2-bit multiplier CD2650 [IC26]
AM25LS2520 ? Octal D type flip-flop ETI-685 [IC47]
AM9519PC AMD DMA (Direct Memory Access) controller ETI-685 [IC7]
AY-3-8900 General Instrument Standard Television Interface Chip ?
AY-3-8910 General Instrument PSG (Programmable Sound Generator) Expanded Elektor [IC12..13]
General Instrument
UART Elekterminal [IC8]
AY-5-2376 General Instrument Keyboard encoder ETI-670, Elektor KB05
? NPN bipolar transistor Elekterminal [T1], ETI-692 [Q1..3]
? NPN bipolar transistor EA 77up2, EA 78up5, ETI-685 [Q1..3], ETI-640 [Q1,3], ETI-681 [Q1], Lazarian game
? Audio amplifier Elekterminal [T2], Lazarian sound
BC327 ? ? Selbstbaucomputer display
BC337 ? NPN bipolar transistor PHUNSY interface, Astro Wars CPU [46], Lazarian game
BC517 ? NPN bipolar transistor Basic Elektor [T1]
BC558 ? NPN bipolar transistor ETI-686 [Q1]
BD140 ? NPN bipolar transistor ETI-686 [Q2]
BF451 ? NPN bipolar transistor Elekterminal [T3]
BS170 ? Field effect transistor Elektor randomizer [T1]
CA3081 ? NPN transistor array Lazarian game
CA3130 ? Operational amplifier CD2650 [IC74]
EM401 ? Silicon diode EA 78up5
HDSP 3531
HP 5082-7611
Hewlett-Packard 7-segment LED display Selbstbaucomputer display
SF.F 96364 Thomson-CSF (Sescosem) CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Controller (more advanced than EF9364) Elekterminal [IC10]
DUS - Diode, Universal, Silicon* Elekterminal [D1..4]
EF9364 Thomson CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Controller (less advanced than SF.F 96364) Selbstbaucomputer
? ? Selbstbaucomputer A/D converter [IC6,7]
Texas Instruments +5V regulator ETI LCVDU [REG1], ETI-640 [IC42], Selbstbaucomputer power
LM323K ? ? ETI-685 [IC3]
LM339 Nat. Semi. Quad differential comparator Basic Elektor [IC5], PHUNSY interface
LM393 ? ? Instructor 50
LM3900 ? Quad operational amplifier Astro Wars sound [IC4]
Motorola Character Generator ETI-640 [IC4], ETI-681 [IC13]
PEIX ? ? Fountain [IC3]
SAA5050 Signetics Teletext Character Generator Malzak
SN76477 Texas Instruments Sound effect generator Malzak, Laser Battle, Lazarian sound
S9014 ? ? Voltmace [Q1,2,5,6]
TCA 520B ? ? Selbstbaucomputer cassette interface [IC1]
TDA 1010
TDA 1010A
? Audio amplifier Astro Wars sound [IC6], Lazarian sound
TEA 1002 Mullard PAL Colour Encoder & Video Summer Interton, Voltmace [U3]
TIL220 ? Red LED ETI-681 [D1]
TIL222 ? Green LED ETI-681 [D2]
TL084 ? Operational amplifier Expanded Elektor [IC33]
TMS 2516 Texas Instruments 16,384*8-bit (2K) EEPROM Main PHUNSY
TMS 3615 Texas Instruments OMTS (Octave Multiple Tone Synthesizer) Lazarian sound
TMS 4045
TMS 4045-20
Texas Instruments 1024*4-bit (512-byte) SRAM
1024*4-bit (512-byte) SRAM (200 ns)
ULN2003 ? ? Instructor 50
UM1285-8 Astec VHF modulator Arcadia
ZN425E ? Monolithic 8-bit D-A converter Selbstbaucomputer A/D converter [IC2]

* Eg. BA 127, BA 217, BA 218, BA 221, BA 222, BA 317, BA 318, BAX 13, BAY 61, 1N914, 1N4148.
** Misprint of 74LS541?
Components listed together are not necessarily interchangable drop-in equivalents (eg. speeds, power requirements, etc. may differ).
Only semiconductors are listed, not capacitors, resistors, etc.

High-Level Programming Languages Overview

Name Coder/porter Year Size Notes
2650 Micro BASIC Alan Peek 1978-1979 ? -
MicroWorld BASIC Applied Technology (Ian Binnie & Martin Hood) 1979 ? Later ported to Microbee
TCT BASIC TCT Micro Design 19xx ? -
BASIC MicroByte (Ian Binnie & Martin Hood) 19xx 6K Not dumped
FORTH MicroByte (Ian Binnie & Martin Hood) 1982 ~8K Not dumped
BASIC Signetics 1982 8K GN007
Pascal Signetics 1982 ? GN007
8K BASIC Central Data 1978 8K -
12K BASIC Central Data 19xx 12K -
FORTH D. P. Hildyard 1981 ? -
FORTH Frank Philipse? 19xx ? Converted from CD2650 to PHUNSY?
MicroWorld BASIC Frank Philipse 19xx-2010 ? Converted from PIPBUG to PHUNSY

Low-level languages (ie. assemblers) are not listed.
MicroWorld (and later Microbee and Honeysoft) are variant names of Applied Technology.
Ian Binne & Martin Hood wrote MicroWorld BASIC for Applied Technology but would later form MicroByte.

File Formats Overview

A u t o s e n s e Extn. Meaning Description Loaded from Run from Efficiency
BIN Binary Headerless raw binary.
Represents a ROM cartridge.
Represents a partial RAM image (loaded from tape).
Always $0 Always $0 Very good
TVC TV (Television) Games Computer Ami/Droid/WinElektor-only format. Represents a partial RAM image (loaded from tape). Yes Yes Very good
EOF Elektor TVGC Object Format Native on-tape file format for Elektor TVGC (and Hobby Module). Similar to AOF. Yes Yes OK
8SVX IFF 8-bit Sampled Vox (Voice) Entire (side of) analog (audio) tape. Yes Yes Extremely poor
AIFF Audio Interchange File Format Entire (side of) analog (audio) tape. Yes Yes Extremely poor
WAV RIFF (Rip-off of IFF) Waveform Entire (side of) analog (audio) tape. Yes Yes Extremely poor
AOF Signetics Absolute Object Format Native on-tape file format for SI50/PIPBUG/BINBUG/CD2650, also used on TWIN. Similar to EOF. Yes Yes OK
CMD Command Native on-disk file format for BINBUG-based machines. Yes Yes Good
RAW Raw disk image Entire (side of) BINBUG or CD2650 floppy disk (5¼"), raw. n/a n/a Very good
MOD Module Native on-disk file format for TWIN. Yes Yes Good
TWIN Test Ware Instrument disk image Entire (side of) TWIN floppy disk (8"), with sector headers. n/a n/a Good
IMG Raw disk image Entire (side of) TWIN floppy disk (8"), raw. n/a n/a Very good
SMS "ASCII-Hex SMS" For PROM burners. Probably invented by SMS Microcomputer Systems .
TWIN can load/save this format, but its own built-in PROM burner does not require it (instead it just reads from a user-specified region of slave RAM).
Always $0 Always $0 Poor
IMAG Image Native on-disk file format for CD2650. Yes Yes Good
MDCR Mini Digital Cassette Recorder Entire digital tape. Yes Yes Good
BPNF Begin Plus Negative Finish For PROM burners. No No Very poor
COS Common saved state Ami/Droid/WinArcadia-only format. Represents a complete machine state. Always $0 Yes Good
COR Common recording Ami/WinArcadia-only format. Represents a complete machine state and subsequent user input. Always $0 Yes Good
HEX Intel hexadecimal object format Roughly similar to AOF, though without game start address feature. Yes No OK
ASM Assembly language 2650 CPU assembly language source code (in ASCII). Yes No Poor
SYM Symbol table Symbol table, ie. label definitions (in ASCII). No effect on guest. No No n/a

A yellow background behind the machine glyph means autosense is supported by the emulator for that machine and file format combination. These are the recommended file formats for everyday use:
BIN for Arcadia/Interton/SI50/PHUNSY;
TVC for Elektor; and
AOF for PIPBUG/BINBUG/CD2650/Selbstbaucomputer/MIKIT.
Plus the floppy disk formats (IMG/TWIN/RAW) when using disk-based software (ie. any of the DOSes).
COS and COR files can be used for any purpose as desired; they are the most powerful and flexible of all formats.
Use of the tape formats (8SVX/AIFF/WAV/MDCR) should normally only be needed when dumping tapes.
Use of the PROM burner formats (BPNF/SMS) should never be needed unless you actually have, and want to use, an old PROM burner that expects its data in one of these formats.
There is not much necessity to use EOF format but you can do so if you want. If it mostly equivalent to TVC except it is less efficient, has checksums, and has a file ID ($0..$F range) (and is not supported for autosensing).
Use of the on-disk formats (CMD/MOD/IMAG) should not normally be needed; usually it is more convenient to just use the disk (IMG/TWIN/RAW) containing the program.
Any of the file formats can be used inside a ZIP archive if desired.
Note that AOF/ASM/BIN/HEX/SYM/etc. files can be force-loaded/saved to/from practically any guest using the debugger (even where blank in the table above).
"Loaded from" of "yes" means the file format contains start and end addresses for where it should be loaded.
"Run from" of "yes" means the file format can contain a game start address for where it should begin execution from.
Efficiency is in terms of storage space, as a means of storing games for emulator users. In case your host machine is down to its last terabyte ;-) .

Signetics AOF (Absolute Object File) Format

Each block is as follows:

Offset(s) Description
0 colon (:) ($3A)
1..2 load address (big-endian)
3 block length:
0 = last block
1..255 = 2..256 bytes (respectively)
4 checksum for header bytes 0..3
5..n-1 data (ASCII-encoded hex, each character representing 1 nybble)
n checksum for data

Files are normally terminated by a zero-length block. The load address of this block is used as the start address of the game.
Checksums start as $00. For each emitted byte, the following algorithm is applied:

SUMC ^= data;
SUMC <<= 1;

Eg. the following program:

$1600: C0 C0 C0 C0

would be encoded as follows:

3A 16 00 03 15 (1st block header)
C0 C0 C0 C0 88 (1st block data)
3A 00 00 00 A3 (2nd block header)

For the 1st header:

SUMC = 0; // SUMC is %00000000 [$00];
SUMC ^= $3A; // SUMC is %00111010 [$3A];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %01110100 [$74];
SUMC ^= $16; // SUMC is %01100010 [$62];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %11000100 [$C4];
SUMC ^= $00; // SUMC is %11000100 [$C4];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10001001 [$89];
SUMC ^= $03; // SUMC is %10001010 [$8A];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %00010101 [$15];

For the 1st data:

SUMC = 0; // SUMC is %00000000 [$00];
SUMC ^= $C0; // SUMC is %11000000 [$C0];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10000001 [$81];
SUMC ^= $C0; // SUMC is %01000001 [$41];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10000010 [$82];
SUMC ^= $C0; // SUMC is %01000010 [$42];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10000100 [$84];
SUMC ^= $C0; // SUMC is %01000100 [$44];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10001000 [$88];

For the 2nd header:

SUMC = 0; // SUMC is %00000000 [$00];
SUMC ^= $3A; // SUMC is %00111010 [$3A];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %01110100 [$74];
SUMC ^= $00; // SUMC is %01110100 [$74];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %11101000 [$E8];
SUMC ^= $00; // SUMC is %11101000 [$E8];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %11010001 [$D1];
SUMC ^= $00; // SUMC is %11010001 [$D1];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10100011 [$A3];

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