This document was written on 29/8/08, and last updated on 20/8/24,
by James Jacobs of Amigan Software.
Information herein is believed to be generally accurate, though some is
tentative. If you have anything to contribute, please email
This document deals with these machines, in this order:
PIPBUG/BINBUG-based machines
Signetics Instructor 50
Central Data 2650
Kitronix Coin-ops
Zaccaria Coin-ops
Senko Coin-ops
Ravensburg Selbstbaucomputer
MIKIT 2650
Comparative Table
Other Signetics-Based Machines
Project & Component Numbers
BIOS Command Quick Reference
Floppy Drive Comparison
2650 CPU Editions
There are separate Coding and Gaming Guides for the Emerson Arcadia 2001,
Interton VC 4000, and Elektor TV Games Computer.
PIPBUG-Based Machines
KHz: 1000
RAM: varies
Output: Teletype
Input: Teletype
Storage: 110 baud Kansas City (audio cassette tape or papertape)
These machines have been available since 1975 or 1976. They have been
offered as kits and as assembled systems, in various configurations by
various manufacturers, including Signetics (ie. Philips), Applied
Technology, etc.
Their defining characteristic is the use of the 1K PIPBUG ROM BIOS by
Signetics as their operating system ("monitor"). This in turn dictates
the use of a 2650-family CPU at 1MHz. (PIP stands for Programmable
Integrated Processor; it is another name for the 2650).
Generally, there is software compatibility betweem these machines.
However, issues such as the differing locations (and amounts) of expansion
RAM in different machines can cause problems.
These machines are not frame-based; they lack a graphics coprocessor
(eg. PVI or UVI). The system is effectively CPU + ROM + RAM. There are
thus no graphics. However, the output can of course be sent to a Visual
Display Unit (VDU) aka monitor (as is done by Ami/WinArcadia), or to a
printer-style device, eg. a teletype machine.
The ROM (BIOS), as mentioned, is 1K and consists of the PIPBUG monitor
Reading input from a keyboard or teletype is achieved by reading the
Sense bit of the CPU. Writing output to a VDU or teletype is achieved by
writing the Flag bit of the CPU. Or, you can use the Flag bit to output
sound. But you cannot do text output and sound output simultaneously. All
I/O is done in ASCII format. Loading and saving from/to papertape and
cassette is also supported (on the real machine, but not the emulators).
They are designed to be used in conjunction with a standard 110-baud
ASCII-based teletype device, such as the DEC VT50, VT52 or VT100, or the
Electronics Australia Low Cost VDU.
Some machines possess a S-100 ("Altair") bus or other such features
(which are not currently emulated).
The optional 4-digit LED display lacks decimal points, in contrast
to the Signetics Instructor 50.
Writing an output character is done from right to left (bit #0 first, then
#1..#7), as follows:
Flag on
r5 = r0;
Flag off
for (r4 = 8; r4 > 0; r4--)
{ DLAY();
r5 >>= 1;
if (r5 & %10000000)
{ Flag on
} else
{ Flag off
} }
Flag on
CHIN returns with an input character in R0, but not until there is input
(ie. it is synchronous). The high bit is used for parity and is always
masked out by CHIN; therefore, only 7-bit input is supported. (Ie. the
extended ASCII set values $80..$FF are unsupported.)
The Sense bit is normally high. It pulses low during key transmission
(ie. whilst receiving clear bits of a byte). Waiting for the Sense bit to
become clear is therefore equivalent to "press any key to continue".
Randomization is normally done by asking the user for a keystroke, then
rapidly incrementing a register while waiting for the Sense bit to become
clear. Eg.
printf("PRESS ANY KEY");
addi,r1 1
tpsu $80
bctr,eq HERE ;if Sense bit is set
will generate a random number (0..255) in r1.
There is also an optional 4-digit 7-segment LED display which can be
attached to the system as an additional output device. Writing to this is
done via the WRTD command. The operand is interpreted as follows:
bit 7: 1st digit
bit 6: 2nd digit
bit 5: 3rd digit
bit 4: 4th digit
bits 3..0: digit ($0..$9 = '0'..'9', $A..$F = ' ')
Eg. to write '7' to the 3rd digit would require an operand of $27. A delay
is necessary between digit writes on the real machine, but not on the
emulator. See the relevant magazine article for more information.
CHIN is used for cassette/papertape/keyboard. It works like this:
{ switch to alternate register bank
PORTC = $80; // enable tape reader
} while (Sense bit is set); // ie. until start of start bit
PORTC = 0; // disable tape reader
DLY(); // wait for half a bit (ie. until centre of start bit)
r4 = 0;
for (r5 = 8; r5 > 0; r5--)
{ DLAY(); // wait for one bit
r0 = PSU & %10000000;
r4 <<= 1;
r0 |= r4;
r4 = r0;
r4 &= %01111111; // delete parity bit
r0 = r4;
switch to main register bank
clear With Carry flag
So it is expecting the following format:
and it returns in the middle of the stop bit (#).
So, we enable the tape reader, wait for the Sense bit to become clear,
and then disable the tape reader. Then, we read the eight bits from right
to left (bits 0..7) via direct sampling of the PSU at the appropriate
moment. The parity bit (bit 7) is then discarded (without checking it).
COUT is used for cassette/papertape/keyboard. r0 is passed as an argument;
it is the ASCII character to be output. It works like this:
set Flag bit
r5 = r0;
clear Flag bit
for (r4 = 8; r4 > 0; r4--)
{ DLAY();
r5 >>= 1;
if (r5 & %10000000 == %10000000)
{ set Flag bit
} else
{ clear Flag bit
} }
set Flag bit
So, we set the Flag bit, wait, and clear the Flag bit.
Then, we write the eight bits from left to right (bits 0..7).
The high bit is not treated any differently to the others. Then we wait
again, set the Flag bit and return.
Effectively, we write this for each byte:
where # means Flag set, . means Flag clear, and digits mean Flag is set/
cleared according to the relevant bit. We set the Flag before returning.
When loading, it waits until the input line goes low, then looks for the
start character (':').
Some games have 110 baud and 300 baud versions. These are still all
stored on cassette at 110 baud; the baud rate in this case actually refers
to the speed of keyboard and screen operations, rather than cassette
LLIN and surrounds is:
r3 = 0;
if (r3 == 40) goto EBUG;
r0 = CHIN();
if (r0 == DEL)
{ r0 = r3;
if (r0 == 0) goto LLIN;
r0 = *($822 + --r3);
goto LLIN;
} ...
Test program is:
for (;;)
{ r0 = CHIN();
WRTE r0 to extended port $FF
REDE r1 from extended port $FF
r0 = r1;
WRTD r1 to data port
WRTC,r0 to control port
LLIN and surrounds is:
r3 = 0;
if (r3 == 40) goto EBUG;
r0 = CHIN();
if (r0 == DEL)
{ r0 = r3;
if (r0 == 0) goto LLIN;
r0 = *($822 + --r3);
goto LLIN;
} ...
Test program is:
for (;;)
{ r0 = CHIN();
WRTE r0 to extended port $FF
REDE r1 from extended port $FF
r0 = r1;
WRTD r1 to data port
WRTC,r0 to control port
Memory Maps
This memory map is supported by AMI/WINARCADIA and ANNOTATE ("P"):
EA 78up5+78up10 ("Expanded Mini Computer with EPROM"):
1K ROM + 15.75K RAM + 4K EPROM
$0000..$03FF: PIPBUG monitor ROM
$0000..$03FD: used
$03FE..$03FF: unused?
$0400..$0436: expansion RAM (for use by PIPBUG monitor)
$0437..$2FF9: expansion RAM (for storage of and use by games)
$2FFA..$2FFF: expansion RAM (for use by EPROM)
$3000..$3FFF: EPROM
$4000..$41FF: ROM? (for eg. PPI-Based 2616 EPROM Programmer)
$4200..$57FF: RAM (for the above?)
$5800..$7CFF: unused?
$6D00..$7FFF: RAM? (eg. for Linearisatie)
This memory map is supported by AMI/WINARCADIA but not by ANNOTATE:
Modified ABC1500 with CP1002 (see TN132):
2K ROM + 1152 bytes RAM
$0000..$03FF: PIPBUG 2 ( 1024 bytes)
$0400..$07FF: PIPLA ( 1024 bytes)
$0800..$0861: SMI RAM used by PIPBUG2+PIPLA ( 98 bytes)
$0862..$087F: SMI RAM unused by PIPBUG2+PIPLA ( 30 bytes)
$0880..$0BFF: unused ( 896 bytes)
$0C00..$0DFF: motherboard RAM ( 512 bytes)
$0E00..$0FFF: optional RAM ( 512 bytes)
$1000..$1EFF: unmapped? ( 3840 bytes)
$1F00..$1FFF: mirror of $0F00..$0FFF ( 256 bytes)
$2000..$7FFF: unmapped? (24576 bytes)
These memory maps are supported by ANNOTATE but not by AMI/WINARCADIA:
EA 77up2 ("Baby") ("J"):
1K ROM + 256b RAM
$0000..$03FF: PIPBUG monitor ROM
$0000..$03FD: used
$03FE..$03FF: unused?
$0400..$0436: 55 bytes of motherboard RAM (for use by PIPBUG monitor)
$0437..$04FF: 201 bytes of motherboard RAM
(for storage of and use by games)
$0500..$07FF: mirrors of $0400..$04FF
$0800..$0FFF: mirror of $0000..$07FF
$1000..$7FFF: mirrors of $0000..$0FFF
Signetics Adaptable Board Computer ("K"):
1K ROM + 512b RAM
$0000..$03FF: PIPBUG monitor ROM
$0000..$03FD: used
$03FE..$03FF: unused?
$0400..$0436: 55 bytes of motherboard RAM (for use by PIPBUG monitor)
$0437..$05FF: 457 bytes of motherboard RAM
(for storage of and use by games)
$0600..$07FF: mirror of $0400..$05FF
$0800..$0FFF: mirror of $0000..$07FF
$1000..$7FFF: mirrors of $0000..$0FFF
You will observe that all ROM and RAM is mirrored a total of 16 times
(1 "nominal" address and 15 mirrors).
The Adaptable Board Computer is in fact another name for the Signetics
PC1500 (which is the assembled version of the KT9500). The source for this
claim is the fact that the part number of the ABC board is 2650PC1500, as
well as the fact that the technical specifications are identical.
(The ABC also supports parallel and serial I/O, has an on-board clock,
and can be expanded to up to 24K of RAM. These features are not supported
by Ami/WinArcadia nor Annotate.)
The Signetics PC1001 Microprocessor Prototyping Card (1K RAM)
(assembled) is a different, though closely related, machine.
The Signetics PC2000 is a 4K expansion RAM board suitable for (at least)
the PC1001/PC1500/KT9500.
The Signetics PC3000 is another "evaluation kit" (as are the other
Signetics-manufactured machines), about which almost nothing is known.
The TCT PCG is also known as the ETI-681.
EA 78up5 ("1K Mini Computer" aka "2650 Mini Computer") or Signetics
PC1001 ("L"):
$0000..$03FF: PIPBUG monitor ROM
$0000..$03FD: used
$03FE..$03FF: unused?
$0400..$0436: 55 bytes of motherboard RAM (for use by PIPBUG monitor)
$0437..$07FF: 969 bytes of motherboard RAM?
(for storage of and use by games)
$0800..$7FFF: unused?
EA 78up5+78up10 ("8K Mini Computer"), contiguous configuration ("M"):
$0000..$03FF: PIPBUG monitor ROM
$0000..$03FD: used
$03FE..$03FF: unused?
$0400..$0436: 55 bytes of expansion RAM (for use by PIPBUG monitor)
$0437..$1FFF: 7113 bytes of expansion RAM
(for storage of and use by games)
$2000..$7FFF: unused?
These memory maps are not supported by AMI/WINARCADIA nor ANNOTATE:
EA 78up5+78up10 ("Expanded Mini Computer"), non-contiguous
configuration, without 2K motherboard RAM expansion ("Q"):
$0000..$03FF: PIPBUG monitor ROM
$0000..$03FD: used
$03FE..$03FF: unused?
$0400..$0436: 55 bytes of motherboard RAM (for use by PIPBUG monitor)
$0437..$07FF: 1K-55b of motherboard RAM
(for storage of and use by games)
$0800..$1FFF: unused?
$2000..$3FFF: 8192 bytes of expansion RAM
(for storage of and use by games)
$4000..$7FFF: unused?
EA 78up5+78up10 ("Expanded Mini Computer"), non-contiguous
configuration, with 2K motherboard RAM expansion ("R"):
1K ROM + 11K RAM
$0000..$03FF: PIPBUG monitor ROM
$0000..$03FD: used
$03FE..$03FF: unused?
$0400..$0436: 55 bytes of motherboard RAM (for use by PIPBUG monitor)
$0437..$0FFF: 3K-55b of motherboard RAM
(for storage of and use by games)
$1000..$1FFF: unused?
$2000..$3FFF: 8192 bytes of expansion RAM
(for storage of and use by games)
$4000..$7FFF: unused?
EA 78up5 ("4K Mini Computer") ("S"):
$0000..$03FF: PIPBUG monitor ROM
$0000..$03FD: used
$03FE..$03FF: unused?
$0400..$0436: 55 bytes of motherboard RAM (for use by PIPBUG monitor)
$0437..$13FF: motherboard RAM
(for storage of and use by games)
$1400..$7FFF: unused?
The mappings of the serial and parallel I/O ports and clock are unknown.
;Hardware Equates/Memory Map (PIPBUG-based machines)----------------------
; $0000..$03FF: (R/-) 2K of PIPBUG monitor ROM
; $0400..$0436: (R/W) PIPBUG monitor RAM
; $0437..$04FF: (R/W) game RAM
; $0500..$05FF: (*/*) J: mirror of $0400..$04FF
; (R/W) K-M, P: game RAM
; $0600..$07FF: (*/*) J, K: mirror of $0400..$05FF
; (R/W) L, M, P: game RAM
; $0800..$0FFF: (*/*) J, K: mirror of $0000..$07FF
; (?/?) L: unused?
; (R/W) M, P: game RAM
; $1000..$1FFF: (*/*) J, K: mirror of $0000..$0FFF
; (?/?) L: unused?
; (R/W) M, P: game RAM
; $2000..$2FFF: (*/*) J, K: mirror of $0000..$0FFF
; (?/?) L, M: unused?
; (R/W) P: game+utility RAM
; $3000..$3BFF: (*/*) J, K: mirror of $0000..$0BFF
; (?/?) L, M, P: unused?
; $3C00..$3FFF: (*/*) J, K: mirror of $0C00..$0FFF
; (?/?) L, M: unused?
; (R/w) P: utility EPROM
; $4000..$4FFF: (*/*) J, K: mirror of $0000..$0FFF
; (?/?) L, M, P: unused?
; $5000..$5FFF: (*/*) J, K: mirror of $0000..$0FFF
; (?/?) L, M, P: unused?
; $6000..$6FFF: (*/*) J, K: mirror of $0000..$0FFF
; (?/?) L, M, P: unused?
; $7000..$7FFF: (*/*) J, K: mirror of $0000..$0FFF
; (?/?) L, M, P: unused?
;Official PIPBUG Monitor ROM Label Equates--------------------------------
;INIT equ $0 (R/-) ROM code
AINI equ $3 ;(R/-) ROM code
VEC equ $19 ;(R/-) ROM data (pointers)
EBUG equ $1D ;(R/-) ROM code
MBUG equ $22 ;(R/-) ROM code
LINE equ $5B ;(R/-) ROM code
LLIN equ $60 ;(R/-) ROM code
ALIN equ $79 ;(R/-) ROM code
ELIN equ $7D ;(R/-) ROM code
CLIN equ $7F ;(R/-) ROM code
DLIN equ $84 ;(R/-) ROM code
CRLF equ $8A ;(R/-) ROM code
BLIN equ $95 ;(R/-) ROM code
STRT equ $A4 ;(R/-) ROM code
ALTE equ $AB ;(R/-) ROM code
LALT equ $AE ;(R/-) ROM code
CALT equ $D2 ;(R/-) ROM code
DALT equ $E3 ;(R/-) ROM code
SREG equ $F4 ;(R/-) ROM code
LSRE equ $F7 ;(R/-) ROM code
ASRE equ $116 ;(R/-) ROM code
BSRE equ $12A ;(R/-) ROM code
CSRE equ $132 ;(R/-) ROM code
GOTO equ $13A ;(R/-) ROM code
BK01 equ $160 ;(R/-) ROM code
BK02 equ $16E ;(R/-) ROM code
BKEN equ $17A ;(R/-) ROM code
CLBK equ $1AB ;(R/-) ROM code
CLR equ $1CA ;(R/-) ROM code
NOK equ $1D7 ;(R/-) ROM code
BKPT equ $1E5 ;(R/-) ROM code
DISP equ $222 ;(R/-) ROM code
BIN equ $224 ;(R/-) ROM code
CBCC equ $23D ;(R/-) ROM code
LKUP equ $246 ;(R/-) ROM code
ALKU equ $248 ;(R/-) ROM code
ABRT equ $250 ;(R/-) ROM code
ANSI equ $259 ;(R/-) ROM data
BOUT equ $269 ;(R/-) ROM code
CHIN equ $286 ;(R/-) ROM code
ACHI equ $28F ;(R/-) ROM code
BCHI equ $296 ;(R/-) ROM code
DLAY equ $2A8 ;(R/-) ROM code
DLY equ $2AD ;(R/-) ROM code
COUT equ $2B4 ;(R/-) ROM code
ACOU equ $2C1 ;(R/-) ROM code
ONE equ $2CA ;(R/-) ROM code
ZERO equ $2CC ;(R/-) ROM code
DNUM equ $2D5 ;(R/-) ROM code
GNUM equ $2DB ;(R/-) ROM code
LNUM equ $2E1 ;(R/-) ROM code
BNUM equ $2F2 ;(R/-) ROM code
CNUM equ $2F5 ;(R/-) ROM code
DUMP equ $310 ;(R/-) ROM code
FDUM equ $325 ;(R/-) ROM code
CDUM equ $351 ;(R/-) ROM code
FORM equ $35B ;(R/-) ROM code
GAP equ $35F ;(R/-) ROM code
AGAP equ $361 ;(R/-) ROM code
ADUM equ $369 ;(R/-) ROM code
BDUM equ $36B ;(R/-) ROM code
DDUM equ $386 ;(R/-) ROM code
EDUM equ $39A ;(R/-) ROM code
LOAD equ $3B5 ;(R/-) ROM code
ALOA equ $3D4 ;(R/-) ROM code
BLOA equ $3E1 ;(R/-) ROM code
CLOA equ $3F5 ;(R/-) ROM code
;Official PIPBUG Monitor RAM Variable Equates-----------------------------
COM equ $400 ;(R/W) RAM data
XGOT equ $409 ;(R/W) RAM code?
TEMP equ $40D ;(R/W) RAM data
TEMQ equ $40F ;(R/W) RAM data
TEMR equ $411 ;(R/W) RAM data
TEMS equ $412 ;(R/W) RAM data
BUFF equ $413 ;(R/W) RAM data
BPTR equ $427 ;(R/W) RAM data
MCNT equ $428 ;(R/W) RAM data
CNT equ $429 ;(R/W) RAM data
CODE equ $42A ;(R/W) RAM data
OKGO equ $42B ;(R/W) RAM data
BCC equ $42C ;(R/W) RAM data
MARK equ $42D ;(R/W) RAM data
HDAT equ $42F ;(R/W) RAM data
LDAT equ $431 ;(R/W) RAM data
HADR equ $433 ;(R/W) RAM data
LADR equ $435 ;(R/W) RAM data
;Official Utility RAM Label Equates---------------------------------------
START equ $2FFA ;(R/W) RAM data
END equ $2FFC ;(R/W) RAM data
NEW equ $2FFE ;(R/W) RAM data
;Official Utility EPROM Label Equates-------------------------------------
GPAR equ $3C07 ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine
INCRT equ $3C2A ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine
PADR equ $3C3C ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine
HEXLIST equ $3C50 ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine
SEARCH equ $3C6A ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine
HEXIN equ $3C8A ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine
VERIFY equ $3CDD ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine
OK equ $3CF8 ;(R/w) EPROM code section
FAULTY equ $3D0E ;(R/w) EPROM code section
MOVE equ $3D3B ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine
Z3OUT equ $3DBE ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine (300 baud)
Z3IN equ $3DE4 ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine (300 baud)
ZDUMP equ $3E02 ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine (300 baud)
ZLOAD equ $3E53 ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine (300 baud)
ZVERIFY equ $3EA2 ;(R/w) EPROM subroutine (300 baud)
R/W: read/write
R/-: read-only
R/w: read/write (but writing requires "burning" EPROM)
*/*: mirror (resolve address to ascertain R/W attributes)
$000..$01C: -
$01D..$05A: command handler
$05B..$0A3: input a cmd line into buffer
$0A4..$0AA: subr that stores double precision into temp
$0AB..$0F3: display and alter memory
$0F4..$139: selectively display and alter registers
$13A..$15F: goto address
$160..$1AA: breakpoint runtime code
$1AB..$1C9: subr to clear a bkpt
$1CA..$223: break point
$224..$23C: input two hex chars and form as byte in R1
$23D..$245: calculate the BCC char, EOR and then rotate left
$246..$24F: lookup ASCII char in hex value table
$250..$268: abort exit from any level of subr
$269..$285: byte in R1 output in hex
$286..$2A7: 110 baud input for papertape and char 1MHz clock
$2A8..$2B3: delay for one bit time
$2B4..$2D4: -
$2D5..$30F: get a number from the buffer into R1-R2
$310..$35A: dump to paper tape in object format
$35B..$3B4: subrs for outputting blanks
$3B5..$3FD: load from papertape in object format
$3FE..$3FF: unused?
Utility EPROM:
$2FFA START (RAM) (data) (1st CLI parameter) ($2FFA/$2FFB)
$2FFC END (RAM) (data) (2nd CLI parameter) ($2FFC/$2FFD)
$2FFE NEW (RAM) (data) (3rd CLI parameter) ($2FFE/$2FFF)
$3C07 GPAR (EPROM) (subroutine)
$3C2A INCRT (EPROM) (subroutine)
$3C3C PADR (EPROM) (subroutine)
$3C50 HEXLIST (EPROM) (subroutine)
$3C6A SEARCH (EPROM) (subroutine)
$3C8A HEXIN (EPROM) (subroutine)
$3CDD VERIFY (EPROM) (subroutine)
$3CF8 OK (EPROM) (code section)
$3CCB ? (EPROM) (subroutine)
$3CCE ? (EPROM) (subroutine)
$3D0E FAULTY (EPROM) (code section)
$3D3B MOVE (EPROM) (subroutine)
AssemblerPlusDemonstration.pgm will assemble without errors, but the
generated machine code is not being written to memory anywhere (we are
asking in this case for ORG $2000, but it doesn't seem to matter where
we ask for, it is never generated anywhere). Hence, the current dump of
Assembler.pgm should be considered suspect (although it has been
verified). As the other two are based on that dump, they are likewise
STRT = $440 code
INPT = $493 code
PRNT = $4A6 code
MSAG = $4B1 data
HexCal aka HexCalc:
Enter source address.
/ appears.
Enter destination address.
= and result appears.
Eg. 20/30=10
Result is the distance between the addresses.
PAIR equ $45E
gosub CRLF;
for (r1 = 3; r1 >= 1; r1--)
PAIR = (BINOUT() - PAIR) & $7F;
BOUT(PAIR); // Byte output in hex
COUT(' ');
goto $3F00;
// Input two hex chars and output in hex
*($476) = BIN(); // Input two hex chars and form as byte
BOUT(*($476)); // Byte output in hex
return *($476);
$C00..$C59: baud rate initialization routine?
$C76..$EEC: Life game code
$EED..$F54: Life game variables
2650 Line Assembler:
"It is not identical but is very similar to the Line Assembler described
in the article "2650 mini assembler simplifies programming" by Jamieson Rowe
published in the April 1979 issue of Electronics Australia (p. 76-80) and the
follow-up article "Improving the 2650 mini line assembler" by A. M. Kollosche
in February 1980 (p. 76)." - Chris Burrows.
Binary Floating Point Routines (Application Note AS57):
The program's prompt is corrupt (maybe the emulated teletype is not ready
for it).
Each pair of hex digits is not shown until it has been completely input.
The spaces around operators are added automatically by the program rather
than by the user.
The start address determines the rounding mode, as follows:
G6A6 will run with rounding.
G6AA will run without rounding.
Give 8 hex digits, then an operator, then another 8 hex digits, then =
Supported operators are +, -, * and : (which is division).
Note that the listing is self-contradictory (the
machine code does not match the assembly code).
*(MOD) = ADDZ r3;
r3 = SUB1();
for (;;)
{ r0 = CHIN();
if (r0 == '+') goto PLUS;
elif (r0 == '-') goto SUBT;
elif (r0 == '*') goto MULT;
*(MOD) = SUBZ r3;
PLUS: // $45C
gosub COUT(r0); // print operation symbol ('+' or '-')
r2 = r3; // 1st argument
r3 = SUB1(); // 2nd argument
r0 = r2; // 1st argument
r0 += r3, or r0 -= r3, depending on the desired operation
if (r0 < 0)
{ r0 = r3 - r2;
*(A1) = '-'; // store '-' as 1st character
r0 |= $30; // format for display
*(A2) = r0; // store r0 as 2nd character
} elif (r0 >= 10)
{ *(A1) = '1'; // store '1' as 1st character
r0 -= 10;
r0 |= $30; // format for display
*(A2) = r0; // store r0 as 2nd character
} else
{ r0 |= $30; // format for display
*(A1) = r0; // store as 1st character
r0 = NUL;
*(A2) = r0 [NUL]; // store as 2nd character
goto END;
MULT: // $48E
gosub COUT(r0); // print operation symbol ('*')
r2 = r3; // 1st argument
r3 = SUB1(); // 2nd argument
r0 = 0;
while (r2 != 0)
{ r0 += r3;
while (r0 >= 10)
{ r0 -= 10;
r2 |= $30; // format for display
*(A1) = r2;
r0 |= $30; // format for display
*(A2) = r0;
goto END;
{ r0 = CHIN();
clear With Carry and COMpare bits
} while (r0 < '0' || r0 > '9');
r3 = r0;
gosub COUT(r0);
r3 &= $0F; // remove display formatting
return r3;
r1 = 0;
while (*(MSAG + ++r1) != 0)
{ COUT(r0);
gosub CRLF;
goto STRT;
MicroWorld BASIC:
Note that this is *not* byte-for-byte identical to the official PIPBUG release
of MicroWorld BASIC, as evidenced by the fact that eg. the official BINBUG
patch (aka "personality module") for it will not work. The available dump
was originally for PIPBUG, then was ported to PHUNSY, then was ported back to
The first command you should issue is OLD. Then you can RUN or LIST the
If 23 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 21.
If 22 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 21.
If 21 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 18 but you are in danger.
If 20 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 17.
If 19 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 17.
If 18 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 17.
If 17 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 14 but you are in danger.
If 16 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 13.
If 15 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 13.
If 14 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 13.
If 13 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 10 but you are in danger.
If 12 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 9.
If 11 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 9.
If 10 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 9.
If 9 remaining on your turn, you will eventually lose.
If 8 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 5.
If 7 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 5.
If 6 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 5.
If 5 remaining on your turn, you will soon lose.
If 4 remaining on your turn, take 3 leaving 1 and winning.
If 3 remaining on your turn, take 2 leaving 1 and winning.
If 2 remaining on your turn, take 1 leaving 1 and winning.
If 1 remaining on your turn, you have already lost.
STRT = $440 code
F1..F6, F8..FA: code
$4B3 = PRNT code
$4BC = MSGE data
Number Game:
The ! prompt means to hit ENTER (it presumably uses this user-dependant
delay for randomization).
Numbers up to 65535 are possible.
The target number is stored at $486..$487 in little-endian format.
The number of turns taken is stored at $4A8.
Reaction Timer:
You have to react when the cursor is in the leftmost column.
Relative Address Calculator:
Enter the 1st address (4 hex digits).
Enter the 2nd address (4 hex digits).
It will then display the value to use for a relative branch from the 1st
to the 2nd instruction (the same as Ami/WinArcadia debugger REL command
This program does not echo your input to the screen.
r2 = r0;
PORTD = $80;
gosub $174D;
gosub $174D;
PORTD = $00;
for (r1 = 5; r1 >= 1; r1--)
{ gosub $174D;
r2 >>= 1;
if (<)
{ PORTD = $80;
} else
{ PORTD = $00;
} }
gosub $174D;
PORTD = $80;
$174D is a delay routine.
Star Shoot:
The objective is to reach the end configuration shown below in as few
moves as possible, by shooting stars. Each move consists of a digit 1-9
corresponding to the position of the star to shoot:
Numbering Start End
123 ... ***
456 .*. *.*
789 ... ***
The only valid first move is 5. Shots have these results:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.!- !.! -!. !-- -!- --! --- --- ---
!!- --- -!! .-- !.! --. !!- --- -!!
--- --- --- !-- -!- --! .!- !.! -!.
. means the star becomes a dot
! means the star or dot becomes a dot or star (respectively)
- are unchanged.
It is possible to reach a configuration with zero stars and thus no
possible moves, losing the game.
Overview of Available Software
These programs are for real-time control and monitoring of custom hardware
(which is not fully emulated):
Vector Magnetometer
Wind Furnace Controller
Alien Hunt
Hit the Hurkle
Maze Maker
Micro BASIC games work if you type G1 and hit ENTER (these programs have
not been individually tested recently):
guessing game
lunar lander
number game
radio log
These do nothing very useful, but are not expected to:
2708 eprom programmer
on screen clock 1.0
(it works after poking the starting time into memory and registers first)
most routines
Working but with issues:
alien hunt: has ! and " at end of table rows.
bit echo: why does it print flashing garbage after each letter?
cricket: doesn't randomize very well.
life (machine code): for 110 baud, you just need to press U, as documented.
For 300 baud, you need to press U (not Y), then ENTER, contrary to the
documentation. Then press N for a new field and set it up with Os and
spaces, using Ctrl-J repeatedly to move down.
line assembler: why does start address begin at 2, and increment by
2 every time F5 (reset) is pressed?
mastermind & revised mastermind: you need to use Ctrl-L instead of ENTER
after each line of input.
music (bach, yankee doodle): why do they print garbage while playing?
random morse: why does it print garbage while playing?
These probably work, check how to use them:
message editor
microbasic itself is probably ok? what about alternate version?
target shoot
All other games are fine.
PIPBUG Commands
A: ALTE Alter Memory
B: BKPT Set Breakpoint 1/2
C: CLR Clear Breakpoint 1/2
D: DUMP Dump to Papertape
L: LOAD Load from Papertape
S: SREG See and Set the Microprocessor
Alter Memory
1234 56 #
(ie. ENTER) to exit
(ie. Ctrl+J) to display the next address
to change to and exit
(ie. type the value then press Ctrl+J) to change to
and display the next address
*B 1 Set Breakpoint 1
no output if successful
*B 2 Set Breakpoint 2
no output if successful
*C 1 Clear Breakpoint 1
no output if successful
? if unsuccessful
*C 2 Clear Breakpoint 2
no output if successful
? if unsuccessful
*D Dump to Papertape
*G Go To
*L Load from Papertape
*S See and Set the Microprocessor
0..6 = r0..r6
7 = PSU
8 = PSL
56 ?
to exit
to display the next register
to change register to and exit
to change register to and display the next register
Uppercase input is required at all times.
Some useful Ctrl-codes are:
Ctrl+G = BEL (7)
Ctrl+H = BS (8)
Ctrl+I = TAB (9)
Ctrl+J = LF (10)
Ctrl+M = CR (13)
Cassette I/O
A set (1) bit (Sense bit on) is represented by a quickly pulsing signal.
About 20 quickly pulsing cycles represents a set bit.
A clear (0) bit (Sense bit off) is represented by a slowly pulsing signal.
About 10 slowly pulsing cycles represents a clear bit.
The length of each bit, in time, is identical regardless of its value.
(This is in contrast to the system used on the Elektor, which has identical
pulses for all values and differentiates values by the positioning of the
PIPBUG encodes/decodes the files as Signetics Absolute Object Format
(AOF) at 110 baud. There is a low start bit preceding each byte, and two
high stop bits following each byte. The parity bit (bit 7 of the data) is
always thrown away when reading. The data rate is approximately 10 raw
data bytes per second. As values are encoded into ASCII pairs, the actual
number of bytes loaded/saved per second from the user's point of view is
about 5.
As an example, here's the Blackjack game in AOF format:
Notes about Cassette Interfaces
PIPBUG, BINBUG (except ACOS), CD2650 and (presumably) Selbstbaucomputer
use a standard Kansas City Computer Users Tape Standard (CUTS) cassette
interface to transform standard teletype I/O into cassette tape I/O (ie.
high and low bits are turned into the appropriate pulse trains when
recording, and pulse trains are analyzed and decoded into high and low
bits during playback), usually at 110 baud:
* Every "0" bit becomes 21.81' cycles (pulses) of a 2400 Hz tone, and
* Every "1" bit becomes 10.90' cycles (pulses) of a 1200 Hz tone.
In practice, exactly 22 or 11 pulses should be done (as it is best to
wait until the next zero crossing before doing the next bit).
The BIOS and games only see the teletype Sense and Flag lines, they
cannot see the pulse trains. The cassette interface is invisible to the
software; as far as it knows there is only an ordinary teletype attached.
This means that you can record/play any sort of teletype I/O directly to/
from the tape, not just formal dumps.
300 baud is identical to 110 baud except that only 8 (instead of 22) or
4 (instead of 11) pulses are done; the pulses themselves are identical.
To load a tape, translate it to teletype format:
* 22 2400 Hz pulses in 9.09' msec
= having teletype Sense low for 9.09' msec ("0").
* 11 1200 Hz pulses in 9.09' msec
= having teletype Sense high for 9.09' msec ("1").
* If we see a zero crossing every 413.2231 usec it is a "0",
and we should see 22 of those (or more if there are several 0 bits).
* If we see a zero crossing every 826.4463 usec it is a "1",
and we should see 11 of those (or more if there are several 1 bits).
and vice versa when saving:
* while teletype Sense is 0,
flip the tape Sense every 413.2231 / 2 usec.
* while teletype Sense is 1,
flip the tape Sense every 826.4463 / 2 usec.
This is sufficient for all baud rates and encodings.
Here is a diagrammatic view of the system:
In record mode:
Computer Tape Terminal (VDU/keyboard)
* -> Flag -----(tape can save this)---> VDU
* <- Sense <--(input comes from kybd)--- Keyboard
In replay mode:
Computer Tape Terminal (VDU/keyboard)
* -> Flag -----(tape ignores this)----> VDU
* <- Sense <--(input comes from tape) ! Keyboard
PIPBUG Decompilation
Be aware that PIPBUG, and programs for it, generally run with signed
(arithmetic) comparisons, as opposed to the Arcadia, etc. which generally
run with unsigned (logical) comparisons.
COUT has the following side effects when called:
PSL: CC = lt;
PSL: primary register bank (r1..r3) is always selected
PSU: Flag pin is always set
r0 = r4 = 0;
r5 = the old r0 (ie. what you passed)
You should not call it when SP > 5 (you need one level of stack for
COUT's return address and another level for DLAY's return address).
CHIN has the following side effects when called:
PSL: CC = gt;
PSL: primary register bank (r1..r3) is always selected
PSL: With Carry bit is always set
r0 = r4 = return code (1..127)
r5 = *(DATABUS) = 0;
You should not call it when SP > 5 (you need one level of stack for
CHIN's return address and another level for DLAY's/DLY's return
LIFECOUT has the following side effects when called:
PSL: CC = eq;
PSL: primary register bank (r1..r3) is always selected
PSU: Flag pin is always set
r1 = *(DATABUS);
r0 = r6 = 0;
You should not call it when SP > 4 (you need one level of stack for
LIFECOUT's return address, another level for LIFEDELAY's return address,
and another level for LIFEDELAY_ALT's return address.
LIFECHIN has the following side effects when called:
PSL: CC = gt;
PSL: primary register bank (r1..r3) is always selected
PSL: With Carry bit is always clear
r0 = r4 = return code (1..127)
r5 = r6 = 0;
You should not call it when SP > 4 (you need one level of stack for
LIFECHIN's return address, another level for LIFEDELAY's return address,
and another level for LIFEDELAY_ALT's return address.
Monitor Variables---------------------------------------------------------
*(BPTR): current digit - 1 (ie. buffer size - 1)
*(CODE): set by LINE
1 = CR
2 = LF
3 = msg + CR
4 = msg + LF
*(TEMR): current register (0..8)
*(COM)..*(COM + 6): contents of r0..r6
*(COM + 7): contents of PS?
*(COM + 8): contents of PS?
Subroutine LINE-----------------------------------------------------------
;The return code is r1, as follows:
; 0 = failure?
; 1 = CR
; 2 = LF
; 3 = msg + CR
; 4 = msg + LF
*(BPTR) := r3 := -1;
for (;;)
{ if (r3 == BLEN) goto ELIN; // #define BLEN 20
r0 := CHIN();
if (r0 == DELE) // #define DELE $7F
{ if (r3 != -1)
{ r0 := *(BUFF + r3);
gosub COUT(r0);
} // implied else
if (r0 == CR) // #define CR 13
r1 := 1; // we will return 1 or 3
r0 := r3;
if (r3 >=) r1 += 2; // ie. if something is in buffer
or, if (r3 >= 0 && r3 <= $7F) r1 += 2;
*(CODE) := r1;
*(CNT) := r3;
COUT(CR); // #define CR 13
COUT(LF); // #define LF 10
} // implied else
r1 := 2;
if (r0 == LF) goto CLIN; // we will return 2 or 4
*(BUFF + ++r3) = r0;
End of Subroutine---------------------------------------------------------
Subroutine SREG-----------------------------------------------------------
SREG: ;$F4
r2 = GNUM();
for (;;)
{ if (r2 > 8) goto EBUG;
*(TEMR) = r2;
r0 = r1 = *(COM + r2);
BOUT(r1); // show old value (byte in r1 output in hex)
gosub FORM; // printf(" ");
r0 = *(CODE) = LINE();
if (r0 < 2) goto MBUG; // exit from "S" command
if (r0 == 0) goto CSRE; // failure? never executed anyway?
ASRE: ;$116
*(TEMQ) = r0; // ie. *(CODE)
r0 = GNUM();
r2 = *(TEMR);
*(COM + r2) = r0; // write new value
if (r2 != 8) goto BSRE;
*(XGOT + 1) = r0; // operand!
BSRE: ;$12A
r0 = *(TEMQ); // ie. *(CODE)
if (r0 == 3) goto MBUG; // if msg+CR, exit from "S" command
CSRE: ;$132
r2 = *(TEMR) + 1;
End of Subroutine---------------------------------------------------------
Subroutine DNUM-----------------------------------------------------------
r0 := *(CODE);
if (r0 == 0) goto LNUM;
// implied else
r0 := r1 := r2 := *(CODE) := 0;
r3 := *(BPTR);
if (*(BPTR) == *(CNT)) return;
r0 := *(*(BUFF) + ++r3);
*(BPTR) := r3;
if (r0 == ' ') goto DNUM;
gosub LKUP;
r1 = ( r1 << 4) & %11110000; // 1st digit
r0 = (oldr2 << 4) & %00001111; // 3rd digit
newr2 = (oldr2 << 4) & %11110000; // 2nd digit
r0 |= r1;
r1 := r0;
r2 |= r3;
r0 := 1;
*(CODE) := r0 [1];
goto LNUM;
End of Subroutine---------------------------------------------------------
Subroutine CHIN-----------------------------------------------------------
CHIN: ;$286
*(DATABUS) = %10000000; // enable tape reader
r4 := 0;
while (PSU & Sense); // look for start bit
*(DATABUS) = %00000000; // disable tape reader
gosub(DLY); // waste 3+1460=1463 cycles
for (r5 := 8; r5 > 0; r5--) // loop eight times
{ gosub(DLAY); // wait to middle of data (waste 3+2996=2999 cycles)
r0 = PSU & Sense;
r4 >>= 1;
r4 |= r0;
/* Bits are read from least significant (low bits) to most significant
(high bits). This example assumes $FF (or at least $7F) is being
1st time: r4 is $00 %........
now r4 becomes $80 %0.......
2nd time: r4 has become $40 %.0......
now r4 becomes $C0 %10......
3rd time: r4 has become $60 %.10.....
now r4 becomes $E0 %210.....
4th time: r4 has become $70 %.210....
now r4 becomes $f0 %3210....
5th time: r4 has become $78 %.3210...
now r4 becomes $F8 %43210...
6th time: r4 has become $7C %.43210..
now r4 becomes $FC %543210..
7th time: r4 has become $7E %.543210.
now r4 becomes $FE %6543210.
8th time: r4 has become $7F %.6543210
now r4 becomes $FF %76543210 High bit (bit 7) is parity! */
gosub(DLAY); // waste 3+2996=2999 cycles
r4 &= %01111111; // delete parity bit
r0 := r4;
;clear With Carry bit
End of Subroutine---------------------------------------------------------
Subroutine DLAY-----------------------------------------------------------
DLAY: // delay for one bit time ;$2A8
r0 = 0; ;2
512 iterations of BDRR,R0 ;1536
;$2AD: ;1460
;alternate entry point
256 iterations of BDRR,R0 ;768
r0 = $E5; ;2
229 iterations of BDRR,R0 ;687
retc,un ;3
End of Subroutine---------------------------------------------------------
I/O Timing
At 1MHz, there are 1,000,000 short/fast cycles per second, which
is 333,333.3' long/slow cycles per second. So each long/slow cycle lasts
for 1,000,000/333,333.3'=3uS.
At 110 baud, each bit ideally lasts for 9090.90' uS.
At 300 baud, each bit ideally lasts for 3333.3' uS.
At 1200 baud, each bit ideally lasts for 833.3' uS.
For a 110 baud teletype, a full bit delay is:
bsta,un TDLA ;3
eorz r0 ;2
bdrr,r0 $ ;256*3
bdrr,r0 $ ;256*3
bdrr,r0 $ ;256*3
lodi,r0 229 ;2
bdrr,r0 $ ;229*3
retc,un ;3
=3001 long/slow cycles=9003uS.
and a half bit delay is:
bsta,un TDLY ;3
bdrr,r0 $ ;256*3
lodi,r0 229 ;2
bdrr,r0 $ ;229*3
retc,un ;3
=1463 long/slow cycles=4389uS.
For a 1200 baud RS-232 terminal, a full bit delay is:
bsta,un DLAY ;3
lodi,r0 89 ;2
bdrr,r0 DL1 ;3
retc,un ;3
3+2+(3*89)+3=275 long/slow cycles=825uS.
and a half bit delay is:
bsta,un DLY ;3
lodi,r0 58 ;2
bctr,un DL1 ;2
bdrr,r0 DL1 ;3
retc,un ;3
3+2+2+(3*58)+3=184 long/slow cycles=552uS.
Note that these delays are shorter than the ideals. However, keep in mind
that there is also code that must be run by the caller to process (emit/
receive) each bit; this takes a certain amount of time to run.
Each character begins with a start bit (%0). Then data bits 0..6 are sent
(least significant bits first). Then a parity bit is sent. Then stop
bits are sent?
The letter "U" has the 7-bit ASCII code of $55 (%1010101). This would be
transmitted as %0,1010101,1.
The DG640+TCT PCG are mapped as follows:
$7000..$77FF: UDG definitions (each UDG is 8*16 pixels):
$7000: 1st row of UDG #0
: : :
$700F: 16th row of UDG #0
$7010: 1st row of UDG #1
: : :
$701F: 16th row of UDG #1
$77F0: 1st row of UDG #127
: : :
$77FF: 16th row of UDG #127
$7800..$7BFF: bit 7: inverse video on/off
bits 6..0: character ($00..$7F)
$7C00..$7FFF: bit 7: red
bit 6: green
bit 5: blue
bits 4..3: unused
bit 2: UDG (otherwise PDG)
bit 1: graphics on/off
bit 0: flash on/off
To read the joystick buttons, use a REDE of port $09. Bits are:
bits 7..6: unused
bits 5..3: switch bits for joystick A
Switch '1' = %000 (fire/serve)
Switch '2' = %001
Switch '3' = %010
Switch '4' = %011
Switch '5' = %100
Switch '6' = %101
Switch '7' = %110
Nothing = %111
bits 2..0: switch bits for joystick B (same format as for joystick A)
To read the joystick paddles, first WRTE a value of $00..$07 to port $EF,
according to what you want to read:
Channel '1' (%000): 2nd joystick horizontal
Channel '2' (%001): 2nd joystick vertical
Channel '3' (%010): 1st joystick horizontal
Channel '4' (%011): 1st joystick vertical
Channel '5' (%100): unused (or 3rd joystick horizontal)
Channel '6' (%101): unused (or 3rd joystick vertical )
Channel '7' (%110): unused (or 4th joystick horizontal)
Channel '8' (%111): unused (or 4th joystick vertical )
Now REDE from port $EF in a loop until the MSB is low (ie. until something
in the $00..$7F range is returned).
The X-axis is inverted, ie. $00=right..$7F=left
The Y-axis is normal , ie. $00=up ..$7F=down
Game Help
Dates are expected to be in dd/mm/yy format.
Invalid dates will cause the program to hang.
DG640 Driver:
To get the flashing cursor, you need PIPBUG (not BINBUG).
ETI-685 Memory Tester:
This expects BINBUG 6.1. It is used as follows:
where and are the start and end addresses, eg.:
G440 1000 1FFF
Funny Farm Races:
1. At the "PLAYER 1-" prompt:
Type in the name of the first player and press ENTER.
2. For each additional player you want to add:
Press P. The machine will say "PLAYER 2-" (or whatever).
Type in the name of the player and then press ENTER.
3. Press ENTER to begin.
4. For each player:
The machine will ask "BET?".
For each bet you want to place:
Press Y and then press ENTER.
The machine will ask "DOG NO?".
Press the number (0..9) of your preferred dog and then press ENTER.
The machine will ask "HOW MUCH?".
Press N when this player has placed all their bets.
5. Watch the race and then press ENTER.
6. Go to 4.
This program requires extra hardware (eg. various motors), which is not
emulated by AmiPIPBUG/WinPIPBUG. Although it will load and run, it will
not do anything useful on the emulators, and, intentionally, does not
produce output on the screen. Also, it expects a data table (starting at
!6000), which is not present.
Guessing Game (machine code version):
"When called, the program will wait until you enter any character. It will
then generate a random number between 1 and 99, which you must guess.
Starting address is $0440."
Enter source address (2 hex digits), then "/" appears.
Enter destination address (2 hex digits), then "=" appears, and tells you
the relative offset. Eg. 01/02=01 03/04=7F 05/05=00
The first digit of each pair entered is not echoed to the display until the
second digit has been input.
"Life is a matrix game concerned with the life, death and birth of cells.
Imagine each cell to be in a two-dimensional linear matrix, such that each
cell location has eight possible neighbours, as shown:
1 2 3
4 X 5
6 7 8
The rules of cell life, death and birth are as follows:
1. A live cell will survive if it has two or three live neighbours.
2. A live cell will die if it has less than two or more than three
live neighbours.
3. A birth in an empty cell will occur if it has exactly three live
4. Births and deaths take place simultaneously.
To work with practical terminals the program operates with a limited size
matrix, but makes it effectively "infinite" by having "wrap around" from
side to side and from top to bottom.
In our version of Life, live cells are represented by Os, and dead or
empty cells as blanks. The program starts with an initial pattern (fed in
by the player), and calculates the new patterns "generation by
The 32x16 versions are intended for use with the Low Cost VDU of EA
February and April 1978. The 32x24 versions are intended for terminals
such as the EME-1 VDU, described in the EA January and February 1977
To use the program, type:
and then switch to the appropriate baud rate (110 or 300 baud). Then
type a U for 110 baud operation, or a Y for 300 baud operation.
The program will respond with the word "LIFE", followed by the prompt
character ":".
If you respond with "N", the program will expect a new matrix to be
supplied. The program will echo the N, followed by a carriage return and
line feed. A pattern may then be written in (or "seeded") by using the
space bar for blanks (these are printed as dots), Os for live cells, and
line feeds (LF) [Ctrl+J in Ami/WinArcadia] for new lines.
Blanks are not required on the right hand side of the pattern. Carriage
return (CR) will permit overwriting of a line, allowing error correction.
Once your pattern is complete, use LFs if necessary to advance to the
bottom of the matrix.
Once the pattern is completed, the program will reprint it, and give
the prompt sign again. If you now respond with a Gxx, $xx generations
will be evolved, with a printout after the last generation. G00 will
produce printout after 256 generations, while G01 will produce a
printout after only one generation. And so on...
Immediately after you have typed in this command, the program will
respond with a message such as <15S, to indicate that in less than 15
seconds it will print out the result of the Gxx instruction. After
printing the result the new generation count and prompt will appear at
the bottom left hand corner of the screen. This may overwrite live cells,
so try and keep your patterns in the centre of the screen (patterns to the
right will wrap around to the left).
The remaining instruction is P, which causes the program to print out
the existing matrix. The instruction is not used a great deal.
This is the result of a simple pattern. This stabilises after four
generations, and then continues forever unchanged:
One of the most interesting and simple patterns has been named the
"Glider". The seed for this is shown below:
If you are running Life at 1200 baud, it is better to use the autoprint
version, which prints out after every generation, and stops automatically
when the pattern stabilises.
Simply feed in a starting pattern (using the N command), and sit back
and watch. The program will continue until a stable pattern is achieved,
at which time it will stop. Note, however, that it cannot detect recurring
cyclical patterns, so watch out for these. To stop them, you will have to
use the reset facility of the 2650."
Linearization (Linearisatie):
This program requires extra hardware, eg. light pen, which is not
supported by AmiPIPBUG/WinPIPBUG. Although it will load and run, it will
not do anything useful on the emulators, and, apparently intentionally,
does not produce output on the screen.
Lunar Lander (machine code version):
F = Fuel (out of 40)
V = Velocity (- is down (towards surface), + is up (away from surface))
D = Distance from surface (- is underground, + is above ground)
B = Burn
The * is a graphical indicator of your distance from the surface.
You must give a 2-digit burn each turn.
Neither digit is displayed until both have been entered.
Maths Demonstration:
"This program provides the functions of a simple, 3-function calculator.
It will multiply, add or subtract two single digit decimal numbers. Normal
plus, minus and equals signs are used, with an asterisk symbol for
multiplication. Starts at $0440."
Memory Test:
You use the program as follows:
where is "01".."7F". ("80".."$FF" give infinite tests.)
G48F 0500 3FFF 7F
If there is no resulting output other than linefeeds (just goes back to
the "*" prompt), this indicates success.
Errors are as follows:
Z or S mean that cleared (zeroed) memory did not read back as $00.
W means that a single bit of memory (eg. $10) did not read back
L means that set memory did not read back as $FF.
The address of the error then follows the error code.
Message Editor:
"Upon being called, this program will give a prompt character, and await a
command character. Command T allows a message to be entered, C allows a
stored message to be checked, and R allows it to be repeated until the CPU
is reset. In text input mode, the Del character acts as a destructive
backspace for correcting errors. To return to command mode, type an Esc.
If the message being stored is too long for the buffer, an F will be
displayed. Starts at $0440."
Micro BASIC programs (eg. Guessing Game (Micro BASIC version), Lunar
Lander (Micro BASIC version), Radio Log, Temperature Conversion):
Type G1 and then press ENTER to begin execution.
Relative Branch Calculator:
Enter source address (4 hex digits).
Enter destination address (4 hex digits), then "=" appears, and tells you
the relative offset (or "?" if out of range).
The first digit of each pair entered is not echoed to the display until the
second digit has been input.
You must type 6 consecutive hex digits. These are not echoed to the
screen (except that Ami/WinArcadia V15.72+ do this for you). The first 4
digits are the starting address (including any leading zeroes) and the
last 2 digits are the least significant byte of the ending address (the
most significant byte is always the same as that of the starting address).
will disassemble $440..$4FF.
Note that the mnemonics used are not always standard Signetics. Eg.:
To disassemble another region, type:
at the command prompt ("*"). If you get another "*", retry; otherwise,
now enter a new 6-digit address range.
There are bugs in the published program listing, causing incorrect
disassembly of some instructions. There is a fixed version in the
Enhancements Pack.
There is also the following unfixed bug:
Some situations (eg. 3-byte instruction at $1FE..$200 when range
argument was "0100FF") result in the mini-disassembler not detecting the
end of the range and instead wrapping back around.
"The "Music" program occupies locations $4A0 to $5D3, and uses PIPBUG
routines. It contains absolute addresses, and is not easily relocated. The
music is generated at the flag output of the 2650, and some form of audio
transducer is required. This can simply be an audio amplifier and speaker,
connected via a suitable attenuator, to the buffered flag output of the
Monotonic musical notes are generated by pulsing the flag output at
suitable rates, with the program "reading" the music from a section of
memory. The timing of the music is determined by a time value called
"UNIT", which is an even number of up to 15 bits, such that $5160 is about
1/32 of a second.
Each note is specified by two bytes. The first byte represents the
number of UNITs that the note will last: $01 gives a duration of 1 UNIT,
while $00 gives 256 UNITs, or 8 seconds with a UNIT value of $5160.
The second byte is split into three fields. The most significant bit,
bit 7, indicates either a note (%0) or a rest (%1). The next three bits,
bits 4, 5 and 6, specify the octave. %111 represents the top octave, while
%000 represents the lowest. In practice, the three lowest octaves are not
usable, giving a range of only five octaves.
The remaining four bits in the second byte represent the note within the
octave. The first note in any octave is E, represented by $0, while the
last note is D# (D sharp), represented by $B.
For rests, bits 6 to 0 are not used, so all rests become $80.
It is best to start and end all programs (tunes!) with $80 $80, a long
rest, to separate the music from the noises PIPBUG makes while
communicating with the terminal. To signify the end of a tune, insert $02
$FF after the long rest.
"Yankee Doodle" occupies locations $5D4 to $6B7, and requires a unit
value of $2800, while "Bach" occupies locations $6B8 to $7A3, and requires
a unit value of $7000.
To run the program, type:
G58C [] []
The last two parameters are optional. If they are not given, the program
will use the previous values. Thus, to play "Yankee Doodle", type:
G58C 5D4 2800
and for "Bach" type:
G58C 6B8 7000"
-v. low-- ---low--- -middle-- ---high-- -v. high-
$30 E $40 E $50 E $60 E $70 E
$31 F $41 F $51 F $61 F $71 F
$32 F#/Gb $42 F#/Gb $52 F#/Gb $62 F#/Gb $72 F#/Gb
$33 G $43 G $53 G $63 G $73 G
$34 G#/Ab $44 G#/Ab $54 G#/Ab $64 G#/Ab $74 G#/Ab
$35 A $45 A $55 A $65 A $75 A
$36 A#/Bb $46 A#/Bb $56 A#/Bb $66 A#/Bb $76 A#/Bb
$37 B $47 B $57 B $67 B $77 B
$38 C $48 C $58 C $68 C $78 C
$39 C#/Db $49 C#/Db $59 C#/Db $69 C#/Db $79 C#/Db
$3A D $4A D $5A D $6A D $7A D
$3B D#/Eb $4B D#/Eb $5B D#/Eb $6B D#/Eb $7B D#/Eb
$80 rest
For the purposes of the above table, each "octave" is assumed to begin at
Note that there is a short delay for Yankee Doodle and a long delay for
Bach, before they actually begin to play the song.
"The game of Nim: starting with 23 you and the program take turns at
subtracting a number from 1 to 3. The one that leaves 1 after their move
wins. Starting address is $0440."
The winning strategy is as follows:
You will have a turn where there are 6..8 widgets. Taking 1..3 widgets
accordingly on this turn will leave 5 widgets.
The computer must then take 1..3 widgets, leaving 2..4 widgets.
You should then take 1..3 widgets accordingly, to leave 1 widget and
therefore win.
The original published version has a bug at $505 ($00 should be $0C).
Pause the machine and then set the time like this before starting at $500:
*($573) = tens of hours
r3 = ones of hours
r2 = tens of minutes
r1 = ones of minutes
All values are stored in ASCII format. Eg. for '5', use $35 (ASCII '5'),
not $05.
Eg. use this sequence of debugger commands for 11:58 am:
E $573 '1'
E R3 '1'
E R2 '5'
E R1 '8'
J $500
When the time reaches 13:00, it will reset back to 01:00.
"The computer generates a 4*4 array of the first 16 letters of the
alphabet, arranged in a random order. The object of the game is to
rearrange the array into the following form:
The array can only be rearranged by rotating [2*2] blocks of four letters
clockwise. The block to be rotated is specified by the letter in its top
left hand corner. It is invalid to try to rotate by calling letters on
either the bottom row or the right hand column of the array.
If a mistake is made, it can be corrected once between valid rotations.
Any two adjacent letters can be exchanged, with the proviso that only one
exchange is permitted. When the required pattern has been achieved, or
when the game is aborted, the program will print out the number of moves
The program occupies locations $440 to $5C7, and uses routines from
PIPBUG. To run the program, type:
and the computer will respond with "PRESS ANY KEY". Once this has been
done, a random pattern will be generated and printed, and the prompt
message "ROTATE:" given.
Here is a sample printout. The "Z" command was used to terminate the
If you wish to rotate a particular block, type the letter in the top left
hand corner of that block. If you wish to cancel a move, type carriage
return, and the program will respond with "CANCEL", and then reprint the
last but one block.
If you wish to exchange two adjacent letters, type X. The program will
respond with "EXCHANGE:", and expect you to type in the two desired
letters. If you cannot solve a particular pattern, type Z, and this will
abort the game.
An average pattern, with only one exchange permitted, should take
between 25 and 30 moves. Early attempts may take more."
Note that the game does not enforce the rule about only permitting one
exchange per game.
The unpatched version (ie. as found in the Games Pack) will not work on
Ami/WinArcadia. You should use the patched version (ie. as found in the
Enhancements Pack).
Othello (Reversi) 2.0:
Input must be in Y,X (row,col) format.
Printer Routines, Trace Routine:
Of course, the provided binaries do nothing (ie. do not "work") by
themselves, as they are only subroutines. See the relevant magazine
articles for more information about how to use them.
This game expects a display with more than 16 rows. The SVT-100 terminal
which is emulated by Ami/WinArcadia is only one of the output devices that
could be hooked up to a real PIPBUG machine. The game was probably
designed for a teletype. We suggest using the "Log|Echo I/O to console?"
This program uses cycle counting techniques. Under Ami/WinArcadia 8.41,
this programs appears to run too fast (ie. the "game" time goes faster
than the emulator time).
The two most likely possibilities would be:
(a) the program was not originally tested and tuned to a sufficient
precision by its programmer; and/or
(b) the real machine is spending a certain number of cycles servicing
interrupts. (which don't occur in the emulator).
Of course, since it starts counting from minute 1 rather than minute 0,
the time as shown in this program will be minute later than that shown by
the emulator.
When this program says "0100" (ie. "one hour"), emulator time should be
approximately "00:59:00.00" (though it would be fair to allow a few
milliseconds for initialization). However, emulator time when this event
occurs is actually only "00:58:47.20". So this program is 12.80 seconds
fast over that 59 minutes. (Or, conversely, you could suggest that the
emulator is slow by that amount, or a combination of both.)
Such accuracy is approximately 1:276.5625 (slightly worse than 1 second
fast per 5 minutes), which makes this program rather useless over lengthy
Vector Magnetometer:
This program expects extra input (eg. various sensors) and output (eg.
pitch and roll indicators) hardware, which is not supported by AmiPIPBUG/
WinPIPBUG. (The LED display, used for output of heading data, is
supported.) Although it will load and run, it will not do anything useful
on the emulators, and, intentionally, does not produce output on the main
screen (only via the LED display).
In condensed mode, width is 32 columns * 8 pixels = 256 pixels.
In expanded mode, width is 16 columns * 16 pixels = 256 pixels.
Speed is 2 lines/sec (512 pixels/sec).
Printing is left to right.
Every 1953.125 cycles (at 1 MHz), it print a column of pixels (dots)
(slightly more than 10 such columns per frame).
Paper roll is 6 cm wide and 60 m long.
226 pixels (dots) * 293 pixels (dots).
37.6' pixels (dots) per cm.
EA printer interface:
Uses the data port for (parallel) input and output.
Does not use buffering.
Can accept a new character every 64th of a second (in condensed mode)
or every 32nd of a second (in expanded mode).
As soon as the game writes to the data port, it prints the character.
While printing is in progress, the high bit of the input data port
is low. It is high while idle.
ETI-641 printer interface:
Uses extended port $19 (25) for (parallel) input and output.
Uses an internal 128-byte buffer.
Can accept a new character every 200,000th of a second (5 usecs).
Once the internal buffer fills, or a CR is received by the printer, it
prints (and empties) the entire buffer.
While printing is in progress, the high bit of the input extended port
$19 (25) is low. It is high while idle.
To convert from ASCII to EUY format:
output = (input & 0x1F)
| ((input & 0x60) << 1);
output = ^output;
%00000000..%00011111 ( 0.. 31)
%00100000..%01111111 (32..127) ->
%01000000..%11011111 (64..127)
%0xx00000 -> %xx00000
%01000000..%11011111 (64..127)
%00100000..%00111111 (32..63) -> %0100000..%01011111 (64..127)
$00..$1F -> $00..$1F
$20..$3F -> $40..$5F
$40..$5F -> $80..$9F eg. 'A' ($41 -> $81)
$60..$7F -> $C0..$DF
$80..$9F -> $00..$1F
$A0..$BF -> $40..$5F
$C0..$DF -> $80..$9F
$E0..$FF -> $C0..$DF
The above table is before the one's complement operation.
ETI AU article, table 2 is:
PPSU $02 ;logical compare
LODI,r1 0
PRINT: REDE,r0 $19
COMI,r0 $04
WRTE,r0 $19
END: LODI,r0 $0D ;CR
WRTE,r0 $19
;EA printer driver (at $1400..$143E) is:
PSL |= RS;
PORTD = $00;
r0 = $2A;
while (--r0 != 0);
PORTD = $40;
r5 = r6 = 0;
for (;;)
{ r0 = r5;
if (r0 != 0)
{ r6++;
r0 = $20 [' '];
} else
{ r0 = *($143E + ++r6);
if (r0 == 0)
{ r5 = $FF ['.'];
r0 = $20 [' '];
} }
r0 |= $40;
PORTD = r0;
r0 = $C7;
while (--r0 != 0);
if (r6 == $20)
{ r4 = 32;
{ r0 = 256;
while (--r0 != 0);
} while (--r4 != 0);
PSL &= ~RS;
} // implied else
{ r0 = PORTD;
} while (r0 & $80 != $80);
Matsushita EUY-10E023LE printer model number can be decomposed as follows:
2=250mm flat cable, 372mm connector cable
3=32/21/16 cpl with 2 spacing dots (horizontally between each character)
L=left-to-right scanning, MSD character generator
E=manufacturer code
Alternative Operating Systems
Various alternative operating systems were available, eg. C-BUG,
SBCBUG, etc. with various levels of compatibility with
programs designed for the original PIPBUG. If you have dumps, manuals,
etc. for any of these, please email us (at
The following routines are cross-compatible between PIPBUG and BINBUG:
Address Label
------- -----
$269 BOUT
$286 CHIN
The following routines have the same names, and roughly equivalent
functionality, under both PIPBUG and BINBUG; however, they have different
addresses and therefore are not directly cross-compatible. They may also
have different register usage, stack usage, side effects, etc.
------ ------ -----
$1F $22 MBUG
$F4 $F1 SREG
$131 $121 GOTO
$160 $14A BK01
$1AB $17B CLBK
$1CA $197 CLR
$1E5 $1A1 BKPT
$246 $28C LKUP
$2A8 $39B DLAY
$2AD $39F DLY
$310 $2E5 DUMP
$35B $27B FORM
$35F $2FB GAP
$3B5 $3C4 LOAD
Some variables may also be cross-compatible.
BINBUG outputs both to the serial port (at 300 baud) and to the VDU. This
VDU RAM is 1K at $7800..$7FFF. The data is stored left-to-right, top-to-
bottom, in 16 rows of 64 columns, as ASCII values, as follows:
$7800..$783F 1st row of characters
$7840..$787F 2nd row of characters
: : :
$7BFF..$7BFF 16th row of characters
Here is a commented disassembly of the SCRF code section of BINBUG 6.1:
;Code Section SCRL ($374)-------------------------------------------------
;SCRF &= $1F; // set scroll mode
;r4 = SCRF ^ %00010000; // toggle fast vs. normal scroll
;*($43A) = 0; // current cursor (X-)location
;FROM_L = $40;
;for (;;)
;{ r4 = (SCRF / 4) | $78; // high byte of address ($78..$7B)
; r5 = (SCRF % 4) * $40; // low byte of address ($00/$40/$80/$C0)
; do
; { PTR_H = FROM_H = r4;
; // FROM_B is $40 more than PTR_B
; *(PTR_B+r5..PTR_B+$FF) = *(FROM_B+r5..FROM_B+$FF);
; if (r4 & 3 == 3)
; { break;
; } }
; while (++r4 != 0);
; r0 = $20;
; // PTR_B is now $7C00 or $7F00
; *(PTR_B+$C0..PTR_B+$FF) = r0;
; if (r4 & 4 == 0)
; { r4 = 3;
; r5 = $C0;
; goto SC;
; } // implied else
; r4 = SCRF & $0F;
;End of Code Section SCRL-------------------------------------------------
Here is a useful table comparing various BIOSes for these machines. As
there is insufficient information regarding C-BUG, SBCBUG, etc. they are
not listed.
Input Output Tape MHz Notes
------------ ------------ ----------- --- -----
PIPBUG 1 110 110 110 1 (1)
HYBUG 300 300 High-speed 1 (2)
PIPBUG 2 110/300 110/300 110/300? 1 (3)
BINBUG 3.5 300 DG-640 ? 1?
BINBUG 3.6 300 DG-640 300 1
BINBUG 4.4 300 DG-640 ACOS 1? (4)
BINBUG 5.2 1200 1200 ACOS 1? (4)
BINBUG 6.1 150 DG-640 ACOS 2? (4)
GBUG 300 DG-640 ? 1/2 (5)
MIKEBUG 3 300 DG-640 ? 1?
MYBUG 300 DG-640 ? 1?
Numbers in Input, Output, Tape columns are baud rates, and
assume 1 MHz operation (and are doubled at 2 MHz).
(1) EA 300 baud mod is possible.
(2) 600 and 1200 baud mods are possible.
(3) Supports both rates.
(4) Supports ACOS and DOS.
(5) Optional parallel keyboard support.
According to ETI Oct 1982, BINBUG can work at 300, 1200 & 2400 baud (!).
These games are hardcoded for 110 baud:
On-screen Clock
PPI-based EPROM Programmer
110 baud version of Lunar Lander (machine code)
110 baud version of Biorhythms
110 baud version of Funny Farm Races
These games are hardcoded for 300 baud:
Astro Trek (but an official 110 baud patch is provided with the listing)
Reaction Timer
300 baud version of Lunar Lander (machine code)
300 baud version of Biorhythms
300 baud version of Funny Farm Races
Unarchived Software
The following are confirmed but unavailable:
1. "the program supplied with the PROM Programmer article (Jan 1979)"
(what article? which magazine?)
2. "EA 1978 Software Record" (plastic on cardboard record):
1. Hex Input routine
2. Hex Listing routine
3. Block Move & Search
4. Tape Verifier
5. Disassembler
6. Tape Measure
7. Dump for Auto-Start
8. 300 Baud Binary Dump
9. 300 Baud Binary Loader
10. Nim Game (we have this)
11. Number Guessing Game (we have this)
This is the same item as the Dick Smith Electronics floppy vinyl
record B-6300.
3. MultiBug, MATBUG, etc.
If you know of any other software, or have dumps/tapes/listings of any of
the above software, please email us (at
BINBUG System Software Comparison
Program Vers Input Output Tape DOS Addresses Yr Reference
*BINBUG 3.5 300/paralell? DG640 300? ? $ 0..$ 7FF=2K ?
*BINBUG 3.6 300/parallel? DG640 300 ? $ 0..$ 7FF=2K 79 BINBUG3.6.pdf
BINBUG 4.5 ? DG640 ACOS ? $ 0..$ 7FF=2K ?
BINBUG 5.3 ? serial ACOS ? $ 0..$ 7FF=2K ?
BINBUG 6.0 Eurocard Eurocard ACOS ? $ 0..$ 7FF=2K ?
*BINBUG 6.1 300/1200/2400/par DG640 ACOS VHSDOS $ 0..$ 7FF=2K 82 sbcos_manual.pdf
*BINBUG 7.1 300/1200/2400/par 300/1200/2400 ACOS VHSDOS $ 0..$ 7FF=2K 82 sbcos_manual.pdf
Multibug Ser. 300 300 300 ? $ 0..$ 7FF=1K 81 (ETI-685)
Multibug Mem. Parallel DG640 300 ? $ 0..$ 7FF=1K 81 (ETI-685)
MATBUG 4.1 Eurocard DG640 ? ? $ 0..$ 7FF=1K ? matbug_monitor_for_eurocard_system_notes.pdf
*GBUG+EDIT5800 300? DG640 $ 0..$ 7FF=1K
*MIKEBUG 3 300? DG640 $ 0..$ 7FF=1K
*MYBUG 300? DG640 $ 0..$ 7FF=1K
BASIC 1 - - - - $ 800..$1FFF=6K ?
BASIC 2 - - - - $2000..$3BFF=7K ?
ACOS 2.C - - C & D ports - $6000..$63FF=1K ?
ACOS 3.C - - E ports - $6000..$63FF=1K ?
*ACOS 3.E - - E ports - $6000..$63FF=1K 82 sbcos_manual.pdf
*VHSDOS 2.6a - - - - $6800..$6FFF=2K 81 vhs_dos_v26a_source_listing.pdf
*MicroDOS 4.5a - - - - $6800..$6FFF=2K ? MICRODOS.SRC
* are supported by Ami/WinArcadia 30.02.
BINBUG 6.1 & 7.1 support/expect ETI-685 processor board.
BINBUG 3.6 & ACOS 3.E are for 1 Mhz CPU.
BINBUG Floppy Drives (eg. for VHSDOS/MicroDOS)
The FD1771 controller is used to support single-sided, single-density FM-
encoded floppies. Each block (sector) is 256 bytes. There are 10 sectors
per track, numbered 1..10 and with an interleave of 7, ie.:
1,8,5,2,9,6,3,10,7,4, giving 2.5K per track. There are 40 tracks,
numbered 0..39, giving a total of 400 blocks or exactly 100K per disk.
Each block is 256 bytes, as follows:
0: next track (0..39).
1: next sector (1..10).
2..255: data bytes
Tracks are numbered from 0..39. Sectors are numbered from 1..10.
CMD files are used by VHSDOS and MicroDOS for storage of games. They
normally consist of two or more chunks concatenated together. Each chunk
has a 3-byte header:
0..1: load address of chunk (big-endian)
2: length of payload in bytes (normally <= $FB)
then the payload itself (if any) follows.
The CMD file is terminated by a chunk like this:
0..1: start address of game (big-endian)
2: $00
with no payload.
CMD chunks can seamlessly cross block boundaries.
Note that the above assumes that the block header (ie. "next track" and
"next sector" bytes) have already been skipped.
To play the Microbyte Adventure game using WinArcadia:
1. Choose "Options|Machine|BINBUG" (or press Ctrl+5).
2. Choose "Options|BIOS|BINBUG ROMs...".
3. Select BINBUG 3.5, 3.6 or 6.1.
4. Select VHSDOS.
5. Click OK.
6. Choose "File|Reinitialize machine".
7. Choose "File|Open...".
8. Select "Adventure.raw".
9 Click OK.
10. Type K and press ENTER.
11. Type ADVENT and press ENTER.
The dumped disk is installed for VHSDOS and has one saved game (GAME1.ADV).
Note that loading the VHSDOS version under MicroDOS will corrupt the disk!
Specifically, the free block list will be corrupted and therefore you will
not be able to save the game (as not enough free space will be found) on
such a disk. If you want to play it under MicroDOS, you must reinstall it
for MicroDOS (by running the INSTALL program).
The INSTALL program does the following:
$ B16 : Sets this according to the number of rows
($10=16 rows, $18=24 rows). This is part of the game
$ B17 : Sets this according to the target platform
($00=VHSDOS, $01=MicroDOS). This is part of the game
$ 3D..$3F: Sets the date stamp of the game (ADVENT.CMD) to the current
date. This is done by DOS, and is a side effect of writing
$3301 : Sets the next sector field of track 5, sector 2 to 3 (from
10). This is done by DOS, and is a side effect of writing
The vocabulary for Adventure is:
This is a (very) partial map and walkthrough, based on confirmed 2650
version behaviour. See for more maps
and walkthroughs; the 2650 version appears to be similar to the "550-
point" version of the game (although it only goes up to 250 points).
| | |
8-----4 1
| |
1: at a hill at the end of a road
2: in a forest
3: near a slit in the streambed (oil)
4: beside a stream in a valley
5: at a road near a house (blade)
6: in a forest
7: in a forest
8: in a forest
9: inside the house (bottle, food, keys, lamp)
10: directly above a grate in a dry streambed (grate)
10->1 (of 1st level A): UNLOCK GRATE, OPEN GRATE, D
1st level A:
1: below the grate
2: in a cobble crawl (cage)
3: in the debris room (rod)
4: in an awkward sloping E/W canyon
5: in the bird chamber (bird)
The bird is frightened of black rods.
6: at the top of a small pit
1->10 (of outdoors): U
6->1 (of 2nd level): D
1st level B:
1: in a secret N/S canyon above a large room
2: in the canyon with the mirror
3: at the underground reservoir
4: in a secret canyon which exits to north and east (rug)
3->1 (of 0th level): U
0th level:
? 21
| |
| |
1----------2 37 38 ? ? |
| / | | |
3 36-----35-----34-----33 16 |
| | | \ |
4-------------------5-------6 17 15-----?
| \ | /
18 \ ? /
\ /
1: at the top of a steep incline above a large room
2: in a cavern with a waterfall (trident)
3: at the end of an immense N/S passage (door)
4: in a giant room
Try a magic word.
5: in a long narrow E/W corridor
6: in the oriental room (vase)
7: the swiss cheese room
8: in a tall N/S canyon
9: at a wide place in a very tight N/S canyon [U]
10: the canyon becomes too tight to continue
11: the canyon runs into a mass of boulders - dead end
12: at the east end of the twopit room
13: at the west end of the twopit room [U]
14: in the soft room (pillow)
15: in a bed quilt [U,D] [S is same as SW here]
16: at the junction of three secret canyons
17: in a secret canyon above a sizable passage [D]
18: the passage here is blocked by a recent cave-in
19: in a maze of twisty little tunnels
20: at the junction of a high northerly passage and a low E/W one
21: at a dead end
22: in the hall of the Mountain King [U]
Some birds can kill snakes.
33: in a misty cavern
34: in an alcove
35: in a large low room
36: in the plover room - emerald
37: in the dark room
38: dead end crawl
1->3 (of 1st level B): D
22->1 (of 2nd level): U
2nd level:
/ |
19 13
/ |
9-----8-----7 12 20-----21
| |
| |
2-----1 10
1: in the hall of mists
Use a magic rod.
2: on the east side of a fissure
3: in the gold nugget room (nugget)
4: at the west end of a long hall
5: at the east end of a long hall
6: at the west end of the hall of mists (diamonds)
7: on the brink of a pit [D]
8: in a dirty broken passage
9: in a room full of dusty rocks [D]
10: in a maze of little tunnels, all alike
11: on the west end of a fissure in the hall of mists
12: in the slab room
13: in a N/S limestone passage
14: at a fork in the path (axe)
15: at a junction with warm walls (pyramid)
16: at a breathtaking view
17: in the chamber of boulders (spices)
18: in a west leading corridor
19: at the N/E side of the troll's bridge
20: outside a barren room
21: inside a barren room (chain)
It may be hungry.
12->1 (of 1st level B): U
The oil level in the lamp is stored at $1E33.
Zeroing $16EF (eg. "E 16EF 0" in the debugger) will prevent the oil from
being used up.
Location, etc. are likely to be in one or more of $1e22..6,$1e2d..f,
$6850 - $0B TO $0C: "RESTORE"
$68C3 - $0B TO $0C: "RESTORE"
IBM FORMAT (128..1024 BYTES)
$6D22 - TO $0F ("DATA REG")
$6DB3 - R0 TO $0F: "TRACK"
$6DB7 - $1B TO $0C: "SEEK WITH HLD"
$6DDB - $0B TO $0C: "RESTORE"
$6DE4 - R0 TO $0F: "TRACK"
6CC9 - $10 FDINT
6CE8 - $0D FDTRK
$6D0D - $10 FDINT
$6D11 - $0C FDCMD
Raw disk speed:
The disk spins clockwise (thus sectors are numbered anticlockwise) at
300 rpm / 60 = 5 rps.
There are 10 sectors per revolution.
Each sector takes 1/50th sec to read.
256 bytes (1 sector) * 50 sectors = 12,800 bytes per second.
Each track (10 sectors) (2.5K) takes 1/5th sec to read.
Each byte takes 1/12,800th sec = 78.125 usecs to read (about a scanline).
This ignores what is happening at the raw flux level
(inter-sector gaps, etc.) but that is unimportant; the overall speed
of reading a sector is as stated.
Each sector takes 1/50th sec = 20 msecs to read (about a frame).
At the flux level:
This FD1771 is using a 1 MHz (not 2 MHz) clock.
There are 250,000 flux transitions per second.
Each bit is 1 clock flux + 1 data flux, so there are 125,000 bits per sec.
So theoretically 15,625 bytes per sec, if there were no sector headers,
inter-sector gaps, etc.
Effective disk speed:
However, post-read processing must occur, so we can only really achieve
1/8th of that speed (hence the interleaving). Thus, an effective speed of
12,800 bytes / 8 = 1,600 bytes per second.
After each 20 msec sector read, there is about 140 msec of post-processing
as the disk continues to spin.
But...the CPU has to keep up with the drive as it reads each byte, because
the drive has no buffer.
With an infinitely fast disk, it takes about 30,642 clocks. ie. about
30.642 msec, between reading an arbitrary byte in a given sector and
reading the equivalent byte in the next sector.
It also takes time to:
change tracks
start/stop motor
Signetics Instructor 50
ANNOTATE and HOWDIF both support the Signetics Instructor 50; remember
HOWDIF) argument.
You should ensure that your SYMbol file has the correct start address for
your game.
This machine is a "microprocessor development board" aka "trainer".
It has 2K of ROM and 640 bytes of RAM. The processor is the
Signetics 2650 CPU. A Signetics 2656 SMI (System Memory Interface) is also
present. The name of the ROM BIOS is the USE ("User System Executive").
The speed is 895KHz. It would seem that expansion up to 28K of RAM is
possible, though perhaps only up to about 24K.
The start address for user programs can be specified at runtime by the
user as with eg. the Elektor TV Games Computer. BIOS calls are made via
eg. ZBSR *DISPLY; there is a zero page jump table at $1FE6..$1FFF.
Memory Maps
N: Signetics Instructor 50 (basic)
$0000..$01FF: User RAM
$0200..$0FFE: Unused
$0FFF: I/O port
$1000..$177F: Unused
$1780..$17BF: User RAM
$17C0..$17FF: Monitor RAM
$1800..$1FFF: Monitor ROM
$2000..$7FFF: Unused
O: Signetics Instructor 50 (expanded)
$0000..$01FF: User RAM
$0200..$0FFE: Expansion RAM
$0FFF: I/O port
$1000..$177F: Unused
$1780..$17BF: User RAM
$17C0..$17FF: Monitor RAM
$1800..$1FFF: Monitor ROM
$2000..$7FFF: Expansion RAM
;Hardware Equates/Memory Map (Signetics Instructor 50)--------------------
; $0000..$01FF: (R/W) User RAM
; $0200..$0FFE: (-/-) N: unused
; (R/W) O: expansion RAM
; $0FFF: (R/W) I/O port
; $1000..$177F: (-/-) Unused
; $1780..$17BF: (R/W) User RAM
; $17C0..$17FF: (R/W) Monitor RAM
; $1800..$1FFF: (R/-) Monitor ROM
; $2000..$7FFF: (-/-) N: unused
; (R/W) O: expansion RAM
;Hardware Equates---------------------------------------------------------
IOPORT equ $FFF ;(R/W) I/O port
;Official Monitor Label Equates-------------------------------------------
DISLSD_SUB equ $1A76 ;(R/-) Nibble
GNPA_SUB equ $1B20 ;(R/-) Modify Data
MOV_SUB equ $1DB6 ;(R/-) Move
DISPLY_SUB equ $1E13 ;(R/-) Display
USRDSP_SUB equ $1FD5 ;(R/-) User Display
USRDSP equ $1FE6 ;(R/-) User Display
DISPLY equ $1FEC ;(R/-) Display
DISLSD equ $1FF4 ;(R/-) Nibble
GNPA equ $1FFC ;(R/-) Modify Data
MOV equ $1FFE ;(R/-) Move
R/W: read/write
R/-: read-only
The "Input Data" subroutine is $1FE8/$1FE9, $1FEA/$1FEB, $1FEE/$1FEF,
$1FF0/$1FF1, $1FF2/$1FF3, $1FF6/$1FF7, $1FF8/$1FF9, or $1FFA/$1FFB, and
the other vectors are undocumented.
------Left Keypad------ ---------Right Keypad----------
.SENS.. .WCAS.. .BKPT.. ...C... ...D... ...E... ...F...
..INT.. .RCAS.. ..REG.. ...8... ...9... ...A... ...B...
..MON.. .STEP.. ..MEM.. ...4... ...5... ...6... ...7...
..RST.. ..RUN.. ENT NXT ...0... ...1... ...2... ...3...
MON, RST and ENT NXT are white on orange. All other keys are white on
blue. There are no paddles.
See the emulator source code for details on bit assignments, etc.
Other I/O Devices
* 8-digit 8-segment LED display (red on black).
* "CASSETTE" jacks: "PHONE" and "MIC".
* "PARALLEL I/O" section:
* 8 glow LEDs ("7".."0").
* 8 corresponding toggle switches (unlabelled).
* 1 toggle switch (labelled as follows, where * is the switch), with
3 possible positions:
"The default is probably EXTENDED I/O PORT $07."
* "RUN" glow LED. "It appears to be on all the time. It is on in monitor
mode, during stepping, and remains on at breakpoints. It will turn off
after the processor executes a HALT ($40) instruction. It won't turn
back on again until you hit MON, RST, in that order. You can't just
break back into monitor mode after hitting a HALT instruction. Hitting
MON, RST somehow brings the machine back to life and into monitor mode;
otherwise the machine is dark." - Tyler Whitney.
* "FLAG" glow LED.
* "INTERRUPT" toggle switch: "DIRECT" or "INDIRECT".
* "INTERRUPT SELECTOR" jumper (on underside of machine): "A.C. LINE" (ie.
50Hz) or "KEYBOARD" (ie. INT key). "The default is probably keyboard."
* S-100 bus (at rear).
Tentative: When an interrupt is generated/received, the Instructor 50
writes $07 or $87 to the data bus, depending on the position of the
DIRECT/INDIRECT INTERRUPT switch. Then it does a ZBSR $07 or ZBSR *$07, as
REDD,rn to read from the toggle switches
WRTD,rn to write to the glow LEDs
REDE,rn $07 to read from the toggle switches
WRTE,rn $07 to write to the glow LEDs
LODA,rn $0FFF to read from the toggle switches
STRA,rn $0FFF to write to the glow LEDs
The display is red on black. Each of the 8 digits is divided into 8
segments, as shown:
+0+ The + don't really exist, therefore it is really like this:
5 1
+6+ 0
4 2 5 1
+3+ 7 6
4 2
3 7
Eg. the bottom segment is controlled by bit 3 (so, $08 would set it, $00
would clear it).
The display is controllable at the segment level (ie. you can get 256
combinations) via direct hardware access (ie. bypassing USE BIOS functions
and using the WRTE instruction), using the bit numbers listed above.
The USE BIOS only allows character-level (ie. glyph-level) access. The
character set is as follows:
### ..# ### ### #.# ### ### ### ### ###
# # . # . # . # # # # . # . . # # # # #
#.# ..# ### ### ### ### ### ..# ### ###
# # . # # . . # . # . # # # . # # # . #
### ..# ### ### ..# ### ### ..# ### ..#
$00 $01 $02 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09
0 or O 1 or I 2 5 or S 6 or G 7 8 9
### #.. ### ..# ### ### ### #.. #.# ...
# # # . # . . # # . # . # # # . # # . .
### ### #.. ### ### ### ### #.. #.# ###
# # # # # . # # # . # . # . # . # # # .
#.# ### # ### ### # ### #.. #.. ### ### #..
$0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F $10 $11 $12 $13
A b. C d. E F P L U r
#.# ... ... ... ..# ... ... #.# ...
# # . . . . . . . # . . . . # # . .
### ### ### ... ..# ### ... ### ###
# # # # . . . . . # . . . . . # # #
#.# ### ### ... ### ... ... # ### #.#
$14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C
H o = space J - . Y n
Missing: K M Q T VWX Z
Note the trailing dots for "b." and "d.".
"When in Monitor mode, pressing anything on the hex keypad generates
Error 2 on the real machine. On the control keypad, you can hit most keys
with impunity. Hitting STEP while in monitor mode generates Error 9 on the
real machine." - Tyler Whitney.
Error 2 means: "Restricted command."
Error 9 means: "Next instruction is in the MONITOR area." If the STEP
button is pressed and the next instruction would be in the monitor area,
it will be reported by the appearance of Error 9.
The USRDSP command is used as follows:
R0: Return code.
R1..R2: Pointer to byte preceding string.
R3: $00/$01/$80. $01 returns immediately.
Beat the Odds:
You can make a bet from any of the following:
0 lamps lit: 250:1
1 lamps lit: 15:1
2 lamps lit: 7:1
3 lamps lit: 7:2 (3.5: 1)
4 lamps lit: 5:2 (2.5: 1)
5 lamps lit: 7:2 (3.5: 1)
6 lamps lit: 7:1
7 lamps lit: 15:1
8 lamps lit: 250:1
0..1 lamps lit: 25:1
2..3 lamps lit: 2:1
4..5 lamps lit: 1:1
6..8 lamps lit: 6:1
0..2 lamps lit: 11:2 (5.5: 1)
3..5 lamps lit: 2:5 ( 1:10)
6..8 lamps lit: 11:2 (5.5: 1)
Specific 2-digit number: 250:1
Specific MS digit: 15:1
Specific LS digit: 15:1
Any one of 5 specified 2-digit numbers: 50:1
Any one of 10 specified 2-digit numbers: 25:1
Dice with Display:
The rightmost parallel I/O switch (bit 0) needs to be on, otherwise
the 7-segment LED digit area of the display will never change.
The program relies on random data in uninitialized RAM for its random
number generation, hence you should ensure that "Settings|Emulator|
Randomize memory?" is on before loading the game.
Game of Memories:
Game of Memories is a Game of Life according to the rules from John
Horton Conway.
It was written for the Ami/WinArcadia emulator of the
Signetics Instructor 50.
The particularity of Game of Memories is that the field for the Game
of Life is laid out
in a 16 16 byte grid storage area that the emulator
can graphic
ally represent and so the view can be resembled - whereby the
name of the
program: Game of Memories.
When the progam is loaded into WinArcadia, the field is still not seen.
"Tools|Memory editor..." must be invoked. The field is in the memory
$0E00..$0EFF. You should set "Region" to that memory region, and
as" to "Characters".
Question 68:
The original listing has an error in byte $125:
0124 F9 7C BDRR,r1 $122
which causes an infinite loop. It should instead be:
0124 F9 7E BDRR,r1 $124
The version in the Games Pack incorporates this fix.
Bits 6..4:
%000: 0 mph (stopped)
%001: 80 mph
%010: 40 mph
%011: 27 mph
%100: 19 mph
%101: 15 mph
%110: 12 mph
%111: 10 mph
Bits 3..0:
%0000: oP...... HSE
%0001: oPOOO... HSE + 3 FC
%0010: oPOUU... HSE + 1 FC + 2 EC
%0011: oPOUAo.. HSE + 1 FC + 1 EC + 1 C + 1 C
%0100: oPOOo... HSE + 2 FC + 1 C
%0101: oPooo... HSE + 3 C
%0110: oPUUUo.. HSE + 3 EC + 1 C
%0111: o=ooo... LSE + 3 C
%1000: o=UUo... LSE + 2 EC + 1 C
%1001: o=AAo... LSE + 2 C + 1 C
%1010: o=UUo... LSE + 2 EC + 1 C
%1011: o=OOOo.. LSE + 3 FC + 1 C
%1100: o=...... LSE
%1101: M....... MT
%1110: doooo... EM + 4 C
%1111: Mooo.... MT + 3 C
electric-powered mine engine = EM = d
battery-powered mine tractor = MT = M
high speed engine = HSE = oP
low speed engine = LSE = o=
full car = FC = O
half-full car = C = A
empty car = EC = U
caboose = C = o
Unarchived Documentation/Software
The "Signetics Instructor 50 Desktop Computer Software Applications
Manual" (incl. Desk Clock, Instructor 50 Music Theme, Slot Machine, Stop
Watch) is sought. If you have this, or similar, please contact us.
Cassette Subsystem
The cassette subsystem is somewhat like that of the Elektor TV Games
Computer, but:
6 pulses for a "0"
and 3 pulses for a "1"
except 3 extra pulses on the last bit of each byte (6+3 or 3+3).
As with the Elektor, the rate at which bits (and thus bytes) can be
loaded/saved depends the actual data payload (ie. depends on whether they
are "0"s or "1"s).
Port $F8 bit 4 is FREQ. The BIOS is flipping that at a constant regular
rate (at least while recording).
Port $F8 bit 3 is ENV. That is high whilever we are actually recording a
bit, and goes low between bits. It stays high for longer for a "0" bit
than for a "1" bit.
So whilever ENV is high, we just write the current status of the FREQ bit
to the tape, and whilever ENV is low, we just write silence.
It gets NANDed, so if ENV and FREQ are both high, we are low, and
otherwise, we are high.
It sets port $F8 to $10 and $18 while writing, and $00 at rest.
During playback, the Sense bit is set directly from the tape
based on whether above or below the zero-crossing point.
Central Data 2650
KHz: 1183 for the slower version
4732 for the faster version
ROM: 1K supervisor + ?K pre-programmed character generator
RAM: 2K (also used by display subsystem)
(736 bytes available for user)
Output: VDU, 80*16 characters (5?+1*8?+4? pixels per cell),
Character set: $00..$3F: 1st character generator PROM
$40..$7F: 2nd char. gen. PROM (optional)
$80..$FF: not normally used
Input: Teletype
Storage: 300 baud Kansas City (audio cassette tape):
clear bit = 4 cycles of 1200Hz
set bit = 8 cycles of 2400Hz
Characters $00..$3F are the uppercase alphabetic characters, numeric
characters and punctuation characters.
Characters $40..$7F are not really standardized. They are generally used
for eg. lower case characters, Star Trek characters, card symbols and
A typical configuration is:
CD2650 (including CUTS cassette interface)
+ ASCII-encoded keyboard
+ video monitor
+ tape deck
+ power supply
Memory Map
Central Data 2650:
$0000..$03FF: 1K of monitor ("supervisor") ROM BIOS
$0400..$0FFF: expansion ROM (optional)
$1000..$103F: display RAM (unusable)
$1040..$14FF: display RAM
$1500..$150F: monitor RAM (unusable)
$1510..$17E9: user RAM
$17EA..$17FF: monitor RAM
$1800..$1FFF: unused
$2000..$7FFF: expansion RAM/ROM (optional)
$1000..$103F: "In the first CD2650 Newsletter, April 1978, Jeff Roloff
says: `...if you get hold of some slow RAM for use in the display section,
the first four characters will be illegible because of timing problems.'
If the RAM was fast enough for the rest of the display it would be fast
enough at the beginning. I suspect that he had problems with resetting his
counters which made the first character spaces too narrow. I remember
designing a frequency synthesiser with 74 series ICs where the downcounter
had to start resetting at count 3 to be ready at count 0!" - Richard
$1500..$150F: "You can't use $1500..$150F because when you reach the end
of the line, WCHR at $0396 sends you to LFCR at $0024 which immediately
writes a space at the current (too big) cursor position." - Richard
;Hardware Equates/Memory Map (Central Data 2650)--------------------------
; $0000..$03FF: (R/-) Monitor ROM
; $0400..$0FFF: (R/-) Expansion ROM (optional)
; $1000..$103F: (R/W) Display RAM (unusable)
; $1040..$14FF: (R/W) Display RAM
; $1500..$150F: (R/W) Monitor RAM (unusable)
; $1510..$17E9: (R/W) User RAM
; $17EA..$17FF: (R/W) Monitor RAM
; $1800..$1FFF: (-/-) Unused
; $2000..$7FFF: (R/W) Expansion RAM/ROM (optional)
;Official Supervisor Monitor ROM Label Equates----------------------------
INIT equ $0000 ;(R/-)
L1 equ $0013 ;(R/-)
LFCR equ $0024 ;(R/-)
L2 equ $003C ;(R/-)
HXOT equ $006A ;(R/-)
RETU equ $0083 ;(R/-)
SAVR equ $0088 ;(R/-)
BPSV equ $00AC ;(R/-)
CLRB equ $00BB ;(R/-)
WRAD equ $00DB ;(R/-)
RUNT equ $00F0 ;(R/-)
BKPT equ $00F8 ;(R/-)
INSP equ $0122 ;(R/-)
;STRR equ $014C ;(R/-)
WRBL equ $0170 ;(R/-)
SETR equ $0176 ;(R/-)
;ADDR equ $0185 ;(R/-)
TABL equ $019A ;(R/-)
DECR equ $019D ;(R/-)
HTBL equ $01A6 ;(R/-)
INHX equ $01B6 ;(R/-)
KRAM equ $01CE ;(R/-)
NADD equ $01D1 ;(R/-)
NOCH equ $01E6 ;(R/-)
TPOT equ $01FB ;(R/-)
NEWL equ $0239 ;(R/-)
ENDT equ $0249 ;(R/-)
SERO equ $024F ;(R/-)
NXTB equ $0253 ;(R/-)
ONE equ $0264 ;(R/-)
ZERO equ $0266 ;(R/-)
D2 equ $026F ;(R/-)
D1 equ $0273 ;(R/-)
D6 equ $0278 ;(R/-)
EXEC equ $027F ;(R/-)
RETN equ $0288 ;(R/-)
COLO equ $028B ;(R/-)
WAIT equ $028E ;(R/-)
VERI equ $02A0 ;(R/-)
NEWC equ $02CE ;(R/-)
SERI equ $02E9 ;(R/-)
NOST equ $02ED ;(R/-)
NEXT equ $02F8 ;(R/-)
KBIN equ $030F ;(R/-)
L11 equ $031A ;(R/-)
TPIN equ $0328 ;(R/-)
NATC equ $0353 ;(R/-)
ERRR equ $037C ;(R/-)
WCHR equ $0396 ;(R/-)
GO equ $039F ;(R/-)
COMD equ $03C0 ;(R/-)
;Official Supervisor Monitor RAM Label Equates----------------------------
LENT equ $17EA ;(R/W) Length
BKP1 equ $17F4 ;(R/W) Breakpoint address, high byte
BKP2 equ $17F5 ;(R/W) Breakpoint address, low byte
BPD1 equ $17F6 ;(R/W) Breakpoint save pos., high byte
BPD2 equ $17F7 ;(R/W) Breakpoint save pos., low byte
SUMC equ $17F9 ;(R/W) Sumcheck
ADD1 equ $17FA ;(R/W) Address, high byte
ADD2 equ $17FB ;(R/W) Address, low byte
CUR1 equ $17FE ;(R/W) Cursor pointer, high byte
CUR2 equ $17FF ;(R/W) Cursor pointer, low byte
The layout of display RAM is unusual:
$1000: 0,0
$1001: 0,1
$1002: 0,2
: : :
$100F: 0,15
$1010: 1,0
$1011: 1,1...
To access a given cell, the formula is:
address = $1000 + (x * 16) + y;
where x is 0..79 and y is 0..15.
The CD2650 character set is:
!"#$%&'()*+,-./ $2x
0123456789:;<=>? $3x
`abcdefghijklmno $4x (This row can be chessmen)
pqrstuvwxyz{|}~# $5x (# is a solid square)
!"#$%&'()*+,-./ $6x
0123456789:;<=>? $7x
A period (.) indicates that the supervisor program is ready for a command.
An A indicates that it is waiting for you to type in an address. At any
time the supervisor is looking for a keyboard input, you can press Esc
which will terminate the present command and wait for a new one.
A: Alter or display memory
Press A.
It will then ask for a hexadecimal address.
The address and the data then appear on the next line.
You can now: press Esc to quit the alter/display routine
enter C to change the data at that location:
type in two hex characters to fill the memory location.
or press space to display the next memory location
B: Set a breakpoint address
Press B.
It will then ask you for the address of the breakpoint.
When this address is reached in the program, the supervisor will save
all of the registers and wait for a new command. It signifies that the
breakpoint address has been reached by writing the message:
BP 1703
indicates breakpoint address was reached.
The registers and memory can now be examined as you see fit. After
the breakpoint has been executed, it is cleared and the program will be
allowed to run past the point next time through.
C: Clear a breakpoint address
Press C.
The supervisor responds by typing the address that the breakpoint was
set at. Note that you must set breakpoints at an address position where
an instruction would begin. In other words, you cannot set a breakpoint
to be executed at an address which is the second or third byte of an
E: Execute a program
Press E.
It will then ask for the address that is should start executing at.
It will then jump to the address and start executing instructions.
I: Inspect CPU registers
Press I.
It will then ask you to type a register number corresponding to the
register that you want, as follows:
0 register 0 (r0)
1 register 1, bank 0 (r1)
2 register 2, bank 0 (r2)
3 register 3, bank 0 (r3)
4 register 1, bank 1 (r4)
5 register 2, bank 1 (r5)
6 register 3, bank 1 (r6)
7 Program Status Word, Lower (PSL)
8 Program Status Word, Upper (PSU)
The microcomputer will then display the data that was in this register
right before the program returned to the supervisor. You now have three
to stop by pressing Esc
to change the register value by entering C
or to inspect another register by pressing space
There are also the D, L, R and V commands, which are used for tape
It seems to be possible to "hang" the supervisor; eg. by pressing E
repeatedly. This is because RETN ($288) branches to *ADD1, and sometimes
ADD1 has garbage such as $6EEE.
The available scan of the supervisor is poor; the following bytes could
conceivably be wrong.
$13A, $16C, $181: probably $EB but maybe $E8
$316: probably $F8 but maybe $FB
$3C4: probably $2E but maybe $28 or $2B
The following unnamed variables are used by the supervisor:
$17FD? (not confirmed)
The WCHR routine masks its character to the $00..$3F range (ie. it
prints everything as uppercase).
The KBIN routine can return characters in the $00..$7F range. However,
it can only print them as uppercase (because it uses WCHR).
The supervisor internally works with letters in the $41..$5A (65..90)
(ASCII uppercase "A".."Z") range. It relies on the masking performed by
WCHR to output them as $01..$2A (1..26) (CD2650 uppercase "A".."Z").
Ideally, full autodocs for the supervisor (and for the BIOSes of the TVGC,
PIPBUG and the SI50) would be available, eg.:
* Stack required: 2.
* Functions called: LFCR, HXOT, WRBL.
* Pages: 3.
* Addresses: $DB..$EF.
* Can branch to: None.
* RAM data accessed: ADD1/2.
* ROM data accessed: None.
* ROM constants used: INCD ($10), CUCD ($1C), SPCD ($20).
* Subsections: L2.
* Called by: ?.
* Registers: r0 will be SPCD ($20), r3 will be CUCD ($1C).
* PSW: WC is cleared.
To start a game: press R (twice) then ENTER.
Now, from the "OPTION" prompt, press R (once).
In editor (at COMMAND prompt):
- = go to beginning of file
+ = go to end of file
/ = go backwards 15 lines
Bx = go backwards x lines
space = go forwards 15 lines
Fx = go forwards x lines
Cx = change line x
Ix = insert after line x
Ctrl+C = done changing/inserting
Dx = delete x lines from top of screen
R = go to BASIC
In BASIC (at OPTION prompt):
I = Inspect variable
L = RUN to line
Esc = stop running
S = Single step
Esc = go to editor
-------------- --------
var=PEEK(addr) PEEK addr,var
PRINT"string" PRINT'string'
PRINT var PRINT #var
'comment *comment
IF a=b THEN IF a=b
The interpreter doesn't like blank lines (gives ARG ERROR),
but an empty comment (* only) is acceptable.
String concatenation (eg. A$='FOO'+'BAR') is not allowed.
String assignments (eg. A$='FOO') must exactly fill the
allocated (DIMensioned) storage.
When running programs: for multi-variable INPUT statements, each entry
should be terminated with the RETURN key (not a comma).
A normal floating point variable is 8..22 bytes:
1 byte for type ($0x)
2 bytes for pointer to next variable
1..15 bytes for name
4 bytes for contents
A floating point array is 4+ bytes:
1 byte for type ($4x)
2 bytes for pointer to next variable
1..15 bytes for name
(0..255)*4 bytes for contents
A string is 5-274 bytes:
1 byte for type ($8x)
2 bytes for pointer to next variable
1..15 bytes for name
1 byte for length
0..255 bytes for contents
Here is a summary of the differences between V1.0 and V1.3 of 8K BASIC
(all values in hex):
V1.0 V1.3
----------- -----------
1780..17AA 00s
25B9..25BB 70 F4 80 1F 3E 98
2C25..2C27 3F 34 0D 3F 3F EE
2E6F..2E74 EE 14 A5 9C 30 5A CE 14 A5 C0 C0 C0 (unofficial)
33B9..33BC 1A 64 19 6F 9C 4F D1 C0
3995 04 03
3F2F..3F31 3F 3C F5 1F 17 96
3F78..3F7A 1F 38 91 1F 17 82
The handwritten annotations on the listing are generally transcriptions of
the V1.3 changes.
The following problems are hereby noted. This suggests there are bad
bytes in the current 8K BASIC dumps (even though they have been verified)
(and therefore also BASIC games), and therefore these dumps should all be
regarded as suspect. Or possibly (although very unlikely) even some bug in
the emulator's CPU core:
(a) all values below 0.8 (eg. 0.799999) cause an OVerFlow error.
Eg. LET A=0.7 or PRINT 0.7
$3961 will jump to ERR15 (based on Carry bit test).
If you NOP the jump at $3961 out, $3976 will jump to ERR15 shortly
afterwards (based on OVerFlow bit test).
If both are NOPped out, 0.799999 goes in as $FF66665C (-0.017120)
instead of $037FFFFF (0.799999).
0.8 is fine (goes in as $04400000, as expected), and so are higher
Negative numbers do not work correctly (due to the unary subtraction
bug mentioned below).
Processing of A=0.7 or A=0.8 or similar will pass through EVAL,
ECONST, FPDIV. At $3961 (in FPDIV) the interpreter first detects
the overflow error (if any). So the bug must occur before then.
(b) - (subtraction) operator: gives wrong results (3-2=9 apparently!).
This includes unary subtraction, ie. negative numbers.
Eg. A=-1 sets A to 3.
(c) ^ (power of) operator: gives wrong results (3^2=16,330.57
Problematic bytes in the listing:
(*) COS function: bytes $3D90..$3D91 (in COS routine) are ambiguous (due
to a poor quality printout/photocopy). But logically they would be $06
$04 (LODI,r2 4).
Numbers are stored thus:
Bit 31 is the sign of the exponent (0=positive, 1=negative).
Positive exponents represent large positive or negative numbers.
Negative exponents represent small positive or negative numbers
Bits 30..24 are the exponent, ie. the position of the "decimal"
(really binary) point. $40..$7F are probably negative (-64..-1).
Bit 23 is the sign of the mantissa.
Bits 22.. 0 are the mantissa.
Positive numbers that have been properly normalized will have
mantissa bytes of $400000..$7FFFFF.)
The integer part is obtained thus:
The mantissa will be shifted right by 23..0 bits, respectively,
for stored exponent of 0..23, to obtain the integer part.
Basically 23-exponent is how many times to halve the value of
the left-hand bits.
The fractional part is obtained thus:
Mask out the leftmost bits of the mantissa (1..24 of them,
respectively, for stored exponent of 0..23).
Left shift this value 1..24 times, respectively, for stored exponent
of 0..23.
This represents the fractional part in 16 millionth (approx.) units.
So divide this value by 16,777,216 to obtain the fractional part.
Basically the exponent is how many times to double the value of
the right-hand bits.
The exponent is how many bits are needed to store the
integer part of the number. Very small numbers will have negative
Exponent "Decimal" point position
-------- -----------------------------
-3 %.000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-2 %.00xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-1 %.0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eg. 0.25 = %.100000000000000000000000 = $7F 40 00 00 = move 24 bits right = 0 (for integer part)
0 %.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eg. 0.5 = %0.10000000000000000000000 = $00 40 00 00 = move 23 bits right = 0 (for integer part)
1 %x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eg. 1.0 = %01.0000000000000000000000 = $01 40 00 00 = move 22 bits right = 1
2 %xx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eg. 2.0 = %010.000000000000000000000 = $02 40 00 00 = move 21 bits right = 2
3 %xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eg. 5.0 = %0101.00000000000000000000 = $03 50 00 00 = move 20 bits right = 5
4 %xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eg. 10.0 = %00101.0000000000000000000 = $04 50 00 00 = move 19 bits right = 10
5 %xxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
6 %xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
7 %xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eg. 100.0 = %01100100.0000000000000000 = $07 64 00 00 = move 16 bits right = 100
8 %xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
9 %xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
10 %xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eg. 1000.0 = %01111101000.0000000000000 = $0A 7D 00 00 = move 13 bits right = 1000
11 %xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
12 %xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx
13 %xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx
14 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx
15 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx
16 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx
17 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx
18 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx
19 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx
20 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
22 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
23 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.x
24 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
25 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0.
26 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00.
27 %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000.
AOF (Signetics Absolute Object File) Format
This format is used by the Instructor 50, CD2650, PIPBUG-based machines,
and perhaps other platforms.
The native tape format is as follows, for each block:
0: colon (:) ($3A)
1..2: load address (big-endian)
3: block length:
0 = last block
1..255 = 2..256 bytes (respectively)
4: checksum for header bytes 0..3
5..n-1: data
n: checksum for data
Checksums start as $00. For each emitted byte, the following algorithm is
SUMC ^= data;
SUMC <<= 1;
Eg. the following program:
$1600: C0 C0 C0 C0
would be encoded as follows:
3A 16 00 03 15 (1st block header)
C0 C0 C0 C0 88 (1st block data )
3A 00 00 00 A3 (2nd block header)
For the 1st header:
SUMC = 0; // SUMC is %00000000 [$00];
SUMC ^= $3A; // SUMC is %00111010 [$3A];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %01110100 [$74];
SUMC ^= $16; // SUMC is %01100010 [$62];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %11000100 [$C4];
SUMC ^= $00; // SUMC is %11000100 [$C4];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10001001 [$89];
SUMC ^= $03; // SUMC is %10001010 [$8A];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %00010101 [$15];
For the 1st data:
SUMC = 0; // SUMC is %00000000 [$00];
SUMC ^= $C0; // SUMC is %11000000 [$C0];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10000001 [$81];
SUMC ^= $C0; // SUMC is %01000001 [$41];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10000010 [$82];
SUMC ^= $C0; // SUMC is %01000010 [$42];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10000100 [$84];
SUMC ^= $C0; // SUMC is %01000100 [$44];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10001000 [$88];
For the 2nd header:
SUMC = 0; // SUMC is %00000000 [$00];
SUMC ^= $3A; // SUMC is %00111010 [$3A];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %01110100 [$74];
SUMC ^= $00; // SUMC is %01110100 [$74];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %11101000 [$E8];
SUMC ^= $00; // SUMC is %11101000 [$E8];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %11010001 [$D1];
SUMC ^= $00; // SUMC is %11010001 [$D1];
SUMC <<= 1; // SUMC is %10100011 [$A3];
Game Help & Ami/WinArcadia Compatibility
12KBASIC.pgm: It obeys one-letter commands of the form Xn, where X tells it
what to do and n is the line number (or number of lines?).
S - save to tape - (not emulated) - pauses during save
L - load from tape - (not emulated)
R - runs the BASIC program
Cn - change from line n onwards
D - deletes line 1
Dn - deletes lines from 1 to n
E - exits to supervisor
An - append after line n? If you have just inserted some lines, it
will add them again after the designated line
F - scrolls forwards 1 line
Fn - scrolls forwards n lines
I - insert after line 1 - type in program, Ctrl-C (=ETX) ends input
In - insert after line n - type in program, Ctrl-C (=ETX) ends input
Bn - scrolls backwards n lines
X - scrolls forwards 1 line
Xn - ?
P - modify string?
G - go and run program with following options:
D - direct execution of a typed-in line
R - run the program
S - single step
Esc - exits
It only needs line numbers as GOTO (and GOSUB, etc.) destinations.
At $5800 there is a small test program. It looks as if whoever saved the
program first ran it with the extended functions deleted and wrote a small
program before saving. So some of the extended functions may be corrupted
or they may all be missing.
When an error is encountered: these OPTIONs are available:
D - direct mode
R - rerun the program
S - single step
Esc - exits
12KBASIC-A.pgm was probably typed in by me from the listing.
Need to compare with 12KBASIC-B, which may have been modified for PHUNSY
or PoP, as there are 982 differences (4%) between them.
ALP.bin: Neither of these has been typed in by me from the listing.
Need to verify these dumps against the listing and compare with each
other. One or both may have been modified for PHUNSY or PoP, as there
are 831 differences (4%) between them.
AntennaComputer.bin: This is a good dump, as regards the actual antenna
computer program. The accompanying BASIC interpreter is why it is marked
as a suspect dump. Overflows are very easy to generate, eg. attempting a
LOOP of 1000 MHz.
Backup.pgm: This program appears to be incomplete. Eg. execution flows
beyond the listing into $15C3, it expects a TAPe OUT subroutine at $15C7
and a CLear SCReen subroutine at $1602. There is probably another
unscanned page to this listing.
Bootstrap.pgm: Does not seem to work, due to missing disk emulation, a bad
dump, or both. Needs investigation.
DOS.pgm: Gets a "NOT READY" error, presumably due to missing disk
Editor/Assembler: Commands are similar to the 12K BASIC editor, except:
G: goes to the supervisor
R: runs the assembler
Z: frees memory
Hamurabi.bin: This is probably a good dump, as regards the actual antenna
computer program. The accompanying BASIC interpreter is why it is marked
as a suspect dump. Overflows are very easy to generate, eg. at line 1780.
Input.pgm: This program is similar in purpose to TVTypewriter.pgm except
that it supports both uppercase and lowercase I/O.
Since the code for backspace is the same as that for lowercase "h" (8),
and the code for a carriage return is the same as that for lowercase "m"
(13), these two lowercase letters are unusable in this program.
Note that this program has not been tested on the genuine machine and
the key bindings are mostly guesswork.
Life.pgm: Move around the screen with U/D/L/R for up/down/left/right.
Use O (not 0) to set cells (they will appear as small o characters or as
squares, depending on VDU setting) and the spacebar to clear them. To
begin the simulation, move (with D key) the cursor to the bottom row of
the screen. Never move the cursor above the top of the screen.
LunarLander.pgm: Here is the disassembly of the machine code routine:
$5BF6: 73 REDD,r3
$5BF7: 3F 01 9A BSTA,un DECR
$5BFA: CB 02 STRR,r3 $5BFE
$5BFC: 17 RETC,un
$5BFD: ??
MemoryTest.pgm: The provided dump tests the RAM at $2000..$7FFF. The
normal result of running this program is no output (ie. success). The byte
at $1512 is the high byte of the starting address. The low byte of the
starting address is always $00. The byte at $1513 is the high byte of the
(ending address + 1). The low byte of the ending address is always $FF.
Therefore, you must test $xx00..yyFF (a multiple of 256 bytes, aligned at
a 256-byte boundary). Eg. storing $80 at $1513 gives an ending address of
$7FFF, and storing $48 there would give an ending address of $47FF. Ie.
start address = *($1512) * $100;
end address = (*($1513) * $100) - 1;
If you want to see error messages, you could change $1512 to $00 and $1513
to $80, to test $0000..$07FF (which is ROM and therefore fails the test).
Output will loop until a key is pressed. Memory is tested destructively.
Therefore, you must not test the $1510..$15A8 area, otherwise you will
overwrite the program. Contrary to what is stated in the instructions, the
are where the program is located ($1510..$15A8) is normal (ie. non-
display) user RAM, not display RAM.
MorseCode.pgm: This program lacks documentation. It might be originally
designed to be interactive rather than to use stored text.
NumbersGame.pgm: INT seems to round to the nearest integer, rather than
just dropping the fractional part. Therefore, "digits" range in value from
Pattern.pgm: "The program has been typed into SCREENs 5 and 6. LOAD does
not work unless LIST has been used first." - Richard Rogers. To run this
program, type the following:
You can change the 123 to a different number; it controls the number of
blobs to write.
ScreenPrinter.pgm: This program refers to (external) printer routines at
$4000 and $4147.
TVTypewriter.pgm: This program seems to expect the address of KBIN to be
$309. However, the correct address is $30F. This change has been made to
the available dump. Also, the screen is filled with $00 ("@" symbol). This
may be authentic.
Unarchived Software
* Spacewar (clone of "Scelbi's Galaxy Game for the 8008/8080"), by
Roger Miskowicz
* Star Trek
* Target
* etc.
From the "Small Systems Computer Sourcebook" [sic], by J. C. Boonham:
"Product: 2650 Single Board Computer
Company: Central Data Company
Features: Employs Signetics 2650 microprocessor.
* There is an in-built 80 character by 16 line video display character
generator (64 upper case ASCII character set) with a user programmable
set of 64 characters (8x8 matrix) for non-standard characters.
* There is a Kansas City Standard cassette interface, a 1024 byte PROM
monitor program, 2048 bytes of programmable memory of which 768 are
available for programming with the balance dedicated to the display,
one 8 bit input port and one 8 bit output port.
* In addition there are sockets for 3K of PROM (which may include the
Central Data Company's editor and assembler).
* A BASIC software package is available on cassette tape.
* The user needs to supply 3A at 5V power supply, an ASCII keyboard, a
video monitor and possibly some additional memory."
Kitronix Coin-Ops (ie. Malzak)
KHz: 950
ROM: for Malzak 1:
9K of EPROM (plus character set definitions for SAA 5050
and SAA 5020 chips)
RAM: 1K (some used for eg. screen contents)
Output: SAA 5050 Teletext generator, 40*25 characters
(6*10 pixels per cell), 8 colours
SAA 5020 TIC (Timing Interface Circuit)
custom playfield generator, 2 colours?
2 2636 PVI chips
(both are used for sprites)
(only one seems to be used for sound)
2 SN76477 chips (used for sound)
Input: 8-way digital joystick
P1, P2 buttons
Coin slot
Test switch (Malzak 2 only)
Storage: For Malzak 2, $1700..$17FF is non-volatile RAM
T: Malzak 1:
$0000..$07FF: from $0000..$07FF of malzak.5 (ROM code) (2K)
$0800..$0BFF: from $0000..$03FF of malzak.4 (ROM code) (1K)
$0C00..$0FFF: from $0000..$03FF of malzak.was 2 now 3 (ROM data) (1K) (screen data?)
$1000..$1FFF: RAM, hardware registers
$1000..$13FF: RAM
$1400..$14FF: 1st PVI
$1500..$15FF: 2nd PVI
$1600..$16FF: playfield tilemap
$1700..$17FF: RAM
$1800..$1E3F: teletext screen contents
$1E40..$1FFF: RAM?
$2000..$27FF: from $0800..$0FFF of malzak.5 (ROM code) (2K)
$2800..$2FFF: empty
$3000..$3FFF: mirror of $1000..$1FFF
$4000..$43FF: from $0400..$07FF of malzak.4 (ROM code) (1K) (terrain code)
$4400..$4BFF: from $0000..$07FF of malzak.3 (ROM data) (2K) (terrain data)
$4C00..$4FFF: empty
$5000..$5FFF: mirror of $1000..$1FFF
$6000..$6FFF: empty
$7000..$7FFF: mirror of $1000..$1FFF
V: Malzak 2:
$0000..$07FF: from $0000..$07FF of malzak.1a (ROM code) (2K)
$0800..$0BFF: from $0000..$03FF of malzak.2b (ROM code) (1K)
$0C00..$0FFF: banked area (controlled by bit 6 of I/O port $40)
Malzak 1: from $0000..$03FF of malzak.4d (ROM data) (1K) (screen data)
Malzak 2: from $0400..$07FF of malzak.4d (ROM data) (1K) (screen data)
$1000..$1FFF: RAM, hardware registers, NVRAM
$1000..$13FF: RAM
$1400..$14FF: 1st PVI
$1500..$15FF: 2nd PVI
$1600..$16FF: playfield tilemap
$1700..$17FF: NVRAM
$1800..$1E3F: teletext screen contents
$1E40..$1FFF: RAM?
$2000..$27FF: from $0800..$0FFF of malzak.1a (ROM code) (2K)
$2800..$2BFF: from $0800..$0BFF of malzak.2b (1K)
$2C00..$2FFF: empty
$3000..$3FFF: mirror of $1000..$1FFF
$4000..$43FF: from $0400..$07FF of malzak.2b (ROM code) (1K) (terrain code)
$4400..$4BFF: might be banked? If so...
Malzak 1: from $0000..$07FF of malzak.3 (ROM data) (2K) (terrain data)
Malzak 2: from $0000..$07FF of malzak.3c (ROM data) (2K) (terrain data)
$4C00..$4FFF: empty
$5000..$5FFF: mirror of $1000..$1FFF
$6000..$63FF: from $0C00..$0FFF of malzak.2b (1K)
$6000..$6FFF: empty
$7000..$7FFF: mirror of $1000..$1FFF
Presumably malzak.1 is not accessible to the CPU (contains tile
imagery), and likewise the teletext character imagery. Both are identical
between Malzak 1 and Malzak 2.
$1xxx is deliberately mirrored at $3xxx, $5xxx, $7xxx, because on
the 2650, you can only access data on the same 8K page, so mirroring is
very useful for the game programmer (otherwise code in the $2000..$7FFF
region could not access any of the RAM).
For Malzak 2, if *($14CC) is $00 (ie. test switch is at position 4), the
game will enter test mode when booting. When it enters test mode, it
clears the settings first.
42*25 characters. 6*10 pixels per character (including aesthetic gaps).
64 ($40) bytes allocated per row:
$1800..$183F: 1st row
$1840..$187F: 2nd row
$1880..$18BF: 3rd row
$18C0..$18FF: 4th row
$1900..$193F: 5th row
$1940..$197F: 6th row
$1980..$19BF: 7th row
$19C0..$19FF: 8th row
$1A00..$1A3F: 9th row
$1A40..$1A7F: 10th row
$1A80..$1ABF: 11th row
$1AC0..$1AFF: 12th row
$1B00..$1B3F: 13th row
$1B40..$1B7F: 14th row
$1B80..$1BBF: 15th row
$1BC0..$1BFF: 16th row
$1C00..$1C3F: 17th row
$1C40..$1C7F: 18th row
$1C80..$1CBF: 19th row
$1CC0..$1CFF: 20th row
$1D00..$1D3F: 21st row
$1D40..$1D7F: 22nd row
$1D80..$1DBF: 23rd row
$1DC0..$1DFF: 24th row
$1E00..$1E3F: 25th row
Input bits are:
bit 7: up (active high)
bit 6: left (active high)
bit 5: right (active high)
bit 4: fire (active high)
bit 3: 2P (active high)
bit 2: 1P (active high)
bit 1: down (active high)
bit 0: coin slot (active low)
For additional technical information about Malzak, consult the Malzak 1
disassembly in the Disassemblies Pack, and the Ami/WinArcadia source code.
Maps of Malzak 1 and 2 are available in the Maps Pack at
When you run out of fuel, your ship falls out of the sky, but your
exhaust continues to burn and does not fall. This is probably authentic.
Zaccaria Coin-Ops
W/X: Galaxia (W)/Astro Wars (X):
$0000..$03FF: from $0000..$03FF of 08h.bin (ROM) (1K)
$0400..$07FF: from $0000..$03FF of 10h.bin (ROM) (1K)
$0800..$0BFF: from $0000..$03FF of 11h.bin (ROM) (1K)
$0C00..$0FFF: from $0000..$03FF of 13h.bin (ROM) (1K)
$1000..$13FF: from $0000..$03FF of 08i.bin (ROM) (1K)
$1400..$14FF: W: banked:
when Flag bit of PSU is clear: bullet RAM
when Flag bit of PSU is set: palette RAM (16 bytes)
$1500..$15FF: 1st 2636 PVI
$1600..$16FF: W: 2nd 2636 PVI
X: unmapped?
$1700..$17FF: W: 3rd 2636 PVI
X: unmapped?
$1800..$1BFF: banked:
when Flag bit of PSU is clear: screen colours
when Flag bit of PSU is set: screen contents
$1C00..$1CFF: W: RAM
X: banked:
when Flag bit of PSU is clear: bullet RAM
when Flag bit of PSU is set: palette RAM (16 bytes)
$1D00..$1FFF: W: RAM
X: unmapped?
$2000..$23FF: from $0000..$03FF of 10i.bin (ROM) (1K)
$2400..$27FF: from $0000..$03FF of 11i.bin (ROM) (1K)
$2800..$2BFF: from $0000..$03FF of 13i.bin (ROM) (1K)
$2C00..$2FFF: from $0000..$03FF of 11l.bin (ROM) (1K)
$3000..$33FF: from $0000..$03FF of 13l.bin (ROM) (1K)
$3400..$3FFF: mirror of $1400..$1FFF
$4000..$53FF: unknown
$5400..$5FFF: mirror of $1400..$1FFF
$6000..$63FF: unknown
$7400..$7FFF: mirror of $1400..$1FFF
For additional technical information about Astro Wars and Galaxia, consult
the disassemblies of these games in the Disassemblies Pack, and the Ami/
WinArcadia source code.
Regarding the physical layout of the Astro Wars controls:
"Astro Wars is left-right buttons (which a two-way joystick can replace)
with only one fire button. I can only guess your cabinet is a frankenstein
of various parts." - Gatinho.
In Astro Wars, the yellow sprites are meteors, not bullets; this
explains why they do not emanate from the enemy ships.
Laser Battle/Lazarian (LB/LZ):
1st page:
$0000..$13FF: 5K of ROM
$0000..$03FF: $0000..$03FF of lb02.7c/laz.7c/02-1.7c
$0400..$07FF: $0000..$03FF of lb02.6c/laz.6c/02-2.6c
$0800..$0BFF: $0000..$03FF of lb02.5c/laz.5c/02-3.5c
$0C00..$0FFF: $0000..$03FF of lb02.3c/laz.3c/02-4.3c
$1000..$13FF: $0000..$03FF of lb02.2c/laz.2c/02-5.2c
$1400..$14FF: unmapped?
$1500..$15FF: 256 bytes (1st PVI)
$1600..$16FF: 256 bytes (2nd PVI)
$1700..$17FF: 256 bytes (3rd PVI)
$1800..$1BFF: 1K of display RAM (write-only)
$1C00..$1FFF: 1K of RAM
2nd page:
$2000..$33FF: 5K of ROM
$2000..$23FF: $0000..$03FF of lb02.7b/laz.7b/02-6.7b
$2400..$27FF: $0000..$03FF of lb02.6b/laz.6b/02-7.6b
$2800..$2BFF: $0000..$03FF of lb02.5b/laz.5b/02-8.5b
$2C00..$2FFF: $0000..$03FF of lb02.3b/laz.3b/02-9.3b
$3000..$33FF: $0000..$03FF of lb02.2b (Laser Battle)
$0800..$0BFF of laz10-62.2b (Lazarian)
$3400..$37FF: 1K (mirror of $1400..$17FF)
$3800..$3BFF: 1K (Laser Battle: mirror of $1800..$1BFF?)
(Lazarian: $0000..$03FF of laz10-62.2b)
$3C00..$3FFF: 1K (mirror of $1C00..$1FFF)
3rd page:
$4000..$53FF: 5K of ROM
$4000..$43FF: $0400..$07FF of lb02.7c/laz.7c/02-1.7c
$4400..$47FF: $0400..$07FF of lb02.6c/laz.6c/02-2.6c
$4800..$4BFF: $0400..$07FF of lb02.5c/laz.5c/02-3.5c
$4C00..$4FFF: $0400..$07FF of lb02.3c/laz.3c/02-4.3c
$5000..$53FF: $0400..$07FF of lb02.2c/laz.2c/02-5.2c
$5400..$5FFF: 3K (mirror of $1400..$1FFF?)
4th page:
$6000..$73FF: 5K of ROM
$6000..$63FF: $0400..$07FF of lb02.7b/laz.7b/02-6.7b
$6400..$67FF: $0400..$07FF of lb02.6b/laz.6b/02-7.6b
$6800..$6BFF: $0400..$07FF of lb02.5b/laz.5b/02-8.5b
$6C00..$6FFF: $0400..$07FF of lb02.3b/laz.3b/02-9.3b
$7000..$73FF: $0C00..$0FFF of lb02.2b/laz10-62.2b/02-10-11.2b
$7400..$77FF: 1K (mirror of $1400..$17FF?)
$7800..$7BFF: 1K (Laser Battle: mirror of $1800..$1BFF?)
(Lazarian: $0400..$07FF of laz10-62.2b)
$7C00..$7FFF: 1K (mirror of $1C00..$1FFF?)
There is 6K of PDG imagery.
There is 2K of sprite imagery.
For Laser Battle:
The 1st and 2nd PVIs are used for the "circle" sprites.
The 3rd PVI is used for the bullets.
Extended I/O port $02 is multiplexed among four inputs. The game writes
to extended I/O port $06 to control which input is selected. The input
ports are (all active low):
bit 7: Button 4 (LB/LZ)/? (CM)
bit 6: Button 3 (LB/LZ)/Button 1 (CM)
bit 5: Button 2 (LB/LZ)/? (CM)
bit 4: Button 1 (LB/LZ)/? (CM)
bit 3: Service A (LB/LZ)/Coin C (CM)
bit 2: Coin B
bit 1: P2 start
bit 0: P1 start
bit 7: Reset
bit 6: Coin A
bit 5: ? (LB/LZ)/Joystick 1 right (CM)
bit 4: ? (LB/LZ)/Joystick 1 left (CM)
bit 3: ? (LB/LZ)/Joystick 1 fire? (CM)
bit 2: ? (LB/LZ)/Joystick 2 fire? (CM)
bit 1: ? (LB/LZ)/Joystick 2 right (CM)
bit 0: ? (LB/LZ)/Joystick 2 left (CM)
bit 7: Collision detection (LB/LZ)/Game over melody (CM):
%0 = Off
%1 = On
bit 6: Infinite lives (LB/CM)/Calibration display (LZ):
%0 = Off
%1 = On
bits 5..4: Lives:
%00 = 2 lives
%01 = 3 lives
%10 = 5 lives (LB)/4 lives (LZ/CM)
%11 = 6 lives (LB)/5 lives (LZ/CM)
bits 3..2: Coin B generosity:
%00 = 2 credits
%01 = 3 credits
%10 = 5 credits
%11 = 7 credits
bits 1..0: Coin A generosity:
%00 = Half credit (LZ)/1 credit (LB/CM)
%01 = 1 credit (LZ)/2 credits (LB/CM)
%10 = 2 credits (LZ)/3 credits (LB/CM)
%11 = 3 credits (LZ)/5 credits (LB/CM)
$30 (CM):
bit 7: Coin C generosity:
%0 = Half credit
%1 = 1 credit
bits 6..5: Extended play:
%00 = None
%01 = At 20,000 points
%10 = At 24,000 points
%11 = At 28,000 points
bits 4..3: Difficulty:
%00 = Easy
%01 = Medium
%02 = Difficult
%03 = Very difficult
bits 2..1: Unused
bit 0: Win play:
%0 = Off
%1 = On
$30 (LB/LZ):
bit 7: Joystick down
bit 6: Joystick up
bit 5: Joystick right
bit 4: Joystick left
bit 3: ?
bit 2: ? (LB)/Freeze (LZ):
%0 = Off
%1 = On
bit 1: ? (LB)/Firing (LZ):
%0 = Rapid
%1 = Normal
bit 0: ?
Sense: high during vertical blank, low otherwise
$1C00, $1C54 and/or $1CD7 seem to have something to do with the "extend"
DIP switch (ie. "extra ship at x points").
$1C01: low bit is even when 1up's turn, odd when 2up's turn
$1F01/$1F03/$1F05: 1UP score:
low nybble of $1F01 is tens of thousands digit
high nybble of $1F03 is thousands digit
low nybble of $1F03 is hundreds digit
high nybble of $1F05 is tens digit
low nybble of $1F05 is ones digit
$1F02/$1F04/$1F06: 2UP score:
low nybble of $1F02 is tens of thousands digit
high nybble of $1F04 is thousands digit
low nybble of $1F04 is hundreds digit
high nybble of $1F06 is tens digit
low nybble of $1F06 is ones digit
$1F07..$1F09: High score:
low nybble of $1F07 is tens of thousands digit
high nybble of $1F08 is thousands digit
low nybble of $1F08 is hundreds digit
high nybble of $1F09 is tens digit
low nybble of $1F09 is ones digit
;Subroutine ADDSCORE-------------------------------------------------------
;r1 and r2 are passed as arguments; they are how many points to award.
;high nybble of r2: thousands
;low nybble of r2: hundreds
;high nybble of r1: tens
;low nybble of r1: ones
;if (*($1C00) > 26 || (*($1C00) == 20 && *($1CE3 + (*($1C01) & 1)) > 26)
;{ return;
;r3 = *($1C01) & 1;
;*($1F05 + r3) = BCD(*($1F05 + r3) + r1 + $66);
;PSL |= $8; // set With Carry bit
;*($1F03 + r3) = BCD(*($1F03 + r3) + r2 + $66);
;*($1F01 + r3) = BCD(*($1F01 + r3) + $66);
;PSL &= ~($8); // clear With Carry bit
0 2C84 0C 1C 00 LODA,r0 $3c00 ;12,3
12 2C87 E4 1A COMI,r0 $1a ;6,2
18 2C89 15 RETC,gt ;9,1
27 2C8A 0F 1C 01 LODA,r3 $3c01 ;12,3
39 2C8D 47 01 ANDI,r3 $1 ;6,2
45 2C8F E4 14 COMI,r0 $14 ;6,2
51 2C91 98 06 BCFR,eq $2c99 ;9,2
60 2C93 0F 7C E3 LODA,r0 $3ce3,r3 [$3de1] ;12,3
72 2C96 E4 1A COMI,r0 $1a ;6,2
78 2C98 15 RETC,gt ;9,1
87 2C99 0F 7F 05 LODA,r0 $3f05,r3 [$2003] ;12,3
99 2C9C 84 66 ADDI,r0 $66 ;6,2
105 2C9E 81 ADDZ r1 ;6,1
111 2C9F 94 DAR r0 ;9,1
120 2CA0 CF 7F 05 STRA,r0 $3f05,r3 [$2003] ;12,3
132 2CA3 0F 7F 03 LODA,r0 $3f03,r3 [$2001] ;12,3
144 2CA6 77 08 PPSL $8 ;9,2
153 2CA8 82 ADDZ r2 ;6,1
159 2CA9 84 66 ADDI,r0 $66 ;6,2
165 2CAB 94 DAR r0 ;9,1
174 2CAC CF 7F 03 STRA,r0 $3f03,r3 [$2001] ;12,3
186 2CAF 0F 7F 01 LODA,r0 $3f01,r3 [$3fff] ;12,3
198 2CB2 84 66 ADDI,r0 $66 ;6,2
204 2CB4 94 DAR r0 ;9,1
213 2CB5 CF 7F 01 STRA,r0 $3f01,r3 [$3fff] ;12,3
225 2CB8 75 08 CPSL $8 ;9,2
;if (r3 & 1 == 0) // 1UP
;{ r2 = 1;
; if (*($1CD7) & 1 == 1)
; { goto $2CFE;
;} }
;else // 2UP
;{ r2 = 2;
; if (*($1CD7) & 2 == 2)
; { goto $2CFE;
;} }
;r1 = (*($1C54) << 3) & %00000011;
;if (r1 == 0)
;{ goto $2CFE;
;} // implied else
;if (*($1F01 + r3) != 1)
;{ goto $2CFE;
;if (*($1F03 + r3) < *($2D27 + r1))
;{ goto $2CFE;
;*($1CD7) |= r2;
;*($1CD8 + r3)++;
;*($1E31) = $CF;
;gosub $1093;
;execution flows into $2CFE
234 2CBA 0C 1C D7 LODA,r0 $3cd7 ;12,3
246 2CBD F7 01 TMI,r3 $1 ;9,2
255 2CBF 18 08 BCTR,eq $2cc9 ;9,2
264 2CC1 06 01 LODI,r2 $1 ;6,2
270 2CC3 F4 01 TMI,r0 $1 ;9,2
279 2CC5 18 37 BCTR,eq $2cfe ;9,2
288 2CC7 1A 06 BCTR,lt $2ccf ;9,2
297 2CC9 06 02 LODI,r2 $2 ;6,2
303 2CCB F4 02 TMI,r0 $2 ;9,2
312 2CCD 18 2F BCTR,eq $2cfe ;9,2
321 2CCF 0D 1C 54 LODA,r1 $3c54 ;12,3
333 2CD2 D1 RRL,r1 ;6,1
339 2CD3 D1 RRL,r1 ;6,1
345 2CD4 D1 RRL,r1 ;6,1
351 2CD5 45 03 ANDI,r1 $3 ;6,2
357 2CD7 18 25 BCTR,eq $2cfe ;9,2
366 2CD9 A5 01 SUBI,r1 $1 ;6,2
372 2CDB 0F 7F 01 LODA,r0 $3f01,r3 [$3fff] ;12,3
384 2CDE E4 01 COMI,r0 $1 ;6,2
390 2CE0 98 1C BCFR,eq $2cfe ;9,2
399 2CE2 0F 7F 03 LODA,r0 $3f03,r3 [$2001] ;12,3
411 2CE5 ED 6D 27 COMA,r0 $2d27,r1 [$2d27] ;12,3
423 2CE8 1A 14 BCTR,lt $2cfe ;9,2
432 2CEA 6A CF IORR,r2 *$2cbb [$1cd7] ;15,2
447 2CEC CA CD STRR,r2 *$2cbb [$1cd7] ;15,2
462 2CEE 0F 7C D8 LODA,r0 $3cd8,r3 [$3dd6] ;12,3
474 2CF1 84 01 ADDI,r0 $1 ;6,2
480 2CF3 CF 7C D8 STRA,r0 $3cd8,r3 [$3dd6] ;12,3
492 2CF6 04 CF LODI,r0 $cf ;6,2
498 2CF8 CC 1E 31 STRA,r0 $3e31 ;12,3
510 2CFB 3F 10 93 BSTA,un $1093 ;9,3
;if (*($1F01 + r3) > *($1F07))
;{ goto $2D17;
;} elif (*($1F01 + r3) < *($1F07))
;{ return;
;} elif (*($1F03 + r3) > *($1F08))
;{ goto $2D17;
;} elif (*($1F03 + r3) < *($1F08))
;{ return;
;} elif (*($1F05 + r3) < *($1F09))
;{ return;
519 2CFE 0F 7F 01 LODA,r0 $3f01,r3 [$3fff] ;12,3
531 2D01 EC 1F 07 COMA,r0 $3f07 ;12,3
543 2D04 19 11 BCTR,gt $2d17 ;9,2
552 2D06 16 RETC,lt ;9,1
561 2D07 0F 7F 03 LODA,r0 $3f03,r3 [$2001] ;12,3
573 2D0A EC 1F 08 COMA,r0 $3f08 ;12,3
585 2D0D 19 08 BCTR,gt $2d17 ;9,2
594 2D0F 16 RETC,lt ;9,1
603 2D10 0F 7F 05 LODA,r0 $3f05,r3 [$2003] ;12,3
615 2D13 EC 1F 09 COMA,r0 $3f09 ;12,3
627 2D16 16 RETC,lt ;9,1
;*($1F07) = *($1F01 + r3);
;*($1F08) = *($1F03 + r3);
;*($1F09) = *($1F05 + r3);
636 2D17 0F 7F 01 LODA,r0 $3f01,r3 [$3fff] ;12,3
648 2D1A C8 E6 STRR,r0 *$2d02 [$1f07] ;15,2
663 2D1C 0F 7F 03 LODA,r0 $3f03,r3 [$2001] ;12,3
675 2D1F C8 EA STRR,r0 *$2d0b [$1f08] ;15,2
690 2D21 0F 7F 05 LODA,r0 $3f05,r3 [$2003] ;12,3
702 2D24 C8 EE STRR,r0 *$2d14 [$1f09] ;15,2
717 2D26 17 RETC,un ;9,1
;Data for Subroutine ADDSCORE---------------------------------------------
2D27 00 db $00 ;means 10000
2D28 40 db $40 ;means 14000
2D29 80 db $80 ;means 18000
2D2A 0F db $0F ;means never
;Subroutine $4203---------------------------------------------------------
;r2 = r0;
;if (*($1C3A) != 0)
;{ *($1720..$1729) = *($1C3A..$1C43); // 3rd PVI, sprite #2 imagery
;*($174A) = *($1C1E);
;*($174C) = *($1C1F);
;if (*($1C3C) != 0)
;{ *($1740..$1749) = *($1C3C..$1C45); // 3rd PVI, sprite #3 imagery
0 4203 C2 STRZ r2 ;6,1
6 4204 0C 1C 3A LODA,r0 $5C3A ;12,3
18 4207 18 0A BCTR,eq $4213 ;9,2
27 4209 07 0A LODI,r3 $A ;6,2
33 420B 0F DC 3A LODA,r0 *$5C3A,r3- [$EF] ;18,3
51 420E CF 77 20 STRA,r0 $5720,r3 [$5810] ;12,3
63 4211 5B 78 BRNR,r3 $420B ;9,2
72 4213 0C 1C 1E LODA,r0 $5C1E ;12,3
84 4216 CC 17 4A STRA,r0 $574A ;12,3
96 4219 0C 1C 1F LODA,r0 $5C1F ;12,3
108 421C CC 17 4C STRA,r0 $574C ;12,3
120 421F 0C 1C 3C LODA,r0 $5C3C ;12,3
132 4222 14 RETC,eq ;9,1
141 4223 07 0A LODI,r3 $A ;6,2
147 4225 0F DC 3C LODA,r0 *$5C3C,r3- [$EF] ;18,3
165 4228 CF 77 40 STRA,r0 $5740,r3 [$5830] ;12,3
177 422B 5B 78 BRNR,r3 $4225 ;9,2
186 422D 17 RETC,un ;9,1
;Subroutine $422E---------------------------------------------------------
;IOPORT($1) = *($1C55) ^ %00000001; // RAM
;if (*($1C55) ^ %00000001 == 1 || *($1CD6) == 0) // RAM
;{ return;
;IOPORT($4) = *($1C4B) ^ %11111111; // RAM
;IOPORT($5) = *($1C4C) ^ %11111111; // RAM
;*($1CD6) = 0; // RAM
195 422E 0C 1C 55 LODA,r0 $5C55 ;12,3
207 4231 24 01 EORI,r0 $1 ;6,2
213 4233 D4 01 WRTE,r0 $1 ;9,2
222 4235 E4 01 COMI,r0 $1 ;6,2
228 4237 14 RETC,eq ;9,1
237 4238 0C 1C D6 LODA,r0 $5CD6 ;12,3
249 423B 14 RETC,eq ;9,1
258 423C 0C 1C 4B LODA,r0 $5C4B ;12,3
270 423F 24 FF EORI,r0 $FF ;6,2
276 4241 D4 04 WRTE,r0 $4 ;9,2
285 4243 0C 1C 4C LODA,r0 $5C4C ;12,3
297 4246 24 FF EORI,r0 $FF ;6,2
303 4248 D4 05 WRTE,r0 $5 ;9,2
312 424A 20 EORZ r0 ;6,1
318 424B C8 EC STRR,r0 *$4239 [$1CD6] ;15,2
333 424D 17 RETC,un ;9,1
Zaccaria Pinball for Windows
Here is how to run the latest version of Zaccaria Pinball (on Windows
7/8/8.1/10/11), which otherwise would require Steam, without DRM and with
all tables:
1. Download Zaccaria_Pinball_v20220905_Steam_RiP from
Password is
Extract it all to somewhere (eg. C:\GAMES\ZACCARIA)
If WinRAR complains that the file is corrupt, your WinRAR version is
probably too old (eg. WinRAR 3.62 and earlier are definitely too old);
you will need to download and install a more recent version of WinRAR
2. Download Zaccaria_Pinball_v20220905_Cracks_Only from
Password is
Extract everything from SSE_v1.4.3 directory into the same directory as
previously (thus overwriting ZaccariaPinball.exe and steam_api.dll)
3. Optionally, you can create a desktop shortcut as follows:
3a. Click on an empty part of the desktop, right-click and choose
"New >>|Shortcut".
3b. Click "Browse...".
3c. Navigate to where SmartSteamLoader.exe is located (eg.
C:\GAMES\ZACCARIA), click the SmartSteamLoader.exe file, and click
3d. Click "Next...".
3e. Change the shortcut name to eg. "Zaccaria Pinball" or whatever and
press ENTER.
4. If you want a better icon for the shortcut:
4a. Download the icon from
into the same directory as SmartSteamLoader.exe (C:\GAMES\ZACCARIA or
4b. Click on the shortcut, right-click and choose "Properties".
4c. Click "Change Icon...".
4d. Click "Browse...".
4e. Double-click the 08bf6c6da88227cce20ef9e1993f128235a8a46f.ico file.
4f. Click "OK" twice.
5. At this point, you may be able to run SmartSteamLoader.exe to launch
the game. If this does not work, undertake the below steps as necessary.
6. If you get errors about missing MSVCP100.dll and/or MSVCR100.dll files,
or error 0xc000007b, you need either of these (your choice):
6a. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (4,483,040 bytes)
Run the installer.
6b. Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package MFC Security
Update (8,993,774 bytes) from
Run the installer and choose the "Repair" option.
(You need the x86 (32-bit) version even if you have an x64 (64-bit) CPU.)
7. If you get errors about missing OpenAL32.dll, you need OpenAL.
You can get this from
Extract oalinst.exe anywhere and run it.
Links were valid as at January 2023. Support thread is at
If any links are no longer working, please advise; we have copies of all
files archived.
These 16 tables have an annoying time-limited bonus ball:
Black Belt
Devil Riders
Earth, Wind, Fire
Magic Castle
Mexico '86
Pinball Champ
Pool Champion
Soccer Kings
Star's Phoenix
Time Machine
These 11 games don't have the timed ball:
Fire Mountain
Hot Wheels
House of Diamonds
Mystic Star
Shooting the Rapids
Space Shuttle
Winter Sports
Zaccaria Pinball for Android
Here is how to run the latest version of Zaccaria Pinball (on Android
4.4+), with all tables. Unfortunately an internet connection is required
during play and there is only one ball (man/life) per game.
1. Go to
which will download Zaccaria Pinball_4.0.3_APKPure.apkx
(1,049,698,248 bytes).
2. Rename Zaccaria Pinball_4.0.3_APKPure.apkx
as Zaccaria
3. Extract this ZIP.
4. Make a new directory (folder):
Internal storage/Android/obb/hu.magicpixel.Zaccaria
5. Move
from wherever it was unZIPped to (typically Downloads), to
Internal storage/Android/obb/hu.magicpixel.Zaccaria
6. Install hu.magicpixel.Zaccaria.apk as normal (by clicking on it).
Senko Coin-Ops (eg. Trivia Challenge)
Y: Trivia Challenge, Rack 'n' Roll, etc.:
$0000..$0FFF: ROM (4K) ($0000..$0FFF of senko11.bin)
$1000..$14BF: ?
$14C0..$14FF: RAM
$1500..$17FF: ?
$1800..$1BFF: video RAM?
$1C00..$1FFF: RAM (1K)
$2000..$2FFF: ROM (4K) ($1000..$1FFF of senko11.bin)
$3000..$3FFF: ?
$4000..$4FFF: ROM (4K) ($2000..$2FFF of senko11.bin)
$5000..$5FFF: ?
$6000..$6FFF: ROM (4K) ($3000..$3FFF of senko11.bin)
senko1.bin (32 bytes): colour PROM?
senko10.bin (16K): graphics imagery?
senko12.bin (16K): graphics imagery?
undumped ( ?K): questions
CALM Notation
The address field is notated as follows for the CALM equivalents to the
LODx and STRx instructions:
CALM Signetics
LOAD r,#n LODI,r n
LOAD r, + ' LODR,r m Note that relative addresses are resolved
LOAD r, + ' LODR,r *m for Signetics but not for CALM.
LOAD r,m LODA,r m
LOAD r,@m LODA,r *m
LOAD A,(r)+m LODA,r0 m,r
LOAD A,(r)+@m LODA,r0 *m,r
LOAD A,(+r)+m LODA,r0 m,r+
LOAD A,(+r)+@m LODA,r0 *m,r+
LOAD A,(-r)+m LODA,r0 m,r-
LOAD A,(-r)+@m LODA,r0 *m,r-
A is register A (ie. r0).
# is an immediate value.
r is any register.
m is an absolute address.
is the offset from the IAR.
' is the IAR.
@ means "contents of" (ie. "*" in Signetics notation).
Signetics Name CALM Name Ami/WinArcadia Name
--------------------- ---------------------- -------------------
Sense S Input I S I
Flag F Output O F O
Interrupt Inhibit II Interrupt mask bit IOF I F
Inter-Digit Carry IDC Half carry H D H
Register Select RS BANK1 B R B
PHUNSY (Philipse Universal System)
See later in this document for PHUNSY video timings.
$0000..$07FF: 2K of monitor EPROM (ie. the BIOS)
$0800..$0FFF: 2K of RAM:
$0800..$0BFF: general purpose RAM
$0C00..$0E40: MDCR RAM
$0E41..$0EDF: general purpose RAM
$0EE0..$0EFF: monitor RAM (scratchpad)
$0F00..$0FFF: monitor RAM (command input buffer)
$1000..$17FF: 2K of screen RAM
$1800..$1FFF: 13*2K of banked RAM (banks U0,U4..UF)
3*2K of banked EPROM (banks U1..U3)
bank U0: RAM
bank U1: PDCR (Portable Digital Cassette Recorder)
bank U2: DASS (DisASSembler)
bank U3: LABHND (LABel HaNDler)
banks U4..U15: RAM
$2000..$3FFF: 8K of general purpose RAM
$4000..$7FFF: 16*16K of banked RAM (banks Q0..QF)
bank Q0: MWB (MicroWorld BASIC) ($4000..$5983)
banks Q1..Q15: empty
VDU: 8*6 pixels per character cell (usual character size is 7*5)
64*32 character cells=2048 cells
512*192 pixels
To run a BASIC game (after loading it):
Q (if necessary)
To make BASIC usable (after loading it):
To use the label program:
Control port (ie. WRTC operand):
bits 7..4 select which U-bank to use at $1800..$1FFF
bits 3..0 select which Q-bank to use at $4000..$7FFF
Control port reads (REDC) are for serial input.
Data port reads (REDD) are for parallel input.
If high bit of data port is clear, a key is down.
If high bit of data port is set, no key is down.
Writing to extended port $7E (WRTE) sets the timer countdown. It is
specified in units of 10 milliseconds (ie. 1/100ths of a second), and
thus can range from 0.01 to 2.55 seconds ($01..$FF). After expiration,
an interrupt is generated, causing execution to jump to $001D. The timer
is automatically reloaded whenever it expires. Writing $00 disables the
IOAD is the WRTZV pointer: normally $7AB (SROUT)
IIAD is the REDZV pointer $7D8 (SERIN)
ICAD is the CHIZV pointer $7C4 (DCHIN)
SERIN waits for a key to be pressed, then returns it. Its pseudocode is:
r5 = 0;
r4 = 8;
{ r0 = PORTC & 1;
} while (r0 != 0);
gosub DELAYC;
for (r4 = 8; r4 >= 1; r4--)
{ gosub DELAY;
r0 = (PORTC & 1) | r5;
r5 = r0 >> 1;
gosub DELAY;
r0 = r5 & %01111111;
CHINP returns a key if one is currently being pressed, otherwise it
returns $7F (DEL). Its pseudocode is:
r0 = PORTD;
if (r0 & %10000000 == %10000000)
{ r0 = $7F [DEL];
} else
{ PORTD = 4;
r0 = PORTD;
PORTD = 0;
{ r5 = PORTD;
} while (r5 & %10000000 == %10000000);
r0 &= $7F;
KEYIN waits for a key to be pressed, then returns it. Its pseudocode is:
{ r0 = PORTD;
} while (r0 & %10000000 == %10000000);
PORTD = 4;
r0 = PORTD;
PORTD = 0;
{ r5 = PORTD;
} while (r5 & %10000000 == %10000000);
r0 &= $7F;
Sound is generated by rapidly toggling bit 1 of the data port (via WRTD).
There are various versions of the PHUNSY monitor:
PMON0400.BIN is 04-0 from 1982 (as used in Ami/WinArcadia)
PMON0401.BIN is 04-1 from 1982
PMON0402.BIN is 04-2 from 1983
PMON0403.BIN is 04-3 from 1982 (sic)
03A-PMON0404.BIN and 04A-PMON0404.bin are 04-4 from 1983
Game Help
These PHUNSY BINs are compatible with Ami/WinArcadia 29.33:
This is a subroutine designed to be called by other programs, by putting
the desired ASCII value in r0 and calling $3700. The imagery for the
character set is at $3000..$32FF. See the commented disassembly of this
program for more details.
This works but takes a few moments.
This installs these routines:
800G show this help
803G read cassette to RAM
806G save RAM to cassette
809G continue read after error
Not exactly sure what it is showing.
Gets into an infinite output loop after a while.
The emulator is too fast, or "game" is too slow, by a 1:120 ratio (0.8%).
MODESTA,B,C,N (all except MODEST itself)
MWBAS-04,05,06 (all except 00 and M6)
Type NEW at startup, otherwise it will always just say "FILE ERROR".
MWBAS, 14A-MWBAS-06, 20A-MWBAS-06, MWBAS-M6 are the 24/12/1983 version.
13A-MWBAS-06 is the 23/4/1984 version.
MWBAS-07 is the 6/11/2010 version.
MWBAS-00, MWBAS-05 are undated.
PASS (both dumps)
Usage: U
Type eg. U0 to start viewing memory from address $0000.
Usage: 800G
Type eg. 800G0 to start viewing memory from address $0000.
SEE-EXT (all dumps)
all games in the MicroWorldBASIC/ directory
These dumps are incompatible, problematic or otherwise unusable:
It reads from extended I/O port(s) for some reason; possibly non-PHUNSY.
Maybe it's eg. the CD2650 extended basic functions. Needs investigation.
It's expecting there to be code at $6003 and there isn't any.
CLOCK (10-A and 16-A. FUN.MDCR version is OK.)
This gosubs to $19EC (which doesn't contain anything) for some reason.
This is an ASCII picture.
This seems to expect a different BIOS.
Flashes INPUT ERR very briefly. Probably needs arguments to be provided.
MODEST (both dumps)
Reads/writes from/to extended I/O port(s) for some reason.
This tries to read from the cassette (via the Sense pin).
PHEDTR2 (both dumps)
This reads from extended I/O ports for some reason.
(E)PR(OM) Pr(o)g(rammer)?
Has PHUNSY monitor 04-P4 (special edition?) in it, and Malotaux
programmer, and data for various non-Signetics chips.
ROW->COL (both dumps)
This jumps to $1914 (which doesn't contain anything) for some reason.
TPRINTER (both dumps)
The reasons are various:
* the program is accessing unemulated hardware (eg. SER-I/O);
* the "program" is really just a subroutine library for use by other
programs (eg. BIG-CHAR);
* the "program" is really just data;
* the program might just have bugs (eg. FORTH-00?);
* the program might be a bad dump;
* the program is expecting command line arguments (eg. SEE-CHAR);
* the program is not intended to produce any output (eg. CLEARMEM);
* etc.
Dutch English
Dame Lady
Krant Newspaper
Liedjes Songs
Zooi Mess
$0000..$07FF: 2 K of RAM (same physical 2K that is at $1800..$1FFF on full)
$0800..$0FFF: 2 K of RAM (optional)
$1000..$17FF: 2 K of RAM (optional)
$1800..$1DFF: 1.5K of RAM (for use by BIOS)
$1E00..$1FFF: 0.5K of ROM (Mini-Monitor BIOS)
Output is 6 7-segment digits and 7 decimal points, as follows:
The first decimal point is always lit. The second to seventh are lit
when IOPORT($13) is 1..6, respectively.
Input is:
0 4 8 C D->M Reset
1 5 9 D M->D Halt
2 6 A E G DumpCass
3 7 B F Cl LoadCass
which in the emulator is:
1=0 2=4 3=8 NL=C /=D->M *=Reset
Q=1 W=5 E=9 7=D 8=M->D 9=Halt
A=2 S=6 D=A 4=E 5=G 6=DumpCass
Z=3 X=7 C=B 1=F 2=Cl 3=LoadCass
Cass=Cassette, Cl=Clear, D=Display, G=Go to, M=Memory
$0000..$07FF: 2 K of ROM (PHUNSY BIOS)
$0800..$0FFF: 2 K of RAM
$1000..$17FF: 2 K of RAM (screen memory)
$1800..$1FFF: 2 K of RAM (same physical 2K that is at $0000..$07FF on mini)
Ravensburg Selbstbaucomputer
$0000..$07FF: ROM
$0800..$1FFF: RAM
$0800..$08FF: BIOS RAM
$0900..$1FFF: user RAM
$2000..$7FFF: unmapped?
If you have a monitor ROM at $0 (either V1 or V2) then the memory card
with 4 chips looks like this:
Bottom left: $0000-$07FF: 2716 ROM or 28C16 EEPROM
Top left: $0800-$0FFF: 6116 RAM (system variables at $800..$8FF;
$900+ free)
Bottom right: $1000-$17FF: 6116 RAM, 2716 ROM, or 28C16 EEPROM
Top right: $1800-$1FFF: 6116 RAM, 2716 ROM, or 28C16 EEPROM
The system could also be operated without any monitor!
With this mode, you enter your code with a binary address switch and
data switch in single step mode ;-)
With this, you start at address $0.
After entering your program, you could switch to run mode (or stay in
single step mode).
There was also a 1Hz (one Hertz) clock speed to select instead of the
1MHz clock speed.
V0.9 BIOS functions:
HEXDEZ (ZBSR,un *$3) @ $5E9 HEXBCD
CONV (ZBSR,un *$5) @ $230 CONVT
SEP (ZBSR,un *$7) @ $207 SEPNIB
COMB (ZBSR,un *$9) @ $21E COMNIB
DIS (ZBSR,un *$B) @ $E5 DISP
KIN (ZBSR,un *$D) @ $C4 KIN1
INIT (ZBSR,un *$F) @ $235 INIT1
SAVE (ZBSR,un *$11) @ $24E INIT2
RECAL (ZBSR,un *$13) @ $272 INIT3
CDIS (ZBSR,un *$15) @ $296 CDISP
BPGOT (ZBSR,un *$17) @ $574 BPFND
LODAT (ZBSR,un *$19) @ $149 LOAD
ADDSUB (ZBSR,un *$1B) @ $6A0 ADSB
MULT (ZBSR,un *$1D) @ $6CD MPYS
DIV (ZBSR,un *$1F) @ $700 DIVS
DEZHEX (ZBSR,un *$21) @ $649 BCDHEX
SEPD (ZBSR,un *$23) @ $197 SEPDIS
HEXD (ZBSR,un *$25) @ $774 HEXD1
DHEX (ZBSR,un *$27) @ $79D DHEX1
HEX (ZBSR,un *$29) @ $79F DHEX2
DEZ (ZBSR,un *$2B) @ $776 HEXD2
ERROR (ZBSR,un *$2D) @ $432 ERR
Note that byte $673 of the V0.9 BIOS is not listed in the PDF. Its correct
value has been ascertained to be $82.
V2.0 BIOS functions:
KIN (ZBSR,un *$14) @ $384 KBIN
WBL (ZBSR,un *$16) @ $16A WRBL
WCH (ZBSR,un *$18) @ $425 WCHR
INPHX (ZBSR,un *$1A) @ $1B6 INHX
OUTHX (ZBSR,un *$1C) @ $4F HXO
LINEF (ZBSR,un *$1E) @ $45 LFC
PUT (ZBSR,un *$20) @ $2C1 SERO
GET (ZBSR,un *$22) @ $35E SERI
HXTAB (ZBSR,un *$24) @ $19A TABL
ADRES (ZBSR,un *$26) @ $185 ADDR
CONTR (ZBSR,un *$28) @ $48C CR
HO (ZBSR,un *$2A) @ $4E5 HOME1
CURSL (ZBSR,un *$2C) @ $4EE CURL3
CURSR (ZBSR,un *$2E) @ $52B CURR1
CURSU (ZBSR,un *$30) @ $5E6 CUUP1
CURSD (ZBSR,un *$32) @ $4C2 LF1
SCCLR (ZBSR,un *$34) @ $4CA CLR2
BACK (ZBSR,un *$36) @ $51A BACK1
Diode colours are:
CLOCK (red)
OPACK (green)
OPREQ (yellow)
M/IO (red)
RUN/WAIT (green)
WRP (red)
FLAG (red)
The keyboard looks like this:
...C... ...D... ...E... ...F... ..CMD.. .FLAG..
...8... ...9... ...A... ...B... ..RUN.. ..MON..
...4... ...5... ...6... ...7... ..GOTO. ..PC...
...0... ...1... ...2... ...3... ..RST.. ..NXT..
By default, these are mapped to the following host keys (on WinArcadia):
...a1.. ...a2.. ...a3.. .NumLk. ...n/.. ...n*..
...Q... ...W... ...E... ...n7.. ...n8.. ...n9..
...A... ...S... ...D... ...n4.. ...n5.. ...n6..
...Z... ...X... ...C... ...n1.. ...n2.. ...n3..
These programs are contained in the "2650 Programme.pdf" book.
Those marked "*" have been typed in:
German Name English Translation
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
440-Hz-Programm zum Abgleich des CLOCK-Oszillators 440 Hz program for the adjustment of clock oscillator
Portadressierung Port addressing
Einfache Addition Simple addition
Einfache Subtraktion Simple subtraction
Einfache Multiplikation Simple multiplication
Einfache Division Simple division
*Verkehrsampel 1 Traffic lights 1
*Blinklicht Beacon
W rfel Dice
*Metronom Metronome
Lauflicht Chase lights
Voltmeter mit dualer Anzeige Voltmeter with dual displays
*Denkzeitbegrenzer Think time limiter
*Verkehrsampel 2 Traffic lights 2
VU-Meter Vumeter
*Laufschrift Scrolling text
W rfelspiel Craps
*Reaktionstest Reaction test
Stoppuhr Stopwatch
Digitaluhr Digital clock
HEX-DEZ-HEX-Wandlung Hexadecimal-decimal-hexadecimal conversion
HEX-Rechnen Hexadecimal calculation
DEZ-Rechnen Decimal calculation
Lottozahlen Lotto numbers
Morse- bungsprogramm Morse test program
Voltmeter 2 (3stellig dezimal) Voltmeter 2 (3-adjusting decimal)
Monitor commands are:
From the games book (translated from German):
"At the beginning of all programs is the hardware used.
"Basic version" means: CPU, data and address input and output,
RAM memory and port module, without EPROM and without keyboard and
display unit. In these cases is the switch on the memory card in
Position "1" to bring so that the RAM area begins at address $0000.
If you have the keyboard and display unit use the switch
on the memory card in position "2" standing, so that the EPROM is at
the beginning of the addressing area.
Then you can use the data and address input and output units from
detach from the bus plate. You can but also leave them connected. In
the case need the data switch
There in position DAFLOT and the
Address switch Adr in position ADFLOT
standing, otherwise nothing works. the~
These two construction stages are of use to you
then if you have a program in
Single-STEP or single-CLOCK
clock through then the switch must
STEP-RUN on the keyboard in
Stand in the STEP position so that the
Seven segment displays in case of her
Activation not be overloaded.
The program progress can
You then on the data and
Observe address input and output."
Dice.bin shows the number in binary on the glow LEDs; ie:
.......* means 1 was rolled
......*. means 2 was rolled
......** means 3 was rolled
.....*.. means 4 was rolled
.....*.* means 5 was rolled
.....**. means 6 was rolled
DiceGame.bin is:
for (;;)
{ *($80D..$812) = 0;
*($81B) = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
{ gosub RANDOM;
gosub SUMME;
gosub CONV;
*($80D + i) = r3; // 1st..3rd segments
gosub KIN;
} }
*($81C) = r3;
*($81B) += r3;
*($82B) = 0;
*($82C) = r3;
gosub HEXDEZ;
r3 = *($830);
*($801) = r3;
gosub SEP;
r3 = *($801);
gosub CONV;
*($811) = r3; // 5th segment
r3 = *($802);
gosub CONV;
*($812) = R3; // 6th segment
r3 = *($81C);
r0 = PSU & Sense;
r3 = 0;
if (r3 == 7) goto NEW;
r0 = PSU & Sense;
compare r0 against *($815);
if (==) goto LOOP;
DecCalculation.pgm is:
for (;;)
{ gosub GDEZ;
*($827) = r3;
*($828) = r2;
{ gosub KIN;
r3 = *($800);
REGS = r3;
} while (r3 <= $0F || r3 >= $50);
gosub GDEZ;
*($829) = r3;
*($82A) = r2;
r3 = REGS;
switch (r3)
{ case '-': PSL |= COM ; gosub ADDSUB;
acase '+': PSL &= ~(COM); gosub ADDSUB;
acase '*': gosub MULT;
acase '/': gosub DIV;
adefault: r3 = *($812) = '3'; // 6th digit
goto ERROR;
gosub HEXD;
gosub KIN;
{ gosub CDIS;
gosub KIN;
PSL &= ~(WC);
r3 = *($800);
if (r3 == '+')
{ *($8FF) = '+';
r3 = *($80D) = 'P'; // 1st digit
} elif (r3 == '-')
{ *($8FF) = '-';
r3 = *($80D) = '-'; // 1st digit
} }
while (*($800) != '+' && *($800) != '-');
r2 = *($82D) = 5;
gosub LODAT;
r3 = $20;
if (*($8FF) != '-')
{ *($81A) |= $90;
*($82E..$830) = *($81A..$81C);
gosub DEZHEX;
r3 = *($82B);
r2 = *($82C);
LottoNumbers.pgm is:
gosub CDIS; // clear display
*(LOTTO..LOTTO+14) = 0; // or, *($8F0..$8FE) = 0;
RSLT = 0;
for (*($8F7) = 1; *($8F7) <= 7; *($8F7)++)
{ *(LOTTO + *($8F7)) = RANDOM();
*($82C) = *($8F7);
gosub HEXDEZ;
r3 = *($830);
DATA2 = r3;
gosub SEP;
*($812) = CONV(DATA3); // 6th digit
*($811) = CONV(DATA2); // 5th digit
*($80D) = CONV(*($8F7)); // 1st digit
gosub KIN;
goto START;
WBUF = PSU & Sense;
for (r3 = 1; r3 <= 49; r3++)
{ if ((PSU & Sense) != WBUF)
{ r0 = r3;
for (r2 = 1; r2 <= 7; r2++)
{ if (r0 == *(LOTTO + r2))
{ goto RANDOM;
} } } }
return; // result is in r0 and also in r3
$830 is the number that has just been drawn (1..49).
$8F1..$8F6 are the drawn numbers.
$8F7 is the sequence number (1..3).
The randomizer constantly cycles through 1..49 and stops
as soon as the Sense bit changes.
Morse Code Practice:
Data table is as follows:
A $0240 %.-000000
B $0480 %-...0000
C $04A0 %-.-.0000
D $0380 %-..00000
E $0100 %.0000000
: : :
Z $04C0 %--..0000
0 $05F8 %-----000
1 $0578 %.----000
: : :
9 $05F0 %----.000
= $0588 %-...-000
; $06A8 %-.-.-.00
, $06CC %--..--00
- $0684 %-....-00
/ $0590 %-..-.000
: $06E0 %---...00
? $0630 %..--..00
. $0654 %.-.-.-00
$05A8 %-.-.-000 Starting signal (/KA aka /CT)
+ $0550 %.-.-.000 New message follows (/RN aka /AR)
MIKIT 2650
Clock speed is 1MHz.
MIKIT 2650-K1, 2650-P1 (keypad input, LED output, 4 I/O pins, 512 bytes
ROM, 256 bytes RAM):
$0000..$01FF: BIOS ROM ( 512 bytes)
$0200..$03FF: unmapped?
$0400..$04FF: RAM ( 256 bytes)
$0400..$041F: BIOS RAM ( 32 bytes)
$0420..$04FF: user RAM ( 234 bytes)
$2000..$7FFF: unmapped?
MIKIT 2650-K21, 2650-P21, 2650-K1+2650-K2 (keypad input, LED output,
cassette and teletype I/O, 8 I/O ports, 1K ROM, 1K RAM):
$0000..$03FF: BIOS ROM (1024 bytes)
$0400..$07FF: RAM (1024 bytes)
$0400..$041F: BIOS RAM ( 32 bytes)
$0420..$07FF: user RAM ( 992 bytes)
$2000..$7FFF: unmapped?
The cassette recorder uses port 227 for input and port 228 for output.
The teletype uses port 229 for input and port 226 for output.
There are 8 glow LEDs controlled by writing to the Control port (WRTC).
The 6 LED digits are at $402..$407 (in BIOS RAM).
$FD seems to be the entry point to the BIOS display routine.
The keyboard looks like this:
.BLANK. ...R... ...C... ...D... ...E... ...F...
...+... ...G... ...8... ...9... ...A... ...B...
...H... ...P... ...4... ...P... ...6... ...7...
...L... ...S... ...0... ...1... ...2... ...3...
R = Read
+ = Add?
G = Go
H = Halt
P = Punch
L = Load
S = Store
By default, these are mapped to the following host keys (on WinArcadia):
...a1.. ...a2.. ...a3.. .NumLk. ...n/.. ...n*..
...Q... ...W... ...E... ...n7.. ...n8.. ...n9..
...A... ...S... ...D... ...n4.. ...n5.. ...n6..
...Z... ...X... ...C... ...n1.. ...n2.. ...n3..
Stufenzaehler (Program 5):
The entire program is as follows:
enable interrupts
use main register bank
clear With Carry
set signed compare
for (;;)
{ for (r1 = 1, r3 = N; r3 > 0; r1++, r3--)
{ r0 = *(&A + r3);
if (r1 == r0)
{ PORTC = r1;
while (PORTC != *(&B + r3));
} }
Ein- und Aus-Schaltbare Blinklampe (Program 7):
The entire program is as follows:
enable interrupts
use main register bank
clear With Carry
set signed compare
use main register bank
PORTC = ........; // clear glow LEDs
while (PORTC & %10000000);
for (;;)
{ PORTC = .......#; // light one glow LED
for (r4 = 256; r4 > 0; r4--)
{ for (r5 = 48; r5 > 0; r5--)
{ if (PORTC & %00000001 == %00000000)
{ goto AUS;
} } }
PORTC = ........; // clear glow LEDs
for (r4 = 256; r4 > 0; r4--)
{ for (r5 = 48; r5 > 0; r5--)
{ if (PORTC & %00000001 == %00000000)
{ goto AUS;
} } } }
Elektronischer Wuerfel (Program 8):
The entire program is as follows:
enable interrupts
use main register bank
clear With Carry
set unsigned compare
*($402..$407) = $66;
for (;;)
{ for (r1 = 6; r1 > 0; r1--)
{ gosub $FD;
if (PORTC & %10000000 == %00000000)
{ *($407) = r1;
{ gosub $FD;
r0 = PORTC;
} while (r0 >= 1 && r0 <= 127);
} } }
Reaktionzeittest (Program 12):
Press any key to begin.
As soon as the numbers begin incrementing, press eg. the '1' key.
Codiertes Schloss (Program 13):
You have to press three keys in succession within limited times.
The keys you have to press are stored in *($52A..$52C) (in reverse order).
COD is $529.
Press 1, then 2, then 3.
The entire game is as follows:
enable interrupts
use main register bank
clear With Carry
set unsigned compare
PORTC = 0; // clear glow LEDs
while (PORTC != *($52D)); // wait for first key
for (r1 = 2; r1 >= 0; r1--)
{ for (r2 = 256; r2 > 0; r2--)
{ wait
if (PORTC == *(&COD + r1)) // if pressed correct key
{ goto S1;
} }
PORTC = ########; // lose
for (;;);
PORTC = #.#.#.#.; // win
for (;;);
$0.. $B8E: used BIOS ROM
$B8F.. $FFF: unused?
$1000..$17BF: user RAM?
$17C0..$17FF: BIOS RAM
$1800..$7FFF: user RAM?
Comparative Tables
Tape input Tape output
Arcadia n/a n/a
Interton n/a n/a
Elektor 1515+ baud raw via CASIN 1515+ baud raw via CASOUT
PIPBUG 1 110 baud CUTS via Sense 110 baud CUTS via Flag
PIPBUG 2 110/300 baud CUTS via S 110/300 baud CUTS via F
HYBUG 300/600/1200 baud? 300/600/1200 baud?
BINBUG 3.6 ? ?
BINBUG 6.1 ? ?
CD2650 300 baud CUTS via Sense* 300 baud CUTS via Flag*
SI50 ? baud raw via Sense ? baud raw via port $F8
Selbst 110 baud CUTS? via Sense 110 baud CUTS? via Flag
* CD2650 at 4.73 MHz does 1200 baud CUTS tape I/O.
Keyboard input VDU output
Arcadia Memory mapped Memory mapped
Interton Memory mapped Memory mapped
Elektor Memory mapped Memory mapped
PIPBUG 1 110 baud teletype via Sense 110 baud teletype via Flag
PIPBUG 2 110/300 baud teletype via Sense 110/300 baud teletype via Flag
HYBUG 300/600/1200 baud teletype? 300/600/1200 baud teletype?
BINBUG 3.6 300 baud teletype via Sense Memory mapped
BINBUG 6.1 ? ?
CD2650 Parallel keyboard via Data port Memory mapped
SI50 Memory mapped ?
Selbst Parallel keyboard via port $07 Ports $1B & $1C
Tape format Motor control
Arcadia n/a n/a
Interton n/a n/a
Elektor Elektor (EOF) No?
PIPBUG 1 Signetics (AOF) No?
PIPBUG 2 Signetics (AOF)? No?
BINBUG ? Yes, with ACOS
CD2650 Signetics (AOF) Yes
SI50 Signetics (AOF) No?
Selbst ? Yes
For NTSC AY-3-8500-1 Pong machines:
Rows 0.. 41 are vertical back porch ( 42 rows)
Rows 42..233 are main display area (192 rows)
Rows 234..257 are vertical front porch ( 24 rows)
Rows 258..261 are vertical retrace ( 4 rows)
= 262 rows
Main display area: 73*192
Entire display area: 128*262
For PAL AY-3-8550 Pong machines:
Rows 0.. 43 are vertical back porch ( 44 rows)
Rows 44..275 are main display area (232 rows)
Rows 276..305 are vertical front porch ( 30 rows)
Rows 306..311 are vertical retrace ( 6 rows)
= 312 rows
Main display area: 73*232
Entire display area: 128*312
For both Pong machines (NTSC and PAL):
Columns 0.. 26 are horizontal back porch (27 columns)
Columns 27.. 99 are main display area (73 columns)
Columns 100..115 are horizontal front porch (16 columns)
Columns 116..127 are horizontal retrace (12 columns)
= 128 columns
128 pixels wide in 64 usecs:
128/64 = 2 pixels per usec
64/128 = 500 nsecs per pixel
Arcadia/Interton/Elektor (2621 (PAL) USG-based machines):
227 pixels wide in 64 usecs (according to datasheet)
227/64 = 3.546875 pixels per usec
64/227 = 281.938 nsecs per pixel (datasheet says 282 nsecs)
Arcadia (2622 (NTSC) USG-based machines):
227 pixels wide in 63.4158810686833 usecs:
because 262 rows per frame
* 60.1867202475031 frames per second
= 15,768.9207058568 rows per second
and 1 second
/ 15,768.9207058568 rows per second
= 63.4158810686833 usecs per row
Thus 227 pixels per row
/ 63.4158810686833 usecs per row
= 3.579545 pixels per usec
* 1,000,000 usecs per second
= 3,579,545 pixels per second
and 63.4158810686833 usecs per row
/ 227 pixels per row
= 279.3695114840015 ns per pixel
Central Data 2650:
904 pixels wide in 64 usecs:
904/64 = 14.125 pixels per usec
64/904 = 70.796 nsecs per pixel
a Pong pixel is as wide as 1.773438 PAL USG pixels (227 / 128).
a Pong pixel is as wide as 7.0625 CD2650 pixels (904 / 128).
a PAL USG pixel is as wide as 0.563877 Pong pixels (128 / 227).
a PAL USG pixel is as wide as 3.982379 CD2650 pixels (904 / 227).
a CD2650 pixel is as wide as 0.141593 Pong pixels (128 / 904).
a CD2650 pixel is as wide as 0.251106 PAL USG pixels (227 / 904).
The following calculations are for WinArcadia (V29.33) aspect ratios, for
2621/2622 USG-based machines (Arcadia/Interton/Elektor):
With blanking areas off:
When (vertical) "stretch ntsc?" is off:
there are 164 visible X-pixels
there are 226 visible Y-pixels
this shape is actually 164 / 226 = 0.725664:1 = 2.176991:3 rather than 4:3
so, 226 / 164 / 3 * 4 = 1.837398374
ie. pixels should have a 1.837398374:1 aspect ratio.
When (vertical) "stretch ntsc?" is on:
there are 164 visible X-pixels
there are 226 / 5 * 6 = 271.2 visible Y-pixels
this shape is actually 164 / 271.2 = 0.604720:1 = 1.814159:3 rather than 4:3
so, 271.2 / 164 / 3 * 4 = 2.204878049
ie. pixels should have a 2.204878049:1 aspect ratio.
For PAL:
there are 164 visible X-pixels
there are 269 visible Y-pixels
this shape is actually 164 / 269 = 0.609665:1 = 1.828996:3 rather than 4:3
so, 269 / 164 / 3 * 4 = 2.186992
ie. pixels should have a 2.186992:1 aspect ratio.
With blanking areas on (but calculating for non-blanking areas):
When (vertical) "stretch ntsc?" is off:
there are 188 X-pixels (non-hblank) (+ 39 hblank = 227)
there are 242 Y-pixels (non-vblank) (+ 20 vblank = 262)
this shape is actually 188 / 242 = 0.77686:1 = 2.330579:3 rather than 4:3
so, 242 / 188 / 3 * 4 = 1.716312
ie. pixels should have a 1.716312:1 aspect ratio
(1.714:1 according to some sites).
So instead of doubling the width, it should be about 12/7ths.
When (vertical) "stretch ntsc?" is on:
there are 188 X-pixels
there are 242 / 5 * 6 = 290.4 Y-pixels
this shape is actually 188 / 290.4 = 0.64738:1 = 1.942149:3 rather than 4:3
so, 290.4 / 188 / 3 * 4 = 2.059574
ie. pixels should have a 2.059574:1 aspect ratio.
So instead of doubling the width, it should be about 72/35ths (12*6=72, 7*5=35).
For PAL:
there are 184 horizontal pixels (non-hblank) (+ 43 hblank = 227)
there are 269 vertical rasters (non-vblank) (+ 43 vblank = 312)
this shape is actually 184 / 269 = 0.684015:1 = 2.052045:3 rather than 4:3
so, 269 / 184 / 3 * 4 = 1.949275
ie. pixels should have a 1.949275:1 aspect ratio.
So instead of doubling the width, it should be about 39/20ths.
Guest screen shape:
In wide NTSC mode, with blanking areas off, and (vertical) stretching off:
guest screen is 164 * 2 = 328 X-pixels across by 226 Y-pixels down.
that's actually 328 / 226 = 1.451327:1 or 4.353982:3 instead of 4:3
In wide NTSC mode, with blanking areas off, and (vertical) stretching on:
guest screen is 164 * 2 = 328 X-pixels across by 271.2 Y-pixels down.
that's actually 328 / 271.2 = 1.20944 :1 or 3.628319:3 instead of 4:3
In wide PAL mode, with blanking areas off:
guest screen is 164 * 2 = 328 X-pixels across by 269 Y-pixels down.
that's actually 328 / 269 = 1.219331:1 or 3.657993:3 instead of 4:3
In wide NTSC mode, with blanking areas on, and (vertical) stretching off:
guest screen is 188 * 2 = 376 X-pixels across by 242 Y-pixels down.
that's actually 376 / 242 = 1.553719:1 or 4.661157:3 instead of 4:3
In wide NTSC mode, with blanking areas on, and (vertical) stretching on:
guest screen is 188 * 2 = 376 X-pixels across by 290.4 Y-pixels down.
that's actually 376 / 290.4 = 1.294766:1 or 3.884298:3 instead of 4:3
In wide PAL mode, with blanking areas on:
guest screen is 184 * 2 = 368 X-pixels across by 269 Y-pixels down.
that's actually 328 / 269 = 1.36803 :1 or 4.104089:3 instead of 4:3
DG640 (BINBUG) timing is:
12 MHz master crystal draws 12 million pixels per second.
83.3' nsecs per pixel.
12 pixels are drawn per usec.
768 pixels are drawn per 64 usec rastline.
5 usecs (60 pixels) of horizontal sync per 64 usec rastline.
0.. 59: hsync ( 60 pixels)
60..125: left margin ( 66 pixels)
126..701: main area (576 pixels)
702..767: right margin ( 66 pixels)
0..575: main area (576 pixels)
576..641: right margin ( 66 pixels)
642..701: hsync ( 60 pixels)
702..767: left margin ( 66 pixels)
64 usecs per rastline.
312.5 rastlines per frame.
20 msecs per frame.
50 frames per second.
300 usecs of vertical sync (/ 64us = 4.6875 scanlines) per 20 ms frame
3600 pixels of vertical sync (4 scanlines with 528 pixels remainder)
1,000,000 / 64 usecs = 15,625 scanlines per second / 50 fps = 312.5 scanlines per frame.
12 pixels per CPU cycle.
64 CPU cycles per scanline.
20,000 CPU cycles per frame.
1,000,000 CPU cycles per second.
Positioning of syncs (and colourburst, if one is present)
(we are assuming the syncs are centred within the porches for now)
PHUNSY timing is:
Each pixel takes 0.125 usecs, ie. pixels = usecs * 8.
3.25 usecs * 8 pixels per usec = 26 pixels ( 0.. 25) of front porch
4 usecs * 8 pixels per usec = 32 pixels ( 26.. 57) of horizontal sync
8.75 usecs * 8 pixels per usec = 70 pixels ( 58..127) of back porch:
1 usecs * 8 pixels per usec = 8 pixels ( 58.. 65) of pre-colourburst
2 usecs * 8 pixels per usec = 16 pixels ( 66.. 81) of colourburst
5.75 usecs * 8 pixels per usec = 46 pixels ( 82..127) of post-colourburst
16 usecs * 8 pixels per usec = 128 pixels ( 0..127) of horizontal blank
48 usecs * 8 pixels per usec = 384 pixels (128..512) of usable screen
= 64 usecs * 8 pixels per usec = 512 pixels ( 0..512) total
0..255: usable screen (256 lines)
256..268: front porch ( 13 lines)
269..272: vertical sync ( 4 lines)
273..312: back porch ( 40 lines)
= 313 lines (ie. always long PAL frames)
Arcadia, Interton, Elektor have 4 CPU cycles per pixel:
NTSC: 227*262 *60= 3,568,440 pixels per second / 4 = 892,110 Hz CPU.
PAL: 227*312 *50= 3,541,200 pixels per second / 4 = 885,300 Hz CPU.
PHUNSY has 8 CPU cycles per pixel:
512*313 *50= 8,012,800 pixels per second / 8 = 1,001,600 Hz CPU.
BINBUG (DG640), CD2650 have 12 CPU cycles per pixel:
BINBUG: 768*312.5*50=12,000,000 pixels per second / 12 = 1,000,000 Hz CPU.
CD2650: 904*264 *60=14,319,360 pixels per second / 12 = 1,193,280 Hz CPU.
These are not really Signetics-based machines.
!8500 PAL mono, 6 games (1-axis ) (4 pong + 2 shooting)
!8500-1 NTSC mono, 6 games (1-axis ) (4 pong + 2 shooting)
-8510 PAL colour, 4 games (1-axis?) (4 pong)
-8512 PAL colour, 6 games (1-axis?) (4 pong + 2 shooting)
!8515 NTSC colour adapter for 8500-1 or 8550-1
!8550 PAL mono, 6 games (2-axis ) (4 pong + 2 shooting)
!8550-1 NTSC mono, 6 games (2-axis ) (4 pong + 2 shooting)
-8600 PAL mono, 8 games (2-axis ) (8 pong)
-8600-1 NTSC mono, 8 games (2-axis ) (8 pong)
!8610 PAL mono, 10 games (2-axis ) (8 pong + 2 shooting)
!8610-1 NTSC mono, 10 games (2-axis ) (8 pong + 2 shooting)
!8615 NTSC colour adapter for 8610-1
-8650 Advanced controls and options when used with AY-3-8600
-8650-1 Advanced controls and options when used with AY-3-8600-1
pipbug: "ETI Circuits No. 3" has "VDU bleeper for ETI 630/631/632", p. 30.
-8601..8607: Submarine games, etc.
-8700+: Tank battle, motorcycle games, etc.
! = got datasheet
- = missing datasheet
Articles list (obviously incomplete!):
AY-3-8500: "ETI Circuits No. 3" has "Proper identification for TV game
chip", p. 38.
Signetics TWIN minicomputer (1976)
Master CPU's memory map:
$0000..$00FF: 256 bytes of bootstrap ROM (to boot SDOS from disk)
$0100..$3FFF: 15.75K of master RAM (for SDOS), including:
$1500..$187F: overlay area 1
$1880..$1BFF: overlay area 2
$3FFE..$3FFF: DOS version number (except for very early versions)
$4000..$7FFF: 16K window into slave RAM
Slave CPU's memory map:
$0000..$3FFF: 16K of slave RAM
$4000..$7FFF: unmapped (on unexpanded system)
Resident (non-overlay) part of SDOS contains:
job dispatcher
SVC processor
device handlers
GO, LOAD, SYSTEM, XEQ commands
Master CPU:
Runs DOS (eg. SDOS, TOS, etc.).
Handles all the I/O (keyboard, CRT, floppies, etc.).
Debugger is both hardware and software; its software presumably runs on
the master CPU.
To switch from master to slave, master just executes a HALT instruction.
Presumably the slave just resumes from where it left off.
Master has 16 interrupt priority levels.
Interrupt handlers start at $0000 of master RAM and go up by 2.
Slave CPU:
All it can do is run programs in its own memory, and ask
the master to do work for it (eg. I/O) via service requests (and, of course,
can access prototype hardware, depending on which mode is in use).
User programs run on it (including Text Editor & Assembler).
To switch from slave to master, any master interrupt (but not slave
interrupt) will do it. Eg. timer/keyboard/etc. interrupts and Service
Slave has 8 interrupt priority levels.
Interrupt handlers start at $0000 of slave RAM and go up by 2 per entry.
Resolved ambiguities:
lower priority numbers do represent "higher" (more important) priorities.
in MOD headers, the destination base address specified by the Set Base
command start is always as viewed from the master CPU, even when loading
into slave RAM (as the loading as always done by the master CPU).
interrupts priorities 1 and 3 are used for master and slave RAM parity
errors, respectively.
the drive motor on 8" floppy drives runs on 230V AC and is always on.
The drive is kept spinning at all times. The head is unloaded when idle,
but the diskette is always spinning within its sleeve.
Unresolved ambiguities:
do we really handle empty drives, out-of-bounds tracks/sectors etc. in
the correct way? binbug just ignores the command, we return 0s? Is there
a status flag that is relevant?
under exactly what circumstances should we generate floppy interrupts?
eg. empty drive? track/sector out of bounds?
which operations cause an interrupt? All of them?
if two interrupts happen simultaneously, does the less important one just
get pended for after the more important one finishes or does the less
important one get skipped entirely?
if the master's II bit was clear before the HALT, can the master ever be
"The debug utility programs are loaded into the top-most 256 bytes of slave
memory whenever the system is powered on or the RESET switch is
toggled." That isn't happening.
"Interrupt disable bit" of "slave command byte" (extended I/O port $E0)
might only affect the slave CPU (rather than both CPUs)? We're not
currently emulating it at all, even for master CPU. Not sure either
whether it is active high or low.
in slave mode, when eg. a keystroke or SVC occurs, it switches to the
master to handle the interrupt. Afterwards, does the hardware
automatically switch back to the slave or not? We assume not.
what does the blank key at the top right of the keyboard do?
if the guest hasn't read the keyboard port yet, and the user provides
more input, what should be done? Currently we just ignore further input
(including not generating any interrupts for those keystrokes), apart
from just queueing it for later. But that may not be correct.
Emulator incompatibilities:
apparently Esc should abort LDIR command, but doesn't for us.
Maybe it is supposed to raise a special interrupt or similar?
the debug trace routine should be loaded into $3F80..$3FFF
of slave by eg. EDIT or DEBUG commands but seems not to be).
On page 1-17 of the Tektronix 8002A Service Manual, ITD should be OTD.
Thus, to read a sector the steps are:
1. Go RST mode. Check disk status.
2. Go SIO mode. Check disk status.
3. Go OTD mode. Send Normal Read command.
4. Go OTD mode. Send drive number.
5. Go OTD mode. Send sector number.
6. Go OTD mode. Send track number.
7. Go IND mode. Read 1st byte.
: : :
134. Go IND mode. Read 128th byte.
135. Go RST mode. Check disk status.
SDOS apparently supports these formats:
* "Hex" - Appendix C (AOF)
* "SMS" - Appendix D (for PROM programmer)
* "MOD" - "Binary load module"
* "Com" - "Command file" (ie. batch/script file)
Here are the contents of the various "bootblocks" (tracks 1..4) of the
SDOS 2.0:
SDOS 4.0:
SDOS 4.2:
TOS 1.0:
These have "SDOS" in the expected place but it is all zeroes:
These have other files on tracks 1..4:
These DOSes are currently compatible with Ami/WinArcadia 32.2:
SDOS 2.0
SDOS 4.2
TOS 1.0 - asks for the current date and time on boot. If those are
entered, the timer is enabled.
UDOS 1.6
These DOSes are currently incompatible:
TEKDOS 1.9 - hangs after loading
TEKDOS 2.2 - hangs after loading
TEKDOS 3.1 - hangs after loading
TEKDOS 3.2 - hangs after loading
I/O Ports
These tables are not yet complete.
For reads:
Port Name Description
------- ---- ------------
$E8 Data Byte
$E9 ? Status Byte
bits 7..5: unused
bit 4 : parity error
bit 3 : framing error
bit 2 : data overrun
bit 1 : transmit buffer empty
bit 0 : data available
$EA "Controller Flag Byte"
$EB "Disk Status Byte"
For writes:
Port Name Description
------- ---- ------------
$D0 PCPT High Speed Paper Tape (HSPT) control port
$D1 PDPT High Speed Paper Tape (HSPT) data port
$E8 ? CRT/TTY output
$E9 ? bits 7..3: unused
bit 2 : enable TTY interrupts
bit 1 : parity select
bit 0: : TTY paper tape reader
$EA ? Control Device (floppy drive and printer)
$EB ? Data Device (floppy drive and printer)
$EC ? bit 0 clear = interval timer disabled
bit 0 set = interval timer enabled
$ED ? "Master Memory Protect"
$EE BSPT Common memory bank select:
$00 = map slave RAM $0000..$3FFF to master RAM $4000..$7FFF
$01 = map slave RAM $4000..$7FFF to master RAM $4000..$7FFF
$02 = map slave RAM $8000..$BFFF to master RAM $4000..$7FFF
$03 = map slave RAM $C000..$FFFF to master RAM $4000..$7FFF
Centronics Model 306C printer:
10 cpi horizontally (in normal mode), 6 cpi vertically.
A full row of output (80 characters) is 8" wide (plus margins).
Supported paper widths are 4"..9.5". We support 9.5".
Vertical standard is 11", which gives 66 rows per page.
Total paper size: 665*770 pixels for 9.5"*11" at 70 pixels per inch.
Sprocket diameter is 5/32". At 70 pixels per inch that is 10.9375 pixels.
Other Signetics-Based Machines
These other 2650-based machines are known but not yet emulated, due to
insufficient documentation and software:
* B&S Minimap (reviewed in ETI AU Jun '80, p. 89 & 91)
* Philips CE6400: A single board computer based on the Signetics 2650
* Philips IMS (Industrial Microcomputer System) 2650
* Tektronix 8540
* Zaccaria pinball machines.
* various other coin-ops
There are also presumably various machines (at least a trainer) based on
the more specialized Signetics 8X300 CPU (and variants thereof), none of
which are currently known, let alone emulated.
If you have further details about any of these, or other machines to add
to this list, please email us.
The following relevant documents are known but unavailable:
* Signetics Corp., "PLuS Reference Manual", March 1976
The maximum possible speed of an S2650 or S2650A is 1250 kHz.
Because the minimum long /slow cycle time is 2.4 us,
therefore the minimum short/fast cycle time is 2.4 us / 3 = 0.8 us,
and 1,000,000 / 0.8 us = 1,250,000 Hz.
The maximum possible speed of an S2650A-1 is 2000 kHz.
Because the minimum long /slow cycle time is 1.5 us,
therefore the minimum short/fast cycle time is 1.5 us / 3 = 0.5 us,
and 1,000,000 / 0.5 us = 2,000,000 Hz.
Project & Component Numbers
Various model/project numbers and a quick summary thereof:
ETI-560 is a Low Cost VDU (ETI AU Aug-Oct 1976)
*ETI-560 was also used for the Mains Cable Seeker (ETI AU May 1980)
*ETI-604 is a metronome
*ETI-606 is a tuning fork
ETI-630 is a hex display (ETI AU Dec 1976)
ETI-631 is an ASCII keyboard (ETI AU Dec 1976, ETI UK Apr 1977)
ETI-631-2 is a keyboard encoder (UART/baud rate generator) (ETI AU Apr 1977)
ETI-632 is a VDU for 2650-based machines (and others) (ETI AU Jan-Mar 1977)
ETI-633 is a TV Sync Generator for the ETI-632 (and others) (ETI AU Jan 1977)
*ETI-634 is an 8080-based machine
ETI-635 is a Microcomputer Power Supply (ETI AU Sep 1977)
ETI-636 is a Low Cost S-100 Motherboard (ETI AU May 1980)
ETI-637 is a CUTS cassette interface (ETI AU Jan 1978)
-ETI-638 is an EPROM programmer (ETI AU July 1978)
(the example software is for 6800 CPU, but it can be connected to any CPU)
*ETI-639 is a computerised musical doorbell
ETI-640 is a VDU for 2650-based machines (and others) (aka DG-640 and MW-640)
(ETI AU Apr-Jun 1978)
ETI-641 is a thermal printer (ETI AU Sep 1978) based on Philips EUR-10E023LE
(the example software is for 8080 CPU, but it can be connected to any CPU)
ETI-642 is a 16K S-100 RAM card (ETI AU Feb 1979)
-ETI-643 is a universal EPROM programmer (ETI AU Dec 1979-Jan 1980)
(the example software is for 8080 CPU, but it can be connected to any CPU)
*ETI-644 is a modem (ETI AU Oct 1982) (also in ETI Computer Projects #1)
*ETI-644A is a revision for the ETI-644 modem (ETI Computer Projects #1)
ETI-645 is a turtle robot ("Tasman Turtle") (ETI AU Apr-Jun 1982)
(compatible with ETI-685 as mentioned in ETI Aug 1982, p. 91)
-ETI-646 is a hand controller for the turtle robot (ETI AU Jul 1982)
*ETI-650 is a STAC (Standard Timer And Controller) timer
-ETI-651 is a binary-to-hex number converter (ETI AU Jun 1979)
(2650 is mentioned but it is not actually a peripheral)
*ETI-652 is an Atari joystick interface for System 80 (ETI AU Aug 1982)
*ETI-656 is an EPROM debugger (ETI Computer Projects #1)
*ETI-658 is an RS-232 breakout box (ETI Computer Projects #1)
*ETI-660 is a 1802 CPU-based machine (for Chip-8)
*ETI-668 is an EPROM programmer for Microbee (ETI AU Feb 1983)
ETI-670 is a Low Cost ASCII Keyboard (ETI AU May 1982)
*ETI-671 is a Microbee parallel printer interface (ETI Computer Projects #1)
*ETI-672 is a Microbee teletype printer interface (ETI Computer Projects #1)
*ETI-673 is a Microbee multi-PROM interface (ETI Computer Projects #1)
*ETI-675 is a Microbee serial-parallel interface (ETI Computer Projects #1)
*ETI-676 is a Microbee RS-232 interface (ETI Computer Projects #1)
*ETI-678 is a Microbee ROM reader (ETI Computer Projects #1)
*ETI-680 is a Z80-based machine (aka DG680)
ETI-681 is a Programmable Character Generator for the ETI-640 (ETI AU Jun 1980)
ETI-682 is an S-100 PROM board (ETI AU March 1981)
ETI-685 is a 2650-based Single Board Computer for S-100 bus (ETI AU Dec 1981)
Compatible with:
ETI-635 power supply
ETI-636 S-100 motherboard
ETI-642 16K S-100 RAM card (presumably)
ETI-645 turtle robot
ETI-670 ASCII keyboard
ETI-682 S-100 PROM board
ETI-686 PPI-based EPROM programmer
The cassette interface (promised in ETI AU Dec 1981, p.
104) and real-time clock/calendar (promised in ETI AU
Mar 1982, p. 95) were never published.
ETI-686 is a PPI-based EPROM Programmer for ETI-685 (and others) (ETI AU Oct 1982)
(also in ETI Computer Projects #1)
*ETI-690 is the Little Big Board computer (ETI Computer Projects #1)
ETI-692 is a Current Loop Interface (ETI AU Jan 1985)
*ETI-694 is a FORTH computer
*ETI-804 is an AY-3-8500-based Pong game (ETI AU Nov 1976)
*ETI-811 is an AY-3-8710-based Tank game (ETI AU Oct 1978)
MW850 is an S-100 motherboard (from MicroWorld)
CT750 is a Kansas City cassette interface
KB04 is a Universal Keyboard in Teletype Model 33 ASR layout
(see ETI AU Feb 1978, p. 70)
KB05 is a fully encoded ASCII keyboard (Elektor Nov 1978)
and a Number Pad for KB04 (ETI)
KB06 is a Cursor Control for KB04 (ETI)
KB10 is spare key switches for KB04 (ETI)
EA 77cc4 is a cassette interface (EA Apr 1977)
2/CC/23 is a Low Cost VDU (EA Feb 1978)
*EA 77up5 is a Mini-SCAMP
EA 78ut4 is a keyboard encoder for use with Low Cost VDU (EA Apr 1978)
EA 78m5 is a video modulator for use with Low Cost VDU (EA Apr 1978)
EA 78up5 is a 2650 Mini Computer (EA May 1978)
= relevant
- = semi-relevant
* = irrelevant
Various component numbers and a quick summary thereof:
Code Manufacturer Description Used in
2102 is a 1024-bit RAM ?
2112 is a 128-byte SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) ?
2114 is a Fairchild 512-byte SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) Arcadia [U11,U12], Interton
2332 is a Commodore 4K PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory) Arcadia
2504 is a Signetics 1024-bit DSR (Dynamic Shift Register) ?
2513 is a Signetics Character Generator ETI-560
2519 is a Signetics 40-bit SSR (Static Shift Register) ?
2602 is a Signetics 1024*1-bit SRAM ?
2606 is a Signetics 256*4-bit SRAM ?
2608 is a Signetics 1K PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory) PIPBUG
2616 is a Intel/Mullard 2K PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory) Interton, Elektor
2632 is a 4K PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory) ?
2621 is a Signetics PAL USG (Universal Sync Generator) Arcadia, Interton, Elektor
2622 is a Signetics NTSC USG (Universal Sync Generator) Arcadia [U7]
2636 is a Signetics PVI (Programmable Video Interface) Interton, Elektor
2637 is a Signetics UVI (Universal Video Interface) Arcadia [U9]
2650 is a Signetics CPU (Central Processing Unit) All [U10]
2650-P-02 is a Synertek chip which is *not* 2650-compatible None
2651 is a Signetics PCI (Programmable Communications Interface) ?
2652 is a Signetics Multi-Protocol Communications Circuit (incl. Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC))
2653 is a Signetics Polynomial Generator/Checker ?
2655 is a Signetics Programmable Peripheral Interface ?
2656 is a Signetics SMI (System Memory Interface) ?
2657 is a Signetics Direct Memory Access ?
2661 is a Signetics Enhanced Programmable Communication Interface (EPCI)
2670 is a Signetics Display Character and Graphics Generator ?
2671 is a Signetics Programmable Keyboard and Communications Controller
2672 is a Signetics Programmable Video Timing Controller ?
2673 is a Signetics Video Attributes Controller ?
2681 is a Signetics DUART (Dual Async. Receiver/Transmitter) ?
2708 1K EPROM ?
2716 2K EPROM Elektor
2732 4K EPROM Elektor
4066 Quad analog switches Arcadia [U4]
4069 Hex inverter Arcadia [U6]
7400 Quad 2-input NAND gate Arcadia [U1]
7404 Hex inverter Arcadia [U2]
7486 Quad 2-input XOR gate Arcadia [U3,U5]
74145 4-bit D flp-flp w/ cmplmntry outputs & rst Arcadia [U14]
(keypad inputs)
74258 Quad 2:1 multiplexer (3-state) Arcadia [U8]
(keypad inputs)
74S471 256-byte PROM Dolphin
74LS378 6-bit clock enable Interton, expanded Elektor [IC1]
7805 +5V regulator Arcadia [U13]
82S115 is a Signetics 512*8-bit PROM CD2650 (eg. IPL 1.1 PROM is one of these)
82S123 is a Signetics 32*8-bit PROM ?
82S129 is a Signetics 512*8-bit PROM ?
AY-3-8900 is a GI Standard Television Interface Chip ?
AY-3-8910 is a GI PSG (Programmable Sound Generator) expanded Elektor
AY-5-1013 is a UART Elekterminal
AY-5-2376 is a GI keyboard encoder ETI-670 & Elektor KB05
CRT-96364 is an SMC CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Controller PIPBUG?/BINBUG?
EF9364 is a Thomson CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Controller Selbstbaucomputer
MCM6570 is a Motorola Character Generator PIPBUG?/BINBUG?
SAA5050 is a Signetics Teletext Character Generator Malzak
SN76477 is a TI sound effect generator Malzak, Laser Battle, Lazarian
TEA1002 is a Mullard PAL Colour Encoder & Video Summer Interton
TMS3615 is a TI OMTS (Octave Multiple Tone Synthesizer) Laser Battle, Lazarian
UM1285-8 is an Astec VHF modulator Arcadia
Filename Conventions
! indicates a modified dump (eg. enhanced or compatibility patched).
- indicates a known bad dump.
BIOS Command Quick Reference
Inspect memory A A A MEM I MEM
Alter memory A A A MEM : MEM
Set breakpoint B B B BKPT BP1/2
Clear breakpoint C C C BKPT BP1/2
Dump memory to tape D D D WCAS W WCAS
Execute program G G E RUN G START
Load memory from tape L L L RCAS R RCAS
See & alter registers S S I REG REG
Cold start DOS ($6800) K
Warm start DOS (*$6803) W
Run tape recorder R
Verify tape V
Adjust cassette REG A
Fast patch REG F :
See & alter program counter REG C PC
Reset RST
Move (copy) memory M
Show error message S
Show monitor ID X
Issue MDCR command T
Q bank select/execute Q
U bank select/execute U
Display selected banks =
Verify (compare) memory V
Preset (fill) memory P
Still to do:
Chaos 2
Floppy Drive Comparison
No. Size Tracks Sectors Sector size Sides Capacity Track Size Format(s) Blocks Dir Files DOS Sectors
--- ----- ------ ------- ----------- ----- --------- ---------- --------- ------ --- ----- -----------
BINBUG 0+ 5.25" 40 * 10 * 256b * 1 = 100 K 2.5 K RAW 400 10 100 T0 S1..3
TWIN 2 8 " 77 * 32 * 128b * 1 = 308 K 4 K IMG, TWIN 308 4 78 T1..4
CD2650 0-4 5.25" 35 * 9 * 256B * 1 = 78.75K 2.25K RAW 315 18 64 T2..4
.RAW files are raw disk files of 100K (102,400 bytes) (BINBUG) or 78.75K
(80,640 bytes) CD2650), lacking sector and block numbers.
.IMG files are raw disk files of 308K (315,392 bytes), lacking sector and
block numbers.
.TWIN files are disk files of 320,320 bytes, the same as .IMG except that
each 128-byte sector is prepended with the track and sector numbers (thus
becoming 130 bytes per sector).
Blocks: total number of blocks (clusters) on disk (including directory table, etc.).
Dir: number of blocks used for directory table.
Files: maximum number of files storable.
2650 CPU Editions
This list is not exhaustive.
Philips MAB2650A 1.25 MHz 197x
Signetics 2650 1.25 MHz 1975
Signetics 2650-1 2 MHz <= 1976
Signetics 2650A 1.25 MHz 1977
Signetics 2650AI 1.25 MHz ? Used in Malzak
Signetics 2650A-1 2 MHz 1977
Signetics 2650B 1.25 MHz 1977
Signetics 2650B-1 2 MHz 1977?
Synertek 2650-P-02 is not a member of this CPU family.
END OF DOCUMENT-----------------------------------------------------------