Elektor TV Games Computer Gaming Guide


This document was created on 22/4/07, and last updated on 5/8/23, by James Jacobs of Amigan Software. This is an exhaustive list of ESS (Elektor Software Service) software for this computer, and software from the Marschat tapes. Programs from the Jens Brinkmann and Frank Whitlock tapes, etc. are not listed. Please email us with any corrections or additions to this document.

This page is part of Emerson Arcadia 2001 Central . Emulators, games and other resources can be found there.

Games List
Utilities List
Sorted Lists
Game Help
Enhanced Binaries
ESS Programs
Hocosoft Programs

Games List

4 in a Row (Vier in einer Reihe)
ESS-003-4, ESS-007-6, ESS-007-7
Philips, H. Tr�ndle 1979-1980
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: Not used
Aggressor (Angreifer)
M. Norman, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Paul V. Holmes, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Asteroids (Asteroide)
M.V. Norman, 1984
System: Base and expanded
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Attack from Space (Angriff aus dem All)
M. Godfrey, 1982
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Analog
Martin Greiner, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Martin Greiner, 1982
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Blackjack (17 und 4)
M. Norman, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: ?
Bursting Balloons/Breakout (Platzende Ballons)
ESS-010-B, ESS-011-8
H. Jansen, N. Hagemann, 1982-1984
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Analog
Card Trick (Kartentrick)
Paul-J�rgen Dickers, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Car Race
Peter Marschat, 198x
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Analog
Catapult (Katapult)
M. Norman, 1982
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Circledrive (Rundfahrt)
M. Norman, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: Digital
Code Breaker (Kode-Knacker)
K. Reilly, P. Williams, 1980
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: Not used
Cosmic Adventure (Galaktische Eroberung)
N. Hagemann, 1984
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Destroyer (Zerst�rer)
G. Roberts, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Dragster (Autorennen)
Hans-Heinz Bieling, 1984
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: Analog
Hangman (Galgenspiel)
ESS-010-E, ESS-010-F
Paul-J�rgen Dickers, Paul V. Holmes, 1982
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: Not used
Hard Nut (Harte Nuss)
Paul-J�rgen Dickers, 1982
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Helicopter (Hubschrauer)
C. M�nnchen, 1982
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Horse Race/Jackpot (Pferdewette/Einarmiger Bandit)
C. Isoart, 1984
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Horse Races (Springturnier)
B.A. Sedonir, 1984
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: Digital?
Invaders (Eindringlinge)
M. Norman, 1982
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Paul V. Holmes, 1980
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Paul V. Holmes, 1981
System: Base and expanded
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
H. Tr�ndle, 1980
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: ?
Mazes (Labyrinthe)
B.A. Sedoni, 1984
System: Base and expanded
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: Digital
Paul-J�rgen Dickers, 1981
System: Base and expanded
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Molebasher (Maulwurfsschlaeger)
G.M. Robert, 1984
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Moonlanding for 1/2 (Mondflug)
Peter Marschat, 198x
System: Base (Moonlanding for 1), Base and expanded (Moonlanding for 2)
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Newton/Apple Tree (Apfelfangen/Apfelbaum)
Peter Marschat, 1984
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Analog
H. Tr�ndle, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Offshore Fishing (Hochsee-Angeln)
M. Norman, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Omega Landing (Landemanoever)
W. Sembritzki, 1984
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Painting (Malkasten)
W. Sembritzki, 1984
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Penalty (Elfmeter)
Peter Marschat, 198x
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: ?
Martin Greiner, 1982
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No?
Controllers: Analog
Pinball (Flipper)
Martin Greiner, 1982
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No?
Controllers: Not used
G. Roberts, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Martin Greiner, 1982
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
H. Tr�ndle, 1980
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: Not used
Rocket Hunting (Raketenjagd)
M. Norman, 1982
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Rocket Shooting/Space Shoot-Out (Rakete Abschiessen/Weltraumschlacht)
ESS-006-3, ESS-007-5
Paul V. Holmes, 1979-1980
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Seawar (Seekrieg)
Paul-J�rgen Dickers, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Snap (Identa)
V.W. Trumann, 1984
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Solitaire (Solit�r)
G. Roberts, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: Digital
Sound and Colour (Senso)
Peter Marschat, 1983
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Snakes and Ladders (Schlangen und Leitern)
G.M. Robert, 1984
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Starship Enterprise (Raumschiff Enterprise)
M. Norman, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Submarine/Racing (U-Boot/Gegenverkehr)
R. Lange, 1984
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Analog problems)
ESS-003-5, ESS-007-9
Philips, 1979-1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Tiny Tim (Der kleine Tim)
W. Sembritzki, 1984
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
UFO Shooting (UFO-Abschuss)
P. Schmid, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used

Utilities List

Peter Marschat, 198x
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Change Words for Hangman (Wortaenderungsprogramm)
Paul V. Holmes, 1982
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Clock ( Uhr)
?, 1979
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Manfred Saliger, Paul V. Holmes, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Manfred Saliger, Paul V. Holmes, Peter Marschat, 198x
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Paul V. Holmes, 1982
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
F�r Elise
K. Schuster, 1982
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Locomotive (Demonstrationsprogramm)
Andr� Pauptit, 1979
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Manfred Saliger [sic], 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Music Box/Piano (Musikbox/Piano)
ESS-003-3, ESS-007-B
Philips, 1979-1980
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: Yes
Controllers: Not used
Picture Pattern/Test Patterns (Bildmuster/Testbilder)
ESS-006-1, ESS-007-E
Paul V. Holmes, 1979-1980
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
PVI Programming (PVI-Programmierung)
ESS-006-2, ESS-007-C
Paul V. Holmes, 1979-1980
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: No
Play with the PVI (Spielen mit dem PVI)
?, 1979
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Digital
Single Step
Peter Marschat, 198x
System: Expanded only
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Shapes (Figurenraten)
P. Williams, 1981
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used
Peter Marschat, 198x
System: Base
Ported to Interton VC 4000: No
Controllers: Not used

"Base": designed for basic version (also runs on expanded version).
"Base and expanded": works on basic version, but is enhanced on expanded version.
"Expanded only": requires expanded version (doesn't run at all on basic version).

Compatibility ratings are for the current version of Ami/WinArcadia, with "use compatibility hacks?" turned on. Parenthetical percentages are for compatibility-patched versions. Note that the compatibility ratings are only rough, as we do not know what the correct behaviour of these games should be. Your assistance in this regard would be appreciated. Screenshots were taken with WinArcadia and are therefore not necessarily correct for incompatible programs.

Programs by System

Only ESS programs are included in this list.

Base (46): 4 in a Row, Aggressor, Amazon, Attack from Space, Awari, Blackjack, Bursting Balloons/Breakout, Card Trick, Catapult, Circledrive, Clock, Code Breaker, Destroyer, Disassembler, Hard Nut, Helicopter, Horse Race/Jackpot, Invaders, Jackpot, Locomotive, Lotto, Mastermind, Molebasher, Music Box/Piano, Newton, Nim, Offshore Fishing, Omega Landing, Painting, Picture Pattern/Test Patterns, Play with the PVI, PVI Programming, Raster, Reverse, Reversi, Rocket Hunting/Space Shoot-Out, Rocket Shooting, Seawar, Shapes, Snap, Solitaire, Snakes and Ladders, Starship Enterprise, Submarine/Racing, Surround, UFO Shooting

Base and expanded (4): Asteroids, Labyrinth, Mazes, Memory

Expanded only (11): Basketball, Change Words for Hangman, Cosmic Adventure, Dragster, Editor, F�r Elise, Hangman, Horse Races, Pilot, Pinball, Tiny Tim

Game Help

Inlays for these tapes are available in German JPEG and German and autotranslated English ASCII formats.
Tape ESS-007 is also described on pages 39-46 of the English TV Games Computer book (PDF), and in the English and German (1)/ (2)/ (3) Elektor magazines.
Tape ESS-009 is also described in the German (1)/ (2)/ (3) Elektor magazine.

Aggressor (ESS-009-1) The dump from Jens Brinkmann's tape is the correct game (ie. the one that matches the documentation). The dump from Manfred Schneider's tape is a completely different game.
Amazone (ESS-007-4) Each 'Amazone' has the capabilities of both a queen and knight in chess: it attacks squares along horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines, and also any square that can be reached by two horizontal moves followed by one vertical, and vice versa. The players alternately place their Amazone on a square which is not under attack, and which has not been used earlier on in the game. A player loses when there is no legal square left to move [to], or when he runs out of time.
In this version, the time display consists of the two vertical bars at the left and right of the screen; the score is indicated at the top of the screen. For practice, the game can be played against the computer.
Bursting Balloons/Breakout (ESS-010-B, ESS-011-8) For ESS-010-B, hold down on the left paddle to start. For ESS-011-8, press START then RCAS to start.
Catapult (ESS-010-5) Possible compatibility issue (otherwise game bug/feature):
* The catapult stones can hit the score and be absorbed by it.
Circledrive (ESS-009-3)

Possible compatibility issue (otherwise error in game manual):
* Black squares are documented as being worth -1 point, but under the emulator (at least) they are worth -2 points.

Code Breaker (ESS-007-2) This is the same principle as Mastermind, but the code consists of digits or shapes instead of colours. Furthermore, it is also possible for two players to play simultaneously (each with a different code!). Each player's score, and the total number of games played, are displayed at the top of the screen. In all, 24 different variations of the game can be played with the same program.
Cosmic Adventure (ESS-011-F) Level 1: shoot all enemies.
Level 2: bomb red landing pad until it turns green, then land on it.
Level 3: go to the flashing square.
A map for level 3 of this game is available for download.
Disassembler (ESS-007-D) The object here is quite simple: to make the decoding of an existing program much less laborious! The program to be examined is split up into one-, two- or three-byte instructions, and displayed accordingly.
Four in a Row (ESS-007-6) This is a fairly well-known game. The object is to get four of your squares in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal).
As those who have already tried this program will know, the computer is an infuriatingly skilled opponent.
Four in a Row (ESS-007-7) Skill comes with practice, and a more challenging game becomes desirable. This version uses an 8x7 board, instead of 7x6 as in ESS-007-6. The extra row and column make quite a difference! It is distinctly noticeable that the computer needs much more time to work out its moves - no trick here, it really is a question of the time it needs for its calculations.
Helicopter (ESS-010-3) This game calibrates the paddle(s) when initializing; therefore, the paddle(s) must be centred at that time, to ensure proper operation.
"It's probably not intended, but all you have to do is switch from mode 8 to mode 0...every mode except mode 0 will end when you reach a certain target of packages, whereas mode 0 has no target and you just play until time runs out. Mode 0 also has the quirk of retaining the time limit from whichever mode you were just playing. Mode 8 has the quirk that its timer is set too high and the in-game clock rolls over before ever reaching it, so, with no goal and no time limit, that makes mode 0 essentially free play, haha. It’s also why I made two separate achievements for mode 8... one for completing it, and one for completing before the time limit rolls over which was probably the original intention." - Brandovsky.
Jackpot (ESS-007-8) This is the well-known 'one-armed bandit'. The rotating drums, 'hold' and 'brake' options and prize display are all included. There are also two novel features. A car on the centre line always means 'no prize' - cars cost money! Furthermore, the 'score' at the top of the screen shows the total gain or loss (nearly always the latter...).
Labyrinth (ESS-009-6) The game world is 4x4 screens. Rows are A-D, columns are 1-4:
A1 A2 A3 A4
B1 B2 B3 B4
C1 C2 C3 C4
D1 D2 D3 D4

A1: purple castle
A3: red castle, green dragon
B2: magic carpet
B3: green castle
C1: green key, purple key
D2: white key
D4: white castle, starting location

Maps for this game are available in the Maps Pack and the Elektor TV Games Computer Screenshots Pack .

Possible compatibility issues (otherwise game bugs):
* Objects and indeed the player can become "stuck" in walls.
* Objects can be pushed beyond the edges of the playfield, rendering them impossible to get.

Lotto (ESS-007-F) This is intended primarly for our readers in Germany. There, a game is played on the national TV networks that is similar to Bingo. You fill in six random numbers from 1 to 49 on a card, and send it in. At the end of the week, six numbers are 'drawn' in deathly silence - with umpteen million viewers holding their breath...If your numbers come up, you win.
The only mental work involved is in trying to think up six numbers every week. The obvious way to avoid this is to get your home computer to do the job for you...
Mastermind (ESS-007-1) The object of this game is well-known: guess an unknown (colour) code, on the basis of very limited 'feedback'. In this version, purple squares indicate how many correct colours are correctly positioned, and white squares indicate the remaining correct colours in the wrong position. All eight colours are used (black included!), and the same colour may appear more than once in a code.
The computer plays the part of the 'passive' player: it sets up a code, and displays the result of each of your tries.
Molebasher (ESS-011-2) Use the "C" key to choose difficulty level, 1-6.
Use the "RCAS" key to start.
Use the "PC" and "4" keys to move the man left and right, respectively.
Moles are automatically bashed when the man is positioned correctly.
Number of lives lost is shown graphically at the bottom left corner of the screen.
Omega Landing (ESS-011-7) This game is silent.
Newton (ESS-011-B) The order in which the apples fall is not random; apples in the top branches fall before those in the lower branches.
Use the "RCAS" key to start.
Piano (ESS-007-B) Any desired melody can be keyed in, provided it fits in a two-octave range. When played back, the corresponding notes are displayed in step with the tune.
PVI Programming (ESS-007-C) This is a rather complicated program, intended as an aid when developing your own games. It provides the possibility of programming objects and background shapes on the screen, so that the results can be judged more easily. A 'relative address' calculation routine is also included.
This program has proved extremely useful in practice - once you get used to operating the keys!
Reversi (ESS-007-3) Basically, the object of this game is to capture as many of the opponent's pieces as possible. To do this, you place a piece on the board in such a way that one or more of the opponent's pieces are 'trapped' between two of yours. When captured, squares change to your colours - they are not removed from the board.
Space Shoot-Out (ESS-007-5) This is an updated version of the game that is used as an example in the book. The object is, quite simply, to shoot down the rocket before your time runs out.
A joystick calibration routine has been included, so that the program should now run without problems on any TV Games Computer. Furthermore, it is now an easy matter to modify the time limit and the 'proficiency level': the accuracy required to hsoot down the rocket can be varied in three steps from 'beginner's luck' to 'pinpoint'.
Shapes (ESS-007-A) This has proved quite popular with the younger generation...Twenty-five different shapes appear in the 'garage', and then move out to the right. The object is to guess what they represent.
We won't spoil your fun by telling you!
Surround (ESS-007-9) The object of this game is to 'box in' the opponent. A point is lost when a player collides with the background, his opponent or even himself. Since the objects move at quite a speed, fast reactions are required to win!
Test Patterns (ESS-007-E) This is exactly what its name implies: a whole series of test patterns for a (colour) TV set. As such, it has proved extremely useful on numerous occasions...
Tiny Tim (ESS-011-9) Diagonal movements make it easier to use ladders.

Possible compatibility issue (otherwise game bug):
* After you fall, the game never seems to turn off the noise channels. This is probably authentic.

See also the "Help|Game information..." command of Ami/WinArcadia.

Inferior (obsolescent) programs:

Name(s) Worse Better Differences
Music Box/Piano ESS-003-3 ESS-007-B No obvious differences
4 in a Row ESS-003-4 ESS-007-6, ESS-007-7 Bug fixes, matrix size
Surround ESS-003-5 ESS-007-9 Title screen
Picture Pattern/Test Patterns ESS-006-1 ESS-007-E No obvious differences
PVI Programming ESS-006-2 ESS-007-C Starting mode
Rocket Shooting/Space Shoot-Out ESS-006-3 ESS-007-5 More options
Bursting Balloons/Breakout ESS-010-B ESS-011-8 More options
Newton/Apple Tree - ESS-011-B ?

(English) ESS release dates and formats:

ESS-003 1979 Vinyl record
ESS-006 1979 Vinyl record
ESS-007 1980 Cassette tape
ESS-009 1980-1981 Cassette tape
ESS-010 1982-1983 Cassette tape
ESS-011 1983+ Cassette tape


LC PC MEM 4 5 6 7
RESET - + 0 1 2 3

Each paddle:

Enhanced Binaries

Filename Game Size CRC32 Version Enhances...
03-4-4InARow!.PGM 4 in a Row 4K 3B7977ED 1.0 Compatibility fixed for Ami/WinElektor.
07-6-4InARow!.PGM 4 in a Row 4K 632DAE6D 1.0 Compatibility fixed for Ami/WinElektor.
07-7-4InARow!.PGM 4 in a Row 4K A6ED702F 1.0 Compatibility fixed for Ami/WinElektor.
09-3-Circledrive!.PGM Circledrive 8K 67BED55D 1.0 Compatibility fixed for Ami/WinElektor.
11-F-CosmicAdventure!.PGM Cosmic Adventure 7K D458DC0E 1.0 No flashing on level 1.

ESS (Elektor Software Service) Programs

Filename Size CRC32
03-1-PlayWithThePVI.pgm 4K 337E7A3C
03-2-Clock.pgm 4K 4A75D8EB
03-3-MusicBox.pgm 4K 8A78E207
03-4-4InARow.pgm 4K A8FE170D
03-5-Surround.pgm 4K 6D15B13E
03-6-Locomotive.pgm 4K D97B72D0
06-1-PicturePattern.pgm 4K DDB40355
06-2-PVIProgramming.pgm 4K E0501EC9
06-3-RocketShooting.pgm 4K 6D4637D2
07-1-Mastermind.pgm 4K CDB52816
07-2-CodeBreaker.pgm 4K 8BC0C329
07-3-Reversi.pgm 4K 0BB4A564
07-4-Amazone.pgm 4K F42B24A5
07-5-SpaceShoot-Out.pgm 4K 608FE606
07-6-4InARow.pgm 4K F0AACE8D
07-7-4InARow.pgm 4K 356A10CF
07-8-Jackpot.pgm 4K 6EE082D5
07-9-Surround.pgm 4K C36F5BDA
07-A-Shapes.pgm 3K A37CE1E4
07-B-Piano.pgm 3K 59C2268B
07-C-PVIProgramming.pgm 4K B3FC6C67
07-D-Disassembler.pgm 8K F06467B4
07-E-TestPatterns.pgm 4K DDB40355
07-F-Lotto.pgm 4K 2C0B67B9
09-1-Aggressor.pgm 4K 900D9E22
09-2-OffshoreFishing.pgm 4K 5AFF5E53
09-3-Circledrive.pgm 8K E7A63D7F
09-4-Seawar.pgm 4K 6C09F1E3
09-5-Memory.pgm 5K 43B3295C
09-6-Labyrinth.pgm 7K 64BEF839
09-7-Destroyer.pgm 4K A19AB7FB
09-8-StarshipEnterprise.pgm 4K EEA5525D
09-9-Blackjack.pgm 4K AD905B98
09-A-CardTrick.pgm 4K 068165A0
09-B-Awari.pgm 4K 8C1579D0
09-C-UFOShooting.pgm 4K 7BE35693
09-D-Raster.pgm 4K 567D3224
09-E-Nim.pgm 4K FC329059
09-F-Solitaire.pgm 4K A3525ACC
10-1-Invaders.pgm 8K E02FDA29
10-2-Pinball.pgm 6K F4E4D797
10-3-Helicopter.pgm 4K 13E56649
10-4-HardNut.pgm 4K 28828BCC
10-5-Catapult.pgm 4K 410D3424
10-6-Pilot.pgm 6K 9C6B6EBB
10-7-AttackFromSpace.pgm 4K 0048322B
10-8-Reverse.pgm 4K 15A90EB4
10-9-RocketHunting.pgm 8K E34220A0
10-A-Basketball.pgm 7K 8B66AC75
10-B-BurstingBalloons.pgm 4K E34220A0
10-C-FurElise.pgm 6K 5D1C7D36
10-D-Editor.pgm 7K 755114C2
10-E-Galgenspiel.pgm 7K 49E69462
10-F-Hangman.pgm 7K 426B44D8
10-1x-ChangeWordsForHangman.pgm 4K 09317D8A
11-1-SnakesAndLadders.pgm 4K 1527E074
11-2-Molebasher.pgm 4K 48EBA79F
11-3-Snap.pgm 4K 46E1C06B
11-4-Mazes.pgm 5K B03A3EBD
11-5-Asteroids.pgm 6K D194B2D9
11-6-Dragster.pgm 7K 015E3686
11-7-OmegaLanding.pgm 4K 429D0A9B
11-8-Breakout.pgm 4K AB065283
11-9-TinyTim.pgm 5K B5A9FEDD
11-A-HorseRace&Jackpot.pgm 4K 4EE3AE0F
11-B-Newton.pgm 4K F544EEF0
11-C-HorseRaces.pgm 5K B41E503E
11-D-Painting.pgm 4K 2F10BEE0
11-E-Submarines&Racing.pgm 4K 347C584B
11-F-CosmicAdventure.pgm 7K 46D5A0EE

Elektor Software Service (ESS) releases for the TVGC are:

Number Date Format
ESS-003 June 1979 Record
ESS-006 November 1979 Record
ESS-007 October 1980 Cassette
ESS-009 October 1981 Cassette
ESS-010 November 1982 Cassette
ESS-011 October 1984 Cassette

Hocosoft Programs

Those listed in green have been dumped. Those listed in red are undumped. If you have any of those, please email us.

Number German Name English Translation
0001 Spielesammlung 1 Games Collection 1
0002 Panzerschlacht/Luftkampf Tank Battle/Plane Battle
0003 Ballspiele Ball Games
0004 Mathematik 1 Mathematics 1
0005 Mathematik 2 Mathematics 2
0006 Luftkampf/Seegefecht Plane Battle/Sea War
0007 Hangman Hangman
0008 Pferderennen Horse Race
0009 Jagen Hunt
0010 Blackjack Blackjack
0011 Labyrinth Labyrinth
0012 Autorennen Auto Race
0013 Vier in einer Reihe 4 in a Row
0014 Mauerball Wallball
0015 Flugsimulator Flight Simulator
0016 Raumschlacht Space Battle
0017 Reaktionszeittester & Memory Reaction Time Tester & Memory
0018 Flipper Pinball
0019 Zirkus Circus
0020 Krieg im Weltraum War in Outer Space
0021 Teaser & Queen Teaser & Queen
0022 Solitaire Solitaire
0023 Boxen Boxing
0024 Schach Chess
0025 Superhirn Superbrain
0026 Helikopter Helicopter
0027 Reverse Reverse
0028 Tuerme von Hanoi Towers of Hanoi
0029 Musik Music
0030 Basar Bazaar
0031 Schnitzeljagd & Symbole Raten Paperchase & Guessing Symbols
0032 Dark Star Dark Star
0033 Othello Othello

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